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Fantasy The Fears of InSaNiTy

Jesse nodded his head and smiled widely awkwardly "n-nice t-to me you? too im...J-J-Jesse" he mumbles looking around the room rubbing his arm nervously. Then looking at Samuel then at Mary then Lillin. He scratches his face again leaving marks trailing down his neck with a little blood from behind. He started to shake with fear from the people standing in the room it was to much for him so he stepped back and slid his back down on the ground covering his face with his hands.
"Hmm?" Lillin was surprised by the mans inquisitiveness, but not unprepared "My big brother wanted to come, but he was too much of a scaredy cat to come alone" Giggling slightly as she replied, looking up at the man she began swinging her legs absentmindedly "What about you mister? Did someone dare you to come? Do you have any freinds? Some of the people in here can be big meanies, so I hope its not any of them.." Her voice trailing off as she finished the small barrage of questions, hugging her large doll close to her as she looked up to him, waiting for a reply.

@Hi Im Red
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(( Holy crap! I'm so sorry I didn't know we started yet!))

Oliver wrote on the walls of Nikolai’s cell because she had run out of room in her’s. She wrote in Norwegian which Nikolai couldn't read very well. He was leaning against the wall with a small but genuine smile on his face. Though he still watched her not taking his eyes off of her for even a second. Nikolai heard screams but tried his best to ignore it until Oliver took notice and stopped writing. She stood up and walked out of the cell with Nikolai trailing not far behind. They soon came to where two patients and a girl were standing. Nikolai knew who the patients as Jesse and Lillian he despised the two horribly. They could both harm Oliver easily, well at least Lillian could he didn’t know too much about Jesse.
“ Oliver?” she looked back at Nikolai “ Go see Lillin. I’m going to find out what’s happening,” Oliver nodded watching Nikolai walk over to the three. This will be interesting... Nikolai thought walking up behind Jesse.

Oliver watched until Nikolai had stopped in his tracks. She finally just started walking to go and find Lillin. Nikolai had told her to find Lillin for the first time in forever and that worried Oliver she had always known that Nikolai didn't like her being around Lillin. She walked around to find Lillin talking with someone she had never seen before she slowly walked toward them tripping on her feet causing her to fall over.
Mary knew exactly what kind of mess she was in. The weird feeling of death overcame her zone as two more patients entered the room. If she had to fight to get out, it was her against four, insane, mental disturbed people. The auroras and physical senses of the people gave her the goose bumps. All she knew was if she ran they would know she was lying. If she stayed they could find out she was lying. She would die before ever truly meeting her family again, maybe she would see them in heaven, if she went there. She just stood there trying to act not completely scared out of her wits.

"H....h......hi....I...I'm Mary.....I....am....a...a...new patient," she mumbled to the girl and boy.
Nikolai just stared for a moment " I'm Nikolai and the girl is Oliver but may I ask how you're a patient?" he said putting on an innocent smile. Nikolai was no stranger to the fact that the asylum had shut down and that they were probably trapped forever. He didn't necessarily like people who lied to him and he didn't like lying to others. He hadn't understood why anyone would want to come near this place besides his brother. Who stands outside mocking him because he knows that he got away the their sisters murder while he had suffered in the asylum. He wondered if anyone else saw him or if it was just Nikolai becoming sick of living in the dreadful place.

(( By the way Oliver had left to go and see Lillin because that's what Nikolai told her to do.))
Mary's eyes jolted around. 'Crap, CRAP, I shouldn't lied should have just ran!' she thought'..... maybe I should just come out frank...but I read they are extremely hostile.' She couldn't find anything, nothing that could help her out, but then it dawned on her.

"I was kept in the cells way down below, away from the others, they said I was too 'hostile' to keep near them." she said hoping it would work. "I just got out today so I said I was new because truly I didn't want people to be scared of me. It's just it was cold and dark but very white where I was. I couldn't talk to no one because I had a muffle on my mouth. For many years I was like that, silent just waiting for them to come and say that I was evaluated and could go with the others, but they never came. Sorry I lied about being new." She said with her eyes on the floor hoping he couldn't see her face. She was a terrible liar if she had to look someone in the eye.

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