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Fantasy The Island {Taking Characters}

Malayla made and uprooted a tree for the big guy she'd just noticed, then started a vine of ivy growing around the cat. "WHAR IS MAEH KITTAY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGJHHHHBCKXHHHHHHHHH"
Malayla made and uprooted a tree for the big guy she'd just noticed, then sent a vine of ivy climbing around the cat. "WHAR IS MAEH KITTAY AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHKKBCHJJJHHHHHHJODJDHHHHHHHH"
"AAAAAAAAMMMMMMGGGGGGGNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHDJDJXKCPDMSBGXHHHGHGHHHGHHHHHHHHJHH" Malayla decided to try flying off the island to get to her kitty. She opened her wings.
"AAAAAAAAMMMMMMGGGGGGGNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHDJDJXKCPDMSBGXHHHGHGHHHGHHHHHHHHJHH" Malayla decided to try flying off the island to get to her kitty. She opened her wings.

The island had an odd barrier around it. As she, Hikari, was imprisoned there, because of something very grave she did in the real world. Actually, the only reasons he brought them here, other than giving them despair, which fueled her with hope for her future, she was getting lonely. 

((Wow! I didn't expect this to get over 100 replies x3 You guys are amazing, this was the first roleplay I'd ever made :3)) 
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((chu is so welcome ^^ hugs :3))

Try as she might, Malayla could not get off the island. She smashed against it, but force wasn't working. When she saw this, she say down on the island and cried and screamed some more.
Cheers mate!

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán watched her fly up and just walked away, shaking his head as the tree crashed behind him. He went back to the beach again, and once more saw Hikari. He hesitated, but walked over to her. "I still need my answer to why we're here, cat girl..." He said, poking her in the back.

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

"You little bastard..." Eireamhán muttered, before taking off after her. Despite being so large, he was a very quick runner, as having fought and trained all the years in the arena had hardened him.

@InsertEpicNameHere @Imapeople000 As she hid, she thought maybe she WOULDN'T attack her if she summoned her kitty here. After a while of rest, she used a lot of her magic, a lot more than just bringing random people here, to bring the cat to the island. "Bastard..." She threw it down, having it land on straight on Malayla. "HAPPY NOW, BITCH?" 
Malayla hugged her cat, which had appeared out of nowhere. "I LOVE YOU, MARIBELLE!" she shouted at it. She turned around, hearing some screaming from somewhere else - "HAPPY NOW, *****?" (sorry i don't) She screamed back, "YES I AM THANK YOU!"
Lol Hikari is such a savage. xD

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán suddenly stopped when he realized she was gone. He looked around for a second, before figuring out what happened. "I'LL FIND YOU!" Eireamhán roared into the air.

As soon a the fairy person let go of him he sneaked off,and looked for the prefect place to take a nap. He nice little stop in a tree he climbed the tree and fell asleep. He woke up when he realized someone had left him food,he grinned ''Hehehe''


@Cheesemick @Imapeople000 @InsertEpicNameHere ((Ikr she's so savage x3))

Hikari would watch as Dylan saw the food. She wondered if she had made a friend, as she had never done that before. She didn't really know how to interact with humans, or any other animal. She'd run back to the place she was staying and go to sleep ((It's night now, you've all been here a day :3)) 
Alright, cool.

[SIZE= 13px]Eireamhán [/SIZE]Amhlaidh

Eireamhán was still muttering obscenities to himself, still trying to find Hikari. He stumbled upon Dylan's area, and immediately noticed the food, as he had very heightened smelling and hearing senses. He remembered back to Hikari giving Dylan food, and assumed it was her that had been there. He looked around for her, and looked up, only to find Dylan. "Cat boy," [SIZE= 13px]Eireamhán sighed.  "Glad to see you."[/SIZE]

@Cheesemick @Kitty_Lover
Malayla loved watching the sunset. It was so beautiful it made her want to dance for the length of a thousand of them, but then she'd miss watching them. Her favorite thing was to squish hug Maribelle as she watched the sun go down, then ponder the meaning of life or, more usually, what had happened that day and everything that was awesome about it. As she thought about today, a hundred questions came and went in her mind like the trickortreaters on Halloween night. The biggest mystery was the kitty. She took Maribelle and went hunting for that kitty, thinking she saw it. "Hello?" she called.
[SIZE= 13px]Eireamhán [/SIZE]Amhlaidh

Eireamhán turned at the sound of Hikari's voice. "That answers one of my many, many questions..." He sighed, slumping down on the ground with a resounding thud. 

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

"I just hope the girl with the wings doesn't show up..." Eireamhán sighed, placing his hammer down next to him. He looked at Hikari and said, "I'm still waiting for my answer as to why we're here..." He said.

@Cheesemick @Kitty_Lover

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