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Futuristic The Last City

[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Accepted however a rebel wouldn't have that type of armor, as even a scout doesn't. Scouts are one of the only units that actually go outside the walls, and because of their long treks they usually wear light armor with a mask to avoid contamination.

He manufactures armour, as it says in his CS. Plus that would be considered light/medium with the modifications.
You can't really manufacture armor like that with the resources you have.

You could look like a raider from Fallout. I could see that, but not what you said.
HighSanguinaryPriest said:
He manufactures armour, as it says in his CS. Plus that would be considered light/medium with the modifications.
Mate, even "The Last City" doesn't barely manufacture armor like that and they're full of trained professionals. You need to change the armor.
HighSanguinaryPriest said:
You kill enough scouts and soldiers, you can refit and reforge pieces, shaping a new suit. Plus, I'm sure the rebels have some tech to allow for some manufacturing of sorts.
No they don't, not even a bit! Do you not know technological advancement stopped for the outside world once the virus started?! That's 10 years of technology the rest of the world doesn't have. You also can't reforge armor that's mostly electrical anyways.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]That's a bit better, however I still think that's the most futuristic armor anyone has done in their C.S

Just a black bodysuit with ceramo-kevlar plating, and red visor to conceal identity and filter particulates and what not.
HighSanguinaryPriest said:
Just a black bodysuit with ceramo-kevlar plating, and red visor to conceal identity and filter particulates and what not.
Alright, I guess I'm perfectly fine with that.

Major Richard Winters


Name: Richard Winters

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Condition (Infected or Not Infected?): Not infected

Occupation: Leads the Military of the Last City.

Race: Caucasion

Nationality: American

Appearance (Realistic or Anime work fine):


Clothing: Military Enforcers standard Commissioned Officers uniform.

Tattoos (If any): None.

Personality: Winters is not a strict officer as he has an easygoing but serious nature. He loves his men, and he knows they're fighting for something greater than all of them, something that they shouldn't have to fight for, so he gives them the respect they deserve. That isn't to say he can't handle situations when necessary, but he's a good leader to be behind.

Strengths/Weakness(s): The lad is clever, someone who knows what a situation's going to be like and how to combat it. He's also someone who chooses to always improve, always notating the exact events of his meetings to the letter, always seeking to improve how he handles others.

He's not necessarily smart, but he doesn't have to be. At least, he didn't need to be when he got to Major. He's a good tactical planner, and he's charismatic. He nows what men truly want to hear, and what they don't want to hear because it's too fucking cheesy for them.

The lad could come off as insensitive, sometimes. He was willing to make greater sacrifices, and in making that clear, the men's feelings could get overlooked. In fact, he'd overlook anyone's feelings to get an edge in battle, and he makes this clear.

He's lonely, with no time for a relationship, nor the compassion for one. He has compassion for people on the streets, he does, but not in an intimate kind of way. More in the way that motivated him to change this city for the better, after he exterminated the threat, that is.

He's not good with kids, either. He's good at recruiting them to the cause, but that's it.

Fears: Humanity dying, him never finding love.

Skills: You should find that out, and I already have his personality up above there.

Biography: Served as a 2ndLT. for the Airborne until a classified war exploded in the years beforehand. His exemplary service got him promoted to Major at an early age. That, and the fact that the rest of the Commissioned Officers had died. He was instructed, along with the non-commissioned officers he trusted, to head to the Last City in the middle of it's development. He was appointed head of the Military, and he keeps the rank of Major even though the ranking system is old. His previous backround is not known.



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Killthestory said:

Major Richard Winters


Name: Richard Winters

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Condition (Infected or Not Infected?): Not infected

Occupation: Leads the Military of the Last City.

Race: Caucasion

Nationality: American

Appearance (Realistic or Anime work fine):


Clothing: Military Enforcers standard Commissioned Officers uniform.

Tattoos (If any): None.

Personality: Winters is not a strict officer as he has an easygoing but serious nature. He loves his men, and he knows they're fighting for something greater than all of them, something that they shouldn't have to fight for, so he gives them the respect they deserve. That isn't to say he can't handle situations when necessary, but he's a good leader to be behind.

Strengths/Weakness(s): The lad is clever, someone who knows what a situation's going to be like and how to combat it. He's also someone who chooses to always improve, always notating the exact events of his meetings to the letter, always seeking to improve how he handles others.

He's not necessarily smart, but he doesn't have to be. At least, he didn't need to be when he got to Major. He's a good tactical planner, and he's charismatic. He nows what men truly want to hear, and what they don't want to hear because it's too fucking cheesy for them.

The lad could come off as insensitive, sometimes. He was willing to make greater sacrifices, and in making that clear, the men's feelings could get overlooked. In fact, he'd overlook anyone's feelings to get an edge in battle, and he makes this clear.

He's lonely, with no time for a relationship, nor the compassion for one. He has compassion for people on the streets, he does, but not in an intimate kind of way. More in the way that motivated him to change this city for the better, after he exterminated the threat, that is.

He's not good with kids, either. He's good at recruiting them to the cause, but that's it.

Fears: Humanity dying, him never finding love.

Skills: You should find that out, and I already have his personality up above there.

Biography: Served as a 2ndLT. for the Airborne until a classified war exploded in the years beforehand. His exemplary service got him promoted to Major at an early age. That, and the fact that the rest of the Commissioned Officers had died. He was instructed, along with the non-commissioned officers he trusted, to head to the Last City in the middle of it's development. He was appointed head of the Military, and he keeps the rank of Major even though the ranking system is old. His previous backround is not known.



Accepted, woo!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.3a20a4153fb7a995d7046a906df7283e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.3a20a4153fb7a995d7046a906df7283e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: James Ryder the Seventh. (Goes by Seven)


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Condition: Non-Infected

Occupation: Scavanger/trader, mercenary


Race: white/Caucasian

Nationality: UNKNOWN

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.72465921596bd0da6b54696182e53a1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.72465921596bd0da6b54696182e53a1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: Matte black metal armor plates covering his the center of his chest, his shoulders, forearms, thighs, shins, and feet. Under that is a a full body suit of tough leather armor that by now fits him like a second skin. Topping it all off is a dust grey cloak and a deep hood.

Tattoos: Shoulders and back covered in an Intricate tattoo of a wolf and dragon intertwining.


Personality: often cold and distant, blunt and straight to the point when he does interact with somebody wether it be buiseness or otherwise. Let's his actions speak for him. Calm and calculating. He has a soft spot for children however has no issues leaving someone behind if they become more of a hinderance than a help ( kids excluded) He enjoys fighting but will avoid it if he doesn't have a good chance of winning or if he has no choice.


Strengths: He is particularly adept when it comes to the dusk/night time of the day and prefers it over the day for simple concealment. Excellent sense of perception and works best alone.

Fears: has regular fears like any sane person of dying, being infected, and being severely injured. The only one that really stands out is his fear of being tied down and losing his freedom that he values so highly.

Weaknesses: children are one thing he has a hard time ignoring when they may be in trouble and has lead him into more than a few sticky situations. May spend a little too much money at the bars when he's in town drinking his way into a horrifying hangover.


-Adept at close quarters combat with various forms of blades or hand to hand.

-Good marksman

- excellent tracker

- stealthy and cautious.

- is particularly adept with his rather unique revolver.


Was born into a heavily military family both of his parents having been in some unspecified special forces units they never spoke about. However he grew up learning to fight, track,hunt, and conceal himself in case of Raiders or infected before the wall was erected. Once everything went to hell his family retreated into the mountains and turned him into the highly dangerous and efficient man he is today. He didn't have a childhood full of toys an being spoiled. His childhood was full of Guns, and training. Not that he particularly minded one way or another. He enjoyed learning everything he could. Once his parents became infected however due to a freak accident a few years ago he's been on his own taking odd jobs here and there. Traveling to the dangerous areas others wouldn't dare to scavenge and trade his findings.


-titanium alloy shortsword

- .44 caliber revolver.

-7.62 caliber, semi auto scoped rifle.

- three knives

- survival kit complete with water purifier, small med pack, and a fire starter.

-extra bag for his scavenged items for trade.

@The Shadow Realm Edited



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[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]View attachment 324211 Name: James Ryder the Seventh. (Goes by Seven)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Condition: Non-Infected

Occupation: Scavanger/trader, mercenary


Race: white/Caucasian

Nationality: UNKNOWN

Appearance:View attachment 324222

Clothing: Matte black metal armor plates covering his the center of his chest, his shoulders, forearms, thighs, shins, and feet. Under that is a a full body suit of tough leather armor that by now fits him like a second skin. Topping it all off is a dust grey cloak and a deep hood.

Tattoos: Shoulders and back covered in an Intricate tattoo of a wolf and dragon intertwining.


Personality: often cold and distant, blunt and straight to the point when he does interact with somebody wether it be buiseness or otherwise. Let's his actions speak for him. Calm and calculating.


Strengths: He is particularly adept when it comes to the dusk/night time of the day and prefers it over the day for simple concealment. Excellent sense of perception and works best alone.

Weaknesses: children are one thing he has a hard time ignoring when they may be in trouble and has lead him into more than a few sticky situations. May spend a little too much money at the bars when he's in town drinking his way into a horrifying hangover.


-Adept at close quarters combat with various forms of blades or hand to hand.

-Good marksman

- excellent tracker

- stealthy and cautious.

- is particularly adept with his rather unique revolver.


Was born into a heavily military family both of his parents having been in some unspecified special forces units they never spoke about. However he grew up learning to fight, track,hunt, and conceal himself in case of Raiders or infected before the wall was erected. Once everything went to hell his family retreated into the mountains and turned him into the highly dangerous and efficient man he is today. He didn't have a childhood full of toys an being spoiled. His childhood was full of Guns, and training. Not that he particularly minded one way or another. He enjoyed learning everything he could. Once his parents became infected however due to a freak accident a few years ago he's been on his own taking odd jobs here and there. Traveling to the dangerous areas others wouldn't dare to scavenge and trade his findings.


-diamond edged shortsword

- three chamber Arc revolver (fires what is essentially extremely accurate lightning. ask for further details) Ammo for this is exceptionally scarce.

-7.62 caliber, semi auto scoped rifle.

- three knives

- survival kit complete with water purifier, small med pack, and a fire starter.

-extra bag for his scavenged items for trade.

Add a tad bit more to his personality please, and get rid of that pistol. This rp takes place in the near future, (around the 2030's) and weapons like that wouldn't exist for a while.
Also, to let you know, a diamond edge sword would be a terrible sword that couldn't cut through anything and would only make it heavier.
Killthestory said:
Also, to let you know, a diamond edge sword would be a terrible sword that couldn't cut through anything and would only make it heavier.
I don't really know a lot about swords so I'll agree with Kill.
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Killthestory said:
Also, to let you know, a diamond edge sword would be a terrible sword that couldn't cut through anything and would only make it heavier.
Not to mention if hit at the right angle will shatter. I would suggest a Titanium alloy to make it strong and light weight. Or even steel blade with a tungsten-steel edge.
Name: Winston Ailes

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Condition: Not infected

Occupation: Formerly, Secondary School English teacher. Currently, special tutor.

Race: Anglo-Saxon

Nationality: English


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/744a19f113cb76bc4434cc4f51a7a084.jpg.4306e13838802aafab8029d1249349c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/744a19f113cb76bc4434cc4f51a7a084.jpg.4306e13838802aafab8029d1249349c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Typically, Winston can be observed wearing black or brown slacks, dress shoes, a waistcoat, and shirt and tie.

Tattoos (If any): None whatsoever.

Winston is straight-laced and a classic English teacher in most regards, who prefers rigorous routine and schedule even in his own life. He is also a man of conservative tastes, social values, even music. Despite this, he has an undeniable air of charisma.

Strengths: Intellect, Persuasiveness, Charm

Weaknesses: Inexperienced Fighter, physically average, cannot swim

Fears: Drowning, being thrown outside the walls

Skills: Classically trained in English language and literature, can play the violin, some experience with firearms briefly during a militia excercise in the City

Biography: Winston had once lived in rural England, during the height of the epidemic. While most of the staff of his school had left for safer pastures, Winston stayed with the remaining families in their small town south of London. This proved to be a winning plan as British police found them and relocated them to the Last City where Winston found he was in high demand because of a shortage of teachers, but mainly for the children of those in power. Thus, he became a private tutor for the children of governors and generals, teaching them all manners of science, algebra, and history, which he knew enough of to teach the basics as well as his own subject, English. Winston lives in a small but comfortable home in D2, thriving off the pay from the well-to-do parents of his tutelage.



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Shireling said:
Name: Winston Ailes
Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Condition: Not infected

Occupation: Formerly, Secondary School English teacher. Currently, special tutor.

Race: Anglo-Saxon

Nationality: English


View attachment 324953

Typically, Winston can be observed wearing black or brown slacks, dress shoes, a waistcoat, and shirt and tie.

Tattoos (If any): None whatsoever.

Winston is straight-laced and a classic English teacher in most regards, who prefers rigorous routine and schedule even in his own life. He is also a man of conservative tastes, social values, even music. Despite this, he has an undeniable air of charisma.

Strengths: Intellect, Persuasiveness, Charm

Weaknesses: Inexperienced Fighter, physically average, cannot swim

Fears: Drowning, being thrown outside the walls

Skills: Classically trained in English language and literature, can play the violin, some experience with firearms briefly during a militia excercise in the City

Biography: Winston had once lived in rural England, during the height of the epidemic. While most of the staff of his school had left for safer pastures, Winston stayed with the remaining families in their small town south of London. This proved to be a winning plan as British police found them and relocated them to the Last City where Winston found he was in high demand because of a shortage of teachers, but mainly for the children of those in power. Thus, he became a private tutor for the children of governors and generals, teaching them all manners of science, algebra, and history, which he knew enough of to teach the basics as well as his own subject, English. Winston lives in a small but comfortable home in D2, thriving off the pay from the well-to-do parents of his tutelage.
Name: Eugenio Delmar (Often called Eugene)

Age: 37


Sexuality: Doesn't care anymore

Condition: Infected

Occupation: Disease Research


Race: Hispanic

Nationality: Mexican

Appearance: http://beardpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hispanic-man-beard.jpg

Clothing: http://i.imgur.com/q8V7zSC.jpg

Tattoos: None


Personality: Before the TAV struck, Eugene is a pretty optimistic guy. Has a bit of a "dark sense of humor" kind of guy but an optimist no less. He's very solitary, preferring to be alone. He's also a very stubborn, yet determined man. Never letting anything stop his research.







-Too optimistic...

-Stubborn: Doesn't know when enough is enough.

-Lack of empathy to non-infected.


-Research leading to further infection.

-His Hazmat suit being broken or stolen.

-Zombies (Watched WAY too many zombie movies!)



-Has extensive knowledge about TAV and diseases in general due to his research and experience with them.

-Kind of a handy man

-Um...Flamethrower marksman? That's a thing right?

Biography: Before TAV struck the world, Eugenio was simply a pharmacist. A simple pharmacist living a simple life. He lived alone, so all he had to do was take care of himself. When TAV did strike he was quickly trained for disease research. During the coming years, doctors all over the world worked tirelessly to combat the virus that was consuming the planet. When the disease struck Mexico, doctors (Both trained and in-training) were transferred over to the US to further their research and protect them from infection. One group in particular barely made it out of Mexico before quarantine closed off the borders.

When they arrived in the US, Eugenio and his group were assigned “field research” into TAV. He and his group would venture outside of the city walls to conduct research, wearing hazmat suits to protect them from the disease, as well as from injury due to violent carriers.

One day, after an extended research period, one member of the group’s “sample satchels” had sprung a leak. Infected blood seeped into the floor, infecting everyone in Eugenio’s group, including himself. When the “higher ups” found out about the incident, he and his group were assigned to “permanent research”. Now, all they would ever do was conduct research and nothing else. The “higher ups” promised to provide food, supplies and a method of transportation so long as they continued their research. They had even set up a laboratory in an abandoned warehouse a few miles away from the city.

During the years of research, the disease started to take the lives of Eugene’s group. One by one, they all died to the disease and their bodies were used for even more research. Eventually, Eugene was the last living member of the group. Doing all the field research himself.

During his time in solitude, he had repurposed one of the hazmat suits that was given to him as well as “discovering” something about the disease. He had repurposed the suit to keep the disease from leaving his infected body as well as filter lost blood back into his body, allowing him to enter “the last city”, if only for a limited time. As for the discovery…Well…He found out that burning alive was much less painful than the disease. He discovered this when he had burnt his arm in an “accident”. Thus, he crafted a flamethrower to fend off violent carriers as well as the occasional raider and give them “a less painful death”.



Vacuum sealed pouch containing an ID card and car keys, large satchel with gas canisters, a “sample satchel” and a backpack for "extra items". Also, did I mention he has a flamethrower? https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10578&stc=1
Freshpanda88 said:
Name: Eugenio Delmar (Often called Eugene)
Age: 37


Sexuality: Doesn't care anymore

Condition: Infected

Occupation: Disease Research


Race: Hispanic

Nationality: Mexican

Appearance: http://beardpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hispanic-man-beard.jpg

Clothing: http://i.imgur.com/q8V7zSC.jpg

Tattoos: None


Personality: Before the TAV struck, Eugene is a pretty optimistic guy. Has a bit of a "dark sense of humor" kind of guy but an optimist no less. He's very solitary, preferring to be alone. He's also a very stubborn, yet determined man. Never letting anything stop his research.







-Too optimistic...

-Stubborn: Doesn't know when enough is enough.

-Lack of empathy to non-infected.


-Research leading to further infection.

-His Hazmat suit being broken or stolen.

-Zombies (Watched WAY too many zombie movies!)



-Has extensive knowledge about TAV and diseases in general due to his research and experience with them.

-Kind of a handy man

-Um...Flamethrower marksman? That's a thing right?

Biography: Before TAV struck the world, Eugenio was simply a pharmacist. A simple pharmacist living a simple life. He lived alone, so all he had to do was take care of himself. When TAV did strike he was quickly trained for disease research. During the coming years, doctors all over the world worked tirelessly to combat the virus that was consuming the planet. When the disease struck Mexico, doctors (Both trained and in-training) were transferred over to the US to further their research and protect them from infection. One group in particular barely made it out of Mexico before quarantine closed off the borders.

When they arrived in the US, Eugenio and his group were assigned “field research” into TAV. He and his group would venture outside of the city walls to conduct research, wearing hazmat suits to protect them from the disease, as well as from injury due to violent carriers.

One day, after an extended research period, one member of the group’s “sample satchels” had sprung a leak. Infected blood seeped into the floor, infecting everyone in Eugenio’s group, including himself. When the “higher ups” found out about the incident, he and his group were assigned to “permanent research”. Now, all they would ever do was conduct research and nothing else. The “higher ups” promised to provide food, supplies and a method of transportation so long as they continued their research. They had even set up a laboratory in an abandoned warehouse a few miles away from the city.

During the years of research, the disease started to take the lives of Eugene’s group. One by one, they all died to the disease and their bodies were used for even more research. Eventually, Eugene was the last living member of the group. Doing all the field research himself.

During his time in solitude, he had repurposed one of the hazmat suits that was given to him as well as “discovering” something about the disease. He had repurposed the suit to keep the disease from leaving his infected body as well as filter lost blood back into his body, allowing him to enter “the last city”, if only for a limited time. As for the discovery…Well…He found out that burning alive was much less painful than the disease. He discovered this when he had burnt his arm in an “accident”. Thus, he crafted a flamethrower to fend off violent carriers as well as the occasional raider and give them “a less painful death”.



Vacuum sealed pouch containing an ID card and car keys, large satchel with gas canisters, a “sample satchel” and a backpack for "extra items". Also, did I mention he has a flamethrower? https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10578&stc=1
You know, nobody created a character quite like this - and due to how you preformed it I think you'll be perfect for disease research. Accepted!
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]You know, nobody created a character quite like this - and due to how you preformed it I think you'll be perfect for disease research. Accepted!

THANKS! When do we start?

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