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the great search
[div class=tabs][div class=tab]about
[div class=tab]rules[/div][div class=tab]fandoms[/div][div class=tab]pairings[/div][/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentabout"]
hello! i'm dogsbeforedudes, aka, chris! i'm new to the site -- though not really. i had an account here ages ago, and since it's been forever, i forgot my username and password so i thought i would start fresh! and this is my partner search. please note that i will only respond to PMs, and not comments here. a bit about myself:
  • i am twenty-one years old.
  • i tend to average around 3 - 5 good sized paragraphs per character.
  • i consider myself an advanced writer. you can expect quality content from me.
  • i write in third person, past tense.
  • i prefer to use character sheets. both simple and detailed are fine by me, but i need to use something.
  • i love to plot! the more plotting for the future, the better, because i prefer long-term roleplays.
  • i can write as both genders, and any sexuality, though i usually have preferences depending on pairings and plots.
  • i honestly prefer not to double or triple, unless we're doing canon x oc for fandoms. i love playing multiple characters, but only if the plot calls for it. i'm very against doubling just for the sake of balancing things out.
  • i use real celebrities/models as faceclaims for my characters. i also love being really visual, using pictures and gifs in replies and character sheets. i also love coding so you can expect that from me.
  • i am online quite frequently, but this does not mean i can reply every time i'm online. at the very least, i can offer a few replies a week, though if my partner is online more, i can do a few replies a day as well.
  • i can roleplay on PMs or threads, but nowhere else.
  • if you've read up to here, please mention the word 'hachi' when you contact me.
that's about it! if you want to know anything else, feel free to ask! move along to the next few tabs to see my expectations in a partner, and other fun stuff that's in store!
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here are some things i expect in a partner. if you can't fit in with these then we may not be the best people to write with each other.
  • someone who can write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per character. i'm all about quality over quantity, but i also need something to work with.
  • be flexible. i can't write with people that write only as one gender or only one sexuality.
  • please plot with me! i get very tired of partners who simply agree or disagree with everything i pitch, and offer nothing to the story themselves.
  • please be able to write in third person, past tense.
  • someone who has a good grasp over the english language, with proper sentence structure, good grammar and punctuation, and who knows the difference between 'there', 'their' and 'they're'.
  • someone who'll tell me if they're not interested in the roleplay, because communication is key!
  • someone who doesn't mind ooc chatter. i like getting to know my partners, and i feel like that helps make our story even better.
  • someone who will use real celebrities/models as faceclaims and is okay with using character sheets. coding is lovely, but certainly not a requirement.
  • please also mention the word 'buddy' when contacting me, just so i know that you've read through everything.

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentfandoms" style="display: none;"]
most of these are canon x oc pairings, but i am also open to doing oc x oc pairings. let me know what you're interested in and who you would prefer as a love interest (in canon x oc) when you contact me. remember, please PM me. i won't respond to comments here.
  • game of thrones (looking for robb, jaime or jon)
  • harry potter (looking for fred, ron or draco)
  • twilight (looking for edward)
  • riverdale (looking for jughead)
  • marvel cinematic universe (looking for peter parker, loki or tony)
  • the hunger games (looking for finnick)
  • the maze runner (looking for newt)
  • teen wolf (looking for stiles)
  • percy jackson (looking for percy)
  • how to train your dragon (looking for hiccup -- i have a real faceclaim for him too)
  • stranger things (looking for steve harrington)
  • supernatural (looking for sam or dean winchester)

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentpairings" style="display: none;"]
these are a collection of pairings i'm interested in, as well as some plot snippets that i'd be happy to expand on. the role in bold is my preferred role. remember, please PM me. i won't respond to comments here.

  • bad boy x good girl
  • misfit x cheerleader
  • jock x nerd
  • drug addict x sober
  • guy x best friend's girlfriend
  • girl x older brother's best friend
  • older brother x younger brother's best friend/girlfriend
  • vampire x human
  • vampire x hunter
  • werewolf x human
  • werewolf x hunter

  • one night | preferred role: muse b | muse a is a singer. he left his home town a while ago to pursue his dreams and came back for a concert and to get back in touch with his roots. it's just one stop along the way for his tour, and at the end of the concert, he bumps into muse b, who was dragged there by her best friend. muse a, naturally a flirt, talks her up, thinking his status as a famous singer will help, but muse b isn't interested. she isn't even a fan. this surprises muse a, who isn't used to meeting people that aren't fans. what's more, muse b is a kid he used to know in primary school. a kid he used to annoy, in fact. muse a decides to stay a few extra nights in town to get to know this girl more. he takes her out on a date, in a fancy restaurant with a fancy ride, and muse b, not used to all of this extravagance, panics and begins to leave, till muse a suggests going to a diner instead and they actually bond over a burger and fries.
  • runaway | preferred role: muse a | muse a's a classic runaway case. on an otherwise meaningless tuesday night, she slipped out of her parent’s house through a window, disappeared into the streets, and decided she was free. until, of course, she realized being a seamless runaway isn’t as easy as it seems; she needed a place to go, or at the very least, a means of getting there. she puts her fate in the hands of a trusted friend a town over. but, when she arrives at her friend’s house, she finds that her friend is no longer in residence there. she is met instead by an older, grim-faced man, muse b, who has just endured a lengthy night of drinking alone due to a rough divorce. In an act of defiance against his ex-wife, he decides to take the girl in. But, harboring a girl whose face is starting to appear on milk cartons isn’t too easy, either…
  • a cinderella story | preferred role: muse a | something along the lines of poor x rich. muse a is living with her step mother and two step sisters who do everything they can to make her life hell but she has no choice but to listen to her because her step mother is her only source of funds for college tuition. muse b is wealthy, a jock, known to all and admired by all. his father expects him to take over the family business one day after being a sports star but in reality, he has other interests that he wants to pursue and he's actually pretty smart and wants to go to college. the two of them would never have a chance to meet in school because of their social status. all they have to confide in is a text buddy. it started out as friendly emails that slowly became flirty texts and now they've decided to meet each other at the masquerade ball to make things official. what will each of them do when they find out who the other person is?
  • no i'm not a groupie | preferred role: muse b | muse a meets muse b at a club and the pick-up line that would drive these two into the bedroom? “i’m in a band.“ muse b loves band members, simply the idea of them was enough to entice, and it’s not like she expected them to call even though he promised to. little does she know that muse a would, only two days later – they invite them to a concert and of course, muse b graciously accepts the offer. she’s watching the show from backstage and muse a offers her a wink and she almost despises him for being so attractive. and as the show finishes, he’s just about to walk past her but his hand latches onto hers, guiding her into the vacant dressing room – his bandmates have all gone for a celebratory dinner, to which he insisted that he’ll be there – but he might be running a little late. thus beginning a string of after-show one night stands – are they even called one night stands anymore at this point? – regardless, their little habit is bound to be revealed. how many times are they going to show up to band meetings together, equally disheveled as if she’d performed on stage alongside them. muse b will eventually have to question what exactly is going on between them because she doesn’t want to be his secret any longer.
  • unteachable | preferred role: muse a | muse a and muse b meet one night at the carnival that comes to town every year before school starts. they hit it off well—maybe they kiss, maybe more. they exchange numbers and agree to go out sometime—there was undeniable chemistry that they both wanted to explore. all of that comes crashing down when muse a, who is a senior in high school, walks into class on the first day and finds muse b sitting behind the teachers desk. how will they cope with the discovery that a relationship would be illegal? will muse b break it off before it goes any farther? will muse a be disgusted and beg to switch classes? or will they work something out, both knowing that, if caught, muse b will lose their job, and muse a will be expelled—or worse?
  • summer trespassing | preferred role: muse a | muse a and friends rent a room at a beachfront hotel. it’s super convenient that said room is on the first floor because they can simply toss the beach umbrellas and chairs over the balcony rail after a long day of baking in the sun and sand. muse a gets back to the room first and plays catcher as friends toss up items over the balcony rail, but they can’t account for their friends’ poor aim. when a frisbee sails over to the neighbor’s balcony, muse a decides to climb over and retrieve it before anyone notices. of course, as muse a gets halfway over the rail, muse b, the hottie next door, steps out onto their balcony and catches muse a trespassing.

  • a divergent-esque universe with a faction system and maybe an unspoken hierarchy.
  • maybe something like the movie 'the last summer'? kids in their late teens (such a contradictory statement but yeah) exploring possibilities after high school and before embracing the troubles of adulthood. this could be pretty long term lots of potential drama, but also something sweet and romantic.
  • something gossip girl-ish with lies and money and romance.
  • two friends who drifted apart now come together to complete one of their bucket lists because they realised one of them only has a few months to live.
  • a group of college kids on a field trip experience some kind of blackout and wake up with powers
  • a protective dome suddenly shows up in one part of a major city, separating those inside from those outside. nobody knows how it came or why but supplies are running out and the dome is impenetrable.
  • a small town is known for its eerie tales about ghosts and the supernatural. turns out not all those stories are fictional.
  • norse/roman/greek gods are very real and have chosen appropriate human hosts — without asking first, of course.
  • foes to allies, whether in a professional work place, a gang, or as super-heroes/villains, and being forced to work together for a common goal.
  • cute but angsty school scenes. give me those unexpected pregnancies, the drugs and alcohol, and all sorts of shit that teens get into.

word bank
[ age gaps ] [ taboo ] [ parties ] [ high school ] [ drugs ] [ violence ] [ m x f ] [ m x m ] [ f x f ] [ old flames ] [ best friends ] [ road trips ] [ powers ] [ supernaturals ] [ vampires ] [ horror ] [ romance ] [ slow burns ] [ cliches (sometimes) ] [ opposites attract ] [ tension ] [ greek gods ] [ unexpected pregnancies ] [ multiple characters ] [ fandoms ] [ angst ] [ alcohol ] [ drunken mistakes ] [ reunions ] [ scandals ] [ dystopia ]
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