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Fantasy The Jabberwocky's Cafe

If you want to have all of Belgi's things, that's going to need 3 successful Sweetness rolls. She also has +1d6 to this for being the one who captured Belgi. XD

Only 1 item if fail or 1 success.

3 items if 2 success.

@ katsuya
2 successes! So, please pick 3 items from Belgi's inventory. Also, this is just the nice way of doing things. Stealing his things back, starting a fight. Anything is a viable option. ^ - ^

Katsuya Katsuya
2 successes! So, please pick 3 items from Belgi's inventory. Also, this is just the nice way of doing things. Stealing his things back, starting a fight. Anything is a viable option. ^ - ^

Katsuya Katsuya
This is just for me to understand this more. I needed a 3+ roll to be successful?

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