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Multiple Settings The Founding of Hogwarts

Hm if anyone wants to plot with Angel let me know. I know I def wanna plot some with Seb lol
I think it’ll be interesting them meeting. Even though Angel is a pureblood she’s friends with some Veela and is a werewolf 🤣 Zombie. Zombie.
I think I’m gonna see how dynamics form as we RP for my characters, except Rowena I suppose since she already knows the other founders so that would be fun to plot.

So far the only person Nicholas and Genevieve already know is Sebastian.
I think it’ll be interesting them meeting. Even though Angel is a pureblood she’s friends with some Veela and is a werewolf 🤣 Zombie. Zombie.
That'd probably make him all the more intrigued instead of judging tbh. Its not everyday you meet a werewolf 🤣

Also, I'm gonna add that Seb's an INFJ-T if anyone's into MBTIs (somehow Pixie guessed this before I even did the test for him)
Alrighty last chance everyone to decide if you wanna start on the first day or a couple months in. As I’ll be creating the rp thread today.
I am thinking of making 2-3 characters in houses Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. Going off the roster on the CS, if the Veela and/or Gryffindor chosen is still available, I'd like to take one of those if that's alright with you & everyone? Do you have any limitations on face claims?
They should be available still! Also I have no problems with any fc’s.

Also I hope everyone is ready to start!
Everyone can post at any time and as often as they like. Though if I don’t hear from someone after two weeks I’ll assume they are no longer interested.
I'll be quite busy from tomorrow till Sunday but might still be able to get an intro posted one of the days
Are the characters' houses chosen from the moment they receive their letter since this is the founding or does the sorting hat exist?
Apparently the hat wasn't always there. Gryffindor enchanted it one day when they all realised they had no way of continuing to sort students once they died.

I imagine the founders hand picked at the start because their were probably way less students
Thanks for your help! Uh, what time period is this again? I'm trying to align things appropriately with my character's background.

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