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Fantasy The Freaks (ALWAYS OPEN)



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A couple years ago, a handful of high schools took their students on a field trip to a chemical plant in the hopes to teach them how radiation works, but instead, a select few of them came out of the trip with... I guess you could call them superpowers, just like in the comic books. Now, years later, all of these people, who are all 20-something year old slackers that want nothing to do with saving the city, join together in an old chop shop, which serves as their base, training ground, and overall home to live and sleep in. There's no select leader, they have no secret identities, no costumes, and no true responsibility among themselves. They spend most of the time in the chop shop talking to each other, going through the regular drama and troubles of life, and using their powers for simple tasks, only occasionally using them to train to be a superhero.

1. Don't control other people's characters.

2. If you want your character and another user's character to be in a relationship, make sure both you and the other user consent to the relationship. The same applies for killing off characters.

3. Don't make your character OP. Sure, they're superheroes, but they shouldn't be on the level of Superman with no weakness. Every character must have a reasonable limit to their power and a reasonable weakness to come along with it.

4. Be kind and respectful towards other users.

5. You can only play three characters at a time.​
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Emma sat in her signature (or so she thought) foldable lawn chair with her left leg crossed over her right, sipping a cup of coffee. Her order had always been the same. Two creams, two sugars. She was wearing some mildly dirty sneakers with fluffy purple socks showing underneath, folded to about half-length. Her gray sweatpants covered these, however, only a sliver of purple showing from nearby her ankles. She seemed to be very comfortable in her cheesy blue t-shirt with the words 'I could kick your ass' printed on them in a bubbly white font, yet all of this was covered by a black 'University of Colorado' sweatshirt that she was wrapped up in, making sure the hood was up and over her head. She seemed overly focused on a weight in the corner of the room, and not at the coffee in her hand. Focused on the weight, she could see it begin to lift into the air slightly, just barely an inch.
Jash walked into the room and saw Emma sitting in her signature lawn chair. She didn't see him because he ws behind her and she was too busy concentartubg on something else in the room. Jash decided ti yse his stretchy powers to elongate his arm out in front of her so he could wave at her and let her know he was there. Hs arm slowly slid across the floor as he used his powers and it movied along the ground like a slithery snake. When his arm got within her eye line, he twisted his elbow and raised his arm upwards, rocking his hand two and frow to wave out her. If she turned to see him, he was wearing a red open side tank top with the number 17 on the front, black 3/4 ;ength shorts and white socks and sandals.

Despite not being a particularly happy person, on this particular morning Graciela Fernรกndez was very happy.

A deep, warm sigh left her lips as she reveled in her first sip of coffee. The sixteen-ounce hazelnut vanilla latte was a freebie from the cafe down the street as a reward for filling up a promotional punch card. Every single stamped drink had been the cheapest thing on the menu, an eight-ounce drip coffee that Fern dressed up with homemade simple syrup. But every tenth drink, she got to enjoy a big fancy treat made sweeter by one simple ingredient: money saved.

She held the drink in both hands, enjoying the warmth radiating from the sides of the cup. Sunlight streamed in through grimy, cracked windows and highlighted the dust floating through the air, which looked to Fern like tiny glittering bits of magic. She leaned back, contented, and the ratty old office chair she was sitting in squeaked beneath her. It was a relic from when the chop shop actually operated as a place of business -- now, of course, it was just a squatter's den for herself and her freeloading friends.

Just as Fern made a mental note to "borrow" more WD-40 from the local hardware store to fix the chair, she saw the lights in the hallway flicker through the open office door. They clicked on and off once, twice, thrice.

Graciela sighed. This was their strange equivalent of a monthly rent reminder. The city allowed the electricity, water, and sewage in the building to continue to operate so long as the occupants of the chop shop performed enough "public services" to justify the subsidized housing situation. To some of her friends, these were acts of superheroism. To her, they were unpaid labor. If she wanted to be a civil servant, she would have gotten a degree.

The chair squeaked again when she stood up, as if to say, Going so soon? But you just got here! She took another sip of her coffee on her way out the door. She was going to need all the caffeine she could get, but not for the work she would have to do for the city. That was easy enough -- her powers lent themselves well to infrastructural projects and construction crews were, for the most part, very fun to be around. The extra energy was for something far more difficult: the inevitable housemate monthly meeting.

Ah sleep, one of the most wonderful things in the world. That has always been something Monika Colt has believed. Ever since that blasted trip and she started to sleep more and awake less was bliss. At least it should have been bliss, but being asleep for precisely sixteen hours out of the day. That's a little too much even in something she loves so much.

Now? Now when she wakes up form her sixteen hour coma she sees things differently. The vast intelligence her sleep awards her with is more like a knife to her throat and she knows it. The time she now spends outside dreamland is now even more limited due to adult responsibilities. She's certain that she could be using her time to further the world in the realm of science or some other specialized fields. Not that she hasn't already made an attempt by writing multiple scientific papers and theory papers on the internet. Normal people however, can't understand the theories and science because most of her papers are written with the idea of technology that has yet to exist. She's basically left the building blocks for the future for the truly intelligent and responsible to find. Will human kind ever be that intelligent? The girl rising from her sleep on the couch rubbing her right eye and yawning finally rousing from her coma. Her much too big hoodie drowning her figure as she sits up looking around the room as her blue eyes scanned the room in a single sweep and she gave a sleepy smile seeing Emma. Deciding to stay with her fellow slightly superpowered friends was probably the best no choice solution she had when her parents kicked her out.

"Hey Em..." Momo started before her stretching cut off her voice with a soft groan. "What is the plan today? Anything particularly interesting?"
Alan Miller
One of the most important things for a healthy life is having a routine, the strongest power, if you had a good routine, you will gain incredible results, but this was not the case for Alan, first of all, although he look like an average man, he was out of shape, it either was that he could only run a up to half of a city-block or that the max he could ever lift was just 10 Kg (22 Ibs) or that he passed most of his life till now eating at a cheap mcdonalds and his diet food was fish and chips, Alans life seemed downhill.​

Alan slept on his sofa, yep, he didn't had a bed, what could you say, rent is high, he was only wearing a white shirt and his black shorts, the alarm sounded, waking him up, he woke up, went to the bath, and so it began.

"Listen, pal, this is the day, this is the day you begin your glow up, you will be so... cool, and so.... epic, everyone will be so... jelaous of your body, your be legendary, ok first of all, lets stretch some muscles."

Alan rubbed his arms, and his muscles began stretching, he then rubbed his legs, and their muscles stretched too, he went to the to his closet, he changed his pants for a more stretchy one, and got out of his house, he began running on the streets.

He got tired before he could reach half a city-block, but he didn't gave up he used his power to bulk his legs a slightly bit, this let him continue running, he then fell on the ground for a muscle spasms.


The people around him took photos of him, but no one called the ambulance, dammit he had to uncontract his muscle, he concentrated, and his muscles began slowly go to their respective form.

Alan, stood up, and walk away to his house, this was another day of failed training.

Emma groaned and uncrossed her legs. She let out a very strange groan as she stretched her arms out and took a sip of her coffee. In what seemed like a lifetime, she mustered up the strength to remove her hood. Her blonde hair and hazel eyes shone out from underneath, but in a more awkward fashion. She looked around the room, now seemingly woken up from the strange comatose state she was in while trying to move the weight. She turned her attention to Momo, who seemed surprisingly happy for someone that just woke up. Although, she never was great at reading facial expressions. She saw a smile form from Momo's lips, which, to her, meant that she was happy. She set her cup of coffee on the table and sighed.

"If you consider sitting on our asses 'particularly interesting,' then, yeah. If you were expecting us to actually find crime to stop, the police station's a couple blocks down. Half of us aren't even up yet, so there's that, too. You were asleep on the couch, so god only knows what the fuck you were doing out so late last night." Emma's sarcastic attitude reflected in her response as she glanced down at the table her coffee cup was on.

She seemed particularly interested on an envelope. It seemed like a regular envelope, but Emma recognized it instantly. With a reluctant sigh, she picked up the envelope and ripped open the top, revealing the electricity bill. A puzzled expression came upon her face.

"Time of the month already? Ah, screw it." Emma put the bill back in the envelope. With full force, she threw it as far as she could, which wasn't very far at all. It was still a considerable distance away from her and on the floor, and that was all she really cared about.

Ah sleep, one of the most wonderful things in the world. That has always been something Monika Colt has believed. Ever since that blasted trip and she started to sleep more and awake less was bliss. At least it should have been bliss, but being asleep for precisely sixteen hours out of the day. That's a little too much even in something she loves so much.

Now? Now when she wakes up form her sixteen hour coma she sees things differently. The vast intelligence her sleep awards her with is more like a knife to her throat and she knows it. The time she now spends outside dreamland is now even more limited due to adult responsibilities. She's certain that she could be using her time to further the world in the realm of science or some other specialized fields. Not that she hasn't already made an attempt by writing multiple scientific papers and theory papers on the internet. Normal people however, can't understand the theories and science because most of her papers are written with the idea of technology that has yet to exist. She's basically left the building blocks for the future for the truly intelligent and responsible to find. Will human kind ever be that intelligent? The girl rising from her sleep on the couch rubbing her right eye and yawning finally rousing from her coma. Her much too big hoodie drowning her figure as she sits up looking around the room as her blue eyes scanned the room in a single sweep and she gave a sleepy smile seeing Emma. Deciding to stay with her fellow slightly superpowered friends was probably the best no choice solution she had when her parents kicked her out.

"Hey Em..." Momo started before her stretching cut off her voice with a soft groan. "What is the plan today? Anything particularly interesting?"

A couple years ago, a handful of high schools took their students on a field trip to a chemical plant in the hopes to teach them how radiation works, but instead, a select few of them came out of the trip with... I guess you could call them superpowers, just like in the comic books. Now, years later, all of these people, who are all 20-something year old slackers that want nothing to do with saving the city, join together in an old chop shop, which serves as their base, training ground, and overall home to live and sleep in. There's no select leader, they have no secret identities, no costumes, and no true responsibility among themselves. They spend most of the time in the chop shop talking to each other, going through the regular drama and troubles of life, and using their powers for simple tasks, only occasionally using them to train to be a superhero.

1. Don't control other people's characters.

2. If you want your character and another user's character to be in a relationship, make sure both you and the other user consent to the relationship. The same applies for killing off characters.

3. Don't make your character OP. Sure, they're superheroes, but they shouldn't be on the level of Superman with no weakness. Every character must have a reasonable limit to their power and a reasonable weakness to come along with it.

4. Be kind and respectful towards other users.

5. You can only play three characters at a time.​

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