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Fantasy The Hedgemaze Character sheet, Accepting




Weapons if they have one?:

Magic :
Siren Song - is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards her.

Tavia is a cheerful, outgoing and adventurous. She never gives up and doesn't leave anyone behind. Sometimes a little egotistical, and can be mischievous and curious. Tavia is a very friendly girl and she will help anyone who needs it. Tavia tends to be very energetic and lively, often being tired afterwards.​

She's always lived in the Hedgemaze though sometimes she wishes she could go beyond it. Although she loves the water she wishes she could walk on land also with everyone else. Also she is quite curious about the humans.

Favorite food?:

Least favorite food?:

Favorite Color?:

Least favorite color?:

Favorite Flower?:
Doesn't have one

Least Favorite flower?:
Doesn't have one

Listening to stories

People who insult her singing

Making things out of sea shells.

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NAME: Nami
GENDER: female
SEXUALITY: bisexual
AGE: 16
Nami has a beautiful and magical voice. Whenever she sings, people or any type of creatures would be drawn towards her. She can also have feet while on land and communicate with fishes and other animals.

Nami is a naive and kind mermaid. She's really innocent and is too pure that's why others can easily fool her. She cries easily and is a total softy. She's very compassionate and is always seen smiling (if nobody's making her cry) and singing. She's also very adventurous and curios.

Nami grew up in the deep blue sea. Her parents would tell her not to get too close to the shore and Nami never knew that others aside from mermaids, fishes and birds existed. But she disobeyed her parents' rules when she was ten and ventured to the shore. There she saw many things. She saw humans, birds, cats, dogs. The moment she saw them, she had this desire to explore the land. Convincing her parents to let her go wasn't easy but she succeeded anyways. Their only condition is that she must stay on The Hedgemaze.

FAVORITE FOOD?: vegetables
Favorite Color?: white
Least favorite color?: black

Favorite Flower?: sea flowers
Least Favorite flower?: n/a

the sea
exploring the land

throwing garbage at the ocean
being picked at

swimming around

she's a cinnamon bun

Appearance(Anime style or drawing please):
Multiple Daggers
Books and poisons
Healing magic, both of health and status. Can revive the dead twice a day within the hour they died
He is a psychopath who likes to torture his captives. His torture methods are very effective, even though it gets him feared by mostly everyone. Despite his nature though, he will never hurt a friend. He won't even suspect them of betraying even if they did.
It's too horrifying to put down. I'm sorry, but I'd break many rules of the site trying to do this
Favorite food:
Least favorite food:
"The stuff they've given me in prisons"
(Yes, he's been to multiple prisons)
Favorite Color:
Least favorite color:
Favorite Flower:
Least Favorite flower:
Doesn't have one
Healing(being the healer)
Enemies who try to destroy the peace
Making poisons
Locked up at the moment
Least likely to betray anyone​
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Name: Eolande Silt
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 20
Appearance(Anime style or drawing please): How tall are fairies normally? Haha I'll type this up later
Magic (If they have it, centaurs, giant and humans cannot have magic) : Earth magic
Favorite food?: Lettuce *seductive eyebrow wiggleApples
Least favorite food?: Turnips
Favorite Color?: Gray
Least favorite color?: Purple
Favorite Flower?:
Least Favorite flower?:

or lol ill change the image later idk yet
Name: Touketsu
Gender: Male
Sexuality: gay aS HELL
Age: 18
Appearance(Anime style or drawing please): Touketsu is a total of 5'2" in height, not including his ears. Including his ears, he's about 5'4".
Fox transformation if a Kitsune:
Weapons if they have one?:
Magic (If they have it, centaurs, giant and humans cannot have magic) :
Personality: Touketsu is... lazy, to say the least. He'd much rather be napping than doing anything that falls in the same general universe as 'useful'. Even when he's awake and doing things, he constantly seems to be half asleep and not at all invested in what's going on- who allowed this man to exist, again?
Favorite food?:
Least favorite food?:
Favorite Color?:
Least favorite color?:
Favorite Flower?:
Cornflowers and roses. He can't decide which.
Least Favorite flower?:
He feels like Sunflowers are challenging his height Mums

Emilia "Em" Darling
Appearance(Anime style or drawing please):
Weapons if they have one?: Her charm of course
Magic (If they have it, centaurs, giant and humans cannot have magic): The magic ability to look like a guy without even trying
Favorite food?:
Beef stew
Least favorite food?:
Favorite Color?:
Least favorite color?:
Favorite Flower?:
Least Favorite flower?:
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Name: Kiragi
Creature: Kitsune
Fox form: kitsune fox form.jpg
likes: Night time, darkness(feels comforted by it), friendliness.
dislikes: Humans, loneliness, pain, hurting creatures.
fears: Humans, Mist.
Age: 19
Bio: When I was a child i spent my life in the forrest. i had no parents or friends and whoever i met would chase me away because the humans hunt my kind and felt I would only bring them trouble and death. I had to scavange for food and often slept in the rain and cold. When I was twelve I was captured by the humans and while they were taking me to their base i turned into my fox form and escaped. Just before i got away one of the humans stabbed my third tail ito the ground and i had to rip through my tail to escape which split the tip of it in half. after i got away i craweld into a little cave and didnt leave for a week. I left when I couldn't stand the hunger anymore. I found a small rabbit and when i finnished eating it I ran. I ran for hours and hours until my little muscles couldn't move anymore. Then i just slept and when i awoke i found a hollow tree to hide in. I lived there for a few years, shifting very rarely into my human form only to remember what it felt like and feed the owls that i had befriended near the tree. Even after they learned to fly two of them always came back to the tree. At the age of 18 i decided to begin traveling again and the two owls that i named "krali" and "Kili" followed me in the skies and after a year of traveling they lead me to the Hedgemaze.

Personality: As a human, Kiragi is talkative to people that are nice to him. He is very protective of creatures and his two owl friends aspecially as they were his first friends. He enjoys talking to other creatures even though he doesn't often have the opportunity. As a fox, Kiragi is very playfull and intuitive and enjoys staring at the stars during the night.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Gender: Male
Favorite food?: rabbit
Least favorite food?: none
Favorite Color?:Red
Least favorite color?: none
Favorite Flower?: none
Least Favorite flower?: none
Hobbies?: climbing trees, watching stars
Other?: hasn't spoken to another creature in a year
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Name: Morwenna

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Super gay, but afraid to come out to others.

Age: 14 yrs old

Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.co...78ce2b1fd80b--chibi-mermaid-anime-mermaid.jpg

- A simple spear made out of driftwood, and a shark's tooth. Used for hunting.

- Like all Mermaids, Morwenna has the ability to charm other people by song. However, she chooses not to use this power.

Personality: To put it simply, she's a cinnamon bun. Like, she's too pure for this world.

Background: Nothing interesting. Was born, still has a childhood, still living with parents. Y'know, stuff that a child would have normally experienced.

Favorite food?: Shrimp

Least favorite food?: Seaweed

Favorite Color?: Has never really understood why people have favorite colours. I mean, they're just hues that brighten up our day.

Least favorite color?: ^ ^

Favorite Flower?: Has no idea what flowers are.

Least Favorite flower?: ^ ^

- Pearls
- Shrimp
- Racing with ocean life
- The ocean when the sun has set

- Oil Spills
- Seaweed
- Fishermen
- Sharks

- Exploring the ocean
- Pearl Hunting


Name: Levin Wood

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 17

Appearance(Anime style or drawing please): 5'9" , 180 lbs. He has bright white hair and red eyes. Levin has a slim frame.

Fox transformation if a Kitsune: N/A

Weapons if they have one?: N/A

Skills: 9th degree black belt in Martial Arts

Magic (If they have it, centaurs, giant and humans cannot have magic) : N/A

Personality: Levin is easily aggitated. He doesn't hesitate when it comes to fighting and he often doesn't plan out his attacks when angry. If you are Levin's friend, he is more tolerable with you than with others. Levin is very intelligent. When he manages to put his thoughts together, Levin can do incredible things. However, most times he lets his temper get the best of him.

Background: Levins was born in a small town near the Hedgemaze. His parents were factory workers who worked most of the time. At home, Levin was left with his younger cousin, Javar. Levin and Javar were close like brothers. They did everything together. One day, Javar and Levin were walking home from a trip to the village market. During their walk, something caught the attention of Javar. The Hedgemaze. It's natural beauty pulled Javar's attention. Levin told him to stray away but Javar paid him no mind. Before he could stop him, Javar ran in the maze with no hesitation. He never returned. For hours, Levin stood outside the maze. Waiting. Hoping for Javar's return. As days turned into months and months into years, Levin's hatred ran deep for any creature other then the human race. He began taking different Martial Arts classes as an outlet. He proved to be very good at Karate and by age 17 he became a 9th degree black belt. This made him the youngest Grandmaster in Karate of all time. On his 17th birthday, Levin vowed to avenge Javar's death. And if that meant destroying the Hedgemaze and everything in it, that's exactly what he would do.

Favorite food?: Apple pie

Least favorite food?: English peas

Favorite Color?: Red

Least favorite color?: White

Favorite Flower?: Rose

Least Favorite flower?: Illy Flower

Likes: Fighting, Knives, Sports

Dislikes: Romance, Creatures

Hobbies?: In his spare time, one can find Levin practicing some sick moves on a punching pag, or sparring with a partner

Other?: Levin has an extreme bloodlust
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Name: Iris Palar
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
Appearance: Her natural hair color is blonde but she dyes her hair often

Weapons: When it comes to combat Iris prefers hand to hand combat but she is quite skilled with a bow.
Magic: N/A
Personality: There's a lot to say about Iris, but at the very least she's companionably and surprising. Of course she's also brilliant, daring and responsive, but far less strongly and often mixed with appearing quite cold as well.
Her companionship though, this is what she's kind of cherished for. People often count on this and her earnestness whenever they need cheering up. But her daring nature isn't always a good thing, she tends to take a lot of risks whether they be for another's happiness or if she just wants a little excitement in her life. It's best to keep a good eye on her when she is about to do something risky since she can be a little clumsy.
Background: Not much can be said about Iris's background, as a child her mother read her stories about mythical creatures which she greatly enjoyed listening to, her father taught her archery when she got much older but her life was pretty much boring until she finished school. She walks past the Hedge every day wondering what its like on where all the creatures were but she continues walking. When it comes to the meeting about it she goes out of her way to avoid going to them, she hates being cooped up in a stuffy room as well as the fact she wonders why we can't leave the creatures on their own.
Favorite food: Hamburgers
Least favorite food: Sushi
Favorite Color: She likes both blue and green - she usually dyes her hair these colors
Least favorite color: Yellow
Favorite Flower: Cherry blossoms
Least Favorite flower: Daisies
Likes: Exploring especially forests and music
Dislikes: Being stuck inside for a long period of time
Hobbies: Reading and archery
Other: Avoids going to the meetings about the hedge.​
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Name: Iris Palar
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
Appearance: Her natural hair color is blonde but she dyes her hair often

Weapons: When it comes to combat Iris prefers hand to hand combat but she is quite skilled with a bow.
Magic: N/A
Personality: There's a lot to say about Iris, but at the very least she's companionably and surprising. Of course she's also brilliant, daring and responsive, but far less strongly and often mixed with appearing quite cold as well.
Her companionship though, this is what she's kind of cherished for. People often count on this and her earnestness whenever they need cheering up. But her daring nature isn't always a good thing, she tends to take a lot of risks whether they be for another's happiness or if she just wants a little excitement in her life. It's best to keep a good eye on her when she is about to do something risky since she can be a little clumsy.
Background: Not much can be said about Iris's background, as a child her mother read her stories about mythical creatures which she greatly enjoyed listening to, her father taught her archery when she got much older but her life was pretty much boring until she finished school. She walks past the Hedge every day wondering what its like on where all the creatures were but she continues walking. When it comes to the meeting about it she goes out of her way to avoid going to them, she hates being cooped up in a stuffy room as well as the fact she wonders why we can't leave the creatures on their own.
Favorite food: Hamburgers
Least favorite food: Sushi
Favorite Color: She likes both blue and green - she usually dyes her hair these colors
Least favorite color: Yellow
Favorite Flower: Cherry blossoms
Least Favorite flower: Daisies
Likes: Exploring especially forests and music
Dislikes: Being stuck inside for a long period of time
Hobbies: Reading and archery
Other: Avoids going to the meetings about the hedge.​
beautifull character model btw been thinking about doing the whole hair dye thing in real life as well as the tattoos and as well as the tattoos just have to say well done
beautifull character model btw been thinking about doing the whole hair dye thing in real life as well as the tattoos and as well as the tattoos just have to say well done
Thank you, I hope when ever you do dye your hair and get a tattoo it turns out well for you

Perdoceo Sagitta

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Age: 29
Weapons: A Bow with Normal arrows along with Celestial Arrows and his knowledge

Personality: On the contrary to his overwhelming stature, Perdoceo is an all around welcoming person, holding no grudges against anyone. His intellect allows him to be more understanding towards someone's situation and patient to those who are stubborn.
From time to time he will take pride in his skills as an archer but let others shine if he's dominating the competition

Background: Created from the eyes of Ixion and Hera. Brutish, crude, and violent, the centaurs were not a civilized race. An exception for all descendants of Chiron The Great Mentor, Perdoceo was already different from their savagery since he took his time in being a Scholar. He travels the lands to help people in their journey for fame and success passing down most of his knowledge and tapping into other's hidden potential.

Favorite Food: Highly valued medicinal plants

Least Favorite Food: Carrots

Favorite Color: Green

Least Favorite Color: Grey

Likes: Giving people rides, Music, exercise, and archery

Dislikes: People who repeatedly challenge him to no avail

Hobbies: Poet, Astrologist, and Teacher

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Name: Ile Raskob
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 24
Weapons: Dagger
Personality: While Ile may come off as brooding and mysterious, he really is just a big teddy bear. He'd do anything to protect another life, even though he is quite the loner.
Background: [ WIP ]
Favorite Food: Lemons
Least Favorite Food: Coconuts
Favorite Color: Green
Least Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Flower: Rose
Least Favorite Flower: Anemone
Likes: Gothic Literature, Bats, Science Fiction Movies, Renaissance Art, & Snakes
Dislikes: Pop Music, Chick Flicks, Fairies, Mathematics, Shakespeare, Mice, Tea, Clowns, Classical Music, & Neckties
Hobbies: The Piano

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