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Fantasy the hunted, and the hunters.... ᕦ[ •́ ﹏ •̀ ]⊃¤=[]::::::::> ( ALWAYS ACCEPTING!! )

yep. feel free to jump in. The people im interacting with are offline but hisho ( my other character) is open for interaction
Yeah of course. I updated my character to have armor on his neck, when I thought about I figured it would make sense. Is that alright?
Well it makes sense to have armor when people have swords, but if you really want me to I'll remove it.
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Emilia look at them hesitating at first but then she gave in and ran to them as she place her hands in her wounds as she tap her mini bag towards her waste and take out a mini med kit as she grab a needle and a Cotton "ill gake care of this." She said fastly as she gently press the neddle in her wound werr she have been claw .


[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]He walk as he chop up some of the hunters head and continue as he look back at the castle and sign.

What? I'm confused, the only hunters here are me and claude, who did Phantom just kill???
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]If i dint mention a name then it means its just a random hunter

They went alone. They are the only two there.
Sorry I'm not posting right now, I'm playing a game with a friend. I have time to check posts when he takes his turn, but not enough time to write a proper response :(

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