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The Ginjinka circus!

"Oh that won't do! The ring master would be upset to hear if she couldn't preform. She is one of the best selling act." She threw in before holding the girls hand "but luckily I am good at my job." She said closing her eyes a bit as she started to heal Vapors hand. "Thanks Ms. Chandler." She said feeling the pain already leaving.

She then looked over to the luxray "thanks for bringing me here. You can go if you want, I know you and everyone were heading to practice." She said with a nodd. "Oh and don't mention this to my brother, he'll get upset... Just tell him I gave you another ear full." She chuckled. That was pretty believable.

The togetic looked up at the girl and gave a peaceful smile. "Oh, hellow there."she stared at her for a long moment "o-oh you must be new!" She beamed and grabbed her hands so suddenly "so seem so nice and sweet already." She said her eyes practically sparkling. She had been here for a half a year now, but she wasn't quite getting along with everyone. They all mostly made fun of her because she looked like such a child. But she wasn't! She was old enough...

Flynn smiled a bit and pat the girls head "we'll if you are fine, then I'll over look it." He said shooting the other two a loot before smiling and looking back to the two girls "Sammy, this is Pyraa. She's new, starting today. Pyrra, Sammy here just joinf half a year ago and hasn't started an act yet, but she's searching." The togetic sighed a bit "aw... Don't bring that up..." She pouted.



Aiden frowned, well, if the ringmaster heard he injured his best seeling act, he may as well lose his job! He sighed, raising one hand out of his pockets and to brush his hair back. He just had the best of luck with his powers. He watched quietly as Ms. Chandler began to heal Vapor's hand, seemingly curious by how her powers worked itself. He brought his attention back to the vaporeon, blinking a few times before shrugging. "I don't know, I suppose you will be here awhile. I'd just be dead weight on your shoulders, right?" He gave a small smile before turning off to head out. "Uhh, I look forward to seeing your act, I hope you feel better." He murmured quickly as he exited the trailer and headed off towards the tents the two had supposedly ran too.

"Awww, come onnn, Lighttt! You know I was playing with youuu!!" The manetric screeched as the jolteon had sat on him, sparks being exchanged between the two. Yet, it almost seemed like there was no real outcome in doing so other than looking like a streaks of lightning running between the two. The eevee evolution managed to tackle him down and sit on the poor guy, who seemed to be laying on his stomach. "Eileenn! You gotta tell him to get off!!" The ampharos simply smirked against the wooden board. These two were probably their own circus at most. She listened to the cloth being lifted, soon turning to see the eventual newcomer. "Aah, Aiden. How was Vapor for you?" The luxray seemed to lose color in his face for a moment before sighing. "It was fine... she wouldn't stop...going on about stuff."



Pyrra's eyes widened at the hands that grasped her, soon to smile at how enthusiastic the girl as. "Y-Yes, I am. My names Pyrra... I'm here to sing for the circus." She replied, giving a gentle smile in return to Sammy's displays of joy. "You're.. Sammy, correct?" She asked, wondering if she was doing well for one of the first introductions she's made. Her eyes seemed to trail back to Flynn for some help, but she seemed to be fairing just fine on her own.​
Vaporeon watched as he left. He... Was looking forward to her act. She felt a bit of pink dust her cheeks. Wait why was she blushing...? "Aweee! You look so adorable! Do you have a little crush?!" The older girl asked. Vapors face grew even more red "c-crush....?" She asked baffled. Though now that's she started to think about it... He did look... Cute. "Aweeee, you deffinantly do! You have to tell me all the juicy details every time you come see me!" She beamed happily. Te Vaporeon let out a sigh but smiled a tad.

Light looked up and his eye brow twitched up. No one else may have noticed but he saw that color drain from his face. He got up and walked over to him, sniffing around a bit
"something you want to tell me...?" He asked though what he got from the scent was totally different. He grabed his collar and pulled him close "you flirting with my sister, bub?"

He smiled at her and chuckled a bit. She was doing fine, in fact this is the only person so far that Pyrra seemed to be comfortable with. "Sammy, you don't have an act yet, but Mabey you could help our Pyrra here?" He suggested. After all he knew the togetic was a great helper.

She released the swablu's hand as she turned towards Flynn, thinking. Teen gave a big nodd.
"YEAH!" She then turned towards Pyrra again "that is... If you'd like me to?" She really hoped too, she was tired of feelin useless and not able to do anything.



Aiden's eyes widened, feeling the static travel up his spine as soon as the jolteon grabbed hold of his collar. He avoided contact, worried that above all else that another incident could occur. Surthe other was an electric type like him, but that didn't completely negate the fact he couldn't control the lightning that coursed through his veins. As soon as the words "flirting" was brought up, the boy seemed to roll his eyes.
"Alright, Alright. You got me." He put his hands up in defense once more. "I accidentally shocked your sister trying to shake her hand."

"Just my luck, right?"
He had to admit more to seem like he wasn't trying to cover up. It's not like he liked the girl or anything. She was... cute, yeah, fine, but that didn't necessarily equal that he had emotions towards her. He rather take a beating over accidentally shocking a girl than a misunderstanding that he liked someone, especially his sister. "Woah, woah there, Light." The ampharos butt it, red eyes burning as she laid a hand on Light's wrist. "Your sisters cute, so what? Come on, that's not how to treat your new crew member."

"I literally just said that I shocked her, what part of that did you not get." The luxray bluntly murmured, before being hushed with Eileen's simple hiss. "I'm trying to help you, don't patronize me."



Pyrra gasped lightly at the idea of Sammy helping her out with her act. Someone to help her? She flustered lightly over the newfound appreciation over their kindness.
"I-I'd enjoy that actually." She smiled at the two before realizing how warm she had feeling. Her hand gripped the fluff over a cardigan, while her other seemed to touch her cheek in embarrassment. "Perhaps we could do some practicing some time... at the... Practice tent?"

She supposed this was how she would get to know the place, making reasons to head down and such. Something told her to continue interacting with them. They were friendly, and seemed to welcome her. How could she ever refuse to get along with them?​
The jolteons eyes traveled to hers and his grip lossened and he pulled back his arm "yeah, she is pretty cute huh?" He asked before retreating back to the center. Truth was he was pretty protective of his sister ever since and incident happened before the circus. He didn't even hear the part about him Shocking Vapor. If he did, we'll he would have not moved away.

"Alright, let's get started guys... Ray what are you still in the floor for?" He asked poking him with his foot. It was almost like it never happened, he was completely calm again.

The togetic smiled big and nodded. She would enjoy it at anytime if she were to be honest. She felt that hopefully the Swablu would be a good friend of hers. Flynn, she considered, a friend too, but he was so popular it was hard to become a good friend.

Flynn smiled as he stood off to the side. Things were going so well, he was glad. He slipped his hands into his pockets. He was glad that everyone knew he was actually working so he wasn't bombarded with people wanting to talk and hang out.



The luxray raised an eyebrow at the jolteon, taking a moment to take in what had just happened before brushing himself off. The ampharos, pleased with the outcome, patted the luxray on the shoulder. She felt the slight static brushing onto her and she seemed almost amused by the reaction. She then turned to Light, who seemed relatively calm and now kicking the poor manetric who wanted to get a moment's rest upon the floor.
"Liggghhhhhttt, quit ittt." The whining went on, and Eileen could tell that this crew would be rocky, but the three electric types could form a dazzling team. Even if one couldn't necessarily contain his powers. She should probably do some investigating into that some other time. "Alright, you three. Let's see what you can do separately then together."

"Alright! I was waiting for this!" The blonde on the floor practically glowed with the thought of showing off, pushing himself off the floor and landing on his feet. He generated the electricity into his hands, forming a ball of light in each hand before watching as the two balls shot out a streak of lightning between each other. He grinned and closed his hands, reopening them and allowing what he gathered to shoot out above him into little sparkles. It closely resembled fire works, and he was proud of such similarities. The luxray gave a slight clap before doing his own thing. "Alright, newbie! What do you have under your sleeves?" The manetric grinned, egging on the luxray to show off what he had in store for them. The boy took a deep breath as he walked towards the center himself, pressing his fist against each other by knuckle. He closed his eyes before his eyes reopened, the lightning raging along his arms before he flung his arms to his sides. A small black cloud rose a few feet above him, circling as around him as it struck the floor. "Woah, woah man! Don't want to rip up the ground below you too much!" The manetric grinned, maybe he would have fun with the newbie.



Pyrra smiled before looking to the exit to the tent.
"I don't believe I have anything to do after this. Would you like to practice now?" She asked, pressing a hand to her chest as she seemed to calm her ever beating heart. "I could practice a few songs before I decide what song I'll be sing for tonight's show." Her smile displayed her thankfulness before she turned towards Flynn. "Y-you don't mind us practicing right? There's nothing else your- i mean.. master wanted you to show me?" She still had to get used to calling the human the master, as well as working with the group.
The jolteon watched carefully. He was impressed, to say te least. He figured that it was even better than Ray's performance. He slid his hands into his posters as he paid closer attention. It seemed that he was having a hard time controlling it though, so he wasn't at full potential. He stayed silent as he thought about how they could work in that.

Flynn gave a small smiled to the girl and shook his head "nope you're free to go. You girls have fun, I need to report in and see if there is anything else I need to do." He replied before turning to leave. He opened the flap and looked back to her with a small smile "and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask or come to me." He finished before dissapearing outside.

Sammy smiled a bit and tilted her head. He was such a nice guy, no wonder why he was so popular. She had never seen him be mean or angry ice since joining. She looked back to her new found friend and smiled more
"let's go practice! I'm really excited to see what you have so far." She said before leading te way to one of the practice trailers that had recording equipment and instruments. No one really bothered to sing here, so it would be a new act in the circus.



The luxray calmed most of the lightning within him, swallowing as the cloud took more time to disappear. Ray hadn't seemed to notice, but he was entertained in the least.
"Gotta say, fluffy. You'll make a great addition to the Lightning act with what you're capabale of." Aiden gave a grin, he appreciated the praise, yet raised an eyebrow soon after the nickname Eileen gave him. His hair wasn't that long. Eileen soon turned to Ray, before sighing. "Alright, together now."

Ray blinked a few times before looking to luxray. What act could they do...together? "Uhh, I suppose we can generate the electricity between us?" Aiden nodded before mimicking the balls of electricity in his palms. Ray grinned before allowing a thunderbolt to shoot towards the luxray, who effectively caught it into his own before shooting a couple. The two seemed to get silly, sbeginning to grow farther from each other with each toss until they began to try and jump around with the electricity. Eileen rolled her eyes, maybe this luxray was perfect for Ray. Although, she couldn't help but wonder what else they had in store. At least, they got along so far.



Pyrra nodded to the flygon as he began to leave. She wondered if she would see him often, knowing that the circus was well-known for it's large amount of pokemon around. Yet, when Flynn called to her, she looked back up to him. The smile he flashed made her tense. Aah, what was this?
"Y-Yeah! I'll be sure to..." Without another word, she watched him leave, her thoughts remaining on the boy's smile until the small girl had mentioned practice.

"Ooh, right!" She followed the togetic to the trailer filled with recording supplies, almost intimidating by how much there was. "I don't suppose a simple piano act would be enough? I-I mean, not that I don't know how to sing to other sorts of songs!" She stammered, slightly unsure whether she could handle the pressure of having to do her best. And yet, the master was counting on her, and Flynn would probably be watching her. "Sammy, do you know how to play any of these?" She asked with a curious gaze, clutching her cardigan as she sat down into a stray chair.

Light watched, his eyes studying every move and looking for any flaws that he could find to bring up. He couldn't have anyone getting hurt and wit what he had noticed with the luxray... He shook the thought away as they seemed to be doing fine. He glanced to Elieen for a moment then back to the duo.

Vapor finally manage to get her hand healed, we'll mostly. Her hand was slightly twitchy, a bit of electricity that had not yet left her hand yet, but she was fine and was heading back to her trailer to change into her normal clothes. She yawned and bit and streatched. Hopefully she wouldn't have to go back to see Blissy for awhile, not wanting her to update her on their non exsist an love life.

Sammy paused for a long while, lookin over the instruments. Do I know how to play any of these...? She thought to herself before smiling and looking to the Swablu "nope! But I think for your first couple of acts for awhile with a piano is just fine... Plus you don't know too many songs do you?" She asked tilting her head a bit. It's not like she had to be a pop idol from the very beginning.

She smiled lightly and pat her shoulder lightly
"you know... I could ask around to see if anyone else knows how to play. Mabey we can get some exstra help every now and then." She smiled more liking her own idea. Two people could only do so much as we'll.



Eventually the two had moved onto other things, Ray managed to do a couple moves that were similar to a style of fighting, bursts of lightning shooting from such and soon the act was a dance of style and power. The luxray eventually followed, the lightning practically surging along his body before a final punch to the floor and the lightning seeming to reach to the skies from his back. Eileen gave a notable clap before chuckling.
"Alright, you two already seem like to got an act going on. I'm sure you'll do great tonight." She turned to Light with a nod before waving the two over. "Why don't we take Aiden to meet a few others, perhaps get to know some of our biggest performers."



The swablu shook her head at the mentioning of songs. She had only known a few passed down from her mother and perhaps a few from her sisters, but theirs were a bit more upbeat and perhaps a few unfitting for her. At the pat on her shoulder, she smiled. Perhaps a helping hand would make the act more entertaining. A one-man show wasn't always considered the best act.
"Do you know a few who would be best to consider?" She asked without batting an eyelash. "Perhaps we could consult them...now?" Her hesitation hadn't meant she was entirely scared, but more or less anxious of what others could possibly think about her singing. It was something she would have to go through anyways if she was singing for the whole show. "Or shall we practice a song since we're already here?"
"Huh? Like who?" He asked tilting his head to the side. He already met Vapor and himself. He did suppose that there were other big acts... But who could she really be talking about? He was really drawing blanks. Oh there was that fire user... And... He sighed and scratched his head. He really didn't pay attention to anything "how about you lead." He said more than asked.

She put her finger to her lip in thought. There were plenty of people to meet...
"Why don't we just practice for now? Everyone is most likely busy preparing for tonight. Oh! Did you know? We play for three days then move onto another place." She informed so that she wouldn't be confused when everyone started preparing Tommorow.



"One of our top performers also projects her own sorts." Eileen explained, leading the three out of the tent and towards the ghost type tent. The luxray seemed to grimace at the sight of the place, he wasn't fond of ghost types too much. " Aah~! Is that Eileen I hear?" A woman's voice projected from behind the group. The luxray turned, meeting faced to face with the floating nightmare of a face before it disappeared. He crashed into the manetric behind him, frightened by the sudden turn of a events.

"Ahahahah~!" A woman dressed in all sorts of purple revealed herself from the tent, soon to link her arm with Eileen, the two were best of friends and Eileen enjoyed helping with tricks. "They fall for it every time.." Her red eyes set on the newcomer, soon to smile as she gave a plesant wave. "And you are?" The luxray brushed himself, staring at the woman before looking over his shoulder then back to the woman. "Aiden, I'll be Ray's partner in the lightning act." He answered, somewhat irradiated that the girl had tricked him. "Pleasure to meet you, boy! I am Evageline, but feel free to call me Eva!"



The swablu smiled before looking around at what was around before setting herself behind a microphone. "You know how to work these things right?" She asked before, examining the strange object. The stand was likely going to be the one used on stage, but otherwise the microphone was different. Likely for recording and such. When the togetic gave her the go, she began with a

, knowing that even without the piano it would work as a good test for her vocals.
Once finished, she gave a subtle breath, taking a look towards her new found friend. "U-Uh, how was that?" It was a relevantly short song, and it was likely it would work as an opening. "Would you like to hear another for practice or is my mother's song enough?"
Lights own eyes lit up a bit "Eva, always a pleasure... Is Akachi in?" He asked. Light had always enjoyed the mans presence. His tales and sorcery of telling the future and reading minds. He wasn't a performer, but he had his own fortune telling tent customers could come into. Light had visited him many times. Akachi was in indeed, surrounded by a harem of ghost women. Not thy he was complaining... He loved the attention.

Sammy smiled to her "it's a bit short, but I'm sure the master wouldn't mind! After all you are new. It will suffice for awhile untill we figure out more songs!" She gave an encouraging nodd. She clasped her hands together. She really did enjoy the sing, oh how he wished she could sing! There had to be a way other than her helping practice... Mabey she could dance or something? She'd have to ponder on it more.



"Akachi? Oh, he should be around somewhere!" The mismagius chimed before taking a moment to act as if she looked for him. "I'm sure if you call his name three times, he will appearrrr~!" She cooed, chuckling when the luxray continued to grimace. "Not a fan of ghosts are you, boy?" She moved close to him, leaning in to inspect his looks. He seemingly backed up until he felt his feet being lifted, he cried out soon finding himself upside down by some sort of invisible force. The girl waved around her finger, her red eyes glowing pink. "Hmmm~ You're quite a wild one, aren't you? A bit wild in certain areas, aren't you?" She gave a wink and the boy flustered. He fixed his shirt against his skin as the fabric of his clothing still tried to fall with gravity. "H-Hey! Eva! Let me down!"

"Don't worrryy~ I got youuu." She chuckled, whipping her finger and setting the boy right side up and eventually back to the floor. She was well-known for her own personal readings and her telekinetic powers that would often lift a lucky audience member for her to seemingly dance with before she went on her shadow acts. "Feel free to go inside, maybe get a reading for Aiden if he isn't afraid~!"



With a clap of her hand, she seemed pleased with the togetic's response.
"What do you suppose we do next? I'm sure there's a few other things we can do before tonight's show!" The girl seemed generally excited, especially with the company she had grown acquainted too. Suddenly the door opened a girl blinked a few times before smiling. "I knew I heard someone in here." She chuckled before curtsying to the swablu. "Hello there, I am Lucenia and I see you're our new musical act?" The swablu nodded lightly, slightly surprised by the girl's formality. "Good morning, Sammy. I see you're fairing well with our newcomer. How is she?"
Light nodded and waited no more a second after before he headed in to the very back where Akachi looked up and smiled big. The girls around him flooded out, not particularity liking the Jolteons light. "Akachi!" He called as he stoped infront of him. Akachi stood and gestured for him to sit where ever. "It is nice to see you, Light. Are you here for a spontaneous reading?" He asked before looking past him. He rose an eye brow before noticing the Luxray.

He pointed to him
"come, join us." He said before taking a seat himself. He felt something strange from the boy and wanted to read him I'd he was granted... He could sense without touchin him that his path split into two and one action could ruin it. Light looked over his shoulder at the newest member and waved him over.

"She is wonderfull!" She beamed happily and turned towards the other girl. A thought just came to her mind. "I was just helping her practice! It was Flynn's idea." She said happily content with her new found job, even if she wasn't doing much. She looked over to her Swablu friend and moved next to her side.

"Hey lucenia, you are hereore than me, is there a piano here? Pyrra likes to play it, I'm sure she'd feel much more comfortable performing if she had one." She said nodding. After all the girl wa nervouse enough as it was, but she was so glad to see her excited. It made her happy to see her friend over joyed... And she was sure if tree was a piano, she'd be thrilled.



The luxray took a gaze around the room as they entered. Eileen and Evageline had remained outside, talking of the fashions they hoped to see in the next town. Ray closely followed behind the boys, soon to grin at the amount of ladies in the tent. He waved them off as they left the spiritomb's side. "Uhh, hello?" Aiden greeted with an awkward wave. It was his first day, and he didn't exactly live up to the haunting feeling of the tent. It practically filled him with dread, but to the ghost types it was what made them feel alive. "So...you do readings..?"



Lucenia smiled at the estatic togetic before turning towards the swablu. "A piano user, huh? We have one stashed away, but I'm sure with a little dusting and plugging in, it'll be just perfect for the performance." The kricketune walked over to a large cabinet, opening it and revealing the synthesis piano. The swablu's eyes widened, so there was a piano! "O-Oh, thank you, I didn't realize you would go these lengths for me." Pyrra stammered, smiling lightly. "I'm Pyrra, by the way.."

The red head smiled in return before setting up the piano. "It certainly is a pleasure, Pyrra. Please, do give the piano a try." The swablu stared at the electric piano before swallowing lightly and approaching the instrument. She pressed a note hesitantly before sighing and gliding her fingers over the delicate keys. Her

was elegant and perhaps displayed exactly what was expected of her.
The ghost nodded to him and smiled gently "you are curious, yes? Shall I give you a reading?" He asked as Light looked over to him. He nodded his head to encourage him. "His readings are very on point... I come to him quiet often." He said making the other male laugh lightly. "Yes I see you more than anyone else for a reading it seems." He said then looked back to the luxray, waiting for him to give in and when he did he was delighted.

He pulled over a small table as sat down infront of it before pulling out a deck of cards.
"Shuffle." He said handing them to Aiden. As he did he took a breath "from the moment I saw you I already caught a glimpse of your life. You have two paths to take, but be careful, one will lead to disaster." He warned before taking the cards and laying six of them faced down, before flipping them one by one. "Just as I have already said, but in the near future it will happen. You will lose control and only one person could ever hope to help you overcome it, a true love." He said gesturing to the card.

"T-that was so beautiful!!" The togetic squealed. It was so beautiful intact that she had tears forming at her eyes. She was so jealouse but happy at the same time. "Pyrra! You should play this one!" She smiled big at her. "The audience will love it! The master too! Don't you think, Lucenai?"

Sammy herself was still rather dazzled that she wanted to let everyone know, but they would all find out shortly tonight when she preformed. She couldn't wait to see the face and emotions in the crowd too! It was just getting her pumped up thinking about it.



"Lose control...? Love?" The luxray scoffed lightly, soon to look back to the cards. It was slightly worrying what would happen when he would lose control. It didn't help that he didn't know when or who would help him. Aiden glanced back up at the man before crossing his arms. "Thank you for the reading, Akachi, but I suppose I'll have to approach it with caution." To be truthful, he wasn't so sure if it would even come true, but he had not choice but say his thanks and take it to heart. He thought briefly at the thought of love. He hadn't been seeking any sort of relationship, so he somewhat had doubts.



Pyrra blushed as soon as she finished her song, chuckling at the girl's reactions. Lucenia had a hand to her mouth, practically enveloped by the scene of the girl's performance.
"They'll love you." She blurted out, surprising the bird pokemon even further. "O-Oh, I'm not sure. After all, I am new..." The girl fidgeted with her fingers, somewhat sheepish about her performance. "I'm sure they'll love you, your performance is aboslutely stunning. I'll be happy to provide background to whatever song you play tonight. Please do not hesitate to come to us for help with your performance!"

"A-Aah, thank you." The swablu smiled down at the girls before looking to the time. "When do we report to the tents for the performance anyways?"
He sighed and smiled a bit at him and glanced to the time "is it 12 already? I must be heading to my tent. Please come and visit me anytime." He said as he got up and headed towards the exit "it was a pleasure meeting you. And seeing you again, Light." He waved before leaving.

"Just my luck... I didn't get a reading..." Light murmered annoyed but sighed to calm himself. He looked back to Aiden though in thought. It seemed he wouldn't be able to help him controll his power... But his true love could. He could ask vapor to help but then again... What if she was his true love?! "U-unacceptable!" He blurted out from his spot before getting up. He gripped his fist a bit, but if that was true... It was unavoidable...

"We report at 5 to get things set up with everyone's help and pretty much get the schedual down." She nodded. That ment they had plenty of time to practice, relax, rest, and even get some food. "What would you like to do?" She asked Pyrra, curious. After all it wasn't like Sammy had anything to do.



The luxray waved the man off, watching as he left before sighing with the thoughts left with him. "Control..." He muttered, looking to Light and Ray. Ray seemed to be watching the ladies who had wanted to follow the spiritomb. Aiden noticed the jolteon's sudden stand. He blinked a few times at the words he spat at him, wondering what been on Light's mind. "Woah, take it easy buddy. He said there were two paths, I might not even... lose control at all."

"Uwwahh~ Pretty boy! Eileen told me you're great at dancing!!" The mismagius entered the tent, her smile mischievous as she whipped her finger up, effectively making the luxray pose. "W-Woah! Eva! not noww!!" Ray watched with a grin, laughing at his new found team mate dancing around in the air. "Sorry, kiddo. She's a wild card at these things!" Eileen called as the boy seemingly glared at the two.



The swablu blinked a few times before thinking of what next to do. "Perhaps we can walk around the area, I'd like to get a little bit more settled with the site even if we are leaving soon." She suggested as Lucenia nodded. "Sounds like a plan, I'd love to converse over your musical talent. Is that how swablus fair in the wild?" The bug pokemon began, hoping not to bombard the girl right away. "My family had a home for a short while, an odd place. Supposedly it was an abandoned mansion and I played around the piano while they went for food and such." After unplugging the keyboard and turning off the equipment, Lucenia ushered the two out with her.​
"I have to take care of something. Elieen, watch iver the new guy and don't torture him too much." He chuckled as he passed, lightly patting her head as he did. He would confront his sister with his worries... We'll atleast ask her to help the poor guy, much like she helped him at once.

"Help him?" She blinked a few times. Her brother never asked much of her. She let out a deep sigh. He had already shocked her once and she wasn't looking forward to more. "Please, there is no telling what could happen to the guy, or anyone around him. Akachi seemed very worried." He said crossing his arms. Vapor crossed her arms a bit. "F-fine, I'll babysit him for you, but you owe me big time." She smiled a bit at his relieve and headed off to the ghost tent alone. When she got there she started to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of Aiden being forced to dance.

Sammy listened quietly, replaying the song in her head, silently humming it a bit. She wondered where her friends wanted to go to first. There were plenty of places for them to go and visit. She looked around as they passed other Pokemon, smiling a bit.

Flynn himself just walked out of a tent near by, a marril praising him with great grattitude.
"Try to be carefull next time, it could get dangerous if you don't have control." He told the girl who nodded lightly. She had been practicing a dance routine when she fell through the stage, though it wasn't all he fault... It was a very old stage.



"Light, don't leave me here w-!!" Aiden cried out, cut off as the mismagius played with his movements. Evageline cooed to the boy as he began to do a graceful ballet. "Aah~! Yes, I'd enjoy to see him on stage if this was how things go on!" Ray was on the floor, practically crying from laughter while Eileen watched in amusement. When the vaporeon entered the room, the mismagius turned to the newcomer, smiling and turning the boy to look at her. "Welcome to the show, love~!"

Evageline always loved her other big performers, and she just so happened to adore the vaporeon.
"What are you here for, dear~?" She asked as she waved her fingers to and fro while the luxray seemed to do the waltz by himself. The boy flustered, how embarrassing it was to be played like a fool. No wonder why he didn't like ghost types. "Ooh~! Are you here for a reading on your aura or future? Akachi already left, but I can still read your body~!" The girl ceased her movements, practically beaming at the thought of predictions, they weren't as good as Akachi's but she enjoyed a good time. The luxray fell with a grunt, sighing as he remained on the floor. At least, he wasn't dancing.



"I knew that some swablus were notorious for their musical ability, but I hadn't known you were that wonderful!" Lucenia inquired as the three walked outside. The swablu smiled, nodding lightly. "I normally lull my family asleep with my singing, however, I've been able to sing without putting anyone to sleep as of recent times." She noticed the voice that came from the other tent, taking a moment to look over before realizing who it was. The flygon who showed her around, she blinked a few times, watching as they spoke. The marrill seemed to idolize the flygon while the other scolded her. "Aah, have your eyes on Flynn, don't you?" The kricketune chuckled.

The swablu flustered and shook her head.
"I-I just recognized him!!" She stammered, technically it was the truth. "Flynn! How was your morning?" Lucenia called, approaching with the other two behind her. "How are you doing, Marie?" The bird seemed sheepish to come along, seemingly glancing over the two as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Our newcomer also knows how to play the piano, you should've seen the scene. It was almost magical." The girl chuckled, glancing back at the red faced swablu.
As Vaporeon calmed down she smiled a bit and clasped her hands together as her tail swayed back and fourth. "You'd do that for me? I'd love to." She said as she watched the girl. Aside from her tricks she was very nice. She never had been affected by any of the, thankfully. "I've never really had a reading." She said feeling a bit excited and a bit distracted from her real adjective.

She moved closer to the ghost type, her tail kept swaying. She then glanced over to Aiden and smiled just a tad, making sure he was ok. He seemed fine so she looked back to Eva.

"My morning was fine. I actually shown Pyrra around first thing." He smiled and looked down to the girl. She looked like she was doing much better. Marie perked up hearing her name and she smiled brightly. "I'm fine! Thanks, how are you?" SHe asked giving a twirl.

Flynn hearing about Pyrra's piano playing smiled as he turned towards her
"I can't wait to hear you tonight then! I'm sure you'll do just fine." He said actually looking forward to the performans abounded everything else.



"Dear, of course!" The mismagius took a hold of the vaporeon's hands. Her eyes glowed a deep purple before she hummed. "That's odd you have a strange amount of electricity..." The luxray seemed to lift his head at the words, wondering what was meant by the comment. "I don't suppose I can go further, you could always ask Akachi about the details thoughh~!" The ghost type released her friend before looking to the luxray. "You alright there, boy? Do you need a hand?" She loved to torment newcomers every now and then. Aiden quickly stood, brushing himself off as he answered the woman. "I'm fine, please no more telekinesis or whatever."



Lucenia put a hand to her mouth,
"What? How come no one introduced me any sooner!" The girl chuckled before smiling to the water type. "That's good to hear! I've been doing great, excited for the show tonight!" The swablu looked up at the flygon, giving a faint smile at his enthusiasm to see her perform. "I can only hope I don't lull my audience to sleep thought.." She replied, chuckling lightly. She seemed slightly more at ease with Flynn, now that she's made a few friends.​
"We'll thank you anyways." She smiled then turned over to look at Aiden "oh yeah I came here to get you. The master said that we have to work to do!" She said happily. Obviously lying, but he didn't need to know that untill they left the tent so no one else found out. "So come on." She said waiting for him to follow out.

As they left she led him to a more secluded area an then turned towards him. "Alright, so let's try to work on that problem of yours. He have a few hours before the show." She nodded a bit and sat down, patting infront of her for him to sit.

"You'll be just fine." He encouraged patting her shoulder lightly. He knew she would be fine. "Just believe in yourself." He said smiling pretty big. Marie smiled a bit and clasped her hands together tightly. "Ohhhh, you two look like two new star stuck lovers! If inly I could find a man that cared about me as much as Flynn does! Even though you two just met! It's simply ment to be~" she twirled.

Flynn blinked and blushed slightly, looking off to the side, scratching his cheek. It's not that he liked her THAT much. He just met the girl... But she was unquestionably cute. He could not deny that at all. He let out a nervouse chuckle "quiet the romantic aren't you Marie?"

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