The Great Book of Spells with Stories


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Hello everyone and welcome.

Please , come in , sit back and enjoy a cup of magically infused tea. Here you can add any spell that comes to mind but you don't just make a spell , oh no , give your spell a bit detail because the one below you has to make a small story involving your spell. They could teach your spell , cast it , have it used on them , it doesn't matter as long as they make a story out of your spell

Now the rules are truly simple , anything is allowed but these , if there are rules left out that you feel should be here then please be my guest and mention it

- No ending the world spell or apocalypse spell
- No spell that makes you eternal
- No to OP spells or godly spell (creating civilizations , worlds , dimensions , that sort of thing )
- Don't copy someone else spell
- Don't be rude and have fun
You can use any sheet you want for the spell , take examples from others who create spells (DON'T STEAL THE ENTIRE SPELL !) , just take tips . Now since there is no spell above me , i guess i don't have to make a story but i still need to add a spell . Note : Class and Level should be added , i don't completely know how the level system works so i'll add my own level system
1 - To harmless to do any amount of damage
2 - Not too dangerous but can still hurt
3 - Used for self defense , these spells can hurt and damage you but they can't kill you most spells fall under this as they are used for duels
4 - Dangerous and can actually do quite a bit of damage to the body , can cause you to land in the hospital but still can't kill you.
5 - The deadly and forbidden spells , the spells that without a doubt can kill you and leave terrible scars if you are lucky to survive


Spell Name : Ser-saraa

Real Name : Silent Night

Method of Use : Vocal

Class : Death

Level : 1

Short Bio : One of the black sheep of the Death Class spells , though it may not be an evil spell , it can still be used for malevolent things . It is mostly used by City magical officials to put rioters to sleep as well as having a use to people wit insomnia , they can cast it upon themselves if needed . The spell affect humans only though so a pack of wolves will still be your death if this is the only spell you know
Sliver sat at her desk as her teacher explained her theory on death magic and asked the class what harmless Death Spell they knew. Silver raised her hand " well miss , i know of one death spell that is harmless and was actually used to help cure a problem i had. The spell called Ser-saraa. I know i don't use death magic but my mother does and she used this spell on several occasions , most of the time i was part of those occasions because i had insomnia and because i was an annoying child " Silver said as the class laughed and they proceeded with the rest of the day.


Name of Spell : Lupus Vocatio

English Name : The Wolf Call or Wolf Calling

Class : Summoning

Level : 4

Use : Bowing to the ground and whispering the Spell

Strength : Friend for life . Can be summoned multiple times . Can act on it's own mana reserve and needs no constant upkeep from the summoner

Weakness : It reflects it's summoner's personality which can't always be good i assume. The summon tends to dislike all but it's owner

Bio : what do you want me to put here , all you are doing is summoning a wolf that reflects your personality
Loneliness. Oh, how tall the mountain seemed, looking up. It was vigilant, mighty, with no rival to speak off anywhere in sight. Alasca felt a sense of comraderie with it. On the other hand, she envied the rain, the droplets that fell in groups one after another, they seemed to giggle in her face like children going to school together. The rain slapped her in the face as it dropped on her, then slithered out not even it wanting to stay with her, instead retreating to wash away the blood from the rocks and the corpses and the remains of her family's summer carriage.

Alasca couldn't bring herself to speak. It hurt too much. But still, she didn't want to be alone. She didn't want to GO alone. With what sliver of strength she had left, her turned her neck sideways, ignorin the snap and crack sounds. She whispered the smell, and instead of the cold harsh rain suddenly she felt warm and comfortable fur wrapped around her body. The lupine creature protected her from the rain. It licked her left leg, pointing south, despite the pain Alasca couldn't help giggling from the tickling. Then the creature licked her right leg, pointing north. Alasca could tell by sight alone. The creature then pressed its nose against hers, and under the rain those soft wet eyes seemed like they were crying, mourning for her.

Morning brought back the first rays of sunlight, and the lupine looked up as it dissipated into the air, having served its master faithfully throughout the night and the rain. It wished she could have seen the morning come.

Name: Flurius's Switcheroo

Level: 2

Type: Mental Magic ; Trap ; Curse

Requirements: Incantation, pouring magical energy, two similar objects of small size.

Effects: Places a curse on two similar objects. If two animals, including people, each touch one of the objects, their minds are switched. The switch cannot be reversed for the same pair.
Today was the big day, the day that Julius Thatcher would finally throw his plan into action. He decided today was the day he would perform a curse. Not just any curse, an old one he found in his grandmother's old book of spells. A spell that his grandmother warned him about, in her scratchy, yet neat print on the old paper. He had been planning for months, and had already chose his test subjects. They were completely oblivious to his plan of course, but that did not matter to Julius. He was a trickster, prankster, and a big brat. What he wanted he always got, he was just as dumb as he was stubborn, and today would truly reveal his idiocy.
Today was the annual "Wine tasting Festival." A day where people from all over came to a little town and sipped on fine wine. Julius thought all these folks were posh, and greedy. A perfect place to choose subjects, no loss for him. He had his eye set on two people, Mr. Odis, a wealthy man with a pointed nose, and bad temper. The second was a boy that lived down the street from Julius. A boy named Marcel GardeVal, he didn't know much about him, but it didn't matter. He was perfectly sat next to Mr. Odis. Julius brought out the wine he prepared to enter the festival, and those were special glasses. They had the curse on them. An incantation was said, energy brought down upon it, and the glasses were similar, if not identical! Julius smiled wickedly to himself, poor boy had no idea to label his glasses. As Marcel lifted up the nice wine glass, in sync with Mr. Odis, and even Julius himself who decided a victory sip would do no harm, a spell was activated. Two minds were switched into a different body, can you guess which two?


Spell name: Occi-devius

Level: 3

Type: Oriental, Unnatural, Defense.

Method of use: Dolphin tears, Gear from a clock, A great sacrifice (Think eye for an eye.) Incantation then ritual.

Short bio: Everyone has always wondered what it's like to freeze time, but with something like this comes responsibilities, and consequences if not handled correctly. Find the ingredients, set up the ritual, say the incantation, give up what you most love, for the ability to freeze time. Is it worth it or not?

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