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Fantasy The Hollows - characters



falling for you™
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

don't get too close, for it's dark inside

Full Name:
Alias/Nicknames: Optional
Age: 18+
What they do for/in the village:

Face Claim: Realistic only
Race: Corresponds with role
Body Modifications:

Magic: Not all characters have magic.
Moral alignment: Make sure to include their opinion of humans

It must be a minimum of one detailed paragraph describing the vices and virtues of your character

Biography: Please list important events for your character from birth until now.
Family: If applicable

Other: Anything you would like to add to this sheet.

Banshee - They were moved towards the outskirts of the village as they often were wandering in the woods. It isn't often, but their screams often echo from the deep woods and signal the death that is slowly approaching someone within the village. They have been particularly active as of late due to the number of deaths that have been arising in the village as the humans have been slowly eradicated from the village.

Black Dog - There is only one Black Dog left in the village and it lives in solitude. It is able to shapeshift, but since it is such a solitary being, it is rarely seen by those it doesn't trust. Its behavior is one that the villagers are unsure of. Many believe it is more of a hellhound, violent and malevolent rather than a guide for those who are lost. Whether or not it is a witch's companion is unknown as nobody has asked about it as they fear it may bring death upon them.

Elves - They are a hit or miss in The Hollows. It depends on their mood whether or not they will help you. They mostly populate the outer edge of the village that rests within the start of the woods. They protect the forest the best they can and regulate the hunting of the werewolves. They are beautiful creatures and often use that to their advantage. They are equal to the witches in terms of influence and ranking within the village, which can lead to tension between the races.

Imps - The mischievous and troublesome imps are ones that cause quite a bit of trouble to some of the races. They have been known for messing up more than one event that has taken place in the village. They are tricksters but also shapeshifters, which make it difficult to pin down a single imp for what mischief they have caused. They don't do anything to directly harm anyone, but it is possible that their playful ways have influenced the spell on the forest to lure humans deeper into the woods.

Humans - The humans that have wandered into The Hollows and survived have learned to live in the village without causing too many issues. However, due to the uncertainty of the villagers, the human population has drastically dropped. Their numbers are extrememly low and they are being hidden by those of another race. It is thought that the humans have all been killed, but obviously not everyone believes that. In order for a human not to be killed, they have to be extremely careful within the village and especially never go out at night alone.

Mermaids - Unlike the sirens, the mermaids are some of the more friendly of the races. They inhabit the shores of The Hollows and due to the charms given to them by the Sea Witch, they are able to take a human form if they choose to. They do a lot of the fishing that provides for the village, even though this is somewhat unsettling for some of the merfolk. They have some influence over the ocean and can be found causing mischief with the number of waves of the sea.

Nymphs - Water and wood nymphs inhabit the village, living in different parts of it of course. They are the performers of The Hollows and often hold dances and concerts if you will within the dark forest or on the shores of the ocean. They are known for their musical talents and for being the most peaceful and kind of the races that live in the village. Their reputation is a favored one and has caused them to be favored by the council. It is thought that humans may live among them.

Sirens - (Limited spots) This race was one that was under intense supervision for many many years. This is because they were often killing the sailors and those who were traveling in the ocean. This caused tension in the village as the council didn't want the killing of humans and other creatures to be part of The Hollows. The race itself is limited to a select few who are often supervised by members of the council or those who would be able to interfere with their killings.

Sea Witch - (Taken) She came to the village on a particularly stormy night. Her powers controlling the ocean have been only helpful for the time that she's inhabited The Hollows, however, everyone is wary as it is known that a sea witch is a being of mass destruction. She mostly keeps to herself in her home on a cliff which overlooks the ocean. While she has the ability to take on the form of a mermaid, she keeps to her human form and sells things such as charms and potions for those who are needing safe travels across the waters.

Vampires - They are not the blood-sucking villains that plague stories, but are rather the wisest of those in The Hollows. They are the ones that often keep order within the village and have much influence over those who go to them for guidance. They aren't allowed to feast on the blood of something other than animals or something provided to them by those who have dealings outside of the village. They are kept under supervision when there has been a large hunt or killing as they have relatively bad tempers when blood is involved.

Werewolves - Some of the most temperamental of all those who live in the village. They mix well with almost everyone but have rough relationships with a few races. There is only one pack within the village as if there was more than one, it would certainly cause tension and much more aggression than is needed. They are the ones who are responsible for taking on major hunts that help provide not only for themselves but also for the village. They can fully transform into wolves.

Witches/Warlocks - They are the ones who mostly help in terms of medicine. Dark magic has been long forbidden so many of the witches and warlocks make potions, charms, and other things for those in the village. They are the doctors of the village and have great power within the village itself. They are one of the races that is said to be able to venture out of the woods into the world beyond. It is unknown whether they have done this though.


name... persephone
alias... eden andreas
gender... cis. female
age... unknown (looks 22)
sexuality... omnisexual
role... the sea witch

face claim... aya shalkar
height... 5'6"
weight... 120 lbs
race... mermaid/witch
body mods...
x x x x
style... x x x
features... freckles
the sea witch
the sea wants me and i'm willing to drown

by persephone__ 2 days ago
likes... the ocean, traveling, magic, potions, reading, festivals, ghost stories, other cultures, learning new languages, rainy mornings

dislikes... snow, unnecessary violence, sirens, spicy foods, killing humans, curses, black magic, death, super warm weather

habits... organizes/cleans when stressed,




magic... her magic is strong as she has power over the ocean and everything that is involved with it (as most sea witches). her magic is rarely used as she has no use for it at this point in time. she mainly uses her powers to make charms and tokens for safe travels across the ocean. she does have days where the sea is restless due to her influence but nobody questions it. she also provides charms for the mermaids and the select few sirens so that they can take human form out of the ocean.

moral alignment... neautral

by persephone__ 3 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius congue neque, quis rhoncus neque blandit et. Aenean ipsum leo, efficitur nec ex quis, mattis fermentum odio. Morbi semper sem sem, sed efficitur eros tincidunt nec. Vivamus interdum orci nec odio mollis eleifend at ac enim. Proin quam lorem, maximus vitae maximus quis, placerat eu dolor. Duis aliquam varius felis, sit amet luctus magna ullamcorper non. Sed convallis orci at mi volutpat, tempor tristique mi finibus. Proin auctor sem nec orci mollis, sed tincidunt enim gravida.

Suspendisse placerat ultricies lacus, in commodo tellus dapibus nec. Phasellus lobortis nisi ac iaculis maximus. Sed odio elit, imperdiet at arcu eget, iaculis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sed quam sit amet consectetur. Vestibulum feugiat sapien enim, et lobortis lacus tempus sed. Quisque placerat convallis felis ut efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin dapibus nisi nisi, ac imperdiet eros fermentum a. Phasellus maximus odio lectus, at auctor metus feugiat fermentum. Fusce facilisis lacus neque, ut hendrerit libero pellentesque eu. Fusce id dui vel arcu rhoncus malesuada. Praesent tempus semper lacinia. Suspendisse aliquet ex a ante laoreet, ut tempor turpis molestie. Vivamus a interdum lacus, vitae aliquet ligula. Praesent cursus risus non ultrices accumsan. Phasellus lectus quam, ultricies ac iaculis a, efficitur nec justo. Proin non nunc tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus quis, pretium ex. Nulla non massa eros. Nam sem quam, varius quis lobortis in, ullamcorper in urna. Sed condimentum id enim nec porta.

Mauris non est elit. Curabitur orci enim, laoreet ultricies felis in, ultricies molestie neque. Morbi viverra odio a ex ornare hendrerit. Vestibulum nulla velit, fringilla tempus pretium vel, sollicitudin quis metus. Etiam ultricies et dui non gravida. Duis quis urna ante. Ut eleifend enim lacus, consequat fermentum magna accumsan non. Phasellus pretium, nunc sit amet luctus ornare, dui erat pharetra ante, vitae sollicitudin augue ex id ligula. Ut suscipit libero eu eros condimentum, eget sollicitudin ipsum aliquam. Etiam a sem felis. Quisque ipsum orci, volutpat lacinia faucibus ac, maximus vel quam. Nullam ullamcorper velit sed purus consequat, nec convallis tortor luctus.

by persephone__ 5 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius congue neque, quis rhoncus neque blandit et. Aenean ipsum leo, efficitur nec ex quis, mattis fermentum odio. Morbi semper sem sem, sed efficitur eros tincidunt nec. Vivamus interdum orci nec odio mollis eleifend at ac enim. Proin quam lorem, maximus vitae maximus quis, placerat eu dolor. Duis aliquam varius felis, sit amet luctus magna ullamcorper non. Sed convallis orci at mi volutpat, tempor tristique mi finibus. Proin auctor sem nec orci mollis, sed tincidunt enim gravida.

Suspendisse placerat ultricies lacus, in commodo tellus dapibus nec. Phasellus lobortis nisi ac iaculis maximus. Sed odio elit, imperdiet at arcu eget, iaculis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sed quam sit amet consectetur. Vestibulum feugiat sapien enim, et lobortis lacus tempus sed. Quisque placerat convallis felis ut efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin dapibus nisi nisi, ac imperdiet eros fermentum a. Phasellus maximus odio lectus, at auctor metus feugiat fermentum. Fusce facilisis lacus neque, ut hendrerit libero pellentesque eu. Fusce id dui vel arcu rhoncus malesuada. Praesent tempus semper lacinia. Suspendisse aliquet ex a ante laoreet, ut tempor turpis molestie. Vivamus a interdum lacus, vitae aliquet ligula. Praesent cursus risus non ultrices accumsan. Phasellus lectus quam, ultricies ac iaculis a, efficitur nec justo. Proin non nunc tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus quis, pretium ex. Nulla non massa eros. Nam sem quam, varius quis lobortis in, ullamcorper in urna. Sed condimentum id enim nec porta.

Mauris non est elit. Curabitur orci enim, laoreet ultricies felis in, ultricies molestie neque. Morbi viverra odio a ex ornare hendrerit. Vestibulum nulla velit, fringilla tempus pretium vel, sollicitudin quis metus. Etiam ultricies et dui non gravida. Duis quis urna ante. Ut eleifend enim lacus, consequat fermentum magna accumsan non. Phasellus pretium, nunc sit amet luctus ornare, dui erat pharetra ante, vitae sollicitudin augue ex id ligula. Ut suscipit libero eu eros condimentum, eget sollicitudin ipsum aliquam. Etiam a sem felis. Quisque ipsum orci, volutpat lacinia faucibus ac, maximus vel quam. Nullam ullamcorper velit sed purus consequat, nec convallis tortor luctus.

by persephone__ 6 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius congue neque, quis rhoncus neque blandit et. Aenean ipsum leo, efficitur nec ex quis, mattis fermentum odio. Morbi semper sem sem, sed efficitur eros tincidunt nec. Vivamus interdum orci nec odio mollis eleifend at ac enim. Proin quam lorem, maximus vitae maximus quis, placerat eu dolor. Duis aliquam varius felis, sit amet luctus magna ullamcorper non. Sed convallis orci at mi volutpat, tempor tristique mi finibus. Proin auctor sem nec orci mollis, sed tincidunt enim gravida.

Suspendisse placerat ultricies lacus, in commodo tellus dapibus nec. Phasellus lobortis nisi ac iaculis maximus. Sed odio elit, imperdiet at arcu eget, iaculis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sed quam sit amet consectetur. Vestibulum feugiat sapien enim, et lobortis lacus tempus sed. Quisque placerat convallis felis ut efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin dapibus nisi nisi, ac imperdiet eros fermentum a. Phasellus maximus odio lectus, at auctor metus feugiat fermentum. Fusce facilisis lacus neque, ut hendrerit libero pellentesque eu. Fusce id dui vel arcu rhoncus malesuada. Praesent tempus semper lacinia. Suspendisse aliquet ex a ante laoreet, ut tempor turpis molestie. Vivamus a interdum lacus, vitae aliquet ligula. Praesent cursus risus non ultrices accumsan. Phasellus lectus quam, ultricies ac iaculis a, efficitur nec justo. Proin non nunc tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus quis, pretium ex. Nulla non massa eros. Nam sem quam, varius quis lobortis in, ullamcorper in urna. Sed condimentum id enim nec porta.

Mauris non est elit. Curabitur orci enim, laoreet ultricies felis in, ultricies molestie neque. Morbi viverra odio a ex ornare hendrerit. Vestibulum nulla velit, fringilla tempus pretium vel, sollicitudin quis metus. Etiam ultricies et dui non gravida. Duis quis urna ante. Ut eleifend enim lacus, consequat fermentum magna accumsan non. Phasellus pretium, nunc sit amet luctus ornare, dui erat pharetra ante, vitae sollicitudin augue ex id ligula. Ut suscipit libero eu eros condimentum, eget sollicitudin ipsum aliquam. Etiam a sem felis. Quisque ipsum orci, volutpat lacinia faucibus ac, maximus vel quam. Nullam ullamcorper velit sed purus consequat, nec convallis tortor luctus.

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wip female siren/mermaid- venus oceana
daughter of the most powerful siren
she's taught to be extremely powerful, but she wants to use her voice for good
many think she's a mermaid because of her friendly presence
although she's a sweetheart, she will be hostile if she has a good reason
hella alluring, silky-smooth, sugary voice (but tries not to use it to mess with others)
sings in private

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[div class=wcontainer4][div class=window4Close][div class=windowX]X[/div][/div][div class=window4][div class=scroll4] [div class=fancy]uxie♡[/div]
uxie, back at it again with another messy cs code
(why do u only do cs codes)
i can't really say i tried something that new this time but i've been slowly figuring it out. this one only took me like, what, 5 hours? haha. ): the layout and general aesthetic (is there even one) is credited to my good friend /u/roommate. her ideas r fresh and great and good for me bc im uncreative af
ive been harassing her 2 give me layout ideas as of late bc she's p new to coding while i am (???) not. so it's fun.

she's getting p good at it actually monkaS

anyways, as always, this code is free to use as long as you keep this cool little thing here. notice i always do this 4 the ones i spend way too much time on lol. it might be a bit laggy when ur editing it bc there's so much text oops. have fun with it, try not to edit too much it might break? i hope not. i've been trying to get mine to break less • ͜ > •
for the background i lit just googled vaporwave background LOL
palette used (w/ a few edits from me ofc)

disclaimer: this code isn't mobile friendly nor tablet-friendly (bIG SAD) bc the dimensions are way too big!! the stuff itself might not fuck up, but a lot of things'll be cut off, so it's recommended it only be viewed on pc. then again, you couldn't see this part if you were on mobile or tablet, i'm p sure ?



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Character Completion

V a m p i r e​

Violet Darcy McClevin

Name x Violet Darcy McClevin
Nicknames x Vi, Darc
Age x Unknown
Gender x Female
Sexuality x Pansexual
Role x Vampire
Occupation x Helps to run the village library, and an educator

FC x Kiernan Shipka
Race x Vampire
Height x 5'2"
Weight x 102 Ibs
Body modifications x Pierced ears

Likes x Reading, nature, history
Dislikes x Sweets, hot weather
Strengths x Good listener, helpful, leader
Weaknesses x Stubborn, rarely a follower
Habits/Quirks x Bites on lips when nervous or thinking, scrunches nose when annoyed
Magic x Violet has the stereotypical vampire powers that humans often believe bloodsuckers to have: enhanced speed, fast reflexes, abnormal strength, and enhanced hearing. She never truly engaged in practicing her abilities, making them not as powerful as they could be. There is only one power she ever cared about enough to practice, and it was her ability to play with people's minds. She could easily insert thoughts, as well as remove some. Above all, no, she does not turn to ash when coming into contact with the sun.
Moral alignment x Believes humans should be treated with respect, and that not all of them are the enemy

Personality x Violet is quiet and calm, and her curiosity drives her mad; she's constantly exploring and learning new things. More often than not, people describe her as 'good' or 'innocent'. She never denies this, and believes herself to just be classic. The way in which she speaks is fairly proper, as being respectful to others is very important to her. She may also come off as boring, but tries her hardest not to seem that way. Maintaining friendships has been hard, not only because of what others say about her, but because she believes they are difficult to keep up with.
Biography x Judging by the fact that Violet is at least a couple centuries old, it's hard for her to remember much about her past. She can remember the important things on most days, but sometimes it doesn't all come to her so easily. One thing she knows for sure is that she was turned by a kind doctor who realized that she was ill and dying. She's almost certain that she was an innocent human in the forest, making her way to the village, but she can't remember why. There is always the lingering thought that she could have been trying to hunt and kill innocent beings, but she always pushes it away; the very idea makes her sick to her stomach.

Violet doesn't remember her family, nor does she care. What matters now is that she helps to run the village library. Despite not remembering much about her own past, she has quite the extensive knowledge of a variety of subjects. History has always been something she held a passion for; who knows, maybe she lived to see one of the events she tells the others about?
Relationships x N/A
e r i p m a V​
code by pasta​
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Character Completion

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margin-left: 200px; [/class] [script class=image on=init] addClass showimg image removeClass show content1 removeClass show content2 removeClass show content3 removeClass show content4 [/script] [script class=name on=click] addClass showimg image removeClass show content1 removeClass show content2 removeClass show content3 removeClass show content4 [/script] [script class=tab1 on=click] addClass show content1 removeClass show content2 removeClass show content3 removeClass show content4 removeClass showimg image [/script] [script class=tab2 on=click] addClass show content2 removeClass show content1 removeClass show content3 removeClass show content4 removeClass showimg image [/script] [script class=tab3 on=click] addClass show content3 removeClass show content1 removeClass show content2 removeClass show content4 removeClass showimg image [/script] [script class=tab4 on=click] addClass show content4 removeClass show content1 removeClass show content2 removeClass show content3 removeClass showimg image [/script] [script class=tab1 on=mouseenter] addClass slide Basics [/script] [script class=tab1 on=mouseleave] removeClass slide Basics [/script] [script class=tab2 on=mouseenter] addClass slide Appearance [/script] [script class=tab2 on=mouseleave] removeClass slide Appearance [/script] [script class=tab3 on=mouseenter] addClass slide Persona [/script] [script class=tab3 on=mouseleave] removeClass slide Persona [/script] [script class=tab4 on=mouseenter] addClass slide Gallery [/script] [script class=tab4 on=mouseleave] removeClass slide Gallery [/script] [div class=container] [div class=box1] [div class=image][/div] [div class=content1] [div class=image1][/div] [div class=para]Full Name: Nolan Borden | Alias/Nicknames: N/A | Age: 20 | Gender: Male | Sexuality: Bisexual | Role: Elf | What they do for/in the village: Helps moderate hunts, and tries to bring happiness into the village[/div][/div] [div class=content2] [div class=image2][/div] [div class=para]Face Claim: Froy Gutierrez | Race: Elf | Height: 5'10" | Weight: 154 Ibs | Body Modifications: N/A[/div][/div] [div class=content3] [div class=image3][/div] [div class=para]Likes: ✔Laughter ✔Having fun ✔Fruit ✔Eating in general | Dislikes: ✘Buzzkills ✘Stuck-ups ✘Bugs | Habits/Quirks: Runs his hands through his hair often, and must always be moving somehow | Strengths: Energetic, helpful (when he wants to be), constantly trying to put a smile on others faces | Weaknesses: Loud, sometimes lazy, stubborn, somewhat childish, short temper | Magic: N/A | Moral alignment: Finds discomfort in humans/somewhat fears them | Personality: Nolan is what some might consider a man-child. He's almost always bursting with energy, and can be heard laughing from practically miles away. Life is some sort of game to him, and he's in it to win it. If something doesn't go his way, he might just throw a fit. Not much is taken seriously by him, besides his duties. He enjoys helping around, don't get him wrong, but sometimes it just sounds better to lounge around and eat some strawberries. | Biography: It's always been about having fun in life, ever since the day Nolan was birthed. He's the eldest, and always took pride in it. When his first younger brother was born, he felt ecstatic and blessed with some huge responsibility. His childhood was filled with laughter and smiles; that is, until his younger brother suddenly disappeared. Despite the numerous weeks of searching, he and his parents found nothing. There was a break from the endless fun, and everything was gloomy. It was some years later that his parents decided to have more children; they felt that their son was lonely. Eventually, the twins were born, and Nolan felt that he could be happy again. There' still a dull ache in his heart from his first younger brother, but he hides it with a bright smile. His younger siblings know nothing of their lost older sibling, and the Borden family hopes to keep it that way. | Family: Father, mother, younger brother, younger sister | Relationships: N/A | [/div] [/div] [div class=content4] [div class=g1][/div] [div class=g2][/div] [div class=g3][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by wonhae[/div] [div class=name]Nolan Borden[/div] [div class=tabcontainer] [div class=tab1]i.[/div] [div class=tab2]ii.[/div] [div class=tab3]iii.[/div] [div class=tab4]vi.[/div] [/div] [div class=Basics]Basics[/div] [div class=Appearance]Appearance[/div] [div class=Persona]Persona[/div] [div class=Gallery]Gallery[/div] [/div]
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Full Name: Tempest Rosalie Brekkr
Alias/Nicknames: Rose, Rosa, Temp
Age: Unknown, looks 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Water Nymph
What they do for/in the village: Events​




Face Claim: Bridgette Satterlee
Race: Nymph
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125lbs
Body Modifications:


Likes: Music, Art, Oceans, Travel, nature, jewelry, fun
Dislikes: Tight spaces, big egos, being bored,
Habits/Quirks: Touches jewelry when nervous or in deep thought, taps fingers/foot when excited
Strengths: Problem solver, selfless, fun to be around, intelligent
Weaknesses: Indecisive, curious, temperamental, perfectionist
Magic: Illusion: User can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. (She mostly uses it to make special events in the village better, or to better people's moods. Only does with permission unless absolutely necessary.)
Moral alignment: Chaotic Good/: Does what she believes to be just and good. Believes that everyone, even humans should be treated equally and with the utmost kindness unless given a reason not to.

Personality & History
Tempest is Constantly buzzing with energy and excitement. Around her friends she is always bright, bubbly, hyper, and fun. She extremely intuitive when it comes to people, due in part to her magic. She is curious and it sometimes gets her into trouble, but she doesn't mean any harm to anyone ever...unless they hurt her friends or family. She is extremely kind and selfless, wanting everyone to have fun and enjoy life every every chance they get. But, she easily becomes serious and mature when the situation calls for it. She tries to be positive all the time, but can have a bit of a wild temper. She also can be a bit of a perfectionist, but only because she wants everything to go well for those around her.
Tempest was born off the coast of Naples, Italy. She had an amazing, kind, and supportive family with a few brothers and sisters. When she was around 4 however, a tropical storm swept through the coast and left her separated from her family. That's how she ended up in the Hollows. They all took her in and raised her as their own, she grew to love the village and everyone in it. She wonders what became of her family, but doesn't like to dwell on the past sad memories. A family of witches/warlocks very high up in ranking in the village actually took her in though she likes to spend her days out by the water.
She doesn't truly remember her biological family, but her "adoptive parents" are a high up witch and wizard, well-respected across the village. She also has a non-biological warlock brother who she is pretty close to.
Open :)

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Full Name: Zoey Simmons
Alias/Nicknames: Simmons, Watergirl, Zoe
Age: 19, (Looks 17)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Mermaid
What they do for/in the village: Help people with just about anything, and bring the village fish

Face Claim: Lily Collins
Race: Mermaid; Seems almost British(Sounds British)
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120 (About)
Body Modifications: (Has none)

Likes: She loves nice people and the water
Dislikes: She hates rude people and bullies
Habits/Quirks: She tends to fiddle/play with her hair when nervous, and she also taps her foot when impatient
Strengths: Her sister (Literally makes her stronger), Theo (Makes her want to fight harder, for him)
Weaknesses: Her sister, Theo, and heights
Magic: She can put an air bubble over someone's head or make water appear like a forcefield or something
Moral alignment: She believes that everyone deserves a second chance, and she has always been interested by the thought of humans, and thinks they could be quite good people if they tried.

Zoey is a very kind mermaid, she is quite loving and caring as well. If she sees a fish caught in a net it breaks her heart, and her twin sister and Theo are the only ones who have ever been able to see Zoey when she is being snarky and sarcastic. She is pretty calm though sometimes things bring out the anger in her (Ex: Stupidity, Rudeness, Dumping trash in water, acting better than everyone, etc). She is also very helpful and if she sees someone injured or in need of assistance she will instantly try to help them out and has even saved a few people from drowning with magic risking that humans would see her.

Biography: When she met her now best friend Theo
Family: her mother Izzy, her sister Skye (Twin)

Relationships: She doesn't really have any actual relationships
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female Vampire wip
Tauriel Valtore !


Magic: Aside from the vampire abilities she ahs the ability to read minds
Moral alignment: Make sure to include their opinion of humans

It must be a minimum of one detailed paragraph describing the vices and virtues of your character


Full Name: Tauriel Valtore
Alias/Nicknames: Val
Age: 22
Gender: Cis-female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Vampire
What they do for/in the village: Head of villiage security
Face Claim: @melvnin
Race: African
Height: 5'7"
Body Modifications: x.x.x.x.


Biography: Please list important events for your character from birth until now.
Family: If applicable

Other: Anything you would like to add to this sheet.

code by pasta pasta
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Storm Warlock

  • Storm1.jpg

    Full Name:
    Xander Elysian Brekker

    Alias/Nicknames: Optional
    Dr. Brekkr

    Age: 18+



    Storm Warlock

    What they do for/in the village:
    Village Doctor


Okay so it took me a bit but I have another character))

Full Name: Thorne Richardson
Alias/Nicknames: prefers to be called Theo
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Human that doesn't cause trouble
What they do for/in the village: Fixing literally anything


Face Claim: Sam Claflin
Race: Human
Height: 5'8
Weight: 170 Ibs
Body Modifications: None

Likes: Laughter, and friends, helping out anywhere he can
Dislikes: Negative people, people that do bad things
Habits/Quirks: He taps his foot and twiddles his thumbs when anxious or nervous.
Strengths: Seeing his best friend (Zoey), or having tools near him
Weaknesses: Seeing his best friend get hurt, fear of fire
Magic: Doesn't have magic

He loves to laugh and joke around, along with hearing others laugh. He is also quite sarcastic and makes light of even the worst situations possible, and people normally get super annoyed or mad at him. The only one he has managed to stay close friends with is Zoey, though he is good at making other regular friends. He is also nice and kind, and if someone hurts his friends he will be serious about getting revenge for them. He would literally give his life to save Zoey's, which is something he would rarely do.

Biography: When he was a really young kid he had another best friend named Julia, but when his home got attacked she was ripped from his hold and he never saw her again. About 2 years after that his mother and father were killed in a fire which is the cause for his fear of it. Then he met Zoey when he came to the Hollows a few years after his parents' deaths.
Family: No more family left

Relationships: His close relationship with Zoey
Other: He secretly fell for Zoey but he does a great job of hiding it
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[div class=base]
[div class=left][div class=image][/div][div class=circle]A[/div]
[div class=header]Arlon[/div][div class=sub]MYSTERIOUS RECLUSIVE LONESOME[/div][div class=physical]6 FT. 3 IN.[/div]
[div class=physical]190 LBS.[/div]
[div class=physical]BLACK HAIR[/div]
[div class=physical]DARK BROWN EYES[/div][/div]
[div class=right][div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PROFILE[/div]
[div class=colorbox]NAME[/div] Arlon Saradeau
[div class=colorbox]AGE[/div] Unknown, appears 27 physically
[div class=colorbox]GENDER[/div] Male
[div class=colorbox]SEXUALITY[/div] Pansexual
[div class=colorbox]ROLE[/div] Black Dog
[div class=colorbox]OCCUPATION[/div] Protects the woods.
[div class=colorbox]STATUS[/div] Active (Alive)
[div class=colorbox]FACECLAIM[/div]Francisco Faria

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PERSONA[/div]
[div class=colorbox]LIKES[/div] nature, people-watching, hunting, farming, crafting, night time
[div class=colorbox]DISLIKES[/div] trespassers, leeks, water, liars, being scene, rodents, oceans
[div class=colorbox]HABITS & QUIRKS[/div] scowls a lot, scrunches his nose at distasteful things, pretends he's not interested, sleeps under the sun, sleeps in trees, wears a cloak to hide his face
[div class=colorbox]STRENGTHS[/div] self-preserving, sensible, responsible, running, fighting,
[div class=colorbox]WEAKNESSES[/div] charitable, lenient, untrusting, independent, swimming,

[div class=colorbox]MORAL ALIGNMENT[/div] True Neutral; Arlon's actions are extremely confusing at times. He may help a lost boy in the woods one day, but if said boy were to find Arlen at his home, he would be less than welcoming.

[div class=colorbox]MAGIC[/div] Though not necessarily magic because it is part of who he is, Arlon can shift from his human form to his Black Dog form with the blink of an eye. As a Black Dog, he is half a size larger than normal-sized wolves and werewolves but bears similar physical attributes. His body emits a very faint, shadowy aura and his eyes are a striking red that can be seen from kilometers away. His tail is also nearly the length of his body.

Arlon also has an unexplainable sense when someone has entered his territory or when people or spirits nearby have lost their way.

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]PERSONALITY[/div]
enigmatic, aloof, distant, self-reliant, mediatory, even-handed, fair, indifferent, and impartial
independent, inconsistent, unpredictable, sometimes selfish, confusing, unfettered, free, and individualistic

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]BACKGROUND[/div]
[div class=colorbox]BIOGRAPHY[/div] Arlon was summoned many, many years ago by a witch that practiced dark magic. In fact, it wasn't long after the the Hollows was founded that he was welcomed into the world by Elizabeth Saradeau. During this time, witches were extremely frowned upon by nearly every race except their own, however, dark magic was even frowned upon by those who were magical adept. This led to Elizabeth being an outcast and summoning creatures from Hell, or Black Dogs.

There were a total of three black dogs, with Arlon being the last one to join. By then, Elizabeth was already a middle aged woman who'd made her home in a house along the outskirts of the Hollows. People didn't really question where her new family members came from until a young boy accidentally saw Arlon shift to his true form. Frightened, the young boy reported what he witnessed to the council and Elizabeth and her family were immediately brought into question. It was later revealed that she was a witch practice dark magic and that her family members were all creations of the evilness. After some convincing, however, Elizabeth managed to convince everyone that the Black Dogs were not evil and that their purpose was to lead lost souls and people to where they belong. Unfortunately, some people were not as willing to trust her.

One night while Arlon was out guiding a lost spirit, his home was set aflame. In the fire were Elizabeth and his fellow Black Dogs. Enraged, Arlon transform into his true form and raided the village, destroying all but people in his path. When he came face-to-face with the boy that discovered his true identity and saw the fear in his eyes, however, he stopped and asked himself what he was doing. Nudging the boy gently with his snout, Arlon sprinted off into the woods and built himself a home where he resided for years to come. The only reason the council didn't ask for his death was due to him not killing anyone and the boy's testimony.

Since then, the stories of the Black Dog filled the village and children were urged to stay away from the woods. This was due to Arlon's protective nature and how he made sure everyone stayed out of his territory. There were a few lost people, of course, and he often took it upon himself to guide them back to the village. Those were the people that described his charity and what sparked the confusion of the Black Dog's true intentions.

[div class=colorbox]FAMILY[/div] None.

[div class=dot][/div][div class=header2]MISCELLANEOUS[/div]
[div class=colorbox]RELATIONSHIPS[/div] -

[div class=colorbox]BLACK DOG NOTES[/div]
• In this roleplay, a black dog is a creature from Hell that has either been summoned via dark magic or was simply placed into the living realm by an unknown force.
• Black Dogs don't necessarily age unless they want to since they are shapeshifters and due to their questionable origins.
[div class=watermark]Koala [/div][/div]
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