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Fantasy The Last age

(( wait wat happen, and sorry everyone because of my studies i may not be on that much)) 
(( this friday am gonna be on all day :D ))
//This might take me a while you can read what you miss thought it's very helpful if you do, but that's your choice
( i will lol am way behind)) 
Yuna walks towards the cowrd "what is going on here!?" she shouted everyone slowly looks down "it her...." they whisper softly "well get back to work on my father will have your head!" Yuna looks away "damn i'm just like him" she mumble to herself while the workers clean up the oil and gas off the ground
Yuna looks behind her "you can stop following me you know......" yuna giggle "i knew you were there this whole time"
Veiko twirls and all the men that were near him had a knife at their throats. He then sighed and walked back to where Yuna was
Yuna watched Veiko walking towards her she seem a little worried what might happen "are you alright" she ask kindly

((sorry for making you wait >.<))
Veiko stops in front of her and tilts his head as he gives a warm smile, though it was just a mask it seemed very real "Yes. I'm fine. Thank you for waitig."
Yuna smiled "alright if you say so" she felt a sharp pain her chest "ugh" Yuna place both of her hands on her chest "you welcome" she smiled weakly
Veiko was very happy inside. The invitation for dinner was a lie. His father told him to lure Yuna to heir house and torture her as a demonstration to her father to what happens if he disobeys. He then put on another mask, this time an expression of worry and concern "Are you alright?"
Yuna didn't want to tell him that she as have a illness from birth "i'm fine" she said only with a smiled "let go i hope to meet your family" she smiled again while letting go of her chest
Yuna followed Veiko to his manison "wow.. what a nice place you got here" Yuna smiled while looking up at the mansion
Veiko gulps, he didn't really want to do this but if he didn't father would be angry, and when he gets angry, things won't go too well for him. "Yes. I'm sure my sister would love to meet you." He leads Yuna up to he mansion and unlocks the door then opens it.
yuna walking inside without knowing what going to happen "wow even the inside is beautiful Veiko" Yuna looks around feeling a little worried "hm? where is everyone veiko" she ask in confusions
Veiko takes reaches a hand into his jacket's inner pocket and then when he takes his hand out he throws several tranquilizing darts at Yuna, in case she dodges or they miss

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