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Fandom The Hidden Truth - A Star Wars RP [Closed]

Cherry Blossom

Where flowers bloom so does hope.
Looking down at the puddle in front of her Tia could hardly recognise herself. Her hip length moss brown hair had been thinned out and was brought to a tight neat bun at the top of her head; it had taken her much longer then she cared to admit perfecting it. Her skin looked even paler than it normally would in the dark grey First Order uniform. Tia looked out of place with her child like face and forest green eyes. This wasn't a place where she belonged.

Upon examining the others who were waiting for the transport to arrive she could see some underlying nerves, even though they tried to hide it. Their nerves where understandable; after all becoming a First Order officer wasn't everyone's cup of tea. It certainly wasn't Tia’s idea of fun and for her this was leaning towards a suicide mission.

Just like there was the First Order and the Resistance there was also a group known as the Righteous Guardianship. It had been around for generations. An organisation of none force users working in the shadows against all who had the force. Ìt wasn't an organisation that Tia had chosen to be a part of, with her parent's part of its higher ups she had been born into it.

Now Tia was tasked with a mission, to assassinate the infamous Kylo Ren. She didn’t really know how she would go about doing it, nor did she know if she could do it. Tia had never killed anyone before. But one thing was for sure, she wouldn’t be able to go back without his head. However this ended one thing was certain, one of them would die.

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