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Fantasy The Island OOC


Half decent.
I'm not going to post rules. Don't God mode, don't control other people's characters, don't be an OOC jerk, the usual. As for post length, all I want is all you can give. All you can give shouldn't just be "Yes." For post frequency, I'd like one a day, but I understand that things happen. If you don't respond for two weeks without notice, and the RP has enough momentum not to die, I'll kill your character off. Aside from that, this is supposed to be casual, so it's not the strictest thing ever.

Now, talk about things. I command you.
Would it be wise for my character to ask for "a useful power that can't be lost or taken away that," or would that result in the wizard deciding to be a Jackass Genie - TV Tropes ?
Because I'd be building a character looking to seize any advantage. I'm trying to figure out what he'd ask for that would fit in with his mindset. Like here: Giant In the Playground Games (as in what the Lich is saying about power).
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
Nah, he's not that much of a dick. Most of his gifts come in the form of items, but a great deal of those items can be one use items that give you a permanent advantage. It'd be less powerful, because it's permanent, but he wouldn't make you regret it.
Alright then. I don't know how to phrase the power request though. I'd be going more for the "at least some measure of control of any given situation I'm in" that this guy's describing: What is Power?

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