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Fantasy The Grand Conflict- Witches And Hunters



One Thousand Club
Madison woke up, feeling the early summer sun filter through the window in the coven’s magical home. She got herself dressed, a white top and a nice, comfortable pair of jeans, then went downstairs for breakfast.

As per the usual, Madison was the first one downstairs- she’d always been a morning person. Her late grandmother’s crystal ball sat on a shelf, taunting her. She’d looked in it so many times over the years, and never saw anything more than her own reflection. But it was more important than ever to try and figure out just what Esther saw.

This time was different. She saw Carlsford from above, during the festival. A dark stain rippled across the sky- not a thunderstorm, this thing would have seen a thunderstorm the same way she would have seen an ant. It was so cold, so impersonal, Madison couldn’t tell whether it was an event, a spirit, or something else entirely. It swallowed the town and continued to grow, and Madison could tell that all the witches in the world couldn’t stop it.

Madison managed to tear herself away from the horrifying scene, taking a look at the crystal ball again from the outside. The once clear crystal had taken on a noticeably darker hue. She’d heard of crystals absorbing dark energy from giving a vision of future events, but that had been from things like Pearl Harbor or September 11th. If this was on a par with those… My God.
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Mortimer Briarwood
With a hand in his pocket, dark shades and a cigarette hanging from his lip -- Mortimer stood outside in his dressing gown, hair drawn up into a bun, with a hose pointed towards his neighbours garden. Attached to the nozzle was one of those detachable plastic cartons of weed killer, which explicitly said not to use on lawns. Briarwood didn't really care though. He was five hundred years old and sick of living next to the man who thought it funny to plant wild garlic in his borders. Safe to say, that wasn't the most fun he'd had trying to remove it. After managing to empty it, he tossed the plastic fixable bottle into a bin and retreated inside. He knew at least someone had seen him, especially since Granger had that odd redhead living with him. Niece? Daughter? Whoever she was, the number of times he'd seen her staring from the window made him unsettled; which was surprising for a creature of the night to admit in any circumstance.

Dressing in more suitable attire, collecting the newspaper and going about his morning ritual the Vampire fell into step with normality. A white shirt unbuttoned comfortably below the collarbone and blazer which emphasised his broad frame was effortlessly thrown on, keeping the shades due to the daylight and his irises which had a tendency to turn crimson whenever he was in a bad mood or hungry. Concluding most of his emotional states. Hair now washed and tied up neatly, Briarwood hadn't thought about cutting it for years. There was something marvellous about his mane of black, even if it required being called out for being 'hipster' (whatever that was supposed to mean, and he doubted it was about a hip replacement) which was poppycock. Alas, humans grew ever more exhaustingly stupid and irritating.

Swinging his cane with a jaunty whistle, Mortimer left the house to lock up. He'd drop in at the coven, then his usual haunts of bookshops and keeping an eye out for antiquities. The hobby even sounded outdated, which when one asked his date of birth, became more understandable. Although even he took the crap out of people for collecting stamps of all things. Checking in on his rose beds, Mortimer shifted further dirt over an exposed finger which pointed accusingly from the soil. An unfortunate accident caused by a situation that went out of control. She'd snapped her neck trying to run off, and he wasn't ready for another batch of manslaughter charges yet in his haste the grave was a shallow one which he'd have to make deeper or burn the remains somewhere. The real question being, how far can you move a decomposing corpse without being seen?

JokerValentine JokerValentine thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy Shagranoz Shagranoz @AnyoneElse
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~ Skyler ~
Skyler's morning had started off slow, she had slept in after staying up practicing her summoning in the forest last night and now her mother was standing in her doorway. Leaning against the framework with her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised. Skyler was supposed to help her and her father open the store this morning, but with Skyler out of action, it took twice as long to get everything ready for the day. "Skyler!" her mother called suddenly, obviously upset with the lack of activity from her daughter. "Get up!"

With a jump Skyler sat up, taking a deep breath as if she had just pushed her way past waves of water. She took another deep breath this time, breathing slowly to calm her racing heart. Skyler looked over at her mother confused before looking over at her alarm clock. Noticing the time Skyler quickly understood why her mother seemed upset. "I slept in again..." Skyler rubbed her tired eyes as she spoke apologetically. "I'm sorry mum." Skyler sighed, knowing that he mother must be getting fed up with her being late so often. She never use to be like this, but recently everything's seemed to change. She'd been so much more interested in her magic, and she finally is seeming to make progress, but it's coming at a cost of her sleeping schedule. She looked up at her mother, who was still in the doorway. "Downstairs, five minutes." She spoke sternly as she turned her back and headed down the hallway to stairs.

"Yes, ma'am." Skyler let out a sigh and stretched as she made her way out of the comforts of her bed, throwing the blankets off her and placing her feet on the cold wooden floor. One cool step at a time she made her way over to her dresser and pulled out her clothes for the day.

After getting using the bathroom and getting changed, Skyler went over to the far corner of her room where Raffles cage sat. With a quick flip of her wrist, she quickly removed the light blanket that sat over his cage to keep the light of a fake candle concealed within. Seeing that Raffles was still asleep made her smile, seeing the cute fluffball curled in the corner made her day. "Wake up fur-ball." She giggled as she opened the cage door and patted his tiny head with her finger, and just like she did, Ruffles soon too jumped up. He was obviously not the happiest to be away right now as he laid back down and hid his face. "Aw c'mon, don't fight with me this morning." She again nudged him with her finger, though this time he nipped at her before laying back down. "Rude!" Skyler mumbled as she could almost hear her mother now, talking about how lazy she was getting, and Raffles was just following her example.

"Not today Raffles. Please..." She sighed seeing that Ruffles was not gonna work with her this morning. Thinking quick she grabbed one of her backpacks and returned to the side of the cage. Making sure there was plenty of room in her bag and not nothing heavy, she reached into the cage and picked up the tired ferret and gingerly placed him in her bag. "I'll have to make sure I walk carefully." She mumbled to herself before walking downstairs to meet up with her parents in the shop.
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[a few weeks ago...]
Things were starting to get interesting...
The warlock had thought to himself, looking out the window of the plane. He was more than a few kilometers high in the air, and even in the warmth that was the interior of the plane, Val'Kyren already knew there was more than enough cold outside for him to utilise. In fact, he could freeze the entire plane and let it drop from the sky if he wished so. However, that thought only lasted mere seconds in his head, as several words flashed across the screen of his laptop: 'YOU DIED.' Edward barely managed to hold back the rage, slamming his fist onto his laptop, creating a very clear bang that seemed to annoy the passenger next to him. The woman turned around and gave Val'Kyren an irritated stare. This passenger next to him did not seem to like him one bit. The woman gave the witch a disapproving stare the first time she saw him, probably because of his red eyes. "Oh lord, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." Edward apologised to the woman, giving her a smile. Her response was to shake her head and give him an angry glare, before returning to her book, and uttering a few annoyed words under her breath. Something about young people and technology ruining them. "Human, I could freeze the blood in your veins if I so whimmed," was what he wanted to say. However, he managed to control himself from doing so. Right now, he wasn't some warlock with an obscure name from some old language that hardly anybody remembers about. He was Edward D. Joseph; just your average joe with a few quirks or two. On several occasions, Val'Kyren had considered just completely dropping his ancient name and just changing his name to Edward, but for some reason, he still decided to keep his... let's just say, strange name. Even though Val'Kyren was quite a bit older than his appearance suggested, his name was still very strange even for the time he was actually born. Perhaps his parents were just fond of old traditions and languages? Not that he remembered.

After several more hours sitting to this unbearable woman, who Edward assumed found him unbearable too, he was finally able to step outside the plane and into only his most favorite country. Taking a deep breath of Japan's air, a bright grin spread across Edward's face. He didn't care that he had to take care of some business with a client first. He was going thoroughly to enjoy this trip, even if it was only three weeks. Finally able to connect to the internet, Edward's first initiative was to whip out his mobile phone. Before he ran around amuck, Edward needed talk to a client. It puzzled Edward why somebody all the way in Japan would want to do business with some small company all the way in the U.S. The conditions appeared quite suspicious too, as they specifically requested that Edward be the one they speak to, despite there being so many better candidates. Everything seemed a bit too good to be true, and even Edward's plane ticket had been paid for. "Bah, whatever. I'm still going to screw around until I've had my fun..." Edward thought out aloud, exiting the airport. He was allowed to bring 24 kilograms of luggage, and yet his two suitcases clocked in at a measly 4 kilos. He had a hell of a lot of things he planned on bringing back... "Hmm... Maybe I should bring that demon something..." He pondered as he walked. He hoped that Lucy and that Gratatenens demon would do fine without him at home. Before leaving, he had only left a short note saying he'd be away for three weeks, and that he had the month's rent in advance. As for food, Edward figured Lucy would figure something out. She did have a job, after all. Earning enough money for three weeks of food for two people shouldn't be hard, he thought. They could probably live off instant noodles; was his first idea.

Dragging his two suitcases to his hotel, he continued revising his plans for this trip. His meeting with the client wasn't until a week later, so Val'Kyren had ideas of getting his staff polished up. Indeed, taking up most of his 4 kilograms in his suitcase was his staff, which he went through hell to smuggle through border security. He'd probably take it to a coven he had known in Tokyo to see if they could do anything about his weapon's apalling condition. After a particular tough battle with a hunter who was after his rear end and the bounty that was glued to it, his weapon was left in tatters. Anyhow, Edward didn't let his plans ruin his fun though. First thing after he settled down into his hotel room, he was visiting the anime and manga district of Tokyo. Even though the trip from Narita to the main city had already cut his time to 11 PM, Edward still wanted to go screw around in an arcade. "Well, this is going to be fun..." He thought to himself, grinning. Somebody wasn't going to sleep tonight...

(And that, is why Edward/Val'Kyren won't be present in the RP until I return from school camp)
Gl!tc_H Gl!tc_H Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
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Ever was spying on the old man with the long hair. She had heard rumors, persay, about a vampire in the area, and she had been assigned to the job of hunting them down. This guy looked as eligible as the rest. She knelt next to the neighbors house.

She wanted to visit her sister sometime. She lived very close to here. But the locals said she went missing last night. She brushed the thought out of her mind, and focused on the man. She watched as the man sprayed weed killer on the neighbors lawn, who she knew to be a hunter.

She noticed something pale sticking up out of the dirt. She inches closer. A finger. With a ring on it. It looked awfully similar to her sister’s. Actually, identical. Could it be.... no it couldn’t. Logic went against everything. But Ever was sure. She knew this was the guy they were looking for, and she would be the one to kill him.
idalie idalie
idalie idalie thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy

Why do these damned stories have to start in the morning?! Nobody's actually a morning person anyways. People are just cold enough as is to the fact that they've lost time on their sleep, that or they're unaccepting. Granger was the former, always one to get up at the crack of dawn. The older man wasn't one to sleep in, lest he lose his place in the day. Even then, it took him an hour just to get ready, and he was not one to waste time on the meaningless daily pursuit. We'll skip past the morning routine amd go straight into the action, shall we?

"The painting's crook'd," Granger said, looking at his painting of a cowboy being thrown from a bucking bronco. He could never get it too straight, the oak frame always at some sort of angle. It was a nice piece he picked up from a garage sale, the color nice and furnished, the frame still intact. Hell, it surely covered up that hole in the wall when he got so drunk he... let's not tell that story. Blair surely doesn't know anyways. From first impression, with the plaid blue shirt and jeans, the man looked perhaps like a retired construction worker, or one of those high school teachers that everyone liked but at the same time everyone thought was really weird.

"Screw it," Granger said, knowing Blair would be awake soon, and he'd have to make breakfast. Pancakes, perhaps? Hm, where did the pa- Outside in the garden, there was his neighbor. The man was a pain in the ass, and he knew it well. Mortimer, right, or was it Marvin? No, definitely Mortimer. He'd overstepped his boundaries and was now leaning into his backyard, spraying something on his roses. Weed killer. Not again. Mortimer really was pushing his nerves, for if anything, Granger was proud of his garlic. Of course, little did Mortimer know that he'd learned from last time. Fake flowers never did look too bad anyways.

Granger took the opportunity to do a little trickery of his own. His golden watch would be quite useful on the leech. They had some sort of agreement going, at least for the moment. So long as Mortimer behaved himself, didn't indulge in any victims, Granger would spare him. He wasn't the target, that damn coven is. It had eluded him for years, and every morning was a painful reminder. Equally painful was the fact that Mortimer had some special fertilizer or something on his garden. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. Oh, on the subject of painful reminders, let's watch what Granger did.

Good thing the sun was out, and Granger's watch was quite nicely shined. It took a bit to line the light up from the skylight, but with the power of the sun, a trickle of sunlight began to creep down the yard, down to the trees, through the close window (where Mortimer's complexion was just barely visible, up Mortimer's chest, and if he aimed well enough, into his face. Surely it might leave a bad mark or two. Mortimer's date would only have questions about it. "Nothing personal, Morty. Actually... it is. Take this," Granger said with a sultry voice, and a bit of a smile forming.
Mortimer Briarwood
The warm, niggling sensation on his jaw became akin to fire -- burning a little, perfect round mark in his cheek which Mortimer smacked his hand over it instinctively. Briarwood's eyes flashed crimson, turning towards one of the windows he found his neighbour's silhouette standing in, with something reflective in hand. "GRANGER!" The shout of anguish over his wounded looks and apparent new beauty mark was a stark wake-up call for the early morning. "I KNOW IT'S YOU, AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE TALK ABOUT THE GARLIC. I'M LODGING A COMPLAINT." Considering he'd committed smalltime genocide during his younger years, perhaps Mortimer had really mellowed out with the threat he threw. Then again, it was a health and safety issue one could say -- considering how violently it both assaulted his senses and made his eyes burn.

Just when he'd bellowed to the whole street about their planting disagreements, the Vampire oddly noted a white-haired girl running to the old man's door. He arched his brow. A friend of the redheads perhaps? Although maybe not. Considering the panic in the movement. Panic or anger? He wasn't sure how he felt about the young woman. Something was off about her, something to be cautious over. Familiar even? He rubbed at the weeping wound the magnified light had made and winced. "Are you alright over there? It's a bit early for housecalls. Then again, I wouldn't trust a cowboy who has a permanent THUMB UP HIS ARSE." Clearing his throat, he saluted mockingly and began to exit the front garden of his house, opening and closing the metal gate with a 'click' and clang.

Whoever it was, it wasn't any of his business. Nevertheless, he made one last glance to the rose bushes out in the back and the mound of dirt which had covered the corpse's hand. He needed to ensure it was buried a whole lot deeper. If he tarped up the toolshed, he could hack limb from limb and clean it up easier. Bury the pieces in different places, deep enough no one could sniff it out. At least the compost kept the body cool, god forbid rotting flesh disturb Granger. No doubt the cowboy would have his head on a pike. Then again, he'd spent a long time in town, and maybe a little trip to Europe was in order? He always did like Germany for the Vampire culture. Just for another fifty, seventy years until the Clint Eastwood wannabe keeled over. How about changing names whilst he was at it? He'd done it in the sixties before returning to Mortimer, which if one accounted for his true, middle English name, Mortemer. Dead Sea. It really did boost your confidence knowing your parents called you a stagnant pond.

thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy h2h0e h2h0e JokerValentine JokerValentine
Blair Rosemary

It was early. Way too damn early for... really, anything. Now, as a hunter (and especially considering her harsher earlier years with her blood family), Blair wasn't exactly a stranger to watching the sun rise. In fact, more often than not, it was expected of her. This did not, however, mean that she enjoyed it. A morning person by occupation, and a night owl by nature. Truly a curse.

So, when furious banging resounded through the house, Blair awoke ready to skin someone alive. She was supposed to actually be able to sleep in today, so what was this? In the stuper of just-awakeness, it took a solid three seconds before she recognized the sound was actually someone pounding on the front door. Bad reaction time for someone like her. Alas, she figured it was something that did not concern her, and waited for Granger to answer. A few more seconds passed, and she could hear no sounds from downstairs. Fantastic. He must have gone out for some errands. How kind to do it at this ungodly hour and leave her to answer whoever was at the door. The impression Blair got was annoying.

The young woman crawled out of bed, threw on whatever clothes were within reach (thank god she mostly only wore black and black never mismatched), and headed downstairs. On the way, she nagged one of Granger's cowboy hats, plopping it on her head. Sure, it was a little big but it covered her bedhead. Made her look at least remotely presentable, if distinctly more south-western than she normally appeared. By the time she was pulling the door open, she was still stuffing a foot into a boot.

Well, huh. She could confidently say she wasn't expecting some white-blonde kid at the door. She looked vaguely familiar, though Blair wasn't entirely sure why yet. Glaring down, visibly exasperated by this intrusion, she was about to snap at the girl before noticing Granger and their weird neighbor. Oh no, she was not woken up for their dumb feud, was she? Stepping out and pushing past Ever- no one said Blair was particularly tactful -she shouted at the two. "Hey! Can you two stop acting like children. I think you're scaring normal people." She nodded her head towards the blonde girl.

JokerValentine JokerValentine h2h0e h2h0e idalie idalie
Blair Rosemary

It was early. Way too damn early for... really, anything. Now, as a hunter (and especially considering her harsher earlier years with her blood family), Blair wasn't exactly a stranger to watching the sun rise. In fact, more often than not, it was expected of her. This did not, however, mean that she enjoyed it. A morning person by occupation, and a night owl by nature. Truly a curse.

So, when furious banging resounded through the house, Blair awoke ready to skin someone alive. She was supposed to actually be able to sleep in today, so what was this? In the stuper of just-awakeness, it took a solid three seconds before she recognized the sound was actually someone pounding on the front door. Bad reaction time for someone like her. Alas, she figured it was something that did not concern her, and waited for Granger to answer. A few more seconds passed, and she could hear no sounds from downstairs. Fantastic. He must have gone out for some errands. How kind to do it at this ungodly hour and leave her to answer whoever was at the door. The impression Blair got was annoying.

The young woman crawled out of bed, threw on whatever clothes were within reach (thank god she mostly only wore black and black never mismatched), and headed downstairs. On the way, she nagged one of Granger's cowboy hats, plopping it on her head. Sure, it was a little big but it covered her bedhead. Made her look at least remotely presentable, if distinctly more south-western than she normally appeared. By the time she was pulling the door open, she was still stuffing a foot into a boot.

Well, huh. She could confidently say she wasn't expecting some white-blonde kid at the door. She looked vaguely familiar, though Blair wasn't entirely sure why yet. Glaring down, visibly exasperated by this intrusion, she was about to snap at the girl before noticing Granger and their weird neighbor. Oh no, she was not woken up for their dumb feud, was she? Stepping out and pushing past Ever- no one said Blair was particularly tactful -she shouted at the two. "Hey! Can you two stop acting like children. I think you're scaring normal people." She nodded her head towards the blonde girl.

JokerValentine JokerValentine h2h0e h2h0e idalie idalie
Ever was about to leave when the door cracked open. She turned back to face the door. Who is this girl?! she thought. Ever's expression morphed from intense but hopeful to something along the lines of What the fuck?! She was staring into the eyes of a young girl in all black, except for the large ten-gallon hat that looked too big for her head. She looked like she just rolled out of bed. Why was this girl in the hunter's house?

Ever stared for a moment, then dropped her gaze, her shyness emerging. Something on the girl's arm caught her eye. Her left arm was deformed and an unnatural color, all the way up to her elbow, where a large metal band was located. Her face turned pink. She must have contracted something and was being treated by the hunter. She looked at the ground, her cheeks feeling as if they were on fire. "I didn't... erm... sorry..." She spoke with a strange accent, somewhere between British and Midwestern.
idalie idalie thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy JokerValentine JokerValentine
Madison walked over to the kitchen, hands still shaking a little bit. She whispered a brief incantation, and the stove lit, eggs coming out of the refrigerator and frying themselves in a pan. The young witch heard someone coming downstairs, and looked up to see who it was.

"Oh, hello, Skyler. Heading out to the shop? At least grab some breakfast before you go."
~ Skyler ~
Skyler slowly made her way down the stairs to the kitchen, not wanting to jumble her book bag around too much since Ruffles was in it. It took her by surprise to see Madison in the kitchen making breakfast. Of course, Skyler used to get up before the sun raised to go jogging or to get a bit of extra time to practice her spells, so she was never home for breakfast until recently.

Skyler gave a kind smile to Madison. "Yeah, mum's mad and I need to go down to help her out for a little while. I had slept in again." She scratched the back of her head softly and noticed the top of her bag was moving. Curious, she unzipped the back a bit and out jumped Raffles, crawling up onto her shoulder excitedly at the sound of food. "So you heard food and now you wake up?" Skyler couldn't help but roll her eyes and shake her head. "Your brain must be in your stomach Raffles." Skyler sighed and went toward the table. "I guess I have no choice but to stay for breakfast now." She joked as she sat down in a nearby chair.

As Skyler began to relax in the chair, Raffles jumped down from her shoulder and onto the table. He ran his tiny legs over to the flower vase that sat in the middle and sniffed every one of the plants that sat in the vase. Pulling out one of the red roses he then ran over to the edge of the table and jumped down to the floor then over to Madison's foot. He stood up on his hind legs and held out the flower in his mouth, giving goo-goo eyes as he did so. "Hey! Player!" Skyler called jokingly, obviously speaking to Raffles. "Stop flirting with everyone you see!" Skyler again shook her head and chuckled a bit as Raffles just turned and looked at her for a few seconds before looking back at Madison, practically begging her to take the rose.

Shagranoz Shagranoz
Like a vampire would have any sort of sway with a human.

Granger sas amused, but Blair clearly wasn't. One day she'd understand that the seriousness gets tiring. Even if this would be the only moment he'd take his job less than serious. "I'm sorry kiddo," Granger said warmly, "I'd think you're scaring me with the choice of hat. Far too big on your head, you know? I might be able to order one your size soon enough." The hunter distracted himself from his leech of a neighbor long enough from finishing the "G" for Granger on his leathery face.

The cherished family moment, however, was quickly ruined by a new presence. Wailing at his door, seemingly, was another girl. As Blair went to open the door, so too did Granger follow. Before him was another one of the young blood. Blair was already trouble enough, yet this one didn't even have manners. "We'll come on in without a proper invitation, why don't you? How'd you even get in the back yard anyways? You kids and your lack of respect, my lord," the hunter remarked, his eagerness to get rather irritated with people who did not know manners. Though, under whatever circumstances, he was not as astute. He'd never even noticed the issue on Blair's arm. Well... he had, but he thought maybe it was just some poiton ivy. Blair could tough that out, and so he never thought much of it.

"Well, at least you apologized," Granger said, "sorry about the neighbor. He's... a DMV worker I think." He wasn't wrong on that one, probably at least. They always look dead when you see them in person. ANYWAYS, Granger had a guest, whether he liked it or not. He ought to be more hospitable. "Blair, you handle this, I'll get some breakfast set. You can handle that, can't you?"

idalie idalie thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy h2h0e h2h0e
Like a vampire would have any sort of sway with a human.

Granger sas amused, but Blair clearly wasn't. One day she'd understand that the seriousness gets tiring. Even if this would be the only moment he'd take his job less than serious. "I'm sorry kiddo," Granger said warmly, "I'd think you're scaring me with the choice of hat. Far too big on your head, you know? I might be able to order one your size soon enough." The hunter distracted himself from his leech of a neighbor long enough from finishing the "G" for Granger on his leathery face.

The cherished family moment, however, was quickly ruined by a new presence. Wailing at his door, seemingly, was another girl. As Blair went to open the door, so too did Granger follow. Before him was another one of the young blood. Blair was already trouble enough, yet this one didn't even have manners. "We'll come on in without a proper invitation, why don't you? How'd you even get in the back yard anyways? You kids and your lack of respect, my lord," the hunter remarked, his eagerness to get rather irritated with people who did not know manners. Though, under whatever circumstances, he was not as astute. He'd never even noticed the issue on Blair's arm. Well... he had, but he thought maybe it was just some poiton ivy. Blair could tough that out, and so he never thought much of it.

"Well, at least you apologized," Granger said, "sorry about the neighbor. He's... a DMV worker I think." He wasn't wrong on that one, probably at least. They always look dead when you see them in person. ANYWAYS, Granger had a guest, whether he liked it or not. He ought to be more hospitable. "Blair, you handle this, I'll get some breakfast set. You can handle that, can't you?"

idalie idalie thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy h2h0e h2h0e
Ever looked up as the hunter started to speak to her. She didn't expect him to look like a cowboy. She listened politely, but when turned to leave, she didn't know what else to do but run in after him. She grabbed his arm. "Sir! You are living next to a vampire! Haven't you realized this? He killed my sister!"

She hadn't meant to yell. Ever's emotions were running rampant. It had all spilled out of her like a waterfall. Speaking of which, hot tears were running down her face. She tried to hold them back, but to no avail. "Please, sir. Help me."
Mortimer Briarwood
He heard it as clear as day. An accusation of murder and what she thought to be a big unveiling? Pitiful. Mortimer slowly backed up, retracing his steps till he loomed outside his neighbour's house, batting through the gate without so much as an invitation. "Granger here is aware of my condition. He's also aware that Vampires do not kill unless they are rogue or feral. I adhere to society, so I'd prefer to be referred to as less of a homicidal maniac." The Vampire then glared at Ever, Blair, and the cowboy with irritation. "Also a DMV worker? Do I look like one of those to you? I'm a civil servant. Christ almighty." He pulled down his sunglasses, revealing those vivid, red irises. Stooping from his tall height till he was at eye-level with the white-haired girl. "If I murdered your sister, tell me what she looks like. I'll let you into a little secret here, the women I feed on, I have sexual relations with. I don't go out killing for pleasure. That means IF your sister encountered me she consented, and I highly doubt shes strung out in the tool shed. Don't try pinning your hysteria on me." He pulled himself upright and produced a handkerchief, offering it out toward her. "There have been no women who've looked like you that I've slept with either." Shaking his head, Mortimer hesitated. Glancing toward the small group a second time. "Well, this is an uncomfortable amount of Hunters in one place."

Briarwood put a soothing hand on Ever's shoulder. He was exerting some of his supernatural methods of charm, perhaps only noted by those with experience in Vampiric behaviour. "Why don't you start by telling me your name and taking a deep breath? Hm? I think it's best you have a sit-down and think this all through. You're not in the right frame of mind, evidently. Back in my day, they would've removed your womb. But modern science has come quite far." Briarwood jovially noted, rubbing at his sore face as the small sunlight wound began to heal itself through a process of accelerated regeneration. "I'm sure Blair here wouldn't like to scare you off quite so easily. Anyhow, you're far too young to become a victim of mine. I don't see what you're so afraid about. Is it the pointy teeth?"

thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy JokerValentine JokerValentine h2h0e h2h0e
Mortimer Briarwood
He heard it as clear as day. An accusation of murder and what she thought to be a big unveiling? Pitiful. Mortimer slowly backed up, retracing his steps till he loomed outside his neighbour's house, batting through the gate without so much as an invitation. "Granger here is aware of my condition. He's also aware that Vampires do not kill unless they are rogue or feral. I adhere to society, so I'd prefer to be referred to as less of a homicidal maniac." The Vampire then glared at Ever, Blair, and the cowboy with irritation. "Also a DMV worker? Do I look like one of those to you? I'm a civil servant. Christ almighty." He pulled down his sunglasses, revealing those vivid, red irises. Stooping from his tall height till he was at eye-level with the white-haired girl. "If I murdered your sister, tell me what she looks like. I'll let you into a little secret here, the women I feed on, I have sexual relations with. I don't go out killing for pleasure. That means IF your sister encountered me she consented, and I highly doubt shes strung out in the tool shed. Don't try pinning your hysteria on me." He pulled himself upright and produced a handkerchief, offering it out toward her. "There have been no women who've looked like you that I've slept with either." Shaking his head, Mortimer hesitated. Glancing toward the small group a second time. "Well, this is an uncomfortable amount of Hunters in one place."

Briarwood put a soothing hand on Ever's shoulder. He was exerting some of his supernatural methods of charm, perhaps only noted by those with experience in Vampiric behaviour. "Why don't you start by telling me your name and taking a deep breath? Hm? I think it's best you have a sit-down and think this all through. You're not in the right frame of mind, evidently. Back in my day, they would've removed your womb. But modern science has come quite far." Briarwood jovially noted, rubbing at his sore face as the small sunlight wound began to heal itself through a process of accelerated regeneration. "I'm sure Blair here wouldn't like to scare you off quite so easily. Anyhow, you're far too young to become a victim of mine. I don't see what you're so afraid about. Is it the pointy teeth?"

thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy JokerValentine JokerValentine h2h0e h2h0e
Ever's anger was through the roof, even before he touched her. When he did, she started shaking. Shen she spoke, her voice was calm, but there was an angry edge to it. "My sister looks nothing like me. She, in fact, looks a lot like that girl, but with black hair. And," she pushed his hand off of her shoulder. "She wore a ring identical to this one." She pulled a chain out of her shirt with a ring on it. It was silver with rubies at intervals around the band. She put it back into her shirt. "I saw you cover up her pinkie. It had a ring on it."
Mortimer Briarwood
"I haven't met a girl like that." He rebutted, although then leaned in with a hiss. "The woman you saw was both a prostitute and a redhead. If you want your evidence, I suggest you come back tonight. Until then, I'd prefer to keep myself out of your problematic familial issues." Pulling away he glowered. "This is why I don't mix myself up in hunters, love." Briarwood wound a lock of her pale hair around his finger. "But you remind me of someone I met a long time ago." Mortimer shrugged. "So there's little hard feeling as to your monumental mistake. It's as if you really desire to have me staked and yet you can't be bothered to do it yourself." Holding his breath momentarily, the Vampire turned on heel. "Walk with me if you wish, or stay and discuss various ways to end my life. But your sister isn't with me. Not buried, not hiding, and not in the sheets. So you better keep looking, or perhaps ask someone to help find her." He struck up a cigarette, placing it between his lips. "Bram Stoker got the human paranoia right. I'm a still a man, am I not? Your anger is misdirected. However, I will be heading to the coven if you're interested unless you're scared of the man you just accused of homicide. You could ask around there if need be, they might even have a spell to help locate her but -- ah, wait. You hate the coven, hm? Too bad. Looks like dear old sis, is going to be gone longer than you thought. Unfortunately, I've already been standing here too long and I'm surrounded by nightmarish company. Stay or leave."

Briarwood began to stride back towards the gate of his neighbour's garden, moving onto the pavement in front of the residence. Tapping the ash from his cig onto the concrete with an elegance only possessed by a being such as him. He'd have to be prepared to do a run, or try and pull some strings in the law department in case the girl dug the body up, or Granger ended up being persuaded. There was a chance she'd join him though, and he'd have the possibility of keeping it quiet.

h2h0e h2h0e thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy JokerValentine JokerValentine
Blair Rosemary

Oh wow, Blair was getting a headache. Again, it was far too early for any of this. Her and Granger were supposed to have a perfectly nice, a prefectly fine, casual morning. And it wasn't as though Mortimer was the problem here. Sheesh, it would be weirder if the two didn't squabble at some point in the day. It was par for the course, honestly. The two were like boys in the schoolyard. Before she got dropped off, Blair recalled a pair strikingly similar to the two. It was so blasé, so perfectly normal -if comically odd at the same time- that she often forgot Mortimer was anything less than human.

Blair liked to think she was far more open and tolerant of supernatural creatures than other hunters. Even if she was raised in a family notoriously cruel and divisive on who and what deserved to live. In fact, if Blair were ever to allow herself the chance to dwell much on her younger upbringing, she would pride herself on mostly easing out of that brainwashing. Yes, Blair was incredibly tolerant. Yet, curiously, not at all. She had to restrain herself from openly groaning in annoyance at this girl's actions.

She also successfully managed to restrain herself, multiple times, from shoving the girl a good distance away. Clearly she didn't personal space, a hint or, -as far as Blair could tell- common sense. Finally, once Mortimer had left and oh so kindly insinuated that she would handle the situation, did Blair actually step in front of Ever gripping her by the shoulders. "Alright," little brat, "I think it's about time you take a deep breath and walk away. That vampire? He has a name. And Mortimer does not kill indescriminantly. The statistics of vampires that do and don't are absolutely disproportionate, and it's quite rude you would accuse someone so openly -and without proof, I'd add- of murder. Oh boo hoo, cry me a river, everything you loved and cared for was torn away by some dark, evil force and, oh look! I've got a ring to prove it!" Blair's voice was largely monotonous, sarcastic deadpan, occasionally rising in pitch to mock Ever's tone. "Oh please, help me kill this vile thing who has done me no wrong at all, because I'm right!." The girl paused, stared at Ever for a moment, then hurrumphed and let her hands fall. "Leave. And if you come back tonight and end up in the obituary, know it was your own fault for pursuing a false revenge."

h2h0e h2h0e JokerValentine JokerValentine idalie idalie
Gratatenens awoke to the sound of his stomach rumbling. Pulling himself up from where he'd fallen asleep (sitting in an over-stuffed office chair in front of the laptop Edward had bought him), he moved to the fridge to get something to eat. Human food was so much better than what was usually available on the Other side. He hadn't been able to introduce deep frying for one thing. And so many options here too. Chinese food (Gratatenens loves dumplings), pizza (sausage as the topping), burgers, fries, onion rings, hot dogs, oh so many delicious things. Opening the fridge Gratatenens found it nearly empty. Well, this wouldn't do. Part of Edward's contract said he had to provide for Gratatenens as long as it was both in good faith and could be done without unduly burdening the Pactee. Which meant that he'd have to check up with Edward on this.

"Eddie, you're out of food!" Gratatenens yelled, not bothering to use an in-door voice. No answer. Gratatenens groaned. Did something happen to Ed? Ugh, this was why he didn't usually indulge in sleep. It was relaxing to turn off his mind for a while, but it meant he missed out on stuff. Walking into the main room, Gratatenens spotted the note Edward had left. Picking it up, he skimmed past the boring parts and saw that Edward would be back in 3 weeks. There was $2,000 in there too. Gratatenens guessed this counted for the Pact.

Gratatenens walked back to his laptop. He'd started out with just a closet as living space (damn contract loopholes), but with a small amount of his magic he'd made it so it was larger on the inside. Now the closet was more like a basement the size of the main apartment, plastered from wall to ceiling with collectables and memorabilia. Figurines, posters, video games, graphic novels, books, manga, a TV with several game system attached and a line to the laptop, it looked like Geek Heaven. Most of it Gratatenens had just collected over the years and brought over from the Other Side, but some of it was new. Opening up his Gmail, Gratatenens noticed the item on Ebay he'd been looking at was finally available to be bought now. An autographed poster of Monokuma! Gratatenens shivered in delight. Let's see...the option to buy it now cost $1,999 with the option for cash payment.

Gratatenens looked down at the money in his hand. $2,000. He looked at the cost on the screen. $1,999. He clicked Buy It Now, this was more important than food. He'd just get Lucy to buy food and the rest of the stuff. Now where was she?
Gl!tc_H Gl!tc_H
Blair Rosemary

Oh wow, Blair was getting a headache. Again, it was far too early for any of this. Her and Granger were supposed to have a perfectly nice, a prefectly fine, casual morning. And it wasn't as though Mortimer was the problem here. Sheesh, it would be weirder if the two didn't squabble at some point in the day. It was par for the course, honestly. The two were like boys in the schoolyard. Before she got dropped off, Blair recalled a pair strikingly similar to the two. It was so blasé, so perfectly normal -if comically odd at the same time- that she often forgot Mortimer was anything less than human.

Blair liked to think she was far more open and tolerant of supernatural creatures than other hunters. Even if she was raised in a family notoriously cruel and divisive on who and what deserved to live. In fact, if Blair were ever to allow herself the chance to dwell much on her younger upbringing, she would pride herself on mostly easing out of that brainwashing. Yes, Blair was incredibly tolerant. Yet, curiously, not at all. She had to restrain herself from openly groaning in annoyance at this girl's actions.

She also successfully managed to restrain herself, multiple times, from shoving the girl a good distance away. Clearly she didn't personal space, a hint or, -as far as Blair could tell- common sense. Finally, once Mortimer had left and oh so kindly insinuated that she would handle the situation, did Blair actually step in front of Ever gripping her by the shoulders. "Alright," little brat, "I think it's about time you take a deep breath and walk away. That vampire? He has a name. And Mortimer does not kill indescriminantly. The statistics of vampires that do and don't are absolutely disproportionate, and it's quite rude you would accuse someone so openly -and without proof, I'd add- of murder. Oh boo hoo, cry me a river, everything you loved and cared for was torn away by some dark, evil force and, oh look! I've got a ring to prove it!" Blair's voice was largely monotonous, sarcastic deadpan, occasionally rising in pitch to mock Ever's tone. "Oh please, help me kill this vile thing who has done me no wrong at all, because I'm right!." The girl paused, stared at Ever for a moment, then hurrumphed and let her hands fall. "Leave. And if you come back tonight and end up in the obituary, know it was your own fault for pursuing a false revenge."

h2h0e h2h0e JokerValentine JokerValentine idalie idalie
Ever stared hard at the group. She wasn't going to leave. She knew her sister was under those roses. She just absolutely knew it. But, if she was so sure, why was there a lump of guilt in her throat? She turned and walked out the door; her body tense. She closed the door behind her and ran to the hotel which she was staying.

When she arrived, she realized how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten in two days. She walked inside and walked to the breakfast bar. She ordered waffles and coffee. A waitress brought coffee to her, and she sipped it after adding three creams and a sugar packet. A girl walked by with a bag. She was being extremely cautious with it, like something inside could break if she wasn't careful. But there was something odd about her. Ever stopped eating for a moment when she recognized what was so odd. The waitress brought out her pancakes when she realized that the same feeling was all around her.

Shagranoz Shagranoz JokerValentine JokerValentine thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy idalie idalie Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
'God...my feet are killin' me.' The blond belle thought to herself as she was basically dragging her heeled boots along the dusty ground beneath her as she treaded along the strip of road that had lead he girl into the town of Carlsford. It had been several days of travel on foot now, and the young witch had not eaten since yesterday afternoon. Life on the road was definitely not a walk in the park, but was indeed a walk. Though Savannah was unsure herself as to what she was to discover in North Carolina, but she supposed she would find her answers in time..
Several days ago when Savannah had peered into her crystal ball, it had shown her bits and pieces of a vision. In flashes, the witch had seen the North Carolina welcome sign, a large white house on a plantation, and a person. The figure was blurred, but Savannah could make out it was a female. Given the belle's natural curiosity, she would follow what fate had foreseen. Though at times like these, Savannah wished fate had put her on the route to a truck stop or a diner..
After a while longer, Savannah could see a structure in the distance. It seemed to be surrounded by a fair stretch of property, the structure sitting in the center of the small foliage which the girl had soon realized, it had been the very house her vision had shown her. 'Huh. Well I'll be damned..' Savannah made her way closer to the house, and as she did a strange feeling began to come about her. It was a strange tingling she felt in her spine. It happened every so often, though she figured it was just one of the 'perks' of being more than just a girl from Georgia..
Her boots clacked on the walkway now as the young witch approached the front door of the estate. Questions ran through her head, hunger ran through her stomach and ache ran through her legs. If anything, Savannah simply hoped there wasn't any trouble waiting for her behind that door. Standing before it now, the young witch raised a hand, the rings on her knuckles rapping on the door as she gave it a solid few knocks. "Hello? Anyone home?"
Shagranoz Shagranoz Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
Mortimer Briarwood
He hesitated as Ever sprinted past, momentarily turning to meet Blair's gaze. The Vampire nodded in unspoken thanks, before continuing on leaving a trail of dissipating cigarette smoke. He wasn't sure if he desired humanity after the hand life had dealt him. Humans were ... weak, foolish, easily twisted. And yet Briarwood thought them to be beautiful in a strange way -- for they were life itself, as God had made it. Uncorrupted in body but sinners in spirit. Passionate, fulfilled, they were everything he had been. But nothing he wanted back. He understood death now, better than any coroner or priest, he understood everything between love and the sensation of murder. He understood it from his stance on the outside. Nobody lived long enough nor stayed around for him to have anything more than the feeling of being something which should've died a long time ago.

Leisurely strolling through the town he continued to stop outside the local bookshop for a moment or two, viewing the front window till stubbing out his cig on a nearby bin and flicking it into the litter can. His gaze was drawn, however, to the bed and breakfast a little ways off. Mortimer took his time, swinging the cane in hand back and forth as if a pendulum; peering over the top of his shades to view the sky and wince at how bright the sun was which gently stung his skin just by being out in it. He had time yet before it got serious enough he'd catch alight and turn to dust. He'd been friends with the old matriarch, somewhat close; following from cradle to grave, and Madison from cradle to matriarch. Mortimer had lived for one too many lifetimes after all, and it was on occasions his knowledge of history came in useful. Considering he'd come from the Celtic lands of Britain directly and was practically a talking relic -- he knew the creatures that had migrated with the communities, instead of having the second-hand accounts.

Thus he'd become somewhat an acquaintance of the coven. It had something to do with his wife too, he supposed. For that reason, even back in 1760 during the establishment in Carlsford, he'd done his best as a local civil servant and owning the title of Lord, to ensure it was safe for the supernatural. These days he hadn't left local government funnily enough, but nobody could cast their minds back far enough to remember. Not even a portrait hung of the Vampire. Mortimer was that constant shadow, he was simply there. Part of the town and no one questioned it further than him being a local.

Briarwood entered the old plantation house, nodding at the familiar faces of witches and humans flitting back and forth. He leant against the counter, sweet talking those who knew him as a regular before ordering a coffee. Black, no sugar. Whilst sipping at the hot beverage, his eyes caught the white-haired woman. Practically rolling them back into his head with annoyance. Of course, she'd stumble mindlessly into the damn place. He sighed. Just when he thought he could get away from it. Although the real residence for witches was out back, and he'd been inside more than his share, the Witches were always the secretive sort -- or rather the people who desired you called ahead. Especially since Esther's death, the Vampire hadn't been too social about the area either.

Shagranoz Shagranoz Faded_Neon Faded_Neon h2h0e h2h0e Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 [Anyone in or around the B&B]
~ Skyler ~
The sudden knock on the door made Skyler jump a bit, almost no one knocked on the front door anymore unless it was an emergency. Any other time she would just meet with anyone at the park or down the block. Skyler slowly got up from her chair. "I'm coming." She cracked her neck and made her way to the door, opening it slowly.

As she opened the door she raised an eyebrow, it wasn't someone she knew. "uh?" Skyler was a bit at a lost of words. It wasn't anyone she knew, and it didn't look like anyone her parents would know. She looked back at Madison hoping it was someone she knew "Someone you know?" She questioned before looking back at the unknown girl. "Sorry, who are you here for?" Skyler looked puzzled and it was clear her people skills were lacking.

Hearing the door open Raffles dropped the rose at Madison's foot and leaped up back onto the table before grabbing another rose from the vase and running to the door. Scooting between Skyler's legs and onto the doorstep he took a quick look before standing on his hind legs to give the flower to the unknown girl. "Hey Player! What did I just say? Stop Flirting with everyone you see!" Skyler reached down and grabbed Raffles and held him close as he tried to squirm out of her arms.

A plate dropped down the steps to the downstairs, as Granger had heard the “vile” words Blair used. The smell of pancakes wafted in the air, and the syrupy stick of maple dribbled down the wooden step. At least the plate was plastic. “How dare you say such things, Blair,” Granger said, “Have I taught you anything about manners? The intruder is a guest, an unwelcome one but one nonetheless.”

Granger was not one to be annoyed with vampires, sporadic guests, or even incoherent rambling. What he would not tolerate, however, was disrespect in any form. “I leave for a moment, and quite clearly your social skills are embarrassing. I’d say apologize, but you seemed to have scared off our guest.” His fury was nonexistent; alas, his disappointment was the furthest thing from invisible. To reproach someone, for whatever reason, it was awful.

“I don’t need to say anything more, do I,” Granger put the plate down at the table, the warm blueberry pancakes cooked to perfection. The plate that would have been for the guest lay a syrupy mess on the ground. It would be best to clean it. He didn’t nearly feel like speaking some monologue, no not at all. What he could do, or so he thought, would be to reconsider buying a hat for someone who proved to be a brat. That was reserved for those that did not issue vain death threats that she would not follow up on. “Enjoy your breakfast,” Granger said, his tone clearly disappointed.

h2h0e h2h0e thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy ( idalie idalie )
Blair Rosemary

Blair's head snapped towards Granger when she heard the sound of something falling to the floor. She hardly looked perturbed by what she just said to Ever, eyes only slightly wider than a bored, half-lidded. She frowned, listening to Granger's lecture with a palpable feeling of sick in the pit of her stomach. Not a sick sick, and not quite a guilt sick, but something a little more numb. Still, it wasn't pleasant. Would it prevent her from acting this way in the future? Absolutely not. She had, admittedly, been working on being more... "sociable."

"Manners? She was the one who barged into our house and accused our neighbor of murder." Blair stated matter-of-factly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Besides, in my experience, manners are just a way to be a horrible person under the pretense of "polite society.'" Blair, though she sounded eloquent enough, each word carefully chosen, she hardly thought prior to speaking. " You know that Mortimer doesn't kill like that. Her accusation could have gotten him put to death. Could have gotten a lot more than that hurt. Middle of the day and some blonde cheerleader is screaming through the neighborhood about murder? So much for a clandestine hunter."

She glanced at the pancakes on the counter. While Blair was hungry and would gladly scarf it down, she understood that would have been even more disrespectful, as that was intended for the girl. So instead, the young hunter, sprinted back to her room, got ready for the day more properly, then headed out of the house. She didn't bother to tell Granger where she was headed, mostly because, well, she didn't know where she was going. Out? Somewhere? Blair patted her pocket to make sure she had her phone -she did- before starting off down the street to the nearest bus stop and catching a ride downtown.

JokerValentine JokerValentine , (open for any interaction)


Eryx Rembriel

Being a non-magic, sort-of witch living within a coven was really an experience. It wasn't like he was discriminated against, like some lower species. Well, not most of the time. Eryx had definitely met one or two witches within his short life time that saw nearly all things non-witch as lesser. A worldview that the young historian could hardly even begin to wrap his head around. Maybe if he actually had magic, he could. But he didn't, and so back to the initial point.

Being a non-magic, sort-of witch living within a coven was an experience thanks to the nature of such a thing. Eryx's life was permeated, from every magical outfit change mid-conversation to fresh popcorn sans microwave, with magic. It was an art form he understood all the logistics of, could easily recite the history of, but would never truly understand. Alas, he didn't mind much. He enjoyed what he did within the coven. Though, at the moment, with the current political climate, he couldn't really say things were fun. Everyone wanted to know about previous elections in the coven, previous disruptions in this tradition. He, a lover of tradition, could totally understand the upset. However, at the same time, he liked the previous matriarch and trusted that she, as a seer, would know what was best for the coven. If that meant appointing her daughter as the new matriarch, so be it.

Yet, enjoying his morning sipping gingerly at a latte in the B&B was a reprieve he rather enjoyed. Cuddled up within a large sweater, Eryx watched whatever was playing on the single tv screen, sat at the bar, absentmindedly.

(Open for any interaction)

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