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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Elina had been halfheartedly scraping out a rough shape of some snake-like creature in the sand, which reminded her of her unconscious dream, as she lost herself in thought. She gathered the few scraps of memories she had and summed up why she was here: she was different, and she had been forced against her will. Somehow she felt as though she had expected to find herself here... but whatever secrets her past self knew was now lost to her.

Wait... what is that?

Strewn across the sand was the standing shape of a human (hopefully) shadow. She wasn't standing and neither was her sleeping sister. As hard as she tried, Elina could not help but flinch as she lifted her gaze to behold the figure towering over her. The air was warm,thick and heavy with tropical humidity but a cold shudder ran up her spine.

What would she do? she thought frantically. Somehow she knew that her sister was the better fighter... she could handle confrontations. Faraday only stirred uselessly in her sleep - Elina was on her own. How long had he been staring at her?

"W-what do you want? We don't mean you any harm." Elina was acutely aware of how frail her voice sounded, but she tried to hide her overpowering fear.

(sorry for taking so long :o real life aggro)
"Thank you," Aaren said. Well, Hak is somewhat smiling, so I guess it was alright. She bent down and picked up the chameleon. It shifted in her arms so it was in a more comfortable position. I wish you won't have to disappear at dawn. She would like to have someone, or something, she could talk to about her thoughts and questions. Did I do that in the past? Talk to animals about those things? She figured it would be something she would do.
Máv̱ros looked at the unconscious girl, the snake pattern then at the conscious girl before shaking his head and forcing himself to speak "You.... Need any help ?" He asked in a soft unfamiliar tone due to not ever speaking unless it was absolutely necessary. Behind him came the large shadow wolf which growled at the 2 intruders who were way to close to his master for his liking, Máv̱ros kneeled down and stroked the wolf's fur without taking his eyes off to the two that had appeared, the wolf calming at his master's touch.

(@Juju )
"I...I gu-" Elina started timidly, only for her voice to trail off as she noticed the wolf. She took a quick step back as the thing growled at her and stifled the urge to to yelp in fear. Beside her, the crude outline of the snake flashed dimly in the sand as if in response to Elina's anxiety. If Elina had noticed the occurrence she wouldn't have cared, she was too busy eyeing the man and his wolf wearily.

She decided that she did not trust this man. His voice was not unkind and had offered help, but Elina had a deep rooted feeling that even a crocodile can smile.

"Thank you but we can handle ourselves." she managed to say. Who is the we? She found herself thinking... It certainly wasn't her unconscious sister.

As she waited for his response, her gaze drifted back to the shadow wolf. From where she stood she could make out its dark fangs and empty eyes and tried her hardest not to think about how those teeth would feel as they ripped her throat.

Another soft glow from the snake carved into the sand, only this time she flicked her eyes to it before the light faded.

(@The Jackal )
Máv̱ros shrugged "Whatever" He muttered before turning and walking away, not even sparing a second glance back at the two that he had just left for dead. Unfortunately that was how Máv̱ros saw things he never helped people and the only person he would help was his brother if there was a good enough reason to.

(A. Now I feel like a dick B. @Juju )
Elina watched as the strange man and his wolf left. Although she felt greatly relieved at the absence of the two, the old fear of the shadowed treeline nestled itself back into the back of her mind.

Perhaps he had been the lesser of many evils... Or just waiting for another time to strike.

As soon as the figure and his beasty were at a distance, Elina looked down at the snake and scrambled closer to examine it. Had she imagined the light?

She ran her hand along the back of the carved serpent as she pondered it curiously.

(Hehe what a gentleman... leaving her to die ;P @The Jackal)
(That's Máv̱ros for yah)

Máv̱ros continued to walk until he reached a large pier made out of rocks, walking along it to the end he sat down and stared out at the sea while stroking the wolves fur, he closed his eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep. The wolf, who didn't need sleep, sat ready and waiting for any sort of excitement that he might need to wake his master for and eventually resorted to pacing the rocky pier out of boredom.

(Can Aspro show up and try and help Elina ?... He's Máv̱ros' bro @Juju )
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Mahonasi said:
Alex felt a touch on his cheek and he slowly woke up. He opened his eyes and say Amaya looking down at him. He smiled and thought She is so beautiful... Then pulled he closer and softly kissed her...
Amaya was surprised to see his beautiful eyes suddenly open... But she smiled as he kissed her... She then looks at him seriously.."good morninhg lil man.... How re you feeling?"

Áspro looked across the landscape laid across below him with a small smile across his face, up here he felt like a god. Sparing a glance back at the beach he noticed his brother and another one of his stupid constructs, floating to the ground before pushing his way through the large wall of foliage before bursting out of the forest and smiled as he looked around before shrinking back into the foliage as he noticed two girls sitting by the edge of the forest in a rocky grove of a sort. After a moment he walked out of the forest and called to the one that wasn't sleeping... He hoped the other one was sleeping "Hello there" He called out to them before reaching the edge of the rocky area and smiling at them.

"Hello there!" the voice called out as another figure advanced from the treeline.

Instantly Elina thought back to that other man with the shadowed wolf and her heart started pounding yet again. She felt defenseless towards the threats of this strange island and above all else, unbearably craven. Then it happened all at once.

As the man got closer she noticed that he was not the same ominous figure that had sneaked up on her previously; when she squinted her eyes past the blue light she could tell he had white hair and no wolf.

Blue light?

Beneath her hand the snake carving had begun to glow again and streamed azure light through her fingers as she looked down at it quizzically, illuminating her face.

With complete dread Elina soon came to realize that she couldn't remove her hand while the very sand seemed to be draining her life's energy with an unrelenting hunger, and fought to remove her ensnared left hand.

There was a thunderous hiss as a sudden blast of sand erupted from the ground in a bloom of white grains and wind. Next thing she knew, Elina was laying sideways on the beach while looking up at the shifting form of a large cobra completely composed of the sand it was coiled on. The creature had to be as long as two times her height with a girth roughly around the size of a coconut and when it's head was raised, it reached just under shoulder height.

Fangs bared, the snake whipped its head around as it looked for the cause of Elina's distress, finally stopping as it sees Aspro. Sandy white crests extended from the snake's head as it curled up into a strike position, hissing a warning. Meanwhile Elina struggled to to get back up and noticed a dramatic drain in her energy, feeling nauseous and weak.

(sorry I meant to respond yesterday :3 I would've said yas anyways. @The Jackal)
(Its no problem.... Did you get caught up with something ?)

Áspro backed up slightly as he rose his hands in a surrender of a sort "Hey... I'm not going to harm anyone" He said in an alarmed tone before staring at the snake as it coiled into an attack position. He continued to stare the snake as it let out an irritated hiss, he glanced at the girl that had supposedly summoned the snake "Call it off... Please" He asked calmly before he glanced down at the unconscious girl and then the snake, he seemed to resemble the other weirdo before except the only differences were that he had white hair and didn't have a wolf.

Alex smiled a little. "I'm alright, a little tired though, I overused my power." He looked at her a little concerned. "What about you? are you okay?"

Amaya raised an eyebrow, and then hugs him tightly.. "Of course I'm okay!… I'm with you..." She smiles happily, then sits up and smiles brighter as she stares at his face.. And wiggles her toes, that are underneath her, into the sand..

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Not here to harm them, call off the snake...her snake. Yes, she remembered now; she created it- gave it life and in turn it would be her ally. It seemed to remind her faintly of a memory,but Elina knew better than to waste her time trying to remember a memory that wasn't there.

"How did you find us. Did that man with the wolf send you?" she spoke with a more stronger tone. Now that she had the hissing snake beside her, Elina felt much more bold than she did previously.

Eyeing the newcomer suspiciously, the girl also noticed how similar this man looked compared to the dark haired one and wondered if this was some trick. "I...I'll call him off once you tell us where we are." Elina demanded as strongly as she could manage

(@The Jackal yeah im a busy person :o ).
Jacob wandered around the forest, letting his shoulder blades extend into dove wings as he stretched them out.
Áspro looked back at the girl and rose an eyebrow when she spoke about a man with a wolf "Did this man with a wolf have black hair ? And was the wolf a shadowy construct ?" He return to his normal stance and clenched his fists in annoyance that his brother had already terrified someone who just got here "I wish I could tell you but I'm as clueless as you are" He continued to eye the snake with a look of caution.
Elina blinked at the man, "Well, yes. He had black hair and that thing he had with him... it looked like a wolf but it was made of shadow. W-who was he?" She sighed as she motioned for the pale snake to stand down. The creature lowered it's head almost instantly, it's sandy frill merging back into the shifting body as if there had never been a threat in the first place. If only this snake had been here when the shadowed man and wolf had appeared, Elina thought - she would love to see them try and frighten her now.

Placing her hand on the serpent's head, Elina commented with an almost disappointed tone. "You don't know where we are either, huh. I feared you would say that." She swept her gaze past the light haired man towards the dark forest, keeping an eye out for other threats,

@The Jackal
Áspro shook his head "He was and still is my brother... Unfortunately" He murmured before looking back down at the snake and deciding it was safe to at least sit, lowering himself to the ground while keeping his eye on the snake Áspro eventually sat down and turned his attention back to the unconscious girl "Is she okay ?" He asked in a more concerned tone than the twin in black had.

Elina nodded her head slightly as if in confirmation when Aspro mentioned his brother. "So you are brothers then... Yes you have the same face." She smiled sheepishly before adding, "I actually thought it was some trick at first. No offence"

Having been kneeling in the sand after she had fallen, Elina was grateful when Aspro had decided to sit down instead of having to stand, and sat down as well. To be honest with herself, she didn't think she had much energy to force herself to stand anyway. Sand hissed softly as the snake slithered closer to Elina and coiled itself comfortably in a tangle of it's shifting girth.

Elina turned her head to where Faraday lay beneath the shelter of a rock. "I don't know... I woke up on the beach and she was still unconscious." she said while looking at her sleeping sister worriedly. "I- i think she is my sister. You see, she kinda looks like me and I feel like I know her..." she trailed off before looking back at Aspro, "Do most people end up on the island this way. Maybe she is just taking longer to wake up?"

@The Jackal
Áspro shrugged "None taken" He said simply before pulling his legs up and underneath him so that he was sitting cross legged. He looked at the snake as it shifted and coiled around it's master, taking note that the girl wasn't looking too good. He shook his head when he heard her latter statement "I'm unsure of whether or not everyone was sent here... I think it has something to do with out 'special' abilities" He said simply.

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The white snake's tongue darted from it's mouth as it gazed at Aspro with glowing eyes, Elina stroking its head tiredly. "We are different... other people don't understand what we are." she started, although she wasn't sure if she was talking more to herself. "People fear what they don't understand...." The words seemed true enough but left a bitter taste on her tongue as she spoke them, a shadow of a memory told her that she knew what it was like to be hated and feared.

Quickly, Elina decided to change the subject. "If we all have "gifts", what is your's?" she asked while tilting her head "Can you make a shadow wolf too?" She hoped he couldn't; Elina didn't like the hungry look those creatures had in their eyes.

@The Jackal
Áspro nodded "I guess so" He said before looking back at the snake, returning the stare. He stood up and began pacing quietly, out of boredom "Alot of stuff... This is my favourite" With that he drew the orb from his pocket and then threw it into the air, mid-air in shifted and changed into a cane. Áspro caught the cane and then placed his hand on the handle and then the cane part, pulling in opposite directions until the cane came off the handle and a silver blade shimmered in the sunlight. He rose the blade so that it was to his wrist and then dragged it across it, leaving a bleeding cut. Áspro rose his wrist so that it was visible before clenching his fist, causing the wound to close.
Elina watched in awe as the ball shifted into a cane and then into a silver blade with an edge that seemed to split the very light into shimmering shards. It wasn't so much the actual shape-changing quality that took her breath away, but the delicate and superior craftsmanship of the weapon as well as the cane. She was about to ask who made it or how he got it, until he drew the sword across his wrist to make a cut. Taking a step back in surprise, she furrowed her brow as he lifted the wound for her to see, "What the..." she muttered.

As quickly as it had been cut, the wound closed and left Elina wide eyed "You can heal cuts just like that?" Even the snake seemed to be intrigued, lifting it's sandy head to inspect the healed wrist with a flickering tongue.


"All by hisself, eh?" hissed the stout one, licking sharp teeth as he peered through the ferns.

"No you fool!" growled the other softly "see that dark wolf there... No not there. Over there. Yeah that thing". This one was taller with a lean build and slender limbs.

So what? The boy has got a puppy... we 'ill eat the mongrel up too... The more the better."

"We need to get the wolf away or subdue the thing, else it will warn the boy."

Get the beasty then, go in! Best you go with your fancy stealth while i burrow under pretty face here... Heheheh... " With thick claws like some burrowing creature, he began to dig through the sand while the other crept closer towards where the sleeping man and his wolf were. (he IS sleeping right?)

@The Jackal

(We need more peeps :o )
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(@Juju I'm confused as hell as to what the second text is)

Áspro shook his head "Not just that.... I can also do this" He said before standing and then kicking up from the rock, sending him up into the air slowly "I can manipulate gravity as well" He smiled before clicking his fingers again and he flew back to the ground "But only around myself and when other people want their gravity to be manipulated" He said before standing and rubbing he back of his head.


Máv̱ros' shadow wolf froze and sniffed the air, growling as it smelt something. It turned and ran over to his master and began nudging him in the shoulder. Máv̱ros groaned and slapped at the wolf's nose "Go away" He mumbled in an irritated tone before rolling over.

(Sorry for the short Máv̱ros post)

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