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Realistic or Modern -thE foREst- ooc chat

you're welcome ^^ that's what i'm here for! you can still interact with the characters already there, i just want to give the others some extra time.
Hmmm. I think I'll wait for someone else to come on the plane before using Matty or doing something else!
just letting you know i might not be able to reply until later due to real life... should be back before midnight.
i'm having a bit of an off day for writing, i'll try to get my reply in though. please be patient, everyone!
Short but to the point, I like it! I'll try to reply but it might be really really short (like less than a paragraph) so I might withhold. I'll see.
go ahead if you'd like, the paragraph rule thing only really applies to people that would've only posted one-liners. just thought i should put that out there ^^
Ah alright. I want to try and keep them with some meat on their bones, but I'll see. I'll work on one now. Gonna just slide on over and copy paste my code rip.
that's cool too ^^ i just wanted to let everyone know that the occasional short reply is fine. it's when they give absolutely no detail that's an issue.

and hah, i do that every time i post... can't be bothered to write it out every time.
I think I got a pretty good reply in, so I'm proud. Also, I should say now that I have a different view on mental health issues than my character Desdemona. Like, it's a serious thing and should be treated as such. Idk I just want to let everyone know. I've had people treat me pretty badly for my mental health stuff and I do want to say now for anyone else who may be struggling w mental health that I'm here for you. Idk this rambled on buT BASICALLY MENTAL HEALTH IS IMPORTANT AND I DON'T THINK IT IS A JOKE.
you should be proud... writing can be difficult! i know that one first hand, hah. and it's fine, obviously we don't share the same views as our characters. i've struggled with my mental health for years, so i know it's no joke. likewise, if anyone ever wants someone to talk to, i'm here for them. you're all awesome!
Thank you yo! I appreciate it. I just idk. I always want to let people know sometimes that I don't feel the same way as characters I portray if they're saying some bad stuff. I'm proud of my post length too. I prefer quality over quantity but I also want to be able to make good thicc posts.

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