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Fantasy The Last age

Yuna were unconscious 
yuna slowly wake up "ugh where am i?" she looks around "what is this place" Yuna beginning to shake in fear "somebody please help me" she cried out
Kaito just got back from outside and stretched as he came in. The maids and butlers greeted him. Kate remained asleep, rolling around a bit.
Places both hands on wall melting a 6'x6' foot hole in it 
Smiles at "ready up an out" 
Steps in to cool night air looking jumps to roof top and then going roof top to roof top brings to my place
"but my father... going to-" The sharp pain in Yuna chest hurt even more "ugh.... you are right... I'll.." with Yuna pain in her chest cause her to pass out
the darkness cover Yuna body like barrier as than Yuna woke up and the darkness disappears "huh what wrong?" she looks over to the boy

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