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Fantasy The Grand Conflict- Witches and Hunters (CS sheets)


One Thousand Club
Here's the CS. Note that not all parts will be applicable to all characters. Parts that will not be applicable to all characters will be in bold.


Age: (16+)


Witch, Hunter, or Other

Specialty: (Witches only. Each witch will be naturally more gifted than other in one aspect of magic, such as summoning or potionmaking.)

Signature Weapon: (Hunters only. What sort of weapon do they use most often?)

Species: (Other only.)

Personality: (At least one paragraph)

Skills: (Nonsupernatural abilities anyone can learn.)

History: (At least one paragraph. For Other, please put a mention of which way they are leaning, if any, and why)

Any other pertinent information:
"There is no life in this body. I am nothing, lifeless, soulless, hated and feared. I am dead to all the world - hear me! I am the monster that breathing men would kill." -- Bram Stoker, Dracula.


Undoubtedly a handsome man to gaze upon, clean cut and well-groomed for the most part - Mortimer exudes an air of perfectionism and faith in his choices or actions. With a straight-bridged, intellectual sort of nose, aided by a strong, dark brow he stands for the epitome of how one might expect the nobility to appear. Nevertheless, perhaps what may be most notable feature is Mortimer's long, black locks of hair that would stand to make any woman jealous; this, usually being tied up in some form of ponytail or bun, letting strands suggestively cup his features. High cheekbones lighten the emphasis on his sturdy, bearded jaw offering a pointed shape to the natural curve - irises a deep, crimson hue. Broad chest is aided by his height of 6'4" whilst having a toned, and excellently build figure which slims towards his waist, weighing around 195 lbs. Dressed plainly, even in the terms of modern society and other events that draw him out from his home, the Vampire has never had an eye for the need of fashion. Oft found wearing plain suits, tunics, and shirts that are reminiscent of both a dashing Mr Darcy or a businessman.

Mortimer Briarwood

550 (Estimated)



Signature Weapon:


Noted by his friends and colleagues alike, Mortimer is a man with the Midas touch. He'll turn whatever you desire into golden success, just be wary of what he asks for in return. Although preferring a solitary existence with himself and his books, surprisingly the Vampire does appreciate people of a certain calibre. In other words, those who can hold a decent conversation and occasional debate or seem genuinely intriguing. Nevertheless, Mortimer has wrathful and vindictive tendencies oft remarked as being two-faced. Pessimistic and cruel when describing humans, as well as the future, Briarwood disdains the living after five lifetimes of stagnation. Never to grow old, never to sire children, never to keep a lover for a time passing death. Even so, his sarcasm and dry wit can be entertaining, appreciative of stubborn traits and the passion that can take ahold of people who wish to make a difference in the world. Furthermore, Mortimer is flirtatious to an extent, knowing what will get him results and what won't - occasionally he even does it for enjoyment, although is fearful of relationships and usually prefers to avoid getting romantically involved beyond a one night stand or otherwise. His moral compass is loose, balancing between his diabolical streaks and bloodlust, and that of being enamoured by the creations of civilisation. It is, nonetheless, collectively recognised that his temper is dangerous, even more so if you take something he loves. He works for himself, and his pity is only given to the youth who have yet to realise what they will become.

- Swordplay: It might seem outdated, but one may be surprised at it’s uses. Mortimer often keeps a concealed rapier upon his person, hiding it within a cane. The Vampire has had centuries to perfect it, making him a dangerous opponent to face on a level which doesn't factor in his curse. In addition to this, Briarwood is a left-handed swordsman, confusing his enemies and being able to strike their less protected side.
- Hand to Hand: Another conflict-based skill, which is resultant of his travels and experience throughout his time on Earth.
- Charisma: Simply a delightful man to talk to, unless you capture him in one of his worser moods.
- Diplomacy: In combination with his charisma, it offers him the ability to deal with situations in a sensitive, tactile manner discreetly.
- Languages: Speaks Middle English, Latin, Old German, and Old French due to the time period he was born in. From Middle English into Modern, it also means he has a slight, indecipherable accent.

Born in England 1468, the son of a lowborn, southern Lord amidst the War of the Roses. Mortimer was given privileges, educated and well-kept -- surviving his historical childhood surprisingly enough without too much sickness. His father on the other hand, balanced politics and had little time for his sons and daughters whilst supporting the claim of the once young Henry Tudor who would continue to take the throne a year after Mortimer’s seventeenth summer. The young, handsome bachelor as he was, took a woman from the village in the settlements as his wife; her father the mayor and her mother a midwife. It was a maddening love which took them, him and his sweet Isabella. They had one son till Mortimer would leave on a campaign to fight in France for the newly crowned King. Two years he spent. Two years wielding a sword in the name of King, country, and God.

Twenty-four he returned, gleeful to see both wife and child and yet neither were there to welcome him home. Isabella using forbidden knowledge from that of her mother had given a young woman that of abortive means for an unwanted, unborn child. She was sentenced as a witch. Tortured, burnt, and ashes scattered to the wind. His son, thought to carry his mother's bad blood, had been drowned to determine whether or not he was of the devil’s kin -- by Hunters no less. It was that day, Mortimer abandoned the Church, ignited with desperate rage. He murdered the Priest in his bed and fled with the family gold. When determining himself as safe, he threw himself into the darkest, deepest tomes for search of the craft the Churchmen spoke of. Years passed to no avail, a hate festering so deep he’d rotted from the inside out.

It was in those wrathful days, Mortimer discovered a gift given to few. Vampirism. Actively participating in the ritual, he joined a small faction of these hateful men and women who fed upon the Holy, and tore the throats of God’s lambs. “Human” became a word uttered in disgust. They’d had their chances. Alas, throughout the burning of countless innocent girls, not one good soul stepped forward and said it was wrong. He committed atrocities, wiped out villages during the plague in sickening mercy, and throughout it all he used battles as cover to tear men limb from limb on both sides. Hunters chased him, and he chased the hunters.

When the fuel of hatred had begun to sputter and age caught up with his mind, Mortimer regained a sliver of the humanity he’d discarded. Escaping England, the Vampire emigrated to the new colonies of the Americas for a new start. It was no better in the new lands as it was the old. For whilst women became ashes, dwindling in embers so sweet and pure Briarwood became hollow at the sight. His adventures through the new country were extensive till he took an international voyage back to Europe during the early 19th century and upon setting foot in America again he relocated to Carlsford due to the large supernatural influence around the area. He has yet to settle with a woman, for each lover he’d taken on had faded into age. Nevertheless, he remains somewhat close to the local coven due to being such a longtime resident.

Any other pertinent information:
Supports the coven due to his hate of humans and the fate which befell his wife at the hands of Hunters, and his own misdealings with them.​
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17 years

Hunter (Actually a witch)

Specializes in air manipulation

Uses a crossbow and a rapier

Ever is a shy girl with a sharp mind and impenetrable will. She is a great combat specialist, and used to hunting for witches and werewolves. She is a great locator of witches due to being a witch herself. When she is fighting, she oppresses a great deal of force. When not fighting, she is a delicate soul. She enjoys tea, warm weather, kittens and defeating her opponent in a spar.

She can fight with almost any type of weapon, but loves the rapier and the crossbow. In her spare time, she likes to write songs and draw out maps of places she has been.

Ever was born in a windy forest in the fall. Her mother did not live after bearing her first and only child. Her father was a hunter. She was brought up around hunters and warriors. Her father died in battle when Ever was 9. He was fighting a werewolf and two witches. After Ever found out, there was a tornado that ripped right through Kansas City, where she lived. She wanted to avenge her father, so she asked to be trained as a huntress. She had a particular knack for finding witches that know one really could figure out. She has a picture of her mother and father with her at all times, to remind her of her goal. She and her group of hunters are moving to North Carolina to investigate the rumor of a witch coven.

code by pasta
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/...blair rosemary




Appearance // Blair is a rather attractive young woman, standing at 5'10, with features about a notch above average. She has pale skin -which has recently taken on a sickly pallor- with few noticeable mars, beyond the scars she's gathered from hunts. Her eyes are brown, often carefully guarded from being read, and her ginger hair, though straight, easily curls and waves with humidity. blair is very slim, built more for speed and climbing than direct combat.

Personality // One will not often find a recognizable human emotion on Blair's features. She learned from her family that hunters did not allow themselves the luxury of kindness, of love, of much more than stoicism. She's incredibly loyal and headstrong, preferring to figure things out on her own, even if that's a horrible idea. She's very intelligent but would prefer running around outside over reading a book any day. Despite her moderately unnerving lack of visible emotions, Blair has a very sarcastic sense of humor, and assumes most people can easily take occasionally cruel teasing. she really doesn't get people. she should definitely never by one to deal with sensitive individuals.
History // Blair once was a part of her family's hunting business, until most of them were killed in a freak accident that she and her sister managed to escape. They lived on their own for awhile, when Blair was allowed to live as a normal teenager. Her sister eventually dropped her off with the hunters she is currently a part of before disappearing.

sexuality // gay
weapons // classic bow, pair of tomahawks
skills // using an opponents strength/weight against themselves, expert marksman, handles very well in stressful situations, resourceful

on a recent mission to carlsford, blair contracted a supernatural "disease" that is slowly turning her into a monster herself. it currently only affects her left arm. she wears a large metal band just above her elbow that administers her a treatment to slow the spread.
"That's you, trying to disguise yourself as a worker bee. That's you tryin' to blend in with the hive. But you're not a worker bee. You're a renegade killer bee. And no matter how much beer you drank or barbecue you ate...nothing in the world would ever change that." -Kill Bill

Name: Granger Tvesturis

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Witch, Hunter, or Other: Hunter

Signature Weapon: Miranda (a well-concealed short-range pistol device, rather similar to a Darringer pistol from the Wild West, but it’s been modified to contain either magnesium or silver-laden bullets (the former for vampires and witches due to its brightness, the latter for vampires and werewolves). It can be given the ability to stun or kill, depending on how much is loaded and how close he is to his target.

Personality: The younger Granger was surely much different than the Granger of today. When he was younger, Granger was obsessed with the Wild West, and while acting as a hunter, he liked to pretend he was the sheriff, and he was out to capture and secure the supernatural outlaws of Carlsford. North Carolina wasn’t exactly the WIld West, but a youth could pretend as much. In more recent years, Granger has largely outgrew his Wild West phase. Granger is prone to anger, and his temper with dealing with supernatural beings is quite slim. He asks questions, and expects answers. Any sort of stalling will provoke quite a livid response. He hardly gives witches the benefit of the doubt, and will always assume the worst. Hell, if he thinks so much as to have questions for one, they are guilty of something. He’s not a murderous fiend, however. He does believe that some of the witches may be of use for good (the hunters, of course), but that requires some work to figure out. That being said, a lot of the witches can be problematic for him.

As for his fellow hunters he happens to stumble across, he’s especially critical of the younger ones. He feels that they lack the sentiment and determination of older generations. He feels that they’re not doing the best of service to mankind. He despises arrogance, and adores it deep,y when one asks him for help. He’s always eager to give help in training, and to chastise and criticize the young blood if they’re not hunting well. He’s not impossible to get along with, but it isn’t easy at first. If he admires the traits and ambition of an individual, he will gladly view them as worthy friends and allies.

Skills: He has a steady hand for shooting (useful in combat situations); average conditioning (important considering his age); oration abilities (he has a way with words to be convincing and perhaps manipulative in certain situations).

History: Granger came from a small farmtown of Hagersburg, Pennsylvania. German by descent, Granger can trace his ancestry back to very early hunters. Its been a family tradition of sorts, and when he came of age, he was inducted into the family history. As a young man, Granger was ambitious, quick to gunmanship and metallic diplomacy. The moniker “Granger the ranger” came about to him in his youth, on account of his penchant for not being one to favor words over actions. Surely the coven members did not like having to deal with the young Granger, as he caused quite a bit of trouble. The law was in his hands, and that wasn’t always a good thing. Hagersburg had a lot of witches simply stop causing trouble, though it’s up for the facts to decide if these witches were causing trouble or not.

With age, of course, came temperament. Granger the ranger truly became Granger the danger, as sometimes his ambition and greed for glory would get the best of him. Whether it was barging onto hideouts alone (his family assisted to have Granger tag along with a fellow hunter), or venturing miles away from any sort of back-up. These were the days where, however, Hunters had some semblance of order. Things didn’t always last that long. A lot of good people god killed, a lot of them transformed into hideous monstrosities, or med ends of equal malevolent magnitudes. That, and given that the nature of this pseudo-war seemed never ending, it wore the hunter out.

A quagmire is surely no fun to be in, and now late into his life, the older hunter now seemed to have no sense of direction. Hagerstown no longer a center of activities, but as one presses their finger into the hole of a sinking ship, there will spring a leak elsewhere. That leak was Carlsford, and the famed coven. This required a move, and as his parents, now retired and well into their 70’s, they saw it for the best. Granger had siblings and friends to take care of his parents anyways, and they insisted that he sadhere to the family tradition and seek out this new hive. He took up residence in a nice house, and got to work.

At this time, Granger was about 36. When he turned 41, things went South. He had wasted five years, and without any luck on his case. Yet, he got word that his parents had passed away, at the young ages of 74 and 76, within an hour of one another. It was a car accident, they said, and Granger moved back home for a year ot manage their affairs. Yet, things began to heat up in Carlsford, prompting his return once the estate was sold, and his inheritance collected. It was on-and-off searching for quite a while, managing individual cases and building connections with the various people of Carlsford, all without luck, for the next few years.

At 43, things got rather interesting. An old family friend, one he had not seen in years, stopped in, practically throwing at his feet. A 14 year-old girl, one of a hunter family, was now in his guard. If things weren’t nearly as complicated as they already were, now he was to be some sort of guardian angel for her. Yet, the thing is, Granger hadn’t had any kids. With his parents dead too, it was so important to pass on his abilities as a hunter to her, this Blair. He didn’t know how long he’d be around, and the hunter creed was one to be admired, and not lost. He didn’t know how much more he could continue this fight. Not being normal was a lot for him at this point. And Blair was one to surely continue it, seeing as Granger thought she possessed the talent, it would be such, so long as she didn’t mess up.


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"People fear that which they do not understand. Gaze, and despair. For those who would stand before me shall face the wrath of me and the eternal ice of Hell.

  • 1519617252481.png
    Name: Val'Kyren

    Alias: Witch Lord of Cocytus

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Height: 6'11

    Weight: 188 lbs

    Alignment: Neutral Evil

    Personality: Contrary to what the tales claim, this legendary Warlock is not a bloodthirsty monster as he is often made out to be. Despite his menacing figure, he has been described as a pushover by several of his friends. Apparently, he is much less cold to those he is familiar with than strangers.

    However, even so, Val'Kyren is not an easily defeated opponent. He is feared and respected by hunters, and even fellow witches. Though a warlock, he does not seem to enjoy the idea of resorting to underhanded tactics, and supposedly is a fierce believer of honor. But not that any of the hunters would know, since almost every one that's tried to hunt this warlock either never came back, or returned hanging on a single strand of life, or even missing a couple of limbs...
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shawl-pullover-witch--namkha-heimaey---bleu-petrole-p-image-246867-grande.jpg Name: Skylar Lynn Rosery

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Witch, Hunter, or Other: Witch

Specialty: Creature Summoning

Personality: Skyler's personality comes from both her mother and father. She is calm and tends to think about issues thoroughly before acting on something, but can also be on her toes and make quick choices. She is outgoing and cares a lot about people around her. Skyler is also very athletic and adventurous, taking long walks to remote places where she is able to practice her magic and be herself without judging or hateful eyes.

Fluent in 2 Languages: She learned Japanese from her mother and from growing up in the US she Naturally learned English as well.
Speed Reader: Growing up Skyler loved to read, and while in school she took a speed reading class.
Flexible: She took gymnastics in middle and high school
Basic Medicine: With her parents getting older by the day and her father now having back problems, Skyler has taken it upon herself to learn some basic medical skills, such as CPR, What to do in case of medical emergency, and how to treat, properly clean, and dress wounds.

Athletic: Though not the fastest runner, Skyler can keep a decent pace for a decent amount of time

History: Skyler was born in America, but was taught much of the Japanese culture and lifestyle from her mother as she grew up. She was expected to know many of the Japanese traditions as she grew up, though her mother became more lenient on some of the rules and traditions as she grew older. When Skyler was old enough, her mother taught Skyler about magic. Her mother taught Skyler how to control herself when doing small spells and soon Skyler was spending hours of time a day practicing, enriching her abilities.

Any other pertinent information:

  • PastedGraphic-21.jpgName: Raffles

    Age: About 2

    Animal: Ferret

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Ruffles is very hyperactive and loves to run around and play. He's an absolute sweetheart, finding much enjoyment in picking flowers and shiny stones and giving them to people he meets and likes. He can be quite energetic and a handful when he's overexcited about something. Can also be a bit of a brat when he doesn't get his way.

    Tricks/Skills: Knows basic tricks, such as fetch and roll over. Very good at climbing and swimming.

    Bio/History: Was given to Skyler about two years ago and they have been inseparable since then. Originally given to her when Skyler's mother's ferret had given birth, and once Ruffles was old enough to be away from his mother, it was straight into Skyler's arms.

    • - Scared of the dark.
    • - Loves red flowers the most
    • - Ruffles favorite food is chicken.
    • - Can't go to sleep at night without a song or bedtime story

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Name: Madison Williams

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Witch, Hunter or Other: Witch

Specialty: Enchanting Objects

Personality: Madison is quite frankly the quiet, calm girl with a wisdom beyond her years. She never speaks without carefully considering all her options, and when she does, she's usually able to gain the respect of the older witches. She's trying to be more sociable, but it can be rather hard for her. Right now, she's still got a bit of nerves with her new ascension to Matriarch, wondering if she can handle the responsibility.

Skills: Very creative, patient, a talented drawer.

History: With her grandmother being who she was, Madison was destined to grow up around magic. A new outfit with a wave of your hand, a bed that made itself- it was everything a little girl could dream of. Her father, James, was a pyromancer, while her mother, Mary, is a normal human who knows about the supernatural. Sadly, James died in a car accident when she was sixteen.

Her grandmother was a seer, and on her deathbed, she had a vision. With her health failing, she didn't have as good control over her gift as she once did, but she was able to glean general information. Some sort of dark force was inching its way to Carlsford, and if it got strong enough, it would not only mean the end of the town, but the entire mortal world. Esther claimed that if Madison wasn't at the center of events, she'd be very close to it, and thus declared the young witch her successor. None of the other witches have been able to sense this force or confirm Esther's vision, only adding to the furor over Madison's rise. For her part, Madison looks in her grandmother's old crystal ball every morning, but so far, to no avail.
1519699726232.pngName: Lucy Das

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Specialty: Can manipulate water to her desire.

Personality: Very much of a control freak. She expects to get whatever she wants, if she doesn't she will have a fit. Expect her to roll on the ground, with puppy eyes and a load of fake tears. Lucy is extremely energetic, she never walks properly. She enjoys the company of her friends and fellow witches, and is fiercely loyal to them. At a young age Lucy was an exceptional artist, her drawing skills would often beat that of adults, right now she works at a fast food restaurant full time but if that ever fails, she can always be like a manga artist or something. Despite her energy she is a critical thinker. She normally tends to see things from different angles and makes the best decision possible. In her dictionary she does not know what personal space means and treats Vel'Kyren like some sort of pet. He is basically her wallet, he buys her things she wants and in return, he gets absolutely nothing. However, despite her cheerfulness she has no problem killing people.

Skills: Pretending to cry, being cute, drawing

History: Legend says of a witch being able to control water arose 6 months ago, her victims all die without ever seeing her face, their bodies untouched, but lungs filled with water. These deaths sent human detectives mad. Not a single fingerprint, not a single witness, the only coloration between these crimes: they all happened on a rainy day, at night. As the news reached the Hunters a frantic search began for this water witch. Most hunter platoons return with traces of this witch at all but those who did return, were attacked, most of their platoon dead but there was always one survivor to tell the tale. Most of these hunters described a horrid scene of water rising from the drains, raindrop's paths bending forming a sphere of water onto their face. most died of suffocation.

Little did they know it was just a 16 year old, causing them so much trouble. Lucy mainly lived a normal life she grew up with witch parents, she shares with her family an ancient magical blood line. She was just like every other kid, going to school, coming back home, doing homework but one night, as she was going home. It was dark and rainy, as she returned home she found her parents dead on the floor. There were signs of resistance from them but the efforts were clearly futile. there were 4 hunters standing around their bodies. In a fit of rage Lucy directed a stream of water towards their face first forming a thin layer, but that was enough to suffocate them, in her latter life she worked as a humble fast food worker and lives with her favorite wallet... I mean uncle: Edward.
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View media item 34522Name: Gratatenens (he picks a pseudonym when posing as a Human)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Personality: Gratatenens is laid-back. Really laid-back. Once he's made a pact with a mortal he'll relax and goof off in their home as long as they uphold their side of the deal. The only things that can rouse him to action are not getting something he wants, having what he has threatened, and threats to him. Gratatenens's interests are those of a stereotypical geek: anime, fantasy and sci fi, junk food, and video games. A guest in his Pactee's home would likely just think he's their teenage family member. Gratatenens's love of pop culture is the main reason he makes Pacts so he can come to Earth.

History: Gratatenens isn't sure how long he's been around. He ate the wrong pot brownie in the 1960s and woke up with severe memory issues. What he does remember goes back to at least the Roman Empire, but he's not sure how often he's visited Earth. When he does come to Earth, it's because a magic user has summoned him or he's managed to cross over through other means. Either way Gratatenens's deal is simple: he'll provide the Pactee with unending life (even turning back the clock on the aging of older Pactees) and increase their magical power as long as they keep up their end of the deal. Which is to indulge all his desires and their soul becomes his property if they die while Pacted. Since those desires are mainly room, board, entertainment, and occasionally other easily-obtained items it seems like a really good deal. Especially since the Pactee can keep their soul if they voluntarily give up what they gained. The catch to the deal is that they have to give it all up before the Pact is broken. Which means that Pactees who have outlived their natural lifespan have their souls forfeited anyway. And since any power they're not able to give back comes out of their lifespan as well it results in their death and him gaining their soul. Gratatenens usually just sets the souls loose afterwards before he takes as much as he can with him when he's sent back to the Other Side. Gratatenens is pro-Human because he consumes what they create and likes it.
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/...eryx rembriel




Appearance // eryx, at first glance, may appear intimidating thanks to his stature of 6'3. He is clearly athletic, if leaning more on the slim side. He is all sharp angles and harshness, complete with dark, inqiusitively arched brows. he has warm, dark brown eyes and even darker, curly black hair. he usually has a messy beard, though sometimes will go clean shaven.

Personality // despite looking like he might be a player or someone rough and tumble, eryx is actually quite the lame nerd, and kind of a teddy bear. he has an affinity for rules and tradition, preferring structure over chaos -which can give him intense anxiety- and loves learning. obviously, with his position in the coven, he has an adoration for the history relating to witches, and probably knows a lot more about magic than even some witches. while he can be condescending at times, he's mostly and over-eager puppy about his interests. he has quite the witty, if awkward, sense of humor. actually, he's kind of just an awkwardly charming person in general.
History // eryx was born to a magical father and a non-magic mother. however, the magic genes were not passed on to him. so while he is fully aware of the extranormal world out of human sight, he can't actually perform any magic. his father was the carlsford coven's historian, meaning he knew more about their history than anyone else, and kept books and records of everything that occurred. despite his lack of magic, this position was passed on to eryx after his father moved away with his mother. eryx still keeps in contact with his family, often calling up his parents for advice.

sexuality // questioning
skills // quick learner, massive knowledge of witch history and even some aspects of magic, focused, diplomatic

eryx lives with the carlsford coven.

"Hi, I'm Savannah." Savannah Goode

Age: "How old do I look?" 23

"Don't make me drop a house on you." Witch

"Call it a woman's touch." Specialty: Savannah has the ability to implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of people in order to manipulate them, particularly men. With this, she is able to make a person do anything the young witch desires. Though this was trained ability Savannah had practiced over the course of several years. The witch possesses a natural talent in the art of Resurgence. Resurgence is the ability to bring true life back from the dead. It is a rare power and tricky to learn for most witches. Resurgence is powerful enough to heal the skin of burnt corpses and even fuse limbs not previously attached to the body. The power is useless though if the body is in too many pieces, and after performing it Savannah loses consciousness for a period of time.

"Well why didn't y'all just ask?" Personality: When first noticed, Savannah appears to be a very mysterious and quiet individual. But on the contrary, she is a naturally warmhearted girl and is open to making new friends, some would say this is just the natural 'southern hospitality.' Though this can also make her gullible and quick to strangers who may seek to do her harm. She cares deeply for all living things, but by no means is against fighting to protect herself and the ones she cares for. Though the witch would be considered far from a fool. She is more than capable in ensuring her survival, and getting what she desires from time to time.

"I might know a thing or two." Skills: Savannah is well-versed in traditional herbalism as well as more sophisticated botanical science and potion brewing. Given the right ingredients and proper preparation, even one without magical talent could produce a brew that could impress even the most seasoned of witches.

"I got a story that'll knock yer' socks off." History: The southern belle was born and raised in the busy, buzzing city of Savannah, Georgia, which was how she was given the name. Savannah was given up for adoption at birth by her parents, who she has never seen to this day and was only given their names. The beautiful baby blond was quickly taken in by a caring couple who raised the girl as their own daughter. In a way, Savannah had always thought of them as her real parents. But she didn't need someone to tell her to know that these people were not the ones who had birthed her. They were normal..

Ever since the tender age of 5, Savannah knew she was different from the other children at her school. Often times the teacher would be called after one of the students' chocolate milk had 'suddenly' fell and spilled all over their lap. Or how the windows and doors would open by themselves. As Savannah grew older, her mysterious talents grew even stronger. Come high school, Savannah had done much research of her 'condition' to seek answers concerning the feats she was able to perform. After countless hours scanning books and reading online, she had made both a surprising and horrifying conclusion. She was a witch...

One day during her free period in school, she was outside on one of the benches in the courtyard to enjoy the warm June sun when a student who had been sitting on the windowsill of the 2nd floor chemistry room had fallen, causing the unfortunate boy to land onto the concrete ground and die instantly. Dumbstruck and horrified, Savannah ran to the motionless boy and leaned beside him. She had begun to do what she had discovered possible with animals she had found dead; lean over, take a deep breath, and exhale the breath against the boy's dead lips. With that, the boy's eyes had shot open as he sat up to find himself very much alive, while Savannah's eyes had closed and her body going limp to collapse to the ground.

She had woken up about a half hour later in a hospital bed, her 'parents' standing beside her and praising the lord she was alive. Unfortunately, they had informed her that whatever had happened at the school, about 30 students had witnessed and quickly spread the word by saying Savannah was a practitioner of necromancy and worshiped the devil. And when in Georgia, word tends to get around quickly.. With much disdain, the 17 year-old Savannah left her hometown behind her as she now travels the states as a nomad, learning to further understand and control her powers. They were given to her for a reason...right?

"Just a few knickknacks and necessities." Any other pertinent information: Being a nomad, Savannah travels particularly light for her travels. She carries a canvas messenger bag strapped over her shoulder, which holds a leather-bound book she had found that contains various incantations, rituals, magic circles, charms, etc.. She also carries with her a transparent crystal ball and a deck of tarot cards to foretell the near-future for those willing to pony-up the money for it. Sadly though, her visions of the future are very subjective and could easily change depending on the actions of the person.
Valen S. Rex






Light and Shadow Manipulation

Valen is a sultry and troublesome SOB. She likes to try to keep things mysterious but often fails. She is a very blunt person, but she can keep a secret. She does many a deal with many a demon, and she is a trusted friend of them. She loves indie music and singing.

Valen grew up in Kansas City, along with her sister. She, as a little kid, would talk to her "shadow friends". She remembers the tornado that happened immediately after her sister found out about their father dying. She then knew that they were different. She met a witch that was passing through town and ended up leaving with her. She died in a forest just south of Carlsford, and after a proper burial, Valen headed over there. She has been there ever since.

Valen can sing and knit.

code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
"When Alice strayed into Wonderland, the dream warned her: "Stray too far into the dream and it will become the only maddened, twisted reality you know." Alice fell too deep into the abyss, and was condemned to straying the depths of hell for eternity. Alas, the blackness has already corrupted my soul. There is no more room for sympathy in my soulless heart. "
Akane Fuyukawa

  • 1520914504963.png
    Name: Akane Fuyukawa || Hunter

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: "I'd fuck anyone. ~hehe, just kidding." Pansexual

    Height: 5'8

    Weight: 112 lbs

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Personality: On the outside, Akane appears to be quite cheerful and friendly, albeit quite perverted. It appears she can't go on for a few minutes without cracking a dirty joke or two. However, she expresses that she has no intentions of getting a boyfriend. Basically, a thot. Hell, she even makes fun of her own tiny chest.

    However, all of that is but a mask. In reality, Akane is a twisted sociopath who would go to great lengths to torment and break her victims, which range from witches who she had defeated, to other creatures which she had captured or 'apprehended.' She is extremely manipulative, driving people to do... things... and truth be told, what happens to her friends is of little consequence to her, and she sees almost all people as expendable. She feels little sympathy and the only joy she gets out of life is the twisted orchestra of screams and cries that escape her enemies.
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