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Fantasy The Grand Conflict- Witches and Hunters (Lore)


One Thousand Club
Since the beginning of time, there have been witches. Women and men who can use the elements, twist minds, even wield life and death themselves. Some hide themselves away in solitude, while others seek fellowship in a coven. One such coven is the Carlsford Coven in North Carolina, which is going through hard times, and now the wolves are circling...

Since the beginning of time, there have been hunters. Men and women who have sworn to protect others from the supernatural predators lurking in the shadows. Werewolves, demons- they deal with it all, and they often aren't the type to ask questions first. After all, many a town has become a graveyard when a well-meaning witch summoned something they shouldn't have, or a freshly turned vampire lost themselves to bloodlust. Now, following rumors of a coven, a group of hunters has come to Carlsford. Little do they know what they will find...

And worst of all, something beyond the understanding of any mortal is starting to stir. Something that threatens not just Carlsford, but reality itself. Can they band together, or will old hatreds prove too much to overcome?


The Town of Carlsford:

A town of 20,000 on the North Carolina coast, most of the year, Carlsford leaps right over sleepy into downright comatose. The only exception is in early August, when the city hosts Blues, Brews, and Barbecues, a massive music/food festival. Other than that, there's still a few things to do downtown- the local mall is always an option, and Tony's Italian Restaurant is held by the local foodies to be akin to Mecca.

The Carlsford Coven:

Established by John and Martha Harris way back in 1760, the coven is arguably the oldest still in existence in the U.S. Housed in the former Harris plantation manor, the coven gets by nowadays by operating a somewhat profitable bed and breakfast on-site.


Hidden on the back of the property, disguised as a toolshed, is the main residence for coven members, although they aren't required to live there. Enchanted to be far bigger on the inside than its humble exterior would suggest, it has private bedrooms, a large dining room, game room, a theater, and all the amenities of 21st-century life. Quite the place to be.

Covens tend to be matriarchal, as more women are witches than men, though it isn't a hard-and-fast rule. As for leadership and succession, each coven does it their own way. Sometimes it's hereditary, others give it to the strongest witch, and still others, like Carlsford usually does, have elections. However, when the old Matriarch, Esther Williams, died last week, she named her granddaughter Madison to be the next Matriarch on her deathbed, invoking precedent not seen since the Harris' themselves. To say that the coven is in an uproar is an understatement, and things have split into pro and anti Madison factions, though things haven't turned violent yet. What's more, some of the younger witches have been sloppy about hiding their spells, leading hunters to start piecing things together. All in all, things could be a lot better.

Witches and Magic:

All witches are born such; if you don't inherently have magic, no amount of training and research will give it to you, though you might learn quite a bit about how it works. A witch born to nonmagical parents will have their powers manifest around puberty, although if one or both parents are witches, it could be much younger. All witches can sense the presence of other witches, even if their powers haven't manifested; this is how first-generation witches are often found and recruited. Witches are born mortal- though there are methods to attain immortality, they require crossing ethical lines. (Immortal witches will be allowed, but the method they use, whether draining life force, a deal with a demon, becoming a lich, or something else, must be mentioned in the CS sheet, and they better have a good reason.) Witches do have weaknesses- gold (metal, not color) negates their powers, silver (same deal) burns them, and lavender is poisonous enough to make cyanide seem tame.

There's a saying amongst the Carlsford witches: "There's as many ways to cast a spell as there are stars in the sky." While not literally true, there are different ways to get an effect. Thought (very difficult), incantations, glyphs and runes, enchanted items, potions, deals with sprits- they all work. Magic has five possible fuels: external energy, internal energy, emotional energy, ritual, and blood. External energy could be, say the heat from a fire, or maybe the wind. It's quick, flexible, and easy to cast, but hard to control. Internal energy relies on one's own life force (don't worry, it regenerates, albeit a little slowly). Easier to control, but if you use up your life force in one shot, well, the consequence should be obvious. Emotion energy relies on channeling an emotion, like frustration or sadness, to get an effect. Fast, but not flexible: rage won't do much for delicate spells, for example. Rituals rely on channeling energy through props- might be crystals arranged in a certain pattern, or drawing of magical symbols. The most precise of all, but you have to have time to do the ritual. Last but not least, all these can be augmented by blood offerings, though it must be the caster's own blood, somebody else's won't do squat. Magic is neither inherently good nor evil- just a part of nature, like a tree or a stream. It's all about intent.

The Spirit World:

The spirit world is a world where the imagination holds more sway than physics, and includes all the things the human mind has ever conceived. Mount Olympus, Hell, the Grim Reaper, Santa Claus- they're all there, at least in theory. One thing to note is that it takes a lot of power to open up a doorway between the human world and the spirit world, and you need to clearly focus on the destination, especially if you're crossing over from the mortal side. A single lapse in concentration can leave one trapped forever in the void... or worse.


Demons are denizens of the lower reaches of the spirit world. They are completely immortal, but can be banished back to the spirit world through exorcisms. They are spirits of chaos, not necessarily evil, though in practice, it often amounts to the same thing. They can possess innocent mortals and offer them power, but never without asking for something in return.


Vampires are ageless, bloodsucking, walking corpses. They are sterile; one must be turned into a vampire, and it requires conscious action on the turner's part, the bite itself is not enough. Turning requires the victim's blood to be completely drained, and is akin to gorging oneself at the buffet. Vampires cannot live on blood alone, and human blood is more nutritious than animal blood, although the latter can be enough to subsist on. Feeding on blood can also heal wounds, such as burns or gashes. They don't burst into flame immediately upon expose to sunlight, although several hours of continuous exposure can be fatal. They cannot transform into bats, but have enhanced eyesight and hearing, as well as superhuman strength and speed. If Joe Average is turned, he can probably lift half a ton and run at thirty miles an hour, and do better than that if he was in good shape while alive. Vampires are vulnerable to fire, silver, garlic, decapitation, and being stabbed through the heart with a freshly cut wooden stake. The older the vampire, the fresher the wood needs to be.


Werewolves are humans with the spirit of wolves inside them. They are either born as such or turned with a bite, but unlike vampires, the bite itself is enough. Werewolves can shift into a single wolf form whenever they choose, and at the full moon, they automatically transform into a monstrous wolf-man hybrid. This hybrid form is more difficult to control, but not impossible. Younger werewolves, whether bitten or born, do not experience the hybrid form until their thirteenth birthday. They have enhanced endurance and sense of smell in all forms, and are especially vulnerable to silver, although normal weapons work fine against them.


There is no single organization of hunters, although they do share information whenever possible. Tactics are likewise a diverse bunch, some go the "Winchester brothers" route and get by with 12-gauge shotguns, homemade amulets, and plenty of pluck, while others are more high-tech and armed with military grade gear and massive databases on everything that goes bump in the night. The one thing they all have in common is a sense of duty to their fellow mortals- not one more person will be harmed by the supernatural if they can help it.

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