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The Hunt!


the best of the best, ya heard
Hey. hey, hey. I'm on the hunt again for another 1x1 partner, preferably female. Here are some general requirements for my 1x1s:

  • Be fairly literate. I'm not asking for you to write me an essay with each post, just 3-5+ solid paragraphs will do the trick, and if you wish to write more, then that's good for me. I usually prefer more detail oriented roleplays than I do the one liners and small paragraphs. Explore your mind and expand your creativity, man.
  • Please, please, let me know if you get bored or plan to be absent for a while. I really don't want to be driving one day, and suddenly realize that I haven't seen (insert RP name here) in my inbox in a while.
  • I would like for you to be 17+, this is mostly for me since I don't feel comfortable doing romance RPs with kids. Makes me feel hella creepy.
  • No Gary Stus or Mary Sues.
  • I'm not into yaoi or yuri, and I prefer MxF or FxM, however you wish to order it.
  • Please be committed to finish the roleplay, and be willing to stick around for the long run. There is no post limit or minimum, and as long as you post to keep the story going then I'll enjoy it.

Now here are some plots/pairings I'd be interested in. Most of these would require some brainstorming as to a good storyline as they are just plot ideas and are not really thought out as of yet. Most of these RP ideas will have an ending, and if we get along well and you're fairly interesting and good with your writing, then we can do another one. THE ONES WITH ASTERISKS ARE AVAILABLE.



  • *A Wild Hunt - A young, quiet teenage male is often bullied at school, and as a result is often quite reserved, and considered a loner. Your character, a popular girl is one of his bullies, but soon comes to find out that there's much more to this quiet boy than first meets the eye after he saves her one night from a terrible encounter, thrusting her into a world she never knew she and her family was a part of.

  • *A Cold Night for Revenge- A man returns from the Civil War only to find that his family has been brutally murdered, and his family's murderer awaits the arrival of the father and then attacks him, and bites him on the neck. The man awakes a few days later in the undertaker's shop, and notices that he's not the human he once was. He returns to his home, and begins his quest to find the murderer and bring him his own version of justice, while fighting against an Order hellbent on destroying anything they deem an abomination

  • *The King of Thieves - A young princess happens upon a young, mischievous looking man during one of her walks through the palace's many gardens. He steals something valuable from her, and the princess, filled with a lust to find this man, eventually finds her way into a world that she once thought was only a myth.

  • *The Wandering Stranger - A strange man rides into a lone town in Mexico, and carries with him a strange aura. He is hunting for something, some place straight out of an old legend.

  • *Time Lord - The year is 3105, and the invention of machines able to time travel has opened up a whole new source of revenue, called Time Tourism. With the invention of the time machine comes yet another agency known as the FTA or the Federal Time Agency. This police force is sent throughout history to stop people who try to tinker with the past and change things in their favor. This plot will follow a lowly Time Agent and his partner on a strange case that turns out to be much more than anyone could ever think of.

  • *Deep Six - An archeological team stumbles upon an ancient civilization one day underwater off the coast of Portugal, thought to be the lost civilization of Atlantis. In their haste, they quickly dive down with a two man submersible and release an ancient evil from ages long past, which is the main reason Atlantis sunk.

  • *Noire - Noire follows a Detective in 1940's New York just a few years after World War II. While investigating a "small time" case, the detective comes across a much deeper and bigger plot than he had first thought involving a very large Sicilian crime family, and across a very interesting woman, who he develops a relationship with.

  • *A Hardened Heart - Follows a young man gifted with special powers, who is sent on a quest for revenge after a Kingpin who killed his family. You will play a young woman he comes across, will you work to prevent him from going down the road to destruction and set him down the path to redemption, or will you allow him to continue? Takes place in the same universe as A Bounty Collected.

  • *Justice For The Masses- A holy warrior, charged with protecting a holy stone stands still, motionless in front of the entrance to the Arcanum, serving as a vigilant sentinel, ever watchful. He is like hewn stone, strong, stubborn and unbreakable, and unafraid of any combatant. He is a paladin, and soon he will be disgraced when a thief freezes him in place with dark magic and soon steals the stone, leaving the Paladin to watch as he failed his charge. The Elders, furious with his failure, banishes the paladin from their homeworld, and giving him a ship and a year's worth of supplies, they give the man a second charge. "Find the stone, return it to us, and you shall be one with us again." The Paladin, angered at his failure sets off in search of the stone, and meets many companions down the line, in search of his charge. Will your character help him along the way?

  • *High Tide - A Pirate King with the intent of uniting all pirate crews comes into contact with a mysterious woman at a tavern in a port city, they hit it off quite well and part ways. They come into contact later on the Seas, only to find out that they've both proclaimed themselves as The Pirate King and The Pirate Queen, and their goal is similar, to find an artifact from a civilization long past and to unite the Pirate crews. Will they kill each other or end up working together?

  • A Bounty Collected - A world where law and order as we know it has all but disappeared, there stands only one order against thousands of large crime families, hellbent on returning Law and Order back to the uncivilized world. There's only one problem, in the event of a new mutation in the human race, powers that have come to be known as Chaos Powers have surfaced, giving people the power to do things thought previously impossible. Powers such as bending fire, shadow, and other things to ones will, immense strength, incredible reflexes, anything you can think of. This story will follow my character, the leader of the order, and your character, a hopeful in training or a low ranking gang member seeking revenge.

  • *The Tiger and the Dragon - A young man now graced with a inherited power finds himself facing off against his ancestor's greatest enemy. Along the way he meets a special girl from an ancient ninja clan who decides to help him with his quest.

  • *Starfront - A bounty hunter is offered a insurmountable amount of credits to chase after an ancient artifact from a Civilization long gone from a mysterious figure, and ends up finding out that there's much, much more to this job. Did he bite off more than he could chew?

  • *A War on the Homefront - It was a normal day, our characters go to work just like any other day and work their morning away. On Lunch break they both happen to be at the same restaurant, and everything is normal until someone points out that there are several large planes flying overhead, and they seem to be dropping troops. Many people in the diner dismiss this as a military drill gone wrong, until the shooting starts.

  • *53 - Set in a distant dystopian future, a top secret special operative was shot down over a warzone, and his body was taken back to be rebuilt into a cyborg super soldier by a mysterious organization known as The Agency. Your character is a target he is after, and after much convincing your character begins to show the soldier that the people he fights for are corrupt and evil.

  • *A Night to Remember - A group of career criminals have to return from retirement to save an old friend, their old leader. Will they leave their life of luxury to help an old friend?



  • *Game of Thrones - Set during the series, Joffrey has just been murdered at his own wedding to Margaery Tyrell, and Tommen has taken his place as the new King. We will play as OC, and will develop our own storyline with this universe. You will obviously need some knowledge of the canon story to RP as this one.
  • Star Wars
  • *Fallout - Will have to brainstorm.
  • *Naruto - Not too familiar with Shippuden, but will try my best.
  • Avatar, The Last Airbender - An Avatar long forgotten has to band together with a (insert type here)bender to fight an evil that the history books forgot to mention.
  • *The Elder Scrolls
  • *World of Warcraft - I have a few that will take place before most of the expansions and before the Shu'Halo drove the centaur out with the help of Thrall and settled in Mulgore. KNOW YOUR LORE.
  • Fate/Stay Night -My character is a master and your a servant, during the fighting they begin to realize that they have more in common than they thought. Would require you to roleplay as maybe 3-5 more characters than your main. Would use dice.

If you've any other ideas, feel free to run them by me. I promise I won't bite too hard.
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Hello, again. c: If you're still looking, I'd be interested in cobbling something together with you. The following caught my attention: Lost in Forever, Noire, and A Return to Grace. Anyways, hope to hear from you.
Awesome blossom, opossum. I do believe that all of those are available, and I don't have a preference on which we do first, seeing as we could always do another when we finish one. Shoot me a PM and we'll discuss.
Dear Future President @Wiggle ,

Fantastic plot points. They are all very thought-provoking and have peaked my interest.

Noire, Lost in Forever and Time Lord interest me highly, in that order (if one is still available, based on an earlier mention I see with another member.) GoT and A Last Chance are also favorable, as back ups.

We seem to have similar preferences in style, partners etc. You can check out my profile and, if you like, we can get in touch. (My initial 24-hour "newbie" ban on PM should be lifted tomorrow early evening CST).

I'd be happy to connect and discuss.

Looking forward to chatting!

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The crowd quiets as Wiggle shifts his weight on his feet, lining up his drive.

"Looks like he's going to shoot for the first page, John." Will said, as the pair of commentators watch. "Here he goes, and he swings, and nails it."

"Looks like that one is gonna land right where he wants it to, Will." John said.
Lost in Forever is very interesting to me and I have some ideas that might pair nicely. If someone else has snagged up that story-line I'm also intrigued by High Tide. Either would work. Message me if those are still open?
@Wiggle Are you still looking for partners? I posted in here a while back and I never heard anything from you, and I really would love to try one of these plots with you.
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Sorry, ladies, I've been AFK for a bit. If you're still interested, send me a message.
Hello hello there, I'm shigure girl. I was wandering here and there and ah, lo and behold, a sparkling potential partner! Anyways, I believe I can fully meet your requirements, and it seems we are quite compatible genre-wise. My favorites are fantasy, historical fantasy, and gritty dystopian/post apocalyptic. I generally write from a female perspective, though I always enjoy having a rich cast of minor characters to make things interesting.

Among your listed available plots, High Tide, A Bounty Collected, and 53 have piqued my fancy. I'd be more than willing to brainstorm with you to flesh things out, especially because I've had ideas that are a bit similar to those in my head and I daresay they might make an interesting mix. I'm also an avid ASOIAF fan, so anything set in that universe will have my eternal adoration. There's quite a lot of free range for that universe, so we can have imaginations run wild.

I'm rambling. Anyways, if you'd like to discuss things further, please feel free to shoot me a pm. I would have done so myself, but alas I am a tad bit too new.


~ shigure girl
Hey There! Definitely interested in quite a few of these if you're still looking.

I consider myself pretty advanced and like multiple paragraph posts as well. I think we could make some of these into something pretty spectacular. Feel free to PM if you want to get something started?

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