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Fantasy The Last age

"Lost to eh? Haha let's just walk around until we find a map or a person to tell us directions." I said as I see movement on the roof but just pass it as nothing.
"thanks you" Yuna looks up at the rooftop "so he watching me...." she said to herself while following the guy
"well there nothing to say about me my parents paid for my education so I can become a business owner......but it seem like they ask for too much of me" Yuna stop walking for a moment "well what about you?
"Well I'm just a nobody, a nobody looking for a somebody." I said again catching slight movement on the roof
"nobody looking for somebody.....?" Yuna mumble to herself "may I ask your name sir?" she ask kindly while looking at the rooftops
"i'm yuna daughter of the de Argentum's family" she reply "and shimmer you can stop shadowing me come down already))
"huh shimmer let go of me am not some defenseless girl" I move my arm away from him "I can handle myself just fine!" walks away from both of them and falls over a large rock "ow...."

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