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Fantasy The Hollows - out of character

Should we discord this bish?

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it’s l i t !
for the banshee, is there more than one you are accepting or just one? ( i hope this question makes sense i feel like i haven’t been able to english for days )
it’s l i t !
for the banshee, is there more than one you are accepting or just one? ( i hope this question makes sense i feel like i haven’t been able to english for days )
Lmao it’s all good. I’ll probably be accepting more than one due to the size of the village and forest. There won’t be an abundance of them, but enough to keep the plot going
Lmao it’s all good. I’ll probably be accepting more than one due to the size of the village and forest. There won’t be an abundance of them, but enough to keep the plot going
oooh ! okay !
i was thinking of make siblings , a male and a female !
Lmaooo my logic: huh none of my codes match with my character so let's just code for three hours to figure out a new one
Oof just making sure but I can have more than one character right? Like 2 characters cause I'm not trying to be too wild
lmao i'm so fucking undecisive lol i love myself someone plz help
ok soon i'm really torn between 2 fcs and between whether to make my charrie a mermaid or a siren
who are the fcs

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hi yes i am going to be using my one and only face claim so far again because i'm obsessed lmao


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