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Fantasy The forest

Sapphire sat on a branch looking at the sunset. She had her hands in her pockets. She jumped off the tree branch and hid her wings. Her ears perked up at the sound of footsteps. She started to run deeper into the forest, afraid that she would get caught and taken in. She couldn't be caught by the dark angels. Not yet anyway. The deeper she went into the forest the more scared she got. She stopped running and turned around to see a figure with wings behind her. "H-Hello?" she asked in fear. She walked closer to the figure and looked for signs that this figure wouldn't hurt her. As she got closer to the figure she noticed it was a girl. And a little girl to be clear. She kneeled down till and looked at the little girl. "where's your parents?"
The girl said nothing
"well i guess you could come with me"
Sapphire looked at the girl, got up and started to walk off. The girl followed

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