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Fantasy The Forest Between Worlds


One Thousand Club





Universe: (Original or otherwise)



History: (Completely Optional. You may leave this blank, update as you go, or jsut type "TBR" if you want)
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Name: Mercy Thompson

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Personality: Mercy is stubborn, headstrong, independent, hardworking, thoughtful, and caring. Vampires have hunted Walkers down to prevent them from being "vampire hunters" because wherever vampires live, there are usually ghosts of victims to reveal them.

Universe: Modern-day Earth

Abilities: She can change between human and coyote form easily. In coyote form, she is capable of running at fast speeds and has increased sight in the dark. In both human and coyote form, she has an increased sense of smell and a resistance to some forms of magic. It has been shown that she has the ability to see (and control) ghosts. It is explained that this is the reason Walkers are so rare.

Items/Equipment: She carries a small dagger in her boot. Otherwise she carries a small backpack with extra clothes for when she shifts back to human form.

History: Mercy Thompson is the daughter of a Blackfeet Indian and a white teenage mother. She is a "Walker" (a Native American shapeshifter not linked to the moon) who turns into a coyote, a gift she inherited from her father. A rodeo man, he died a few days after consummating his relationship with her mother.

One day, not too long after Mercy was born, her mother went to her crib only to find a small coyote pup in her place. Afraid and unsure how to raise her, her mother took her to the only place she knew was capable—friends of an uncle, who had been a werewolf. This is how she came to be raised with the pack of Bran, the Marrok of the werewolves. She decided to leave this life in search of a new one where she can better fit in.


Name: Joseph Mikkish Callahan

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'0 tall, body is borderline pale, and nearly emaciated but has a little very defined muscle, still not a huge dude by any means. A scar runs across his right cheek, his light blonde hair is thick and falls to the nape of his neck, scruffy chin and face, bright green eyes. Style is between thug and prep, if you can imagine. Mikkish has a handsome face, but a bastard's grin.

Personality: He does what he wants, and he's always looking for a good time. He has no problems with violence or crime, but if you and him become friends, you will struggle to find a friend more loyal. He loves drinking, pot, sex, the occasional shroom, and a good fight. Don't try to coerce him through intimidation, it will only end in disappointment, and likely backfire. One of his major drawbacks, however, is that he doesn't really think before he speaks, or acts, or anything, really.

Universe: Unnatural Verse, from my original RP I have attempted a couple times. You will probably find out more if you pay attention to his references to his past experiences.

Abilities: Heat things up, or set them on fire with his mind. Channel his magic energy through his body to make himself stronger, faster, and more resilient. Good with hand to hand combat due to experiences, classes he has taken, and things he picked up from watching other people fight, and when paired with his magic its a lethal combination. Indifference to gory, violent scenery or killing (in most cases at least).

Items/Equipment: Pair of steel knuckles, revolver and three rounds of magic silencing bullets (will be explained in game), a mysterious book written in an ancient language with missing pages, and usual luggage.

History: Dont want to reveal too much, but will give a rundown. Mikkish is from a Universe where magic is possible with all intelligent life (humans, beings as intelligent or moreso, and in rare cases even animals). The world (earth) is like ours though, and mages and other supernatural things are in hiding and secrecy, so almost nobody knows mages and vampires and the like exist. Mikkish woke up one day as a young boy age 12 in the hospital, with no memories save for a few brief flashes, and nobody knowing who he was. Life was harsh for him growing up, but long story short he got used to petty crimes like theft and drug deals. Already now, the idea of a "Happy Magical School" seems pretty corrupted, but that is actually where his story truly began. He left his adoptive father (drug dealer trailer trash) at age 19 when he found a book, some of which he was able to translate and revealed the world of mages (long story on how he became convinced and will likely be explained in RP. He went to the college he read about in the book, which was on an island, off the west coast of the US where he experienced what seemed at first like typical school and college life. The island, however, was owned by a corrupt corporation based in the US, but outside of any laws besides those of the corporation. This is only the tip of the iceberg though. He made friends there, and with them he battled the dangers on the island, including the corporation and gangs of psychotic mages, but his most important fights were with evil, otherworldly beings. More than the fights, he discovered some of the truth and real importance of his book he had found. Unfortunately, in his crazy fights, he lost some pages.

Mikkish began traveling through New England due to another cult he heard about. What is he truly there to do? Who sent him, and why did he come alone? Why not ask him?
Name: "Deacon" (Alias)

Age: Unknown, but looks 20-30

Gender: Male


Personality: At first, Deacon appears to be a laid-back wisecracker who enjoys toying with people by lying to them. However, on the inside, he is actually a cautions, almost paranoid loner who is slow to trust. He also usually lies about his background to others, unless he really trusts them.

Universe: Fallout

Abilities: Because of his Railroad training, and previous affiliations, Deacon is pretty great in combat. However, like many in his group, he prefers to be stealthy when it comes to fighting. He is a man of many disguises, and changes his appearance so much that no one really knows what he actually looks like, not even him. He also is a very charismatic type, and a very convincing liar.

Equipment: Hunting Rifle (with .308s)


Deliverer (suppressed PPK) with 10mms


Security Baton


He also has some random food, drink, and junk he was carrying in his bag when he arrived here.

History: Deacon grew up in the settlement of University Point, where he was part of a gang called the UP Deathclaws. The Deathclaws were a fiercely against Synths, human looking robots created by an underground faction know n as the Institute. They attacked and killed people who were believed to be Synths, until one day they lynched a man whom questionable source called a Synth. Deacon realized what his gang had done, and fled the city, wandering the wastes, including a visit to the Capital Wasteland of DC, until he settled down with his newfound wife on a farm in his home region of the Commonwealth of Boston. Soon, however, the Deathclaws attacked again, looking for revenge on Deacon after he abandoned their cause. To all of their surprise,when Deacon's wife was killed, the gang discovered her to be a Synth herself. In a fit of rage, Deacon triumphantly killed them all, finally ending their reign of terror. This action caught the attention of the Railroad, whom Deacon discovered accidentally not too long later. His charismatic ways, as well as his ability to get into, and stay, in the shadows would allow him to reach the top of the Railroad in no time. While exploring the interior of Massachusetts on leave, he came across the mansion
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Kadessa Blackburn




Kadessa is very curious. Not having had many experiences in life, she is very innocent, and doesn't really understand some things. She was raised to be a perfect girl who asks no questions; however, she asks questions all the time, although sometimes she doesn't, for fear of being punished.

Artemisa (original)

A Short Description:(I added this in myself; hope that was ok) Artemisia is a beautiful... well, not exactly a universe, more of a territory, really, but oh well, a beautiful territory where the sun never shines. It is thought to be cold and desolate, but it is warm and full of life. In Artemisia, questions are rarely asked; no one asks for information that is not given to them. The food is considered strange, but it is really quite delicious, once you aquire a taste for it.

Kadessa has the ability to see the future, in small bits and pieces. She can only see certain parts of the future, and the future she sees can be affected by her decisions, and the things she sees. For instance, if she is playing a game, and someone lies, saying they rolled a one when they really rolled a four, Kadessa's view of the future would be a lie, and her gift would be useless, in that one circumstance.

Kadessa carries around a set of silver butterknives, as she can be quite paranoid at times. She also carries a phone, and some food from Artemisia.

She prefers not to talk about it.​
Name: Gabriel, Schadenfreude, Nyarlathotep (Beings like humans and other "simple" life forms have no ability to say his true name)

Age: Unknown. He has been around for billions of years, and actually considers "a few billions years ago" to be "very recently"

Gender: Male? Though considering he can shape change...both?

Appearance: He claims to be one of the Dead Gods, so this means he can change shape, among other abilities. He normally takes the shape of a man in his late 20s/early 30s with light blonde hair and green eyHistory: He clearly knows Mikkish, and they are not on the best terms. He must have had some kind of business in the Universe of mages/ vampires/ and corruption (Which basically sums up the Unnatural Universe). As he has revealed, he was involved in a conflict between incredible cosmic gods (on the same level of power as Elder gods from Lovecraft works. Maybe even more powerful). It is unkown, at this time, if he was on the side who instigated this conflict, attempting to fight back the instigators, or merely defending himself. Perhaps it is best if people don't know...es (kind of like Mikkish) and a neatly trimmed goatee. He is always well dressed in his human form, and typically obviously in very good shape with eight pack, lean muscles and all.

Considering how he referred to himself as "eldrich," it is likely his true form is impossible to fully understand with human perception, and would drive most human beings mad (unless they had somehow come to accept, and not fear, that which they cannot understand, like the Mages from the Unnatural Universe.)

Personality: This one is not entirely clear. He calls himself "Schadenfreude" and says he is comparable with Nyarlathotep (who enjoys harassing and torturing humans in the Lovecraft Universe) so that makes you wonder if his goals are to do right by the human race (and those like us) or if he is leading his new "friends" into some sick trap. He seems in his interactions, however, perfectly reasonable and understanding to people and like beings, and pretty trustworthy.

Universe: It is unknown if he is simply from the Multiverse, or if he was born a god or rose to be one in one particular verse. He has been through many, including, obviously, the Unnatural Universe.

Abilities: Many. His speed and strength can match the strongest buff mages ("buff" is the type of magic that lets you strengthen your own body) can shape change, teleport (kinda makes speed dashing sorta overkill) and much more that is yet to be seen. He is clearly at least partially weak to whatever type of bullets Mikkish has in his gun.

Items/Equipment: Nice outfits and his charming smile (in human form. You wouldn't call his true form particularly "charming")

History: Clearly has some history with Mikkish in the Unnatural universe. Was involved in some conflict with other gods, and obviously was defeated in this conflict making him now a Dead God.

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