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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]I understand that everyone's intros may be fascinating and great, but I am not going to read them for several reasons. One because that is a lot of reading, and two because my character doesn't know what your doing or thinking about or how you got there. So I'm reading the ends for possible interactions. No harsh feelings.

Hmm. I know it's a lot to read, but if you can, try to read the whole post -- Folks worked hard on them, and there's lots of good stuff in there to enjoy! Plus, I'd hate for you to miss something in the middle or beginning of a post that's pertinent to those interactions.
[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]I understand that everyone's intros may be fascinating and great, but I am not going to read them for several reasons. One because that is a lot of reading, and two because my character doesn't know what your doing or thinking about or how you got there. So I'm reading the ends for possible interactions. No harsh feelings.

Not to mention I did have a lot fun reading them.

Effervescent said:
Alright, time to close out the plot. We have to end with this. It is perfection.
*bows* When I write alarm sounds at midnight, they shine.
So, uh, as much as I'd like to join, I've just seen these two posts:

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]but note that I will only be accepting UP to 10 applicants, as to avoid too much chaos.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]

Just so everyone is aware, today is the cut-off for CS Apps! At the very least, you need to put up a WIP and get it down, ASAP! This doesn't include secondary characters, but if you don't get something up that I can read today, I cannot accept you into the RP.

Even if it still is fine to join, that would make 16 characters... which is rather a lot for something detailed like this, so unfortunately I think I'm going to respectfully back out; I know from experience how oversaturation can ruin RPs.
Also, everyone is free to join Arthur and Esther, he kind of gave the invitation out to the masses when he was being all ministerial.

I also pledge to bring by bbc skills up to par during this rp. You are all so fancy.
My BBCode skills are not this good... If only there was a way someone could help me or lend me a code.. *wink wink*
[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]So I felt sorry that I didn't read some people's posts so I read them all. I'm sorry, don't hate me.

Your penance is accepted. Knowledge of the plot be with you.
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Hmm... Currently I'm experimenting with photo editing so if that goes down in flames I come back here.
It went down in flames... So I had a basic idea of having an image and having his name in front and on top of the image. Kind of like it's a chunk out of the image. But I just couldn't do it or find the right place or whatever. So my fail-safe is you, I would prefer either a faint light pink like his hair with some maybe light purple, or a dark forest green with matching forest-y colors.
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Thank you so much. I really wish I was good at coding so I didn't have to bother people with this.
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I have never before seen this embedded flashback phenomena. That being said, I'm fairly new to text-based role-playing. It intrigues me.
Right now it's primarily introductions and interactions - don't forget you can utilize NPCs of your own, or interact with the ones I put out there (big purple/yellow anomaly chick with fangs, anyone??)
Holy cow, there's a bunch of new posts here. I didn't get pinged on any of them. Laaaaaaame.

Anyways, I'm thoroughly enjoying the reading, this is a surprisingly fun group of characters for a Kafkaesque dystopia. I do want to give some specific thumbs-up shout outs now that I know the OOC has been a-rockin', but it's late and I'm tired so I'll come back tomorrow and contribute my favorite bits thus far.
Just for the sake of clarification, because I feel like people might be getting confused - there are currently two groups, each in -different- parts of the facility, but both groups are in THEIR respective common room :) Just so no one is lost !

Also - if you're having trouble figuring out who to interact with, PLEASE... talk things through here or in PMs or in chat. Don't just wait for someone to talk to your character - jump in... move... act :) I'll do what I can to help, but ultimately, you've gotta move your own character into play!

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