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Fantasy The Island {Taking Characters}


internet angel
You wake up on an island about the size of Disneyland. You don't know how you got there or how you're getting out. What will you do?


1. Please don't be to overpowered, it ruins the roleplay

2. You can be more than one character, but don't be 1,000 characters {Obviously}

3. If you see someone's trying to get into the RP, try to let them in.

[Basic way to tell people your character]







Other (Optional):

For example, my character is:

Name: Hikari

Species: Cat Girl

Personality: Kawaii/Loves Cats/Annoying/Stubborn/Outgoing

Looks: Blonde, Kitty Ears, Small Dress, Blue and White striped stockings, boots

Abilites: Can turn into a cat 

Items: Two cats name Yumi and Saki

Other: The one who put you on the island, but refuses to take you off
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Name: Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Species: Half-Minotaur

Personality: Really clumsy, kinda stupid, brutish, quiet, WEIRD

Looks: Look at the picture

Abilites: Can tame friendly natural creatures

Items: Not a thing but the metal on his back, and a hammer.

Other (Optional): He doesn't really know a lot about... anything. Especially surviving on his own. The only thing he really knows how to do is smash things with his hammer and talk.


Screenshot 2016-10-22 at 6.15.35 PM.png

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán looked around, confused for a second as to where he was. The first thing he noticed was the natural life, which he liked, but he still didn't like that he was somewhere he didn't know. He checked to make sure he still had his hammer, and took it off his back. He ran his hand down the back of his hair, and blundered away, tripping over small rocks & logs. The first thing he did was tame a butterfly near him, because why not? He smacked a tree down with his hammer, making sure it wasn't simply him having dozed off and day dreaming in the arena he frequented for money.

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán turned around, confused by the odd noise. He hefted his hammer up with a small grunt, ready to resort to violence before talking. He walked forward a step or two, unsure as to who was there, why they were there, and most importantly, where they were. "Hello...?" He murmured. He turned quickly, startled by a cat, and chucked his hammer at it. Luckily, he missed it as it scampered off, as it probably would've been crushed otherwise.

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Hikari: As she ran from the strong man she wondered who she had found. She made the best of it and thought,  "Oh oh! This is going to be fun." 
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name: Thomas


Personality:kind and caring in human form aggressive in werewolf form


Abilites: turns into a werewolf everynight

Items:clothes somehow appear back on his body every morning

Other (Optional): human look  https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjh5oiUgvHPAhWCeT4KHUFCBYEQjRwIBQ&url=http://myanimecrushes.tumblr.com/post/4767064380&psig=AFQjCNGuVbXtvOJRpxQeh8qtMao-w8hNSw&ust=1477315210665173
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name: Thomas


Personality:kind and caring in human form aggressive in werewolf form


Abilites: turns into a werewolf everynight

Items:clothes somehow appear back on his body every morning

Other (Optional): human look  https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjh5oiUgvHPAhWCeT4KHUFCBYEQjRwIBQ&url=http://myanimecrushes.tumblr.com/post/4767064380&psig=AFQjCNGuVbXtvOJRpxQeh8qtMao-w8hNSw&ust=1477315210665173

Beautiful! I love it! 


Hikari~Chan: Another competitor? Oh oh oh... this is going to be fun. And a werewolf no less! 
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Thomas didn't know where he was he woke up on the ground and looked and saw a girl talking to some thing he walked over to them in his human form and asked "where am I? who are you?" he had a small headache that was kinda going away
Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán looked at Thomas and grunted. "Rude..." He went and picked his hammer back up. "A minotaur." He replied once he came back. He looked around again, confused to where the cat had gone. He still hadn't noticed Hikari, but he did hear her. "Where did the kitty go? And who were you just talking to?" Eireamhán said, turning towards Thomas with his hammer ready in case of a fight.

"I don't know where she went and i'm Thomas by the way i'm a werewolf" he extends his hand  
Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán just looked at his hand, confused. He gave him a high five, not sure what a hand shake was. "We need to find her. I wanna get off here. I'll smash her kitties if she doesn't let us." He growled, staring into the bushes where he had heard her last.

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My replying might be a little sparatic in timing, I'm working on a coding project.

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán turned towards the sound of her voice. "Where are you kitty?" He yelled. "I know you're there..." He wandered a bit towards where he thought the voice was, but stopped. He didn't think it was possible, but he might get hurt by it. He's fought lions before, and people told him they were cats, after all.

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

"Don't laugh at me kitty..." Eireamhán growled, scanning the area for her. He walked forward a couple more steps, and saw her. When he saw her, he raised his hammer, not to throw it, but just in a threatening way. "Why am I here? And how can a kitty talk? None of the kitties I've killed talk..." He scratched his head, but still had his hammer raised.

Eireamhán Amhlaidh

Eireamhán's eyes widened when he saw her turn into a human. "What? That's impossible... a kitty can't be a human too..." He walked over and poked her, not trusting that she, or anything there, was actually real.


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