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Realistic or Modern -thE foREst- ooc chat

I've started watching scary videos on YouTube for the last 2 days and I can't help but think it's because I've been getting involved in all this spoopy stuff XD
How do you even deal with this? In real life I'm so weak when it comes down to scary stuff but my brain is like 'but it's interesting though, you should totes watch it' o_o
...why do you think i go for weeks without sleeping???

actually, i'm kidding. cryptids, ghosts, demons etc don't scare me. i've watched all the creepiest videos already and no matter how i try, i can't get freaked out.

only thing that scares me is social interaction irl x.x
You're not scared of any of it. That's really fricken impressive. To me at least!

But noooooo really? Honestly I've only really started talking to people online last year. To this day I am still surprised at how infinitely nice people can be on here!
nah, that kind of stuff never really freaked me out. i grew up in a haunted house and i've technically been 'dead' for a few minutes... after that, not much scares me.

and yeah, i am nothing but anxiety in real life, shy to an absolute fault. there are a ton of awesome people online though, i doubt i'd socialize at all if it wasn't for the internet. i'm glad you've found this place ^^
also, relating to the rp: i'm still interested in continuing this but i might not be super active today or tomorrow... hopefully this is okay.
I'd rather you go at your own pace than rush it. The rp usually turns out better that way. Plus it's just overall more enjoyable!
i'm not sure if there's still interest, but i would love to bring this back... life has a way of interrupting, but i was really enjoying this and i'm sad to see it go so quickly.
I am definitely still all for it. I haven't posted though, it felt like interrupting, and was going to wait. Though Honeybees seems active, and maybe Heiman, I've don't think BAHBAHBABE has been active in like a week??

But really, you started something awesome and it'd be a shame to see it go! I won't give up on it if you don't! Maybe keep the character thread up to attract more active people?

Ah. I'm not sure if that helped at all. But I'll still be around.
i don't intend to let it die! i will bump the interest check and see if i can get new players... and that's good, the more the better ^^
Ello, spookster! Is it okay if I call you that...or just spook?

Ahh, is it okay if I write a short lil response to the rp. Just in reaction to other characters?
you're welcome to call me that if you want ^^

and yeah, i totally encourage it! if you reply to any of my characters i'll make a post as well.

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