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Fantasy The Island {Taking Characters}

"Yay, TWO cats!" Malayla shouted as she grabbed both cats. The first one had been trying to leave but she caught it just in time.

((sorry I forget to do this a lot----->))@Kitty_Lover @Cheesemick 
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@Imapeople000 @InsertEpicNameHere @Cheesemick She'd starting trying to  grab Eireamhan to get away from Malayla, but failed terribly. Finally she was a bit fed up, called one of her kitties, and it did something surprising. When she gave the sign, there wasn't a kitty standing there. There was a giant tiger, ready to pounce on her call. 

"Oooooo.... pretty!" Malayla reached down to pet the tiger. Before she could touch it, something occurred to her. All these kitties reminded her of her own. "Hey, where's Maribelle? Where exactly am I? Where's Maribelle??"

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