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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla

"A blót? what a wonderful idea Jarl there couldn't be a better moment to bring the people together!" Though he didn't necessarily want to stay behind while others procured the necessary items. He was tired of feeling like he wasn't good for much of anything at the moment but he would suck it up for now to keep the Jarl from worrying and hopefully Ulf as well. "As you wish Jarl, I can stay with our wounded for now and help them prepare with the woman and children. We can begin the trip back to the longhouse as soon as possible." He wanted to stay where Ulf was of course but this kind of celebration was important and much needed for what was to come and while the others hunted for the sacrifice he could stick back and help prepare the longhouse for the others. He turned his attention to his companion when the jarl walked away. "Well there's your chance to use that nice little dagger of yours hm? It will serve you well I'm sure. You will be coming back to your home right? Or you know..wherver you choose to be is up to you" He reached out for him arm and held it gently, unsure of what his plans were going forward. He was aware that big things were happening and that they were happening quickly. But he would be lying if he said he didn't miss seeing his candle blazing through the night using those smarts of his. "I said I would be by your side regardless but I don't think I can stay here for long with you when our people will need me back home. But at least your just a short horse ride away you can always come and harass me when you feel like it." He chuckled and pulled his hand back, moving some hair away from his wounded eye.
The pale figure turned his head to meet his companion's gaze, raising the dagger he procured from the other in his palm. Tightening the very grip he had around the handle and ran his thumb along the sharp blade. "It is a well crafted piece, I have you to thank for that." He murmured softly, the wide grin on his lips twists. Returning the dagger to the side of his belt, sheathing it under the dark leather vest. The soft cradle of that hand around his palm led that one red bead to lock against the brilliant blue, softening the very smile that framed his pale features. A pause in his remarks, before raising his hand to tap the warrior's shoulder lightly. "I'll return for tonight." Such words lay upon his throat gently and withdrawed his hand to pull the lightly fur cowl to cover his head.

"After I made the necessary preparations of course, wouldn't want to upset The Jarl even more." He let out a deep chuckle, bidding his farewell and he made his way towards the stone walls not far from where they stood. Stepping on top of a wooden platform with a rope mechanism held down by a sack, he cuts the weights off with the bone dagger and flung high towards the top of the stone walls. Quickly disappearing into the shadows, leaving the warrior alone once more. He traveled far into the woods to catch multiple animals for the ritual, careful of how he prepared them and avoiding the red stains to collect on his attire. He managed to gain a few large water bottle worth of blood, though as he searched for more. He found a small open field where flowers bloomed ever so vibrantly, it enamored his eye. Particularly the white daisies that blossomed around him, he decided to pick a few and by freyja's blessings he made a garland in her name while thinking of the warrior that awaited his arrival back in the village.

A satisfied hum echoed from his throat, leading his steps back to the land he had long accepted as his home. He whistled for the white steed to approach him, swiftly lifting his body up onto the saddle and ventured forth to the nearby shore where they have build their settlement. He was quick to descend and searched for the large stones need for biilding the altar, which took him a while but he manged to build the needed Altar for freja to paint on in the ritual. He placed the flasks of the crimson liquid on the side of the Longhouse where it is easily procured, before leaning inside the building throigh the door way. Hoping to find the blacksmith lurking around, hiding the crown of daisies behind his back and under the leather cloak. He did not made even the slightest of sound, keeping his presence hidden to perhaps startle the poor soul.
Agnar leaned into his touch, wishing to kiss him one more time before he had to depart but there was so much to do and little time to do them. He instead accept the bit of touch they shared before smiling at him and watching his usual quick disappearance to do work. "Always so impressive with his goodbyes" He chuckled and walked out to the men waiting outside, all of them bristling with excitement as they talked about the coming celebration. "Come brothers we have a bit of a walk ahead of us and many things to do!" They all stood and followed him to the waiting horses nearby as Agnar quickly mounted his own thankful to be able to ride solo without Freja on his back to keep an eye on him. He waited till the rest of his party was ready and comfortable before they began the trek home, as he passed Lord Evans he gave a respectful nod before leading the men back to their clan.

Once home they were greeted by cheerful children and relieved spouses, Erik himself being nearly tackled with his wife with their newborn baby held in her grasp. It filled Agnars heart with joy to see him smile with slight tears in his eyes as he embraced them reminding him of how he felt when he was reunited with Ulf. He immediately went to help gather wood for the fire they would be burning and chopping it up while doing his best to not stress the stitches of his wound. Afterwards he went to help some of the others clean and prep the massive cooking pots they would be using and sharpening some of their butchering knives back at his forge. The village was alive with hope and an air of peace they had been missing the last few days. When he was done there he also took on the job of returning the bodies of the mean who perished in battle to their families where Agnar would sit with them as they cried and mourned their loved ones before the burial they would also be performing tonight to send them to the afterlife. He held crying wives and siblings and parents offering his condolences and reassurances that they would be with the gods soon in bliss.

The night began to draw near as he shuffled through the longhouse prepping the burning coals and heating up the pots to be used in the ritual while others started to bring in their barrels of mead and offerings. Everyone around them was dressed in their nicest clothes and furs and bringing in their instruments they would use for music later. While poking at burning red hot coals his mind wandered to where Ulf was at the moment and when he would be coming home, his excitement bubbling at the thought of celebrating together and getting the blessings from the gods. The white fox fur pelt he wore around his shoulders shimmering orange in the lights of the fire before him.

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