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Fantasy The Flooded World


Junior Member
You can be anything you wish. Within reason, and as appropriate for the setting. Furry captain of the guard trying to control the anarchic pirate town? Sure! Runaway prince from an underwater kingdom? Go for it! Warforged working as a boatwright? Neat! Badass space marine? Let's not. It is recommended to be something similar to a humanoid, but not required.

*Use a character you have created. Do not submit a character from another original work, as they will be immediately rejected. Though, you may use an image of a character from another work to portray yours.

*DO NOT GOD MOD. Do not be so overpowered that a single finger can destroy someone in a single movement. Also don't be practically impossible to be dealt with in combat without some weird, specific conditions. Keep it fair, okay?

*A backstory is required. Even though it doesn't have to be really long, it does have to be decent. It helps develop your character in the RP and I like to read about peoples' characters.

Fill out this easily copy and pastable template and submit it in this tab.


Description (Physical & Mental): (An image can be used for the Physical description) (Mental refers to personality and mental traits)


Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

Weakness(ess): (Something beyond regular mortality, like a phobia, or being weak against something)

Additional Information: (Anything else you would like to add before joining)

The Crew

Bluesunnyday said:
Name: Korstus Fallwisp (Title: The Followed)
Description (Physical & Mental): Korstus is tall, incredibly pale, and seemingly emaciated. He generally looks like he hasn't slept in days, and hasn't eaten in a month. His hair is shock white, and his eyes are a pale blue. He's constantly clad in a thick, white robe. His head is constantly filled with the chatter of his "companions", and sometimes he isn't entirely sure when a thought is his. He's a rather kind individual all-in-all, though.

Bio/Backstory: Korstus wasn't always an individual constantly followed by the spirits of the dead. In fact, for the first 18 or so years of his life, he was a completely average wizard-to-be. Until, of course, an extremely rare quirk of the magic in his blood manifested, and he began calling to all spirits in a several mile radius like a ghost beacon. Due to this aforementioned quirk, he has the ability to give spirits "physical" forms, turning them from invisible manifestations to semi-solid apparitions, capable of fighting or otherwise defending him. This experience is addictive to spirits formerly unused to having no effect on the outside world, and so they tend to flock to him, constantly surrounding him as a maelstrom of disjointed voices and occasional glimpses of figures until he bothers to give them bodies. This has been extremely stressful on him, and he wanders the world searching for a way to cure this "Curse".

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Korstus has only very minor magical abilities, with some minor control over the elements and rudimentary healing magic. However, due to his "unique" condition, he can also give physical form to nearby spirits. These spirits are his main method of combat, bringing them back to "life" so that they can assist him. The spirits he ressurects aren't necessarily loyal, but they tend to keep him alive so that he can potentially resurrect them again. A spirit that Korstus summons is incapable of harming either Korstus himself or anyone he designates as an "Ally".

Weakness(ess): As mentioned earlier, the spirits Korstus brings back are under no obligation to help him. They can be fickle, and while they do tend to be loyal solely out keeping their link to the physical world alive, they may not always act in his best interests. As well, Korstus seems to have a crippling fear of the undead outside of his own spirits, tending to lose his composure and either make mistakes or outright shut down.

Additional Information: Korstus' spirits are inaudible to anyone beyond himself. However, even when he hasn't brought them back to life, they may occasionally manifest to others near him, though they can't interact with the world.

[QUOTE="Thorn of Discord]

Pipsqueak 'The Art'jurer'

Snazzy physique:

Pipsqueak is a lean 5'8'ish pony of the unicorn race, with a granite gray coat and minty green hair, (typically unkempt).

His choice in clothing is varied, though he sports a belt for his rapier, saddlebags for storage, and a strange necklace from his childhood.

(I promise to do at least a basic drawing of him real soon)

Psyche Eval.:

Wild and free spirited, Pipsqueak knows no fear and lives life to it's fullest. He acts on impulse, does things just because he's never done them, and tries to see the good in those around him. Everyone he talks to becomes a friend, in his mind at least. He's not one to get in a fight, but he sure knows how to end them. Pipsqueak is the guy that'll start a sea shanty when the going's rough, but not. Stop. Talking. When something important is going down. And for heaven sakes, he need to learn to filter what he says, thoughts practically tumble out of his head. Someone teach him personal space while they're at it.

Back story time:

Pipsqueak was raised on a busy trading island by his Step-father, having lost his mother in an unusual boat crash. Pipsqueak found his calling in a career of art, much to his Step-Father's horror, who wanted a business savvy heir to the business. His childhood might not have been plagued by poverty or a brotherhood of assassins, but Stylo always needed more out of life, and his ticket to freedom was a guide on conjuration magic. Once he was competent in both art and conjuration, he hightailed it, and has been able to live the good life, seeing the world and living his own adventure upon the seas.

Stuff 'n' Things

-A spiffy rapier, used

-Some pocket change, just in case

-Quills, ink, charcoal, chalk, pencils, stuff for making art

-A large notebook, a couple pocket books, loose papers, and the like


-Trained in the ways of a rapier

-Experienced artist, with the creativity to support it

-Can pull objects and creatures out of his sketches, doodles, and other forms of art


-Increased complexity, size, detail or other features makes for a more tiring spell

-Conjuration requires energy, of which Pipsqueak has not an infinite pool

-Can only create what he can imagine, draw, and then create

-Not strictly a warrior, or combat experienced


-Has a troublesome penchant for rum

-Has a secret black book for unspeakable art

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Name: Korstus Fallwisp (Title: The Followed)

Description (Physical & Mental): Korstus is tall, incredibly pale, and seemingly emaciated. He generally looks like he hasn't slept in days, and hasn't eaten in a month. His hair is shock white, and his eyes are a pale blue. He's constantly clad in a thick, white robe. His head is constantly filled with the chatter of his "companions", and sometimes he isn't entirely sure when a thought is his. He's a rather kind individual all-in-all, though.

Bio/Backstory: Korstus wasn't always an individual constantly followed by the spirits of the dead. In fact, for the first 18 or so years of his life, he was a completely average wizard-to-be. Until, of course, an extremely rare quirk of the magic in his blood manifested, and he began calling to all spirits in a several mile radius like a ghost beacon. Due to this aforementioned quirk, he has the ability to give spirits "physical" forms, turning them from invisible manifestations to semi-solid apparitions, capable of fighting or otherwise defending him. This experience is addictive to spirits formerly unused to having no effect on the outside world, and so they tend to flock to him, constantly surrounding him as a maelstrom of disjointed voices and occasional glimpses of figures until he bothers to give them bodies. This has been extremely stressful on him, and he wanders the world searching for a way to cure this "Curse".

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Korstus has only very minor magical abilities, with some minor control over the elements and rudimentary healing magic. However, due to his "unique" condition, he can also give physical form to nearby spirits. These spirits are his main method of combat, bringing them back to "life" so that they can assist him. The spirits he ressurects aren't necessarily loyal, but they tend to keep him alive so that he can potentially resurrect them again. A spirit that Korstus summons is incapable of harming either Korstus himself or anyone he designates as an "Ally".

Weakness(ess): As mentioned earlier, the spirits Korstus brings back are under no obligation to help him. They can be fickle, and while they do tend to be loyal solely out keeping their link to the physical world alive, they may not always act in his best interests. As well, Korstus seems to have a crippling fear of the undead outside of his own spirits, tending to lose his composure and either make mistakes or outright shut down.

Additional Information: Korstus' spirits are inaudible to anyone beyond himself. However, even when he hasn't brought them back to life, they may occasionally manifest to others near him, though they can't interact with the world.
Bluesunnyday said:
Name: Korstus Fallwisp (Title: The Followed)
Description (Physical & Mental): Korstus is tall, incredibly pale, and seemingly emaciated. He generally looks like he hasn't slept in days, and hasn't eaten in a month. His hair is shock white, and his eyes are a pale blue. He's constantly clad in a thick, white robe. His head is constantly filled with the chatter of his "companions", and sometimes he isn't entirely sure when a thought is his. He's a rather kind individual all-in-all, though.

Bio/Backstory: Korstus wasn't always an individual constantly followed by the spirits of the dead. In fact, for the first 18 or so years of his life, he was a completely average wizard-to-be. Until, of course, an extremely rare quirk of the magic in his blood manifested, and he began calling to all spirits in a several mile radius like a ghost beacon. Due to this aforementioned quirk, he has the ability to give spirits "physical" forms, turning them from invisible manifestations to semi-solid apparitions, capable of fighting or otherwise defending him. This experience is addictive to spirits formerly unused to having no effect on the outside world, and so they tend to flock to him, constantly surrounding him as a maelstrom of disjointed voices and occasional glimpses of figures until he bothers to give them bodies. This has been extremely stressful on him, and he wanders the world searching for a way to cure this "Curse".

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: Korstus has only very minor magical abilities, with some minor control over the elements and rudimentary healing magic. However, due to his "unique" condition, he can also give physical form to nearby spirits. These spirits are his main method of combat, bringing them back to "life" so that they can assist him. The spirits he ressurects aren't necessarily loyal, but they tend to keep him alive so that he can potentially resurrect them again. A spirit that Korstus summons is incapable of harming either Korstus himself or anyone he designates as an "Ally".

Weakness(ess): As mentioned earlier, the spirits Korstus brings back are under no obligation to help him. They can be fickle, and while they do tend to be loyal solely out keeping their link to the physical world alive, they may not always act in his best interests. As well, Korstus seems to have a crippling fear of the undead outside of his own spirits, tending to lose his composure and either make mistakes or outright shut down.

Additional Information: Korstus' spirits are inaudible to anyone beyond himself. However, even when he hasn't brought them back to life, they may occasionally manifest to others near him, though they can't interact with the world.


Salina Rennoll

Description (Physical & Mental)

Salina is of average height and has a voluptuous, curvy build. Her skin is lightly tanned, her green eyes a contrast against it. Her hair is chin-length and curly, black as tar. She is honestly quite an evil girl. She craves power and will do absolutely anything to get it. When she smiles, it isn't a friendly one - it's a menacing one.


Salina grew up in the slums of an underwater city, living in poverty while the royalty of the kingdom lived grandly in their castle. She learned at a young age that she was special - that she had powers. Being a sea witch wasn't necessarily uncommon, but it was still an amazing thing to be. While most sea witches decided to use their powers for the good of the kingdom, Salina fled to land and began doing everything in her power to gain control of as many people as possible - spilling a lot of blood along the way.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers

Salina has the ability to manipulate water, as well as to breathe under it. She can cause great storms, both literally and metaphorically. She causes destruction, plain and simple. If there's a hurricane, she probably had something to do with it. She also acts as a siren, luring men to her bed so she can kill them and capture their souls in order to gain power from them.


Salina can only go so long without water. If she does not get at least a pint in her system everyday, she will begin to dry out and lose her powers.

Additional Information

[QUOTE="Ducky Girl]


Salina Rennoll

Description (Physical & Mental)

Salina is of average height and has a voluptuous, curvy build. Her skin is lightly tanned, her green eyes a contrast against it. Her hair is chin-length and curly, black as tar. She is honestly quite an evil girl. She craves power and will do absolutely anything to get it. When she smiles, it isn't a friendly one - it's a menacing one.


Salina grew up in the slums of an underwater city, living in poverty while the royalty of the kingdom lived grandly in their castle. She learned at a young age that she was special - that she had powers. Being a sea witch wasn't necessarily uncommon, but it was still an amazing thing to be. While most sea witches decided to use their powers for the good of the kingdom, Salina fled to land and began doing everything in her power to gain control of as many people as possible - spilling a lot of blood along the way.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers

Salina has the ability to manipulate water, as well as to breathe under it. She can cause great storms, both literally and metaphorically. She causes destruction, plain and simple. If there's a hurricane, she probably had something to do with it. She also acts as a siren, luring men to her bed so she can kill them and capture their souls in order to gain power from them.


Salina can only go so long without water. If she does not get at least a pint in her system everyday, she will begin to dry out and lose her powers.

Additional Information


Name: Captain Sante claus

Description: (physical) big stoky burly man, dressed in red with a huge white beared. His left hand (which was blown of in 'The Tinsel War') was replaced by a a candy cane (mental) sante is clearly insane he shoots gift boxes instead off cannon balls, he has a candy cane instead of a hook. He has a menacing deep voice and he ends each sentence with "ho ho ho ".

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: he has many skills. For example he brings joy and cheer too all the children around the world by shooting presents thorough their windows and climbing down their chimnys and murdering their parents. he also has the power of flight but only when he is on his ship "Rudolph the red".one day a year On december 25th or 'Christmas day' he becomes immortal for 24hrs

Weakness(ess) : he has to give a present at least one time a day or he dies, and cannot last long without a mice pie or a shot of port

Additional Information: he has his own ship called 'Rudolph the red' and has a bounty on his head from the Easter bunny after 'The Tinsel War' for destroying His ship and killing his crew.

Click here too see Pirate Sante Clause


Bio/Backstory: Sante Claus was left In the freezing cold In the North pole After his parents got eaten by a polar bear. He was apparently raised by the polar bear who killed his pearents. He was found 5 years later by two hunters who had just killed his polar bear parent. He was taken to england and was raised as a nobel by the two hunters. At age 15 his mansion burnt down with his hunter pearents inside. From then on he was an orphan roaming the streets until he became a cabin boy. Latter on he performed a mutiny on the ships captain and took over the ship and renamed it 'Rudolph The Red'. Lighting struck his boat and he later found out he and his ship could fly. He became sworn enemies with the another captain the Easter bunny and started 'The Tinsel War' where he lost his hand.
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Decay said:
Name: Captain Sante claus
Description: (physical) big stoky burly man, dressed in red with a huge white beared. His left hand (which was blown of in 'The Tinsel War') was replaced by a a candy cane (mental) sante is clearly insane he shoots gift boxes instead off cannon balls, he has a candy cane instead of a hook. He has a menacing deep voice and he ends each sentence with "ho ho ho ".

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers: he has many skills. For example he brings joy and cheer too all the children around the world by shooting presents thorough their windows and climbing down their chimnys and murdering their parents. he also has the power of flight but only when he is on his ship "Rudolph the red".one day a year On december 25th or 'Christmas day' he becomes immortal for 24hrs

Weakness(ess) : he has to give a present at least one time a day or he dies, and cannot last long without a mice pie or a shot of port

Additional Information: he has his own ship called 'Rudolph the red' and has a bounty on his head from the Easter bunny after 'The Tinsel War' for destroying His ship and killing his crew.

Click here too see Pirate Sante Clause


Bio/Backstory: Sante Claus was left In the freezing cold In the North pole After his parents got eaten by a polar bear. He was apparently raised by the polar bear who killed his pearents. He was found 5 years later by two hunters who had just killed his polar bear parent. He was taken to england and was raised as a nobel by the two hunters. At age 15 his mansion burnt down with his hunter pearents inside. From then on he was an orphan roaming the streets until he became a cabin boy. Latter on he performed a mutiny on the ships captain and took over the ship and renamed it 'Rudolph The Red'. Lighting struck his boat and he later found out he and his ship could fly. He became sworn enemies with the another captain the Easter bunny and started 'The Tinsel War' where he lost his hand.
Modified Santa is still Santa, and Santa is not a character you have created. Not approved.
creepingShade said:
Modified Santa is still Santa, and Santa is not a character you have created. Not approved.
To be honest It was just a joke.
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Currently on an Ipod and can't easily copy paste things. Bear with me.

Name: Connor McKinley.

Description: Average looks. That's the best way to describe him. Of middling weight, not fit but also not fat. With nondescript brown hair and eyes, and not notable features. He is someone that the eyes just slip off of, and he hates it. He dispises how no one notices him, and so he has a very angry and bitter outlook on most people. But being unnoticable has it's perks...

Backstory: Just like his features, his past is nithing note worthy. Raised by a fishing family, given the best education their money could buy, which isn't much, and sent on his way to make a name for himself.

Abilities: Completly invisible. No just kidding. It's hard for people to concentrate on him, which gives him an edge in combat. Not exactly an ability, but he also carries around a large amount of pistols. At first they were an attempt to become more noticable, but once that failed he was left with a lot of chances to shoot stuff.

Weaknesses: Bar room training when it comes to fighting, which is to hit it hard and then do it again if they're still moving. And relatively uneducated, but that won't come back to bite him, will it?
Beowulf said:
Currently on an Ipod and can't easily copy paste things. Bear with me.
Name: Connor McKinley.

Description: Average looks. That's the best way to describe him. Of middling weight, not fit but also not fat. With nondescript brown hair and eyes, and not notable features. He is someone that the eyes just slip off of, and he hates it. He dispises how no one notices him, and so he has a very angry and bitter outlook on most people. But being unnoticable has it's perks...

Backstory: Just like his features, his past is nithing note worthy. Raised by a fishing family, given the best education their money could buy, which isn't much, and sent on his way to make a name for himself.

Abilities: Completly invisible. No just kidding. It's hard for people to concentrate on him, which gives him an edge in combat. Not exactly an ability, but he also carries around a large amount of pistols. At first they were an attempt to become more noticable, but once that failed he was left with a lot of chances to shoot stuff.

Weaknesses: Bar room training when it comes to fighting, which is to hit it hard and then do it again if they're still moving. And relatively uneducated, but that won't come back to bite him, will it?
Name:Cap'n Bones

Description (Physical & Mental): Looks ALMOST completely normal while in gear. His eyes are a little sunken, his hair a touch ragged. When in casual clothes, you can tell that his skin's slightly greenish, and you can almost see him bones clearly.

More than a bit headstrong, cocky, and thrusts himself into personal harm in order to prevent any loss of crew. Not that it's unjustified.

Bio/Backstory:Legends speak of a immortal pirate captain known as Captain Bones, and his somewhat more mortal crew. Legends say that he only targets other pirates. Legends are either exaggerated or talking about another Captain Bones, however; While he is incredibly hard to kill, he isn't quite immortal... Yet. He sails after rumors of things that can truly make him immortal. At least until they're literally cut from his body.

He has no memories of anything further in his past than a year, when he awoke on a stone slab in front of a cackling necromancer ranting about how immortal he was. Bones' response was the only logical one. Tear off the restraints(he had a bit of a post-reanimation rush going on) and tear the necromancers spine out. (okay, a LOT of a rush.)

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:Strength exceeding that of a really tough orc by roughly 75%; A insanely powerful healing factor that renders him ALMOST as immortal as the Captain Bones of TRUE legend. Wields a variety of heavy steel or iron balls on chains

Weakness(ess): Doesn't regenerate against acid or fire; Dismemberment takes a while to recover from; Almost no sense of touch and literally NO SENSE OF PAIN, so you could be stabbing him repeatedly in the back and he literally wouldn't notice you until you turned around

Additional Information: If you feel he's overpowered in combat, then don't engage him directly in combat! Find a way around, or to get him on your side somehow.
hector212121 said:
Name:Cap'n Bones
Description (Physical & Mental): Looks ALMOST completely normal while in gear. His eyes are a little sunken, his hair a touch ragged. When in casual clothes, you can tell that his skin's slightly greenish, and you can almost see him bones clearly.

More than a bit headstrong, cocky, and thrusts himself into personal harm in order to prevent any loss of crew. Not that it's unjustified.

Bio/Backstory:Legends speak of a immortal pirate captain known as Captain Bones, and his somewhat more mortal crew. Legends say that he only targets other pirates. Legends are either exaggerated or talking about another Captain Bones, however; While he is incredibly hard to kill, he isn't quite immortal... Yet. He sails after rumors of things that can truly make him immortal. At least until they're literally cut from his body.

He has no memories of anything further in his past than a year, when he awoke on a stone slab in front of a cackling necromancer ranting about how immortal he was. Bones' response was the only logical one. Tear off the restraints(he had a bit of a post-reanimation rush going on) and tear the necromancers spine out. (okay, a LOT of a rush.)

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:Strength exceeding that of a really tough orc by roughly 75%; A insanely powerful healing factor that renders him ALMOST as immortal as the Captain Bones of TRUE legend. Wields a variety of heavy steel or iron balls on chains

Weakness(ess): Doesn't regenerate against acid or fire; Dismemberment takes a while to recover from; Almost no sense of touch and literally NO SENSE OF PAIN, so you could be stabbing him repeatedly in the back and he literally wouldn't notice you until you turned around

Additional Information: If you feel he's overpowered in combat, then don't engage him directly in combat! Find a way around, or to get him on your side somehow.
Name: Leena Nejem (???? ???)

The Pirate Queen

Description (Physical & Mental):



5'7 Golden Tiger Woman. Slender and sleek build, Short black hair. Fur is primarily white and a bright orange with many Dark stripes along her arms, back, and tail, Olive colored eyes.

She is typically seen wearing a red eastern belly dancer's outfit.

On different occasions she also wears either straight up formal captain's clothing and leather armor, as well as casual, not-as-revealing clothing. (It should be noted she wears no boots however with pink, padded feet.) There's almost always an ornate, well crafted rapier at her hips at all times. She also wears a peculiar collar, with a bright red diamond shaped symbol around her neck.


Leena is extremely charismatic and very cunning, and typically is far more civilized and generally much more pleasant to deal with versus virtually any other pirate on land or sea. Outward and public appearances depict her more like a highly demanding and charming politician, who isn't afraid of taking risks or taking control over virtually anything.

In an inward or more personal/private encounters, Leena is very flirtatious, very fun loving, pleasure seeking, and far more social and energetic, knowing she may be herself while her beauty and cunning can charm even the most stone-faced of sailors.

Deep down however, Leena is almost downright sinister when it comes to getting things her way, and won't hesitate to do the dirty work herself if none of her minions are around to do it for her.

While she's far less concerned with wealth and power, knowing she already has an abundance of both, Leena would much rather take on ideological objectives that have profound effects upon the world around her or benefit her overall power and influence.


"Out in the Far Eastern seas, there are tales of a woman, so rich, powerful, and beautiful. She is said to rule both land and sea, with many under her control, thieves, killers, merchants, common-folk, and corrupt police and politicians all kneel down to Her. She knows no bounds or rules, as she's fabled to go to any length to achieve what she desires, any who defying her demands or her orders were always lead to a swift death in the night, often at the hand of a loyal pirate, sometimes even by her own hand...

or her sheer beauty, cunning, and brutality, being Captain of a flag-ship bigger then her own palace upon the land, maintained and manned by the meanest and most loyal of infamous warriors and pirates. Thus, she claims the title of The Pirate Queen."

Her Father a wealthy merchant and her Mother a leader of a small pirate clan, Leena heralds from a rich desert coastal city in the far east. Growing up having been educated by both of her parents with everything she knew, Leena first began a career as a belly dancer and entertainer upon ships out at sea for her Father's "business", distracting unsuspecting crews as her Mother's goons snuck aboard their ships and robbing them blind for everything they had before making a quick escape to rob the next "business partner" of all they had.

Eventually however, Leena herself began to take charge for herself after eventually growing bored of the pampered life she lived that her parents rewarded her with, she desired to make a name for herself and quickly built upon what her mother and father had given unto her, she began uniting crews and clans of pirates, thieves, crooks, even merchants and politicians through her beauty alone or the sheer terror of her growing power. Everything about the legends of this woman were true, as she now sets sail to new lands to spread her power over...

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

-Leena is typically mundane, most her skills rely upon cunning/charming words and physical attractiveness.

-She is trained to use most weapons should the need arise, but typically prefers a rapier.

-Has Men and Women under her influence everywhere, From simple thieves and murderers to battle-hardened dread pirates and corrupt politicians. If she's somewhere public, there's always someone or an entire group of people guaranteed to fight or sacrifice themselves for her...

-Extremely charismatic.

-She can Belly Dance

-And does it very often as a hobby.


-Leena prefers hide behind others to fight for her rather then expend her energy to do it herself unless absolutely necessary.

-Monophobia, Leena becomes extremely uncomfortable, erratic, nervous, and irrational when she is completely, and truly alone. (She IS okay with being alone by herself in say, her own room or palace because she's not truly alone with people outside and such.)

-She cannot do any sort of heavy work, she's built for seducing, charming, and looking beautiful, not moving big crates or lifting big things.

Additional Information: Pronounced "Lina Na-jahm". The Arabic translation for her name may or may not be "Soft Star". She Speaks French, Arabic, and English (or whatever the in game equivalents are)
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Dipper "the heiress" McCullen

Description (Physical & Mental):

Dipper is what you'd consider an attractive female. She has long, dark, wavy/curly hair that is worn in a style that is fairly popular among most women. She has piercing blue eyes that when her face is relaxed, seem to be set in a glare that makes some people feel as if she is looking down on them. She has plump, pouty lips that are usually chapped from the salty sea-air and surprisingly, a light skin complexion for someone raised on the water. The young woman also has a slender and soft build, not athletic at all and with some curves.

Dipper's personality is best described as blunt. She's a very straightforward person who prefers to never beat around the bush. Although she can be very charming, she knows exactly what she wants and goes for it. This doesn't mean she's short with people, no she can be very prolific and has been known to be invited to many aristocratic parties throughout the years because of her ability to hold interesting conversation. She's not what you'd call a story teller but she has entertained many a tavern with stories of what she's witnessed with her father on the high seas.

Dipper is not a bad person but she's aware that her business is usually conducted with rough crowds and dangerous people. It's the price for working in an illegal trade. At the same time she's not necessarily good either. She's no hero, is often pretty selfish and lives by heartlessly conducting deals to sell parts of- or whole wonderful creatures to turn a profit, but she isn't out in search to hurt any person. She's just doing her own thing.


Dipper did not earn her "sea-fame" on her own. She is widely known as being the daughter of "Black-Hand" McCullen who was a famous pirate known for taking on large sea-beasts and poaching them for money. The Pirate got his name from an incident involving a huge sea-beast whose venom turned the flesh black and gave it's prey a burned like texture in the skin where it strikes. Black-Hand McCullen was fortunate enough one day to catch one of these large and rarely seen beasts that's venom sells for a pretty coin in the right markets but, unfortunately luck decided to smirk in McCullen's direction on the same day when the feared poacher stuck his hand two centimeters too close to the beast's stinger and somehow lived after experiencing it's terrible sting. The experience earned the Man his well-known name and he wore it with pride and continued his deadly trade with his daughter, Dipper, who was just reaching the wee age of 10 when he scooped her from her little shanty of a home near Port Razule; where she would have eventually become a prostitute like her mother had her father not discovered he had a child.

The poaching business is a lucrative and extremely dangerous business that seemed to immediately take Dipper. The moment her little foot stepped onto the deck of her father's ship she fell in love. She's always been aware that her father's business is considered illegal under the rule of most kingdoms but she quickly discovered she had a knack for illicit business transactions. As she got older, her father would take her to many of their meetings to help work out better prices. Business wasn't the only thing she had a knack for, as it turns out, Dipper is also quite handy when it comes to tracking and capturing the profitable beasts. Her father noticed this talent as well and proudly named his daughter his heiress to all he owned which is where her nickname was drawn up.

For years the daughter/father duo ruled the poaching business. They became famous for being a competitive and cut-throat pair that ruled the seas with a fiery determination for maximum profit, and thrill-seeking adrenaline addiction. They were rich and high off adventure for 15 years when almost suddenly, everything sank, literally sank near Port Razule. Over the past three years the duo and crew had been living exceptionally well, and bagged a fantastic sea creature almost weekly but after listening to a few rumors at a few different ports that claimed sightings of Finnings and Blackgills, her father caught an obsession with finding one and becoming one of the first to turn one over for a huge profit. The man got so bad that he could barely sleep and rarely left his cabin except for a few times when he'd get a short burst of need for a distraction and send them sailing after some other creature that would be sighted near rumored Finning and Blackgill sightings as well. Always the man would leave a job with whatever other catch they obtained feeling disappointed and drained. It was especially hard for Dipper to support her father's obsession when they could barely find proof that the Finnings and Blackgills even existed. She tried very hard to get her father to focus on more obtainable profits, to go after something that had more solid proof of it's existence, but he wouldn't listen, he just kept trying to urge her to help him track it when he had nothing to track except loose rumors. Things between the father and daughter started to become heated and they found themselves having more and more arguments that ended in them just yelling each other in circles and Dipper breaking something.

Finally, less than a week ago it all broke. It was a calm night, but it didn't look like it would stay calm for long. Huge black clouds were rolling over head and blocking out the moon and stars. Dipper had been in the cabin looking at transaction receipts and counting what they had made in the last drop so that she could evenly divide the earning among the crew. Her father had gone outside for a breath of fresh air; more on the angry request of his daughter rather than his own need. What happened next is mostly a jumbled blur to Dipper. All she knows is that suddenly her father broke the silence of the slow night with loud rambunctious whooping and hollering and when Dipper came out of the captain's cabin the crew was scrambling around in confused disarray as her father barked orders to shine any light available over the side and get the nets ready. He believed it was finally here, his moment to catch what he claimed was a Finning. Dipper asked a crew member if it was true but apparently Ole' Black-Hand McCullen was the only one to see the creature. When she reached her father, who was at the head of the ship still yelling and jumping around, the man grabbed his daughter by her shoulders and planted an excited kiss on her forehead as he yelled that this was the day they'd been waiting for. He looked over the confused woman's shoulder and demanded they point the ship in the direction that he'd swore he saw the Finning swim towards. As Dipper felt the ship lurch in it's new destination Dipper grabbed her father's arms and tried to get him to see that he was heading the ship toward rocky land and a storm was coming.

"Nonsense, my child! Trust me, have I ever crashed a ship? I know what I'm doing and I know what I saw!" He waived her pleas to reconsider away and laughed as the first bolts of lightening split the sky and rain fell.

There was nothing Dipper could do, the crew took their direct orders from her father over her and even though they didn't exactly agree with this course of action, half of the men trusted Black-Hand McCullen with their lives, or owed him theirs; and the other half was curious to see if the old mad man was right. The only thing Dipper could manage was to ready the small life boat. She put only what she needed in the boat and pleaded with her father to turn around until it was almost too late to board the dingy. Thunder boomed at the exact moment the ship hit the rocks and Dipper literally fell over the side of the ship and into the little row boat, screaming the entire way down as the boat slid down the slick ropes a little to fast for it to be safe. Luckily, the lifeboat didn't break upon slamming into rough waters but she lost a few bags of precious coin that she had in her arms as she fell over. She watched in horror through the heavy rain as her ship, her home- crashed against the rocks. It was nearly impossible to hear all the screams from the frantic crew as the ship sank but she found herself waiving her arms and screaming back for her father or any crew member that could swim to her, but within a few minutes of watching the last of the ship sink beneath the black water she realized she was alone.

The rest of the night was a fight against the treacherous waives and storm in her little row boat as she pushed towards port Razule. She was near enough that she knew she wouldn't sink or become thrown off course before reaching it, but she cried and cursed her father's name the entire trip anyway. Just as the little rays of morning began to peek through the grey clouds, she washed ashore the beach of Port Razule where she's been for the past week, looking for another crew to join.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

Dipper is very good at her job. She has a knack for tracking incredible sea-beasts off a little trail. She is also very good at conducting business between seedy merchants and black market peddlers. She can be extremely charming and easy to work with. Dipper has no magical abilities or powers.


She lacks physical strength which makes her pretty useless in combat, so if she really needs to she has to fight with a sharp object or even better, a fire arm which she is also not very good at. She prefers to use her words through either talking her way out of a situation, flipping it to benefit her, or completely destroying someone's reputation. She also lacks the ability to really care for any of her beasts which makes for a liability and loss of profit.

As far as a weakness that goes beyond mortal ones she possesses no magical abilities that have a supernatural draw back or any curses that would tie her to some beyond mortal weakness.

Additional Information:

As far as Dipper is aware her father is dead, but she never fully witnessed his death so technically he is missing.

Picture for appearance reference:

Neow46 said:
Name: Leena Nejem (???? ???)
The Pirate Queen

Description (Physical & Mental): (I WILL DRAW SOMETHING SFW LATER ON, her ref sheet isn't exactly suited for RpN, be prepared to edit this later on Cole...)


5'7 Golden Tiger Woman. Slender and sleek build, Short black hair. Fur is primarily white and a bright orange with many Dark stripes along her arms, back, and tail, Olive colored eyes.

She is typically seen wearing a mix of a red belly dancer's outfit and parts of a black pirate captain's outfit. On different occasions she also wears either straight up one or the other as well as casual, not-as-revealing clothing. (It should be noted she wears no boots however with pink, padded feet.) There's almost always an ornate, well crafted rapier as well as an ornate pistol/flint lock on her hips at all times. She also wears a peculiar collar, with a bright red diamond shaped symbol around her neck.

Doesn't particularly care for hats though.


Leena is extremely charismatic and very cunning, and typically is far more civilized and generally much more pleasant to deal with versus virtually any other pirate on land or sea. Outward and public appearances depict her more like a highly demanding and charming politician, who isn't afraid of taking risks or taking control over virtually anything.

In an inward or more personal/private encounters, Leena is very flirtatious, very fun loving, pleasure seeking, and far more social and energetic, knowing she may be herself while her beauty and cunning can charm even the most stone-faced of sailors.

Deep down however, Leena is almost downright sinister when it comes to getting things her way, and won't hesitate to do the dirty work herself if none of her minions are around to do it for her.

While she's far less concerned with wealth and power, knowing she already has an abundance of both, Leena would much rather take on ideological objectives that have profound effects upon the world around her or benefit her overall power and influence.

Bio/Backstory: Her Father a wealthy merchant and her Mother a leader of a small pirate clan, Leena heralds from a rich desert coastal city in the far east. Growing up having been educated by both of her parents with everything she knew, Leena first began a career as a belly dancer and entertainer upon ships out at sea for her Father's "business", distracting unsuspecting crews as her Mother's goons snuck aboard their ships and robbing them blind for everything they had before making a quick escape to rob the next "business partner" of all they had.

Eventually however, Leena herself began to take charge for herself after eventually growing bored of the pampered life she lived that her parents rewarded her with, she desired to make a name for herself and quickly built upon what her mother and father had given unto her, she began uniting crews and clans of pirates, thieves, crooks, even merchants and politicians through her beauty alone or the sheer terror of her growing power. Her actions knowing no bounds or rules as she went to any length to achieve what she desired, defying her demands or her orders always leading to a swift death in the night that she personally takes a hand in, netting her the title of The Pirate Queen for her sheer beauty, brutality, and power.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

-Leena is typically mundane, most her skills rely upon cunning/charming words and physical attractiveness.

-She is trained to use most weapons should the need arise, but typically prefers a rapier.

-Has Men and Women under her influence everywhere, From simple thieves and murderers to battle-hardened dread pirates and corrupt politicians. If she's somewhere public, there's always someone or an entire group of people guaranteed to fight or sacrifice themselves for her...

-Extremely charismatic.

-She can Belly Dance

-And does it very often as a hobby.


-Leena prefers hide behind others to fight for her rather then expend her energy to do it herself unless absolutely necessary.

-Monophobia, Leena becomes extremely uncomfortable, erratic, nervous, and irrational when she is completely, and truly alone. (She IS okay with being alone by herself in say, her own room or palace because she's not truly alone with people outside and such.)

-She cannot do any sort of heavy work, she's built for seducing, charming, and looking beautiful, not moving big crates or lifting big things.

Additional Information: Pronounced "Lina Na-jahm". The Arabic translation for her name may or may not be "Soft Star". She Speaks French, Arabic, and English (or whatever the in game equivalents are)

Haley said:


Dipper "the heiress" McCullen

Description (Physical & Mental):

Dipper is what you'd consider an attractive female. She has long, dark, wavy/curly hair that is worn in a style that is fairly popular among most women. She has piercing blue eyes that when her face is relaxed, seem to be set in a glare that makes some people feel as if she is looking down on them. She has plump, pouty lips that are usually chapped from the salty sea-air and surprisingly, a light skin complexion for someone raised on the water. The young woman also has a slender and soft build, not athletic at all and with some curves.

Dipper's personality is best described as blunt. She's a very straightforward person who prefers to never beat around the bush. Although she can be very charming, she knows exactly what she wants and goes for it. This doesn't mean she's short with people, no she can be very prolific and has been known to be invited to many aristocratic parties throughout the years because of her ability to hold interesting conversation. She's not what you'd call a story teller but she has entertained many a tavern with stories of what she's witnessed with her father on the high seas.

Dipper is not a bad person but she's aware that her business is usually conducted with rough crowds and dangerous people. It's the price for working in an illegal trade. At the same time she's not necessarily good either. She's no hero, is often pretty selfish and lives by heartlessly conducting deals to sell parts of- or whole wonderful creatures to turn a profit, but she isn't out in search to hurt any person. She's just doing her own thing.


Dipper did not earn her "sea-fame" on her own. She is widely known as being the daughter of "Black-Hand" McCullen who was a famous pirate known for taking on large sea-beasts and poaching them for money. The Pirate got his name from an incident involving a huge sea-beast whose venom turned the flesh black and gave it's prey a burned like texture in the skin where it strikes. Black-Hand McCullen was fortunate enough one day to catch one of these large and rarely seen beasts that's venom sells for a pretty coin in the right markets but, unfortunately luck decided to smirk in McCullen's direction on the same day when the feared poacher stuck his hand two centimeters too close to the beast's stinger and somehow lived after experiencing it's terrible sting. The experience earned the Man his well-known name and he wore it with pride and continued his deadly trade with his daughter, Dipper, who was just reaching the wee age of 10 when he scooped her from her little shanty of a home near Port Razule; where she would have eventually become a prostitute like her mother had her father not discovered he had a child.

The poaching business is a lucrative and extremely dangerous business that seemed to immediately take Dipper. The moment her little foot stepped onto the deck of her father's ship she fell in love. She's always been aware that her father's business is considered illegal under the rule of most kingdoms but she quickly discovered she had a knack for illicit business transactions. As she got older, her father would take her to many of their meetings to help work out better prices. Business wasn't the only thing she had a knack for, as it turns out, Dipper is also quite handy when it comes to tracking and capturing the profitable beasts. Her father noticed this talent as well and proudly named his daughter his heiress to all he owned which is where her nickname was drawn up.

For years the daughter/father duo ruled the poaching business. They became famous for being a competitive and cut-throat pair that ruled the seas with a fiery determination for maximum profit, and thrill-seeking adrenaline addiction. They were rich and high off adventure for 15 years when almost suddenly, everything sank, literally sank near Port Razule. Over the past three years the duo and crew had been living exceptionally well, and bagged a fantastic sea creature almost weekly but after listening to a few rumors at a few different ports that claimed sightings of Finnings and Blackgills, her father caught an obsession with finding one and becoming one of the first to turn one over for a huge profit. The man got so bad that he could barely sleep and rarely left his cabin except for a few times when he'd get a short burst of need for a distraction and send them sailing after some other creature that would be sighted near rumored Finning and Blackgill sightings as well. Always the man would leave a job with whatever other catch they obtained feeling disappointed and drained. It was especially hard for Dipper to support her father's obsession when they could barely find proof that the Finnings and Blackgills even existed. She tried very hard to get her father to focus on more obtainable profits, to go after something that had more solid proof of it's existence, but he wouldn't listen, he just kept trying to urge her to help him track it when he had nothing to track except loose rumors. Things between the father and daughter started to become heated and they found themselves having more and more arguments that ended in them just yelling each other in circles and Dipper breaking something.

Finally, less than a week ago it all broke. It was a calm night, but it didn't look like it would stay calm for long. Huge black clouds were rolling over head and blocking out the moon and stars. Dipper had been in the cabin looking at transaction receipts and counting what they had made in the last drop so that she could evenly divide the earning among the crew. Her father had gone outside for a breath of fresh air; more on the angry request of his daughter rather than his own need. What happened next is mostly a jumbled blur to Dipper. All she knows is that suddenly her father broke the silence of the slow night with loud rambunctious whooping and hollering and when Dipper came out of the captain's cabin the crew was scrambling around in confused disarray as her father barked orders to shine any light available over the side and get the nets ready. He believed it was finally here, his moment to catch what he claimed was a Finning. Dipper asked a crew member if it was true but apparently Ole' Black-Hand McCullen was the only one to see the creature. When she reached her father, who was at the head of the ship still yelling and jumping around, the man grabbed his daughter by her shoulders and planted an excited kiss on her forehead as he yelled that this was the day they'd been waiting for. He looked over the confused woman's shoulder and demanded they point the ship in the direction that he'd swore he saw the Finning swim towards. As Dipper felt the ship lurch in it's new destination Dipper grabbed her father's arms and tried to get him to see that he was heading the ship toward rocky land and a storm was coming.

"Nonsense, my child! Trust me, have I ever crashed a ship? I know what I'm doing and I know what I saw!" He waived her pleas to reconsider away and laughed as the first bolts of lightening split the sky and rain fell.

There was nothing Dipper could do, the crew took their direct orders from her father over her and even though they didn't exactly agree with this course of action, half of the men trusted Black-Hand McCullen with their lives, or owed him theirs; and the other half was curious to see if the old mad man was right. The only thing Dipper could manage was to ready the small life boat. She put only what she needed in the boat and pleaded with her father to turn around until it was almost too late to board the dingy. Thunder boomed at the exact moment the ship hit the rocks and Dipper literally fell over the side of the ship and into the little row boat, screaming the entire way down as the boat slid down the slick ropes a little to fast for it to be safe. Luckily, the lifeboat didn't break upon slamming into rough waters but she lost a few bags of precious coin that she had in her arms as she fell over. She watched in horror through the heavy rain as her ship, her home- crashed against the rocks. It was nearly impossible to hear all the screams from the frantic crew as the ship sank but she found herself waiving her arms and screaming back for her father or any crew member that could swim to her, but within a few minutes of watching the last of the ship sink beneath the black water she realized she was alone.

The rest of the night was a fight against the treacherous waives and storm in her little row boat as she pushed towards port Razule. She was near enough that she knew she wouldn't sink or become thrown off course before reaching it, but she cried and cursed her father's name the entire trip anyway. Just as the little rays of morning began to peek through the grey clouds, she washed ashore the beach of Port Razule where she's been for the past week, looking for another crew to join.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

Dipper is very good at her job. She has a knack for tracking incredible sea-beasts off a little trail. She is also very good at conducting business between seedy merchants and black market peddlers. She can be extremely charming and easy to work with. Dipper has no magical abilities or powers.


She lacks physical strength which makes her pretty useless in combat, so if she really needs to she has to fight with a sharp object or even better, a fire arm which she is also not very good at. She prefers to use her words through either talking her way out of a situation, flipping it to benefit her, or completely destroying someone's reputation. She also lacks the ability to really care for any of her beasts which makes for a liability and loss of profit.

As far as a weakness that goes beyond mortal ones she possesses no magical abilities that have a supernatural draw back or any curses that would tie her to some beyond mortal weakness.

Additional Information:

As far as Dipper is aware her father is dead, but she never fully witnessed his death so technically he is missing.

Picture for appearance reference:

Approved as well

Pipsqueak 'The Art'jurer'

Snazzy physique:

Pipsqueak is a lean 5'8'ish pony of the unicorn race, with a granite gray coat and minty green hair, (typically unkempt).

His choice in clothing is varied, though he sports a belt for his rapier, saddlebags for storage, and a strange necklace from his childhood.

[ imgur.com/MtswK3W ]

Psyche Eval.:

Wild and free spirited, Pipsqueak knows no fear and lives life to it's fullest. He acts on impulse, does things just because he's never done them, and tries to see the good in those around him. Everyone he talks to becomes a friend, in his mind at least. He's not one to get in a fight, but he sure knows how to end them. Pipsqueak is the guy that'll start a sea shanty when the going's rough, but not. Stop. Talking. When something important is going down. And for heaven sakes, he need to learn to filter what he says, thoughts practically tumble out of his head. Someone teach him personal space while they're at it.

Back story time:

Pipsqueak was raised on a busy trading island by his Step-father, having lost his mother in an unusual boat crash. Pipsqueak found his calling in a career of art, much to his Step-Father's horror, who wanted a business savvy heir to the business. His childhood might not have been plagued by poverty or a brotherhood of assassins, but Stylo always needed more out of life, and his ticket to freedom was a guide on conjuration magic. Once he was competent in both art and conjuration, he hightailed it, and has been able to live the good life, seeing the world and living his own adventure upon the seas.

Stuff 'n' Things

-A spiffy rapier, used

-Some pocket change, just in case

-Quills, ink, charcoal, chalk, pencils, stuff for making art

-A large notebook, a couple pocket books, loose papers, and the like


-Trained in the ways of a rapier

-Experienced artist, with the creativity to support it

-Can pull objects and creatures out of his sketches, doodles, and other forms of art


-Increased complexity, size, detail or other features makes for a more tiring spell

-Conjuration requires energy, of which Pipsqueak has not an infinite pool

-Can only create what he can imagine, draw, and then create

-Not strictly a warrior, or combat experienced


-Has a troublesome penchant for rum

-Has a secret black book for unspeakable art

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[QUOTE="Thorn of Discord]

Pipsqueak 'The Art'jurer'

Snazzy physique:

Pipsqueak is a lean 5'8'ish pony of the unicorn race, with a granite gray coat and minty green hair, (typically unkempt).

His choice in clothing is varied, though he sports a belt for his rapier, saddlebags for storage, and a strange necklace from his childhood.

(I promise to do at least a basic drawing of him real soon)

Psyche Eval.:

Wild and free spirited, Pipsqueak knows no fear and lives life to it's fullest. He acts on impulse, does things just because he's never done them, and tries to see the good in those around him. Everyone he talks to becomes a friend, in his mind at least. He's not one to get in a fight, but he sure knows how to end them. Pipsqueak is the guy that'll start a sea shanty when the going's rough, but not. Stop. Talking. When something important is going down. And for heaven sakes, he need to learn to filter what he says, thoughts practically tumble out of his head. Someone teach him personal space while they're at it.

Back story time:

Pipsqueak was raised on a busy trading island by his Step-father, having lost his mother in an unusual boat crash. Pipsqueak found his calling in a career of art, much to his Step-Father's horror, who wanted a business savvy heir to the business. His childhood might not have been plagued by poverty or a brotherhood of assassins, but Stylo always needed more out of life, and his ticket to freedom was a guide on conjuration magic. Once he was competent in both art and conjuration, he hightailed it, and has been able to live the good life, seeing the world and living his own adventure upon the seas.

Stuff 'n' Things

-A spiffy rapier, used

-Some pocket change, just in case

-Quills, ink, charcoal, chalk, pencils, stuff for making art

-A large notebook, a couple pocket books, loose papers, and the like


-Trained in the ways of a rapier

-Experienced artist, with the creativity to support it

-Can pull objects and creatures out of his sketches, doodles, and other forms of art


-Increased complexity, size, detail or other features makes for a more tiring spell

-Conjuration requires energy, of which Pipsqueak has not an infinite pool

-Can only create what he can imagine, draw, and then create

-Not strictly a warrior, or combat experienced


-Has a troublesome penchant for rum

-Has a secret black book for unspeakable art



Madoc Illan Vance

(The Whimsical)

||Physical Features||

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 134 lbs.


Madoc is lithe and lean, he isn't without muscle, he is a fairly active youth after all, but he has never possessed the sort of stocky muscles some other men have. He's average height, yet he has long limbs and so at times he seems to be much taller than he truly is. His body is very much a slim curve, and he often can appear very feline-like because of his body-type.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/ebdcaec9c82f2370c9b7b678bf86ac2f.jpg.cc468651f557460d413aeb56d7fabcc8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/ebdcaec9c82f2370c9b7b678bf86ac2f.jpg.cc468651f557460d413aeb56d7fabcc8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



At the core of Madoc's personality is a care-free attitude and lack of self-consciousness. He's bright and confident and is the sort of man who is almost magnetic to others. His sole desire in life is to experience as many oddities as he can before death, and so he travels across the world on the seas as a stowaway, a bard, a powder monkey, whatever you'll have him for, he'll do.

He always rolls with the punches and never plans ahead, believing that destiny will take him where he needs to be and show him what he wants to see. And though he always seems to be surrounded by people wherever he goes, Madoc never settles down. He never stays on with one person and doesn't seem to be particularly loyal. He's extremely fickle. He does as he likes, because he's quite street wise and knows how to get away with doing as he pleases.

He loves drama and the idea that each struggle is an adventure, as he's quite taken with the idea of adventure, but he never seems to incur drama himself. He simply somehow always seems to be in the right place at the right time in order to be dragged into some sort of adventure. He calls it his lucky disposition.

Most think Madoc's lack of personal issues must be due to his lack of an affiliation with any sort of group, religion, country, cause, or government, he seems detached from everything else. And maybe that's why he's so attractive to others.

Outwardly though Madoc is simply likable. He's cheeky and cheerful with a quick, yet harmless wit. One can always trust him to give them a brilliant smile as he teases them. He loves to dance and sing, and isn't afraid to do it in public, even when he's sober. This may very well be the cause of his love of festivals.

Madoc does have his moments of solemnity, although they're few and far in between. And when he shows his more serious face, Madoc almost seems to hold a higher sort of wisdom which may make one question the easiness of his lifestyle.


+ Madoc is not afraid to dance and sing in public (although he does work as a minstrel and bard most days either way.)

+ Madoc rubs the tip of his nose whenever he's really happy or pleased with something.

+ He's got a lop-sided sort of smile.

+ When he's really drunk he becomes very emotional and unpredictable.

+ He likes to be unmanageable.

+ Whenever he's caught doing something he shouldn't be doing, Madoc immediately smiles innocently.

+ He really hates the skin on apples. He thinks they ruin the fruit entirely.

+ He fights predominantly with his left hand even though he's right handed.

+ Whenever he side steps someone, he always takes two extra steps backwards.

+ He smiles whenever he's in an especially tense situation.


Innocently almost nonexistent.

Sure he wouldn't kill or torture (especially harshly) someone. But other than that Madoc is fairly free of human morals. He doesn't mind theft, drinking, lying, swearing (though he seems to have an impressive lack of colorful language in his own vocabulary), immorality in general doesn't bother him. He believes people do what they have to do, and if someone commits a crime that isn't really necessary it bothers him a bit, but he doesn't pursue it. He thinks that if he get swindled, that's partially your fault as well, for not being wary enough.

He doesn't care about sex flings, and he'll do it with mostly anyone, male or female. And maybe that's part of the reason for Madoc's success in his free life style, he doesn't really care about what others do. Not much bothers him.


Nobody but Madoc really knows much about his past. And really there's not much of a reason why anyone would want to know such a typical story. Madoc's parents were merchants, he had five siblings and was the third born of six, he lived most of his early years at sea, but in the day and age that he lives in, he figures that's not so uncommon. It was a good life for him, seeing the world, though his family mostly went back and forth between a certain cluster of islands. But because of his travels, Madoc never really met many other children his age that he could befriend permanently. And really, he didn't mind, he had his siblings and travelling was more than he could ever ask for.

Then his family was killed in a pirate raid, every one of them, aside from him and his younger brother, Elijah. He and his brother were taken onto the pirate's ship as powder monkey's for a time. It was at this time that Madoc realized how different he and his brother really were. While Madoc shielded his grief from the view others and mourned silently until his pain had healed over into a small scar that itch every once and a while; Elijah clung onto his sorrow, wore it on his sleeve, and turned it into bitterness, he hated every moment of their life on that pirate ship. It wasn't that Madoc had particularly enjoyed their new life, it was simply that he had accepted his fate.

Four years passed and as they grew older, Madoc became more favored among the crew of the ship, while Elijah closed in on himself and only desired to kill those men that had brought this ill fate upon them. Elijah would not speak, lest it was to Madoc, would eat, lest it was food given to him by Madoc. Madoc felt entirely responsible for his brother at this time, he became a bit protective, though he would never admit it.

Then fate twisted once more and the captain of their ship decided to sell Elijah, who had grown into a sturdy youth with a stockier build than Madoc, yet was too spiteful to be of much use anymore to the captain. Madoc can remember everything about that day, he even recalls the faces of the men who bought his brother. Thugs, rogues who would make Elijah their underling, treat him like a piece of meat to be thrown to the dogs. Madoc remembers most of all feeling sick to his stomach, especially looking at the expression his brother wore. Elijah had turned to look at him, as if Madoc could do something, stand up and wreak havoc, save him somehow. But Madoc was not like his brother, and so he could do nothing, no matter how he wished it was him in those shackles, or that maybe he was just even a bit like his brother. He would have been brave and stronger if he was anything like his brother.

Madoc has not seen Elijah since, and he knows he will most likely never see his brother again, and for some reason that hurts him more than the deaths of his parents and other siblings had. Its one wound that he will shield forever, it's pain and regret will never dwindle into some little scar that becomes apart of him.

After his brother was sold, Madoc carried on just as he always had, almost. The pirates were impressed with his coldness and resilience and dubbed him "Madoc the Resilient", and he hated it more than he had hated anything else in his life. But he carried on. He may have treated the other pirates with a cold-shoulder and placed them smoothly at a distance as he himself became one of them, but nobody truly noticed it either way. He may have agreed to becoming a lover to men and women as they came and went simply because it was easier, but he never attached himself.

When the time came for Madoc to leave that ship, it was not by leave of the captain, it was by his own volition. They had stopped at a port, he gave his clothing to a street-rat of a boy and wandered as far as he pleased, never to return to the ship.

It was then that Madoc truly became wise in the ways of the world, as he joined the lives of the normal people. He took odd jobs, witness the silliest of bar fights, took up the vocation of a bard and a minstrel, and eventually made his way onto a merchant ship to another, larger island. For the better part of five years he went where the wind blew him, getting into all sorts of trouble that really didn't really concern him, adventuring and questing as he pleased, and deciding where he was off to next only after hearing tales of certain lands from other travelers. That was until he heard of the floating island. And it's not really that he's very interested in the weaponry, it's more that he believes it would be an amazing place to see. So his current goal is to find and see the floating island, he's currently developing a (very loosely formed) plan to accomplish his goal. First he's just got to find someone else who's interested in the island, preferably someone who owns a boat.

||Abilities and Talents||

+ Dancing

+ Singing

+ Drinking

+ Charming

+ Happening upon useful items

+ Close combat

+ Magic Tricks

(well, it's actual magic, but he hasn't got much of it, so really he can only conjure up a few measly illusions.)

+ Thieving

+ Running

+ Escaping

+ Whittling


While he can fight, Madoc is by no means the best fighter, he's clever and quick, but mostly just at escaping. He's prone to getting drunk and is often way too careless. He's extremely easy concerning matters better kept in the bedroom. He accepts most things as they are, especially concerning himself personally, and never seems to be willing to fight for most anything, he likes to take the easy way out and is a coward when it comes to his own misfortunes. He tries to contain all of his sorrow and it distances him from others. He's incredibly fickle and while he might have thousands of pleasant acquaintances, he has not even one friend to his name.

He's cheap and often a liar, he doesn't treat anyone specially no matter how much he may like them. He's afraid of slave dealers and deathly afraid of drowning (even he has no problem being on a ship for months at a time). He's susceptible to believing in wives tales and is sometimes humorously superstitious. He does as he pleases and never really comes in with a plan so he always ends up making more trouble than he ever should. He likes trouble too much. his sense of danger must be screwed up because he never seems to be nervous in bad situations and somehow seems to cause a ton of trouble for those around him, even if they don't even vaguely know him.

||Additional Information||

+ He always brags that he knows over a thousand songs.

+ His sung renditions of the adventures of those he has traveled with always seems to be much more humorous and dirty than it actually was.

+ He plays the flute, the lyre, the oud, and the drums. Though he doesn't own a set of drums, because they're too bulky to carry around all the time. He does own a oud and a flute, and he used to have a lyre, but he somehow lost it one night when he was particularly drunk. Shame too, it was a good instrument,he'd named it Raji.

+ He calls his oud by the name "Gallai" sometimes, but for some reason his flute doesn't seem to have a name.

+ His flute is actually one he stole off another drunk bard once. He wonders if that's what might've happened to poor Raji.

+ Madoc is never seen wearing a true shirt. Instead he either wears a vest, or simply no shirt at all. He likes colorful clothes and is often seen wearing bells and red and blue jewelry, and feathered headbands and brightly colored head wraps. His sashes always are richly dyed and have the oddest patterns. He likes to wear anklets as well.

+ He has seven piercings, three in his left ear, two in his right, a piercing on his right eyebrow, and one in his nose. He doesn't always wear jewelry in them, but he's usually wearing at least one ring.

+ He's got one tattoo on his lower back. It's snake-like and tribal and black, it winds down his spine below the waist of his pants starting on his mid-back. He's had it since he was about fourteen.

+ He often doesn't wear shoes (though he wears many anklets and bangles around his feet), though when he does their always thick-soled sandals.​



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Hansel said:


Madoc Illan Vance

(The Whimsical)

||Physical Features||

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 134 lbs.


Madoc is lithe and lean, he isn't without muscle, he is a fairly active youth after all, but he has never possessed the sort of stocky muscles some other men have. He's average height, yet he has long limbs and so at times he seems to be much taller than he truly is. His body is very much a slim curve, and he often can appear very feline-like because of his body-type.

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At the core of Madoc's personality is a care-free attitude and lack of self-consciousness. He's bright and confident and is the sort of man who is almost magnetic to others. His sole desire in life is to experience as many oddities as he can before death, and so he travels across the world on the seas as a stowaway, a bard, a powder monkey, whatever you'll have him for, he'll do.

He always rolls with the punches and never plans ahead, believing that destiny will take him where he needs to be and show him what he wants to see. And though he always seems to be surrounded by people wherever he goes, Madoc never settles down. He never stays on with one person and doesn't seem to be particularly loyal. He's extremely fickle. He does as he likes, because he's quite street wise and knows how to get away with doing as he pleases.

He loves drama and the idea that each struggle is an adventure, as he's quite taken with the idea of adventure, but he never seems to incur drama himself. He simply somehow always seems to be in the right place at the right time in order to be dragged into some sort of adventure. He calls it his lucky disposition.

Most think Madoc's lack of personal issues must be due to his lack of an affiliation with any sort of group, religion, country, cause, or government, he seems detached from everything else. And maybe that's why he's so attractive to others.

Outwardly though Madoc is simply likable. He's cheeky and cheerful with a quick, yet harmless wit. One can always trust him to give them a brilliant smile as he teases them. He loves to dance and sing, and isn't afraid to do it in public, even when he's sober. This may very well be the cause of his love of festivals.

Madoc does have his moments of solemnity, although they're few and far in between. And when he shows his more serious face, Madoc almost seems to hold a higher sort of wisdom which may make one question the easiness of his lifestyle.


+ Madoc is not afraid to dance and sing in public (although he does work as a minstrel and bard most days either way.)

+ Madoc rubs the tip of his nose whenever he's really happy or pleased with something.

+ He's got a lop-sided sort of smile.

+ When he's really drunk he becomes very emotional and unpredictable.

+ He likes to be unmanageable.

+ Whenever he's caught doing something he shouldn't be doing, Madoc immediately smiles innocently.

+ He really hates the skin on apples. He thinks they ruin the fruit entirely.

+ He fights predominantly with his left hand even though he's right handed.

+ Whenever he side steps someone, he always takes two extra steps backwards.

+ He smiles whenever he's in an especially tense situation.


Innocently almost nonexistent.

Sure he wouldn't kill or torture (especially harshly) someone. But other than that Madoc is fairly free of human morals. He doesn't mind theft, drinking, lying, swearing (though he seems to have an impressive lack of colorful language in his own vocabulary), immorality in general doesn't bother him. He believes people do what they have to do, and if someone commits a crime that isn't really necessary it bothers him a bit, but he doesn't pursue it. He thinks that if he get swindled, that's partially your fault as well, for not being wary enough.

He doesn't care about sex flings, and he'll do it with mostly anyone, male or female. And maybe that's part of the reason for Madoc's success in his free life style, he doesn't really care about what others do. Not much bothers him.


Nobody but Madoc really knows much about his past. And really there's not much of a reason why anyone would want to know such a typical story. Madoc's parents were merchants, he had five siblings and was the third born of six, he lived most of his early years at sea, but in the day and age that he lives in, he figures that's not so uncommon. It was a good life for him, seeing the world, though his family mostly went back and forth between a certain cluster of islands. But because of his travels, Madoc never really met many other children his age that he could befriend permanently. And really, he didn't mind, he had his siblings and travelling was more than he could ever ask for.

Then his family was killed in a pirate raid, every one of them, aside from him and his younger brother, Elijah. He and his brother were taken onto the pirate's ship as powder monkey's for a time. It was at this time that Madoc realized how different he and his brother really were. While Madoc shielded his grief from the view others and mourned silently until his pain had healed over into a small scar that itch every once and a while; Elijah clung onto his sorrow, wore it on his sleeve, and turned it into bitterness, he hated every moment of their life on that pirate ship. It wasn't that Madoc had particularly enjoyed their new life, it was simply that he had accepted his fate.

Four years passed and as they grew older, Madoc became more favored among the crew of the ship, while Elijah closed in on himself and only desired to kill those men that had brought this ill fate upon them. Elijah would not speak, lest it was to Madoc, would eat, lest it was food given to him by Madoc. Madoc felt entirely responsible for his brother at this time, he became a bit protective, though he would never admit it.

Then fate twisted once more and the captain of their ship decided to sell Elijah, who had grown into a sturdy youth with a stockier build than Madoc, yet was too spiteful to be of much use anymore to the captain. Madoc can remember everything about that day, he even recalls the faces of the men who bought his brother. Thugs, rogues who would make Elijah their underling, treat him like a piece of meat to be thrown to the dogs. Madoc remembers most of all feeling sick to his stomach, especially looking at the expression his brother wore. Elijah had turned to look at him, as if Madoc could do something, stand up and wreak havoc, save him somehow. But Madoc was not like his brother, and so he could do nothing, no matter how he wished it was him in those shackles, or that maybe he was just even a bit like his brother. He would have been brave and stronger if he was anything like his brother.

Madoc has not seen Elijah since, and he knows he will most likely never see his brother again, and for some reason that hurts him more than the deaths of his parents and other siblings had. Its one wound that he will shield forever, it's pain and regret will never dwindle into some little scar that becomes apart of him.

After his brother was sold, Madoc carried on just as he always had, almost. The pirates were impressed with his coldness and resilience and dubbed him "Madoc the Resilient", and he hated it more than he had hated anything else in his life. But he carried on. He may have treated the other pirates with a cold-shoulder and placed them smoothly at a distance as he himself became one of them, but nobody truly noticed it either way. He may have agreed to becoming a lover to men and women as they came and went simply because it was easier, but he never attached himself.

When the time came for Madoc to leave that ship, it was not by leave of the captain, it was by his own volition. They had stopped at a port, he gave his clothing to a street-rat of a boy and wandered as far as he pleased, never to return to the ship.

It was then that Madoc truly became wise in the ways of the world, as he joined the lives of the normal people. He took odd jobs, witness the silliest of bar fights, took up the vocation of a bard and a minstrel, and eventually made his way onto a merchant ship to another, larger island. For the better part of five years he went where the wind blew him, getting into all sorts of trouble that really didn't really concern him, adventuring and questing as he pleased, and deciding where he was off to next only after hearing tales of certain lands from other travelers. That was until he heard of the floating island. And it's not really that he's very interested in the weaponry, it's more that he believes it would be an amazing place to see. So his current goal is to find and see the floating island, he's currently developing a (very loosely formed) plan to accomplish his goal. First he's just got to find someone else who's interested in the island, preferably someone who owns a boat.

||Abilities and Talents||

+ Dancing

+ Singing

+ Drinking

+ Charming

+ Happening upon useful items

+ Close combat

+ Magic Tricks

(well, it's actual magic, but he hasn't got much of it, so really he can only conjure up a few measly illusions.)

+ Thieving

+ Running

+ Escaping

+ Whittling


While he can fight, Madoc is by no means the best fighter, he's clever and quick, but mostly just at escaping. He's prone to getting drunk and is often way too careless. He's extremely easy concerning matters better kept in the bedroom. He accepts most things as they are, especially concerning himself personally, and never seems to be willing to fight for most anything, he likes to take the easy way out and is a coward when it comes to his own misfortunes. He tries to contain all of his sorrow and it distances him from others. He's incredibly fickle and while he might have thousands of pleasant acquaintances, he has not even one friend to his name.

He's cheap and often a liar, he doesn't treat anyone specially no matter how much he may like them. He's afraid of slave dealers and deathly afraid of drowning (even he has no problem being on a ship for months at a time). He's susceptible to believing in wives tales and is sometimes humorously superstitious. He does as he pleases and never really comes in with a plan so he always ends up making more trouble than he ever should. He likes trouble too much. his sense of danger must be screwed up because he never seems to be nervous in bad situations and somehow seems to cause a ton of trouble for those around him, even if they don't even vaguely know him.

||Additional Information||

+ He always brags that he knows over a thousand songs.

+ His sung renditions of the adventures of those he has traveled with always seems to be much more humorous and dirty than it actually was.

+ He plays the flute, the lyre, the oud, and the drums. Though he doesn't own a set of drums, because they're too bulky to carry around all the time. He does own a oud and a flute, and he used to have a lyre, but he somehow lost it one night when he was particularly drunk. Shame too, it was a good instrument,he'd named it Raji.

+ He calls his oud by the name "Gallai" sometimes, but for some reason his flute doesn't seem to have a name.

+ His flute is actually one he stole off another drunk bard once. He wonders if that's what might've happened to poor Raji.

+ Madoc is never seen wearing a true shirt. Instead he either wears a vest, or simply no shirt at all. He likes colorful clothes and is often seen wearing bells and red and blue jewelry, and feathered headbands and brightly colored head wraps. His sashes always are richly dyed and have the oddest patterns. He likes to wear anklets as well.

+ He has seven piercings, three in his left ear, two in his right, a piercing on his right eyebrow, and one in his nose. He doesn't always wear jewelry in them, but he's usually wearing at least one ring.

+ He's got one tattoo on his lower back. It's snake-like and tribal and black, it winds down his spine below the waist of his pants starting on his mid-back. He's had it since he was about fourteen.

+ He often doesn't wear shoes (though he wears many anklets and bangles around his feet), though when he does their always thick-soled sandals.​

I am accepting only one more character, for now.

"Do first, regret later."


Aira Melier


Aira is half-sylph (how? idk), with pale, porcelain skin with a lovely, heart-shaped face and a small, adorable mouth. She bears a striking resemblance to a doll, which she doesn't actually believe to be a compliment. Blueish, white hair that goes down to maybe halfway down her back and sharp grey-blue eyes. Standing at 5'5 and 128 lbs, she's lean from her years of dancing and running from the cops. When on... duty, you could say, she likes dressing in colours that blend into the surroundings, typically black, black and more black. Though in her free days she enjoys dressing up.

Underneath that doll face is a quick-witted and sharp mind, but Aira still tends to rush into danger without much thinking. Her instincts kick in the moment her life is threatened, which is really helpful for when she gets herself in a little bit of a pickle, yeah? She adores having fun, and might seem shallow to anyone who first meets her. She sees no problem in the ill treatment of absolute bastards, though her heart always calls out to the people who don't deserve it. Aira is a very entertaining and fun person to be around, but maintains absolute focus when doing jobs.


Born in a quaint town on the outskirts of a large city, her father was scorned for mating with a mythical sprit, regardless of the fact that it was a Sylph, not some demon. He took his daughter and fled the town, moving to the next city over and starting out a new life. Aira was 2. From young, the girl has never known her mother, though her father would often tell her stories of the sylph's beauty and grace. Mr. Melier built up a fortune in trade, married a new woman and had a pair of twins when Aira was 6. Aira adored her family and life, what being sent for dance and archery lessons and getting a proper education.

Somewhere along the way, she met a fellow dancer, Jess, who taught her the ways of the alleys and dark unspeakable places (what?). From there she learnt how to fight, and earned quite a bit fighting in underground rings. Her parents never suspected a thing, and as soon as she hit 18, she left to a different city with Jess, getting a job as a dancer. She dabbled in the wrong parts of town a little bit, and somehow found herself being hired to kill. She was completely okay with that, it earned her good money and she only took up jobs to kill scumbags. Aira moved from city to city, constantly on the move and making sure she was never found out by her targets and their underlings, or whatever corrupted law-enforcers they had.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

  • Affinity to air magic to a certain extent
  • Flexible and Agile
  • Spectacular Aim
  • History in Dance, Archery and Combat(ish)


  • Reckless, shoots her mouth without much thought, hot-headed
  • Claustrophobia
  • Careless and proud
  • Family and friends over everything else (undying loyalty)

Additional Information:

She swears like a sailor.

Last edited by a moderator:
Mayfly said:

"Do first, regret later."


Aira Melier


Aira is half-sylph (how? idk), with pale, porcelain skin with a lovely, heart-shaped face and a small, adorable mouth. She bears a striking resemblance to a doll, which she doesn't actually believe to be a compliment. Blueish, white hair that goes down to maybe halfway down her back and sharp grey-blue eyes. Standing at 5'5 and 128 lbs, she's lean from her years of dancing and running from the cops. When on... duty, you could say, she likes dressing in colours that blend into the surroundings, typically black, black and more black. Though in her free days she enjoys dressing up.

Underneath that doll face is a quick-witted and sharp mind, but Aira still tends to rush into danger without much thinking. Her instincts kick in the moment her life is threatened, which is really helpful for when she gets herself in a little bit of a pickle, yeah? She adores having fun, and might seem shallow to anyone who first meets her. She sees no problem in the ill treatment of absolute bastards, though her heart always calls out to the people who don't deserve it. Aira is a very entertaining and fun person to be around, but maintains absolute focus when doing jobs.


Born in a quaint town on the outskirts of a large city, her father was scorned for mating with a mythical sprit, regardless of the fact that it was a Sylph, not some demon. He took his daughter and fled the town, moving to the next city over and starting out a new life. Aira was 2. From young, the girl has never known her mother, though her father would often tell her stories of the sylph's beauty and grace. Mr. Melier built up a fortune in trade, married a new woman and had a pair of twins when Aira was 6. Aira adored her family and life, what being sent for dance and archery lessons and getting a proper education.

Somewhere along the way, she met a fellow dancer, Jess, who taught her the ways of the alleys and dark unspeakable places (what?). From there she learnt how to fight, and earned quite a bit fighting in underground rings. Her parents never suspected a thing, and as soon as she hit 18, she left to a different city with Jess, getting a job as a dancer. She dabbled in the wrong parts of town a little bit, and somehow found herself being hired to kill. She was completely okay with that, it earned her good money and she only took up jobs to kill scumbags. Aira moved from city to city, constantly on the move and making sure she was never found out by her targets and their underlings, or whatever corrupted law-enforcers they had.

Abilities, Skills, and/or Powers:

  • Affinity to air magic to a certain extent
  • Flexible and Agile
  • Spectacular Aim
  • History in Dance, Archery and Combat(ish)


  • Reckless, shoots her mouth without much thought, hot-headed
  • Claustrophobia
  • Careless and proud
  • Family and friends over everything else (undying loyalty)

Additional Information:

She swears like a sailor.


For now, we are closed to new players.

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