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Fantasy The Kirkwall team. Character page



The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This be where characters are posted,

The bare minimum is the info here.

Appearance; (be as descriptive as you want, use any picture you like)

Faction; (not strictly needed)
(you can make up your own if you like, but the three main factions are..
The guild of champions!! Think knights and archers, they are a branch of Kirkwall’s military and guards.
The Magi academy!! Magic users, from Kirkwall’s very own academy or from one of the lands other prestigious establishments that inform how to be better then muggles normal folk.
the shadowhands. Criminal sort, a network of underhanded people, more sneaky and sly then magic or strong. The shadowhand have ranks and titles which all answer to the council of nobody.
Assassins, thieves, rogues... the sort you want nothing to do with, unless you paid for the service.)


(You get up to five main skills, things you are confident in, that can range from combat, cooking, social interactions...)

(You have as many flaws as you do skills, so four skills means four flaws. This can be anything from... old injuries, a complete lack of direction, inhumanly dumb...)

Rough background of how you found the flyer for a important job;

( Pat Pat SRUNewman SRUNewman BlueJay1403 BlueJay1403 have at it, I’ll post something soon if you need a example, I’ll answer any questions etc etc)
Name; Doran Sandford

Age; 52


Minus the sword.

Faction; None (Formally Guild of Champions and Magi Academy)

Gear; Slight plate and leather light weight armor. Normally has some sort of alcohol on him at all times.

(You get up to five main skills, things you are confident in, that can range from combat, cooking, social interactions...)


1; Summoning and enhancement magic

2; Weapons Master (Daggers, Swords, Shields, and Bows)

3; Knowledgeable in Royal interactions (From experience working for the Kingdom)

4; Expert Tracker

5; Knows the wildlife of this world very well.

(You have as many flaws as you do skills, so four skills means four flaws. This can be anything from... old injuries, a complete lack of direction, inhumanly dumb...)


1; His age is starting to catch up to him

2; Not easy to work with others

3; Too stubborn for his own good

4; Major Alchoholic

5; If he uses his magic to insanely he will more than likely pass out.

Rough background of how you found the flyer for an important job; Doran's luck has been running out fast. He has little to no money and what he has left he's been using on booze he soon gets thrown out of a pub for starting a fight with a group of Champions who thought it would be smart pick a fight with The Blur of Blades or that was what he was called when he was in the Guild of Champions. Needless to say they pick the right fight cause they all ended up with some bumps and bruises one did get a fractured nose. Doran was ended up bloody and on the street. Though when he landed on the ground outside the pub he fell on a flyer for a job that was paying with wishes. He picks himself up and limps his way home to prepare to see the Kings for the job.
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Appearance; a travelled look one might say, green eyes black hair.
Name; Yoh Jorgin
Age; 23
Faction; Yoh Jorgin like his father Yohan Jorgin. Have ties to the shadowhand, while having a rank the young Jorgin has no title.

Gear; hoods cloaks leather and stitched ring sort of attire
standard thieves gear = grappling hook, many pouches empty or full of weapons like caltrops. Throwing knives, smoke bombs.
Hunters tools = bow and arrows (quiver included) boomerangs of various size, metal and wooden. Short sword, dagger, throwing knives.

1; projectile weapons. Bows, guns, knives, his boomerangs especially.

2; sneaky thief. Stealing, being unnoticed, hiding.

3; naturally suited to shadow magic. Has received training. (Magic that’s only useful in the dark, usually effecting ones self more then anyone else)

4; knowledge of poisons/ the Jorgin clan’s is naturally suited to the magic of toxins. Has been trained throughly.

5; knowledge of the land and variety of monsters from travel.

1; unarmed fighting. Yoh isn’t a particularly weak man, he just knows he sucks at boxing... and hates being hit

2; distracts easily, the amount of times yoh has been sent on a task only to end up asking questions to his victim.

3; addictive personality, be it smoke grog food or power.. infact “think twice” is tattooed on his left forearm and ignored each time he makes the same mistakes.

4; cursed by a Elf to be hated by horses. Yoh is unable to ride or touch a horse without it becoming insane in trying to kill him.

5; Terrible at riddles, puzzles.

6; fear of ghosts, you can’t poison a ghost...
Vague backstory;
Raised outside the large city of Kirkwall in a swamp marsh the Jorgin clan owned, Yoh learned how to hunt monsters and game early in his childhood and often accompanied his father in his travels. At age ten he was added to the network of the shadowhand, where he learned dark magic and how to remain hidden under the tutelage of his father.
At age thirteen he had a rank, by age eighteen he had surpassed his father and many others despite not having a specific title. Yoh soon became the right hand man to a person on the council of nobody. At age twenty three he was ordered to infiltrate the tall castle, and steal the wishes the Amber king brothers can supposedly grant.
Appearance: A lithe yet muscled five feet and four inches, Lilith is a cheery twenty year old albino succubus with unblemished moon pale skin, violet eyes framed by high cheekbones, and long undercut straight ivory hair. She often wears an embroidered long sleeve cotton tunic underneath a wool quilted gambeson jacket, a canvas knapsack, a pair of palmless fingerless deerskin gloves, wool quilted gambeson breeches, and a pair of deerskin boots, all the articles being dyed white with violet colored buttons and lacing and beads.


1. Telepathy.
2. Seduction.
3. Acrobatics.
4. Pyrokinesis.
5. Contortionism.


1. Fickle.
2. Tactless.
3. Possessive.
4. Sleepwalker.
5. Temperamental.

Biography: Lilith has grown bored of outwitting and toying with naive summoners seeking a succubus plaything to bind to themselves in the mortal plane, and even aimlessly wandering the countryside in the company of a traveling circus, corrupting those who once held themselves pure in spirit, no longer holds the same thrill she has been accustomed to. Shortly after consuming her latest feast of victims after establishing herself within a brothel, by mere chance she discovered the bounty poster for the head of Wolftooth as she quietly slipped out of town. Intrigued more so for the challenge involved in the momentous task than the promised wish fulfillment upon a job well done, she set out for Kirkwall, seeking an audience with King Leo Amber and King Wert Amber to offer her services.
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Name: Chesra Vodov
Age: 23
Appearance: 1,63m (~5'4''), waist-length light brown hair, dark brown eyes, light skin, sleeveless white dress (elastic band around chest) that looks like a v-shaped tabard on the bottom (slits starting at about half the thigh), heavy leather white boots with black sole, tongue, heel area, and laces (think combat+doc martens, just over ankle), a lot of strings around her waist with amulets hanging, a small backpack hanging low on her back
Faction: Magi Academy

- the boots - painful enough kicks if she can kick hard enough or aims well, mostly waterproof, cold-proof, and wound-proof, only problem can be when it's hot but she is somewhat used to it
- amulets on her waist - each represents something else: mild protection against heat/cold, a couple of lucky charms that work only for minor things (free drinks, easily finding things in her messy bag, not messing up spells on minimal mistakes that would normally break a spell), mild fatigue relief with a cooldown, the rest are all usable amulets for conjuring things or slightly enhancing magic that she never uses because "I might need them later for something more important"; these things are mostly easy to come by and basic things, though she has a few that are a rarity

1) healing with magic
2) some fighting with ice magic, better at shielding with it
3) has a lot of book knowledge about things
4) good memory

1) lacking sense of direction (her memory fails her here)
2) gullible (also believes everyone is good, for some reason)
3) refuses to kill with her own hands/magic unless it is self-defense (what kind of adventurer is that? well, not a solo one)
4) extremely clumsy (in dire need of the lucky amulets, and even they don't help completely)

Rough background on how she found the flyer:
Finished with most of her regular studies, Chesra was looking for something more challenging than reading and memorising books - something to put her knowledge to the test. Taking a week off to explore Kirkwall properly, she visited bar after tavern after bar, getting free drinks in many just with her looks and naivete that men loved, and at one point heard a debate over the newest, craziest bounty given by the kings themselves. She saw the flyer by the table of the arguing and betting men and just took it, pausing their ruckus for a moment. When she left the bar, she could hear them talking about her in their debate about the bounty. A daunting task, one even her headmaster failed at once, but perhaps she would find someone to tag along with, someone who could use her healing proficiency. She did not know what wish she would want granted, though. Not yet.
Name; Bertram
Age; 31
Appearance; bertram3.jpg
Bertram is known as a Ogreloid (Oh-Gra-Loid, a lesser sub-species of Ogre. They are very rare as they mostly avoid non Giant races. He is overweight in appearance as all of his race are, what little hair he grows is wispy and frail. Rough estimates would put him between 350 and 450 lbs, standing roughly 6 feet 2 inches tall. Bertram though not a kind sight to look upon has a warmth to his gaze, he clearly hides sorrow and pain behind his eyes, and wants nothing but to bring happiness to others. His armour is a mix of riveted leather and worn plates, but he cloaks himself in raggedy potato sacks to walk within the confines of Kirkwall. Most assume he is simply a well fed beggar, but even the greatest effort to disguise himself may fail under a watchful gaze.

Faction; N/A

Gear; Broken spectacles (Helps him mostly understand what he is reading), Riveted leather pauldron on the left shoulder, reclaimed plate on the right, a simple rawhide shirt and rawhide pants, leather hand/wrist wraps, and a rusty mail coif that doesn't actually fit properly so it is more of a scarf. (Lol.)

1; Strongman
2; Excellent sense of smell
3; Trapper (Years of living off of what little he could poach made him very effective with creating traps big or small, but due to poor coordination it takes him awhile to get it complete)
4; Master chef (For an ogre that is)
5; Thrifty (Can turn most peoples junk into something useful)

1; Mediocre vision
2; Arthritic
3; Overly empathetic
4; Part-time Drunkard
5; Abysmal charisma

Rough background of how you found the flyer for an important job;
Bertram snuck into Kirkwall in order to meet a fence in which he planned on selling the hides of poached game to. He has really no use for coin, but all Ogreloids enjoy a bit of spirits once in awhile.. Well, actually, who am I kidding? Most Ogreloids are near useless alcoholics. They tend to make their own hooch in rotten tree stumps or inside of mud holes they make in their huts, and while it is very powerful, Bertram has always had more refined tastes for his buzz. Unfortunately for him, it seemed that the fence decided he wasn't going to show, and as he was just about to be on his way out a sickly looking druid dropped a flyer onto his table, and muttered quietly to him, "I don't want those scraps you call hides, but I would be willing to pay you extra if you can prove you completed this contract.", before Bertram could answer, the druid was gone, leaving just the flyer and enough money to buy himself 2 bottles of Kirkwall Mills famous "Blueberry Beet Blackout" (68% ABV) ;D. The plunk of the cork coming out is all that Bertram can remember after that.
All seem good I should be able to post something tonight or tomorrow and tag everyone,

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