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The Greater Beginning Of The End. (A Original Role-play)

Axel:*grins as he begins to weave around dodging his strikes and his dagger which was producing air and blowing cold reverses sucking the air from all around him and keeping it out giving the flames nowhere to burn*
Lord of Sin (Also known as the Nameless king): "Do not tempt me boy........do not tempt me!!!" *He began to lit his flames with his sword and began to punch the ground creating a monumental explosion as he looked at him and charg3ed at him with full strength*
Axel: you are too reckless and unfocused charging in like this all I have to do is buy time and my backup will come!
Gywn: "What backup do you have boy hmmm? You have no backup...all you have is yourself......and yourself is what you have. Draw your blade and fight me fair and square."
Axel: that is where you are wrong I am never alone so long as I have my twin blades *he smiles* and if you wanted a fair fight you wouldn't have recklessly destroyed so much to try and gain an advantage!
Gywn: "Kilin will deal with Kurai and he will be the one to destroy him for good. I'm not going to allow some third rate garbage get away with his plans. You people do not care for him....you're only using him for his power. There is no such thing as "Friendship" In the underworld. Now come at me...boy!"
Axel: so that is why you destroy then your jealous of those who have found friendship family and even love, if it is you plan to take those things from this world then you will be stopped.
Gywn: "This world is filled with the dead and dead shall it so be but, if dead is the only cause of what seems to be the case. Then yes...I am jealous but, jealous enough for me to dislike it!"
Ann Marie: She teleported to Axel. "You called for back up?... And before you ask, I'm only helping you cause I'm bored." She said floating in the air above him.
???: "You best stop what you're all doing. Unless you want your friend to permanently die.....that is." *The man held Kurai's body as blood began to drip as he threw his somewhat alive corpse through the Acids of Ruin which was in the 12 layer of Earth as his body fell near a rock near lava a bit*

Ithaqa: "Kurai!"

Shirika: "Kuraaaai!!!!!"
Ann Marie: She fell on the ground at her knees. After a few seconds she muttered "Fine, I'll save him." She teleported down to the rock where Kurai was. She grabbed his hand and teleported away. They reappeared at Axel's inn. She laid him down on a bed and sat in a chair she pulled up next to the bed.
Kurai: *He woke up a bit and looked at Ann marie and looked away from her as his body was still damaged up he decided to get up but, he was struggling a bit* "Kilin........I'll have my revenge!"
Axel: now that you don't have your human shield let's see how you can handle yourself *he stands still charging up energy but ready to strike at a moments notice*

Aron: am I too late to join the party *he comes into view surfing on his shield over the lava flow started earlier*
???: *His reinforced his flame sword to a +10 as one hit would sent their opponent 60 Yards and a barrier of flames began to protect him as he was considered the first flame and looked at the two of them* "Rrrghh............Must extinguish......from this world!!"
Aron: I will be your shield if you use your swords!

Axel: sounds like a plan.

*They charge him head on together Axels swinging hastily and not holding back one bit while Aron backs him up with his shield ready to take whatever his opponent can dish out!*
???: *His Z-Sword Flame blade caught her off guard as he caught her by the neck* "Before you say anything...call of your friends.....so they know what's coming to them. Do it now....while you have the chance............and by the way my name is Zero."
Most of us are starting another Role-play on Skype. Plushato. Xisar are joining as well. I wouldn't mind you coming too.

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