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Fandom The Fall


Omniverse Explorer
Roleplay Type(s)



The Odachi

As shown below, this weapon is a Odachi in combination with a large fan that's capable of using dusts. There are 6 slots for each colored dust and when switching between them the fan is able to release that element. For example, if she has Ice she can send out a gust of wind that's just as cold as a blizzard and can freeze anything in its path. The outer edges are made out of titanium, which allow for easy swinging, carrying, and another method of blocking attacks.


Natures Wrath - While her semblance is in use, she is able to call upon the trees (Or plants) to ask for assistance. She is granted roots in response that spew from the ground and attempt to snare her target. However, in order for this to work there are a few prerequisites that need to be met in order to fully work to it's potential. 1: Her palm must be touching the ground beneath her. 2: The ground must be fertile and full of life. If the ground is dead, dry, and not a plant in sight, her semblance is useless.

Natures Bounty - Despite her semblance being centered around the wrath of nature, she has a green thumb and it allows her to grow plenty out of just one plant.

Aura color:
Green with licks of Gold within.




Semblance: Cheshire Tricks
Itzal's semblance allows him the formation of “afterimages” or mirages in the shape of himself. Simply put, Itzal can create a brief-lasting image of himself and animate it for a moment. Typically, it is used as a “fake out” or feint in battle, appearing to move left when he instead swerves right, charge forward when he actually pulls back for distance. The afterimages can take on his full form to give the impression of animation on his full body, or on select areas, such as his arms, making feints much easier and more effective to utilize. Unfortunately, since it simply an afterimage, making physical contact with the mirage will do nothing, nor can he retain them long enough to create mock “clones” of himself. Mainly, Doran uses his semblance as a way of tricking or feinting his opponents in a fight.
Aura color: Yellow
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It fell.

It was only one year. One year of the accelerated program and everything had went to hell. Friends were lost, teachers, and more. Hell broke loose and the Grimm had overran the school, the city, everything. People fought back, especially the students who despite being so young still fought to the death. Including Flora herself. Her blade had been cutting down so many Grimm she lost count at this point. While her enemies had turned into ash, there was blood covering her dress, some smeared upon her skin. It had been clear that it wasn't hers as there was no large wound or large absorption of blood within the clothes. Slamming her palm onto the ground, tree roots emerged from the surface and began to attack the Grimm around her. Where are they. I...I can't find them... Thought the Doe, golden hues darting around with the whipping of her head. Them had been her team. Itzal, Vi, and Livi. They were missing and she was afraid of the absolute worst.

They made her laugh, they had fun in their year together, memories were made. Flora refused to believe they went so easily. Not when she was still standing. "Where are you guys..." The heart within her chest was pounding so hard she could barely hear herself, adrenaline flowing through her veins at top speed. While her palm remained on the ground and she tried to get some energy back, the blade in her hand was stabbed into the dirt to keep her semi up. There was screaming, shots being fired from various different weapons, it felt like there was war going on. The grip on the hilt of the blade had tightened "I need to get out of here... If I stay here I'm going to die." With the grit of her teeth, she removed her hand and immediately took off in a sprint with her blade beside her. Create space. That's what had to be done first. Flora ran straight for the tree line, it was the only way to get cover while also getting away from the war occurring on the grounds.

The faunus kept running, trees going by in a blur and bushes rustling as she jumped through them. Above her she could hear the sounds of a larger grimm and with the woosh noise it had made, she could tell it was a larger creature and would require more than just a simple swipe. It flew ahead of her and it seemed to have a target of some sort. What would it target out here other than her? Jumping into the trees, she decided to take this to her advantage as she tried to keep up "Whatever it's going for, it's determined." Tracking the beast just a bit longer, she shot out from the trees with her blade ready for take down. Her body soared through the air and she began to spin with the blade going along with her. Easily she cut through the body and the beast began to descend towards a nearby clearing with a medium size body of water with a waterfall. Flora's grasp was holding onto its body as it plummeted straight into the water with her in tow. The water went everywhere, unable to miss whatever just crashed inside.

The water was cold, but it jolted her body awake and with semi panic she began to swim to the surface were she inhaled loudly, coughing a few times in the process. While she didn't care where she was, she needed to get to at least the edge to pull herself out. Once she had made it, she pulled half of her body out and looked around at what she found herself in. That's when she caught sight of a familiar figure "...I-Itzal is that you?" Please don't tell me I'm dreaming. Please tell me our leader is right there... Slowly but surely she got up onto her hands and knees with her blade resting off to the side in the grass. Golden eyes tired but still alert as she glanced around a few times to make sure they were in the clear "Itzal!" The doe called out. If this person left her, then she was on her own once again. While it was scary to be alone, she had to deal with it. Comfort herself. Push herself to be the huntress she wanted to be.

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He ran.

Itzal didn't know how it started, he just knew everything went to hell all at once. Grimm were inside the city and academy grounds, alarms and sirens blared and everyone was bolting around in a panic. The city's guard were struggling to regain control with some huntsmen and students trying to help. Meanwhile, everyone else was trying to evacuate. Itzal knew a lost battle when he saw one.

It was all too similar. He didn't see himself as someone overly emotional. Despite everything, he didn't cry. He didn't have anxiety or panic attacks. He didn't freeze. However, here, he came close. It was just like when he was a kid with his village and his family in Vacuo, except the threat was Grimm here.

And when he couldn't hide, he ran, and when he couldn't run, he hid.

Itzal would be lying if he said he tried to fight or help. This was a lost cause and he never wanted to be a huntsman. He wanted room and board, and now both were on fire. Even his team, though a small piece of what remained of his conscious cried 'What about them?' his instinct took over like it always did, and he ran.

He cut through Grimm only as they came upon him, seeking instead to dodge and evade, using his semblance as needed. He ignored the screams and crumbling buildings, except where he dove and sprinted through them to lose a pursuer. It had been a year, so while he didn't know the place as well as Zramore in Vacuo, he still knew it decently well. However, there were still avian Grimm circling throughout the city and its outskirts. Even as he escaped to the outer border of the city, the thing still pursued him. Not to mention, his long-range abilities didn't pack enough punch or accuracy to hit it in the air, which meant he had to either evade it until it got bored or perfectly time a counter when it swooped down.

Itzal attempted to lose it through the trees, yet as he did so, his ears twitched at the sound of crashing through the trees. He wondered if it had tried to dive while he was under the shrubbery before he saw its body crash down into the clearing ahead.

As he reached it, he noted a figure crawling out of the water. It would normally have been fortunate, but in this case, it was a punch to the gut. The Faunus's eyes widened in shock as his instinct gave way to that tiny shred of conscience he still had. "F-Flor...?"

She was here, alive, and even if she didn't know it, she helped him. Meanwhile, he ran and didn't even look for her. He shook out of it, just enough to approach and help her out of the water, though he still looked as though he was staring at a ghost. "I-Is that... yours?" He asked referring to the blood.

The Doe's heart skipped a beat as she noticed the movement in his ears and soon enough he was coming up to her. There was so much relief underneath the stress that she was going through. "Itzal..." A small smile tugged her lips as her hands reached out and he helped her out of the water. Before she could even thank him, he was asking about something being hers. With a tilt of her head there was clear confusion before she looked down at her outfit and noticed blood staining said-outfit. While most was cleaned off her skin during the crash into the water, the blood that still remained on her clothes proved to be resilient. "No, it's not mine." Just to double check, her hands patted around her body and the only flinching that happened was when she'd hit bruises. "I probably looked a lot worse than I did before I hit the water, so I'm glad it doesn't look as bad." Lifting her golden gaze to Itzal, her arms wrapped around him in a hug, even if she was wet from the water. "I'm so glad I found you. I was worried about everyone and...I couldn't find them. Livi, Vi, Aziel, Tofu, none of them. I fought in hopes I could find them but...They may have already fled." Flora lowered her eyes a little bit, knowing she was hoping for the best case scenario for them.

"It was war. I don't know how much you saw. But... I couldn't believe my eyes." Releasing her leader, she looked around for her blade and she grabbed it before slipping it into the sheath on her back. "Everything just...Collapsed. Fell to nothing as if it was a tower of cards." While their school life was peaceful, something had to have happened in the background where they weren't looking. How could anyone not see it? Did the teachers know? Did they try to stop it before it happened? These were questions that were never going to be answered and they would simply be nothing but thoughts in a void. Taking a deep breath, she looked behind her as the large Grimm disappeared into nothingness and left the water back in its undisturbed state. Returning her gaze back to Itzal, she noticed that he looked in better shape than she did. It made her laugh just a little bit "Look at you... Still looking pretty spiffy after getting stuck in some crossfire huh?" Her hand lifted into a fist and she gently pressed said-fist into his arm playfully. "We need to get out of here. I couldn't stay much longer to help. Energy is running low and I'm sure my Aura isn't able to take much more of a beating."

There were reasons that everyone was fleeing, fighting, and more. In this case, it just seemed like to her that Itzal was trying to flee much like her. But there was no idea of what he might be thinking. "Let's keep moving. Maybe we'll find the others later." Part of her dress was holding her down and it was quite frustrating as she felt sluggish. Pulling her weapon from her back, she placed it on the ground for a moment and removed the jacket part of her dress, only leaving the last of it. The navy blue going well with her green hair. Twisting the jacket, water spilled from it like a fountain. "Are you okay though? No injuries yourself that I can't see from here?"


Itzal loosened up a bit when she confirmed it wasn't hers. At least that was something he didn't have to kick himself over, however between that and the adrenaline, it made the sudden hug all the more jarring. His ears perked up from where they had been slightly flattened. His arms outstretched slightly, pausing before slowly closing the loop as he looked down at her. The knife only twisted as she confirmed that she had been looking for people.

His ears flattened a bit again. "I-uh... I didn't see them on my way out... Hard to see much," The Faunus replied, skirting around his guilt and sins. It was instinct at this point. Avoid, deflect, and distract, and there was plenty of distraction here. "Yeah... It's uh... It's not good..." He answered her grabbing her arms lightly as he pulled back.

And again, twisting the knife.

Itzal looked down at himself. There were scuffs, but his aura hadn't taken enough damage for any cuts or scrapes, and there weren't any bruises that could be seen—at least not yet. Meanwhile, she was at her limit. Her words weren't accusatory, but still. They didn't need to be. Perhaps coming from someone like Flora, it cut even more than if it were insinuating. "Yeah, yeah yeah, I'm good. I've had worse," He said urging her along so that they could get moving. At least that wasn't a lie. He definitely had received worse than what he had right now.

He waited a few moments for her to dry her clothes before he picked up her weapon. "C'mon, we need to get out of the clearing. There's no cover out here," He urged her along. At the very least, he figured he could not ditch her again. "Most Grimm will be attracted towards the middle of the city because that's where all the emotion is. The farther away we get, the better."

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Flora nodded in agreement. While they were away from the dense areas of emotion, they really had no real cover or a way to hunker down and come up with some sort of game plan. Pulling the not-so-heavy part of her dress back on and fastened it so it wouldn't get too much in her way as he retrieved her weapon. The doe held her hands out almost in a "grabby hands" motion before fastening it to her back with the strap across her chest as soon as it had been handed over. "I know that we should be able to get to my hometown if we wanted a place to stay. But it's definitely not close." Said Flora as they began to jog away in the same direction he had been going. While she was increasingly growing exhausted from the waves of Grimm back at Beacon, the faunus knew that she had to keep going until they were safe. Now that she had Itzal, her original leader, she knew that her back was covered just as much as his was. "We'd be traveling for some time and I'm sure the moment my parents catch wind of this they're going to want to find me."

After all, she was their little girl and wanted what was best for her. The pair kept on the move, finding that the next town over was gaining more people and causing the place to be an absolute mad house. "We...Cant stay here." The girl reached out and gently pinched Itzal's sleeve between the side of her pointer finger and her thumb. "There's no way we're going to be able to get a room in any inns or hotels either. The emotions are also high here... You can see it in everyone's faces." She could hear crying, yelling, and more. It was a bad idea waiting to happen. "It's gonna suck. But we need to keep going." Hopefully the further they went, the lesser would be the issue. So their adventure kept going, even as the sun was setting and causing the sky to change from that beautiful blue to a nice fiery orange. "We're almost there, Itzal. I hope you're holding up." In her one hand, both of her shoes dangled, indicating eventually along the way she gave them up and opted for grass touching on the feet. It was better than walking for ages in those shoes...

"I'm really hoping we could get a room at the very least. We've been traveling all day." Looking back ahead, they eventually started hitting the paved roads and her shoes had to be put back on. They went from hotel to inn, every place they went to was packed and it was no doubt because of the spillage from the other towns that lost vacancy earlier in the day. Letting out a defeated sigh, she stood outside with Itzal on the last hotel they checked "We're out of luck I guess...Sorry Itzal." Despite it not being her fault in any way, they still had to at least get rest. Maybe hanging out with the trees wouldn't be so bad...Right? They'd have to take turns though protecting one another if that was the case. "We're opted into camping outside. Hopefully you know how to make a tent out of leaves and sticks." Laughing, she nudged him and they continued on just a little bit longer. Looking for a space to sit down, relax, and come up with a game plan. Of course, she did have her pouch of money with her so they were at least able to have some food. Never could leave without it but... Eventually that would run out.

"I think it would be best if we went to Vacuo. When I looked at the map it looked like we were traveling south." Said the Faunus as she was gently blowing on the fire, watching some embers come from the burning leaves before the flames slowly grew bigger. "I thought that maybe we went East but...I guess somehow along the way we managed to change directions. What do you think?" Blowing again, her golden eyes lifted to Itzal before sitting back in the grass. It was kind of fun just having a little camp out with him. Felt like they were on a little camping trip even though this one was simply because Beacon had been overruned and they had no other place to stay.​


Itzal nodded along. Honestly, he didn't care where they went so long as it was away. However, as they made it to the nearest town, it was expectedly at capacity with refugees, meaning it was going to draw Grimm as well. On top of that, he wouldn't be surprised if there were conflicts between the locals and the outsiders fleeing. "Yeah... Let's keep moving..." He agreed, letting his eyes rest of the unsettled mobs before they departed again.

Itzal didn't have much sass or jokes this journey of theirs. He was oddly stoic, or perhaps it wasn't odd given the circumstances. His ears were flattened slightly, and he didn't have much to say. Not really when they had to move on nor jokes when Flora took her shoes off the 'feel more in tune with the grass', or maybe walking in her shoes all the time was uncomfortable, but that didn't align with all the 'touch grass' jokes.

Nonetheless, there were no jokes to be had, even as they had reached relative safety. The last hotel being at capacity wasn't all that concerning to Itzal. It wouldn't be the first time he camped out, though he didn't have much of an idea on how to build a shelter of leaves given--Well, desert.

Setting himself beside the fire, he still didn't know what to do. They were safe now, but--now what? Beacon was supposed to be a freebie for the next few years, now he had to figure out what to do. Maybe they could go to another huntsman school? Then again, who said their entrance requirements would be as bullshit as Beacon's was?

Then Flora made a suggestion, and his eyes widened a bit while his ears perked up. "W-Wha--What about your hometown? Yeah? You said your folks were looking for you..." He quickly suggested, putting on a forced smile. He sure as hell didn't want to go back to Vacuo, though telling her why was also a conversation he didn't really want to get into. "Besides, not much greenery in Vacuo 'cept in certain places..."

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Flora tilted her head slightly as she watched his ears go from semi-flattened to perky. It was cute how he seemed to talk with his ears first and she was sure he didn't even notice since they've been on his head since he was born. "I mean...Yeah my parents would be worried and looking for me. But they also trained me to be the huntress I am...On top of that I do kind of have a sixth sense for danger so they know I could skedaddle pretty quickly." Which was good for her, but they still worried about her no doubt. "They're probably blowing up my scroll but it got damaged and then lost in the fight. We'd have to go a long way to the east though." They've already gotten this far going west... They'd be back tracking what they traveled and that alone was a little bit frustrating. "Even if there's not a lot in Vacuo, we've came this far. I mean, is it that bad to go there? Better to just turn back?"

The Faunus dropped herself into the grass, looking up at the sky as it very slowly got darker and darker. Stars were making themselves known over the course of time. "We'd have to be careful with Beacon and the city... We may have to go far south of there to even avoid being close to it. There's just the two of us right now and I know we can only handle so much. I mean remember the test when we first got there?" Turning her head, she looked over at him once again "There was so many Grimm in packs. I've never seen them work like that before. The bears, the scorpions... It's weird isnt it?" Then the girl moved to her side with her head propped up on her hand "Sorry, I got off track. But anyways, if we want to go back we can. It'll just be a little bit more risky. We don't know how much they may have spread."

To her, this adventure was probably gonna be more than simple. They're going to have to go through things she didn't think of going through right now. For the time being they were technically homeless, some money left... Would they be able to even make it over there? They'd eventually run out of money. It wasn't like the Doe was rich "...I also don't know if I'd have enough money between food for us, lodging, and travel like boats and such...We would have to find a way of income to get us back home." While Itzal wasn't from her home, she still wanted to at least include him in that. Just a place that he could go to. He was her leader after all and he's extended kindness over and over again so of course her home would be his had he ever needed it. "You're the leader, so what do you suggest?"



Listening to her, his ears dipped back a bit again as his face grew more solemn. Paired with what they just escaped, it brought back bad memories. He didn't have any parents waiting for him, but she did. They were probably scared shitless too. Itzal didn't want to go to Vacuo, mainly because there was too much bad blood back there. Now, though, his concerns shifted. It was still selfish. He probably only felt like this because of he fact that he didn't have anything.

He leaned back slightly, propping himself with one arm. "Vacuo... is kinda rough," He replied vaguely, averting his eyes into the distance. That wasn't quite a lie. He had made quite a few enemies there that he wasn't keen to meet again. He was also a bit concerned with Flora getting pickpocketed or something. Short of getting some drink in her, she was still pretty innocent.

"It's not weird. It's unnatural. Like I said, deathstalkers don't work in packs, let alone that big," Itzal replied to her comment on the numbers. He said as much during the exam, he just chocked it up to the psycho teachers somehow putting the damned things in there for the purpose of testing, though he never quite worked out how they would have done that.

"...You should go see your family," Itzal finally said as he laid down on his back. "I can get money... Still have some saved up too," He remarked with a heavy exhale. He didn't much like parting with his lien, but he left her for dead, so the least he could spare was money. Plus, a part of him did want her to meet her folks again, even if only as some meager way for him to live vicariously through her. "And if worse comes to worse, you can go the remainder of the way without me if resources really end up being an issue," He added with a shrug as he shut his eyes.

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Vacuo was rough? Well... She hadn't experienced it for herself but if it was as harsh as he made it seem then maybe she wouldn't go that direction and would rather backtrack towards the east. The Cat Faunus agreed with her with the unnatural phenomena when it came down to the Grimm. They didn't work in packs, he was right. But yet here they were, doing just that. What else could be getting just as crazy at this point? "...Huh?" Flora's voice came out soft but then she realized what he was saying "Itzal!" The doe pushed herself up, getting a better look at him from her position "I would never abandon you like that. I'd rather find another way." They were a team, a team stuck together through thick and thin. "We'll make it there. With or without money." While he seemed to not care about what he said, she did. How could he say something like that? Was he fine with just being alone? The thought of that to her felt...Painful. Scary. Lonely. How could anyone live like that? Eyebrows furrowed as her gentle hands grasped the grass underneath them.

"We'd be able to see what we could do from there. Where we need to go, what actions we need to take. Even if it meant training with my family to go back out there and fight the Grimm. But under no circumstance am I leaving you alone. And you better not be leaving me alone either." She said to the cat, making it very clear that she would be tracking his ass down. The amount of relief I felt when I saw you after the crash made me want to cry because I thought you were gone like the others." Those golden eyes lowered slightly, a soft frown tugging her lips "I am not gonna lose that again. That...That was painful." Looking towards the fire that continued to lick the wood, a soft sigh escaped her lips and she crawled over to her partner, kneeling by his head and looking down at him "We need to make a promise that we wont abandon eachother, Itzal. The world isn't the same as we more than likely assumed it was...it's worse now."

The doe held out her pinky, knowing it was childish but it always gave her some sort of relief as if she signed a life linking contract to something she cared about. "I know we're tired and we should sleep but I can't sleep if I don't make this promise. Just spare me just a little bit more time?" A small smile pulled her lips, though it was seemingly like a sad smile. They had eachother. They were the only ones left to her knowledge. She wanted to at least hold onto the one person who not only was a leader, but had been giving her experiences that -while refusing to admit- made life more entertaining.



Itzal didn't shift aside from the slight flicking and perking of his ears as her voice raised. He should feel happy about her words, but all he could think of was how he did abandon her. He hadn't even made the comment with any degree of sincerity. It was just off-hand. However, her vehement reaction just made that pit in his chest return.

It all just made it worse, everything she said. From saying she would use money she otherwise needed to get home on him to wanting to cry when she saw him. That probably hit the hardest. Terrified looking for everyone and he just left. It was what he was good at and used to by now, but he had to say this was the first time he ever felt this damn guilty about it.

Itzal felt her presence creep up to the side of him and he kept his eyes closed, partially because he knew between the guilt and those gold, doe-eyes of hers he would just have to agree with whatever she said. He inhaled and exhaled deeply through his nose, but he could tell her presence wasn't departing. His lips pursed slightly.


Alas, he did, peeking with one eye to see the outstretched pinky finger and her looking down at him--Gods damn it. His eye looked between hers and the finger skeptically before finally sighing.

He raised his hand up and hooked his own pinky finger around hers. "Okay, okay... take it easy. I was just listing off options," He assured her as he shut his eyes again and folded his free arm under his head to act as a pillow. The Faunus wasn't even sure if the guilt would let him ditch her again. He was stuck, either way. "I won't leave you alone until you get tired of me and tell me to get lost, okay?"

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Flora watched as his eye opened and she noticed the shift between her pinky and then at her before a sigh had left his lips and his pinky hooked around hers. At least he was willing to give her a pinky promise. That alone gave her the relief she was looking for. Eventually their pinkies broke apart and he was back to getting comfortable "Nope, wont be getting tired of you anytime soon. It's a matter of if you're gonna get tired of me actually." Pointed out the doe with a soft laugh "The only option is getting home and then getting our gameplan from there." With a firm nod, she moved a little bit away from him so she hadn't been in his personal space any longer. No doubt he did like his personal space, which was why she rarely invaded it and only invaded when he'd do things that just simply made her upset.

Getting comfortable in the grass once again, she gazed at the fire and watched it dance off the wood for a little while before eventually her world went black and she fell asleep. Despite being out in the open with just a fire pit and her Leader, the area felt safe and surprisingly quite relaxing. Exhaustion hit her as quick as a train, her body feeling as heavy as lead while basically falling into the earth beneath her.

Birds began to chirp and the sun slowly rose from the horizon, causing her to groan a little bit and stretch out her limbs before letting out a yawn. "Morrrnnninnnggg..." Flora muttered as she slowly fluttered her eyes open and gazed around them. The fire was out and left a dull smoke, birds flew overhead while the sky slowly lit up, and her eyes landed upon Itzal who looked like he wasn't having a good time. She could tell by his ears, and even some shifting that he probably wasn't having it. At one point his ears flattened and a soft frown tugged her lips "Itzal...?" She called out and crawled over to him and gently touched him. "Itzal wake up, it's okay." Moving a little bit more to his side, the doe's hands moved to his chest as she shook him a little bit "Itzal c'mon. You're safe." What she didn't expect was what happened next and it actually caused her to jump

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"Oh, we'll see about that," Was all Itzal remarked as the outstretched hand retracted to fold behind his head with the other arm to form a pillow for his skull. As Flora got comfortable and drifted to sleep, his eyes opened briefly to stare at the sky and stars. His head tilted somewhat to look at the sleeping Faunus before leaning his head back and shut his eyes.

His thoughts lingered on the days events and his mixed emotions, eventually drifting off to sleep due to exhaustion. His rest could hardly be called that, disturbed by bad memories. Images of the destruction and dead flashed in his mind, though not just of Beacon but his home when he was a child. A coward as well then, where he could only hide and watch everything fall. Now here, he could only run and do much of the same from when he looked back. The imagery flashed repeatedly in his mind, though in terms of death, his mind lingered on that of his parents.

On the outside, Itzal would occasionally murmur, though his more visceral reactions came through the stirring of his body, strained expression of his face, and the twitching and flattening of his ears.

As Flora approached him in an attempt to console and ease him awake, the contact instead caused him to stir completely and jolt away. With a gasp his eyes shot open and he suddenly lurched up, his arms shooting out to grasp or fight off whatever was on him. In this case, that was Flora, and while she leaned back to avoid a sudden headbutt, his hand still reached out to grasp her wrist. He didn't immediately realize where he was, his irises dilated as they processed what was around him.

"W-Wha--What... What?" He asked, slowly transitioning from confused to aware, but still antsy. "What?" He asked again, looking at her, though he was clearly still scatterbrained as it took him a few moments to realize he was still grabbing her arm and release it.

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Avoiding a collision with Itzal, her golden eyes widened as she could see the confusion and even perhaps fear crawling behind his hues. His hand was wrapped around her wrist almost as if he was just grounding himself but she wouldn't know that for certain. Eventually he released her and she instead reached back out to him, grasping his hand between her own "You're okay." The doe said softly, her gaze soft as a hand reached and patted his head softly "I saw your ears moving so much, and your body was moving... I'm sure you were having some sort of bad dream so I tried to wake you without startling you but it looks like I did anyways... I'm sorry." The last thing she even wanted to do was give him a heart attack the way she had, after all, Itzal shot up and almost caused a headbutt to happen had she not move in time.

The gentle hand released his and placed itself on her lap along with the other. "We do have a long day ahead of us, we gotta get some food and maybe find out if there's any updates on what happened yesterday." Flora's thumbs twiddled in her lap as her yellow hues dropped down to them, looking at the blue polish on the nails before looking back at her leader. "We'd have to get a map too, maybe prepare a bag so we can have blankets when we sleep and all if its not inside a hotel somewhere..." There was a lot they had to prepare for and it seemed that perhaps they bit more than they could chew in order to survive. Biting her lip softly, she then began to get off from the ground and look around at their surroundings. "What do you say about breakfast, hmm? Get your mind off the whole nightmare."

Food was always a good way to end something bad right? Just eating a nice breakfast and having a good conversation. As long as it was not like the bar situation a while ago they'd be just fine. A gentle blush ran across her cheeks as she thought about it and made sure not to gaze at Itzal I shouldn't be thinking about that! We're out in the wilderness for crying out loud! Lets just get food, get supplies and be on our way. Yeah, sounds like a plan.


Itzal's face was stern, however softened somewhat as she retook his hand and another found its way to his head. His eyes widened a bit, as if processed, but he didn't make any averse movements. Normally he would have made some smartass remark, but he was too disoriented to be witty and it did admittedly feel kind of nice. It was almost disappointing when she retracted both hands.

"I-It's fine..." Itzal stated sheepishly, rubbing the back of his own head as he stood up.

As he got to his feet, he placed his hands on his back, he pressed and stretched with a suppressed groan, then tilting his head from side to side. "The town should have all of that stuff..." He added, stretching his arms overhead.

Even playing it off, food did sound good. Itzal didn't like dwelling on his dreams. The sooner he could escape from that, the better, and in this case that meant food or Flora.

His eyes drifted over to her as her face turned away. He tilted his head a bit as his ears perked up before walking alongside her. "You have some things on your mind too, Flor?" He asked, kicking some dirt onto the remains of the fire to ensure it didn't catch in their absence. His tone made it unclear if he intended that to be a tease or not. As he circled around to her front with his hands on his hips, his expression was somewhat neutral with a slight hint of bags underneath his eyes, which didn't help the ambiguity.

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Flora shifted those golden orbs towards Itzal as he circled around to look at her while he asked a question...What was the question? The panic was settling in quickly as she lifted her gaze up to his face "H-Huh? What?" Oh shit she was just digging herself a hole at this point as she held her hands out in front of her and waved them to basically give him the impression she was fine. "O-Oh Nothing! JUST THINKING THAT'S ALL!" Shut up Flora. She quickly turned away and felt the heat radiating off of her skin. The Doe took a few breaths and tried to calm herself before she took a second glance at him and noticed his bags underneath his eyes. With those bags there was no way he got any sleep. Even if he had, the tiniest amount wasn't enough after their long day just yesterday...

"W-Well lets go and get some breakfast! You seem a little tired so we can get you some coffee too!" Grabbing his hand, she began to march towards the town once again. Not like they had anything to pack up and take so up and leaving was the way to go. We can get food, get supplies, head out. It's easy, simple, and straightforward. He then began to tease the Doe, making her cheeks redden and puff up in the process. This is what he liked to do to her and yet it still made her react all the same "S-Shut up Itzal!" Eventually the pair did come up to a breakfast place to which she immediately dragged him in and even asked for a booth for two. No time wasted here!

The Waitress brought them over to said-booth and she took her seat and picked up a menu. It was clear she was hiding from the Cat as her face was buried within the thin pages as her eyes glossed over all the items that sounded fairly yummy. But her eyes were bigger than her stomach as she felt like she wanted everything listed. He's so mean teasing me like that... He knows how I get when he starts pointing things out... Slowly peeking over her menu to glance at him, she could feel those same cheeks puffing back up as she let out a soft huff. He knew what he was doing.

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Itzal's eyes narrowed just slightly, but given he was still tired his expression looked more deadpanned than scrutinous. She definitely wasn't okay. The Cat Faunus circled her as she tried to hide herself, mostly to confirm she was indeed blushing. However, before he could probe further or even just tease her for more of a reaction, the woman suddenly grabbed him by the hand and tugged him along.

Itzal's eyes widened a bit as he was yanked forward. "O-Oi...!" She grunted out, but ultimately just surrendered to Flora's grip and allowed himself to be led off. However, he wouldn't go along quietly.

"You sure you're not taking me to a bar with how assertive you are right now?" Itzal remarked in a neutral tone, being instantly met with a 'Shut up'. The Faunus smirked and let out a soft chuckle, considering that a victory that distracted him momentarily from his fatigue and horrible night's sleep.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Flora did indeed drag him to some diner-restaurant-place. Unlike Flora, Itzal had the menu laying on the tabletop. His cheek sat in his uplifted palm while his elbow was propped on the edge of the table. His eyes scanned over the pictures and items lethargically, occasionally letting out a yawn. He hadn't teased Flora since she put up her "wall", however as he saw movement out of the corner of her eyes, his own tilted upward to meet hers. Even if she was hiding her face below her eyes, Itzal could still tell she was pouting which brought an instinctive smirk paired with an amused huff.

It was an cute sight he had grown accustomed to. "You doin okay, Flor~?" He asked, pushing through any fatigue to muster as much of a teasing tone as possible, though it was still somewhat on the dryer side. "See somethin' you like?" He added smugly. He was indeed doing this on purpose.

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At first, Itzal seemed fine (To some degree of course) with his posture on the table as he looked over the menu himself with a cute yawn. But it seemed that he caught her as a smirk tugged his lips. Don't you dare do what I think you're gonna do, Itzal. Thought the doe as those eyes stared him down while he asked about her well-being. As she opened her mouth to speak, he added to it and immediately her face went red as she hid behind the menu again. Of course she saw something she liked. But she wasn't going to admit that to him even if her drunken self had admitted some things a while back. "Y-Yeah, it's called the food." She murmured while her eyes found a chocolate chip waffle with whipped cream, sprinkled with strawberries and chocolate chips with even MORE chocolate syrup. Yep. This is what she was gonna get. That's what she wanted. Even if sweets weren't the greatest of choices. Though it did have some healthy fruit on it.

Eventually the waitress came around and it made Flora upset because that meant her only means of defense were gone and she would have to face Itzal. While the pair ordered their food and their menus were basically confiscated, her gaze shifted towards Itzal and then off to the side where she was looking for something to look at other than him. There was no liquid courage here to get her through his teasing. It was to be expected but not when she had a bit of a fancy towards the leader. Hands folded in her lap as she twiddled her thumbs around "...Even when you look like you've had better days you still like to tease me..." The Faunus said softly while her eyes continued to shift around as it was getting harder to not gaze at him just once. Maybe this was a bad idea. But then again it was her fault for overthinking and it wasn't fair to Itzal if he was being pushed where he didn't want to. Taking a deep breath, her eyes landed on him and while her face was getting hot, she pushed through it.

"It's a good sign that you could do something like that even with low energy. That's why you were chosen as our leader. Definitely know how to keep going." Giving a firm nod, she continued to twiddle her thumbs.


Itzal let out an amused huff at her response and attempt to hide. Teasing her would never get old. Even when he was tired, her reactions gave him a brief jolt of energy. "Well, duh. There's like thirty foods on the menu," He replied, gaslighting her as if he had been referring to the food the entire time.

And then the waitress came to take their order, confiscating Flora's new hiding spot. Itzal ordered similarly to her, albeit they were waffles. He never really had waffles prior to coming here and it was hard to turn down since discovering them. Regardless, as the waitress took their menus, his eyes turned again to look at Flora sitting across from him. He watched her fiddling with her fingers, shifting her gaze constantly, and still struggling to return her face to a normal hue.

Itzal snorted quietly at her comment. "Mm... That's your fault," He stated simply. "You're too fun to tease. It's also a nice distraction," He admitted with a small smile, albeit short-lived as she moved onto the next topic.

The Cat Faunus scoffed lightly, not shifting from his position. "Please. The longer we were there, the more I'm convinced they drew names out of a hat." Probably not a literal hat, but suffice to say Itzal never quite agreed with the title of leader he was given. And that was guilt set aside. He still recalled his cowardice. It had only been a day, after all. He was no leader.

He shut his eyes momentarily, his lips curling upward slightly from a small frown to a neutral line. "You're the one that came up with ideas. I just said we're not going to Vacuo," He told her. 'You also came looking for me instead of focusing on yourself...'

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"Just because I came with ideas doesn't mean anything, Itzal. I'm just trying to keep us moving, that's all...I was taught to keep moving when in dangerous situations by my dad so...yeah... Nothing special." She bit her lip in thought and stopped with her thumbs for a moment. "Even if you don't think you're a good leader, I'm sure we all thought you were." Flora knew she wasn't the leadership type, and both Livi and Vi were pretty chill enough that even a leader role for them would've been too much. But no matter how many times she'd say it, the Doe knew he'd just keep denying it till he was blue in the face. Drawing in a deep breath, she quietly let it out and she picked up the sound of a tv playing a newscast. Looking around, those golden hues tried to locate the source.

Glancing behind her, she saw the tv and she turned her whole body so she was sitting on her knees with her hands on top of the booth to hold herself up. The news caster was just talking about recent events and they seemed to hold off talking about Beacon which made her heart ache. Looking over her shoulder for a moment, she spoke "I have a bad feeling that we're not going to like what we hear..." Lowering her eyes, she slowly dragged them over to the tv as it claimed that they were going to be diving into the big story that happened just yesterday. As it began, a photo of the destroyed Beacon was shown and a frown tugged her lips. "It's completely ruined..."

"Just yesterday, Beacon Academy was under attack by various different Grimm. How and why? Our best guess would be the increasing numbers and strange phenomena revolving around Grimm working in packs as of late. As for the why part? That is something we won't ever know. Beacon was destroyed and many lives were lost. Most of those lives are young Hunters and Huntresses. Aside from Beacon being totally destroyed, the City of Vale was also attacked which resulted in all armed forces to take control of the situation. While everything is on lockdown, many people are advised to avoid the area as much as possible and limit travel as it's very dangerous. Precautionary measures are being taken into consideration for all cities and most towns and while we don't have enough manpower, we do have citizens who are standing up as well to protect their homes."

The casting kept going on and all that Flora was doing was grabbing the top of the booth so tight that she was sure she'd split the wood if she kept squeezing. Maybe she should've stayed. Used her weapon to the maximum and pushed beyond her limits. But she hadn't. "I shouldn't have left... I should've stayed to fight with them..." Flora closed her eyes "I should've just fought with all my might..." Slowly turning in her seat, she then was back to sitting on her behind as she faced Itzal. "Are we cowards, Itzal? Should we have fought till we perished with them? Or fought till we prevailed? Would we have even won in that situation?"


Itzal let out a soft, slightly downtrodden chuckle at her remarks. "I don't think you realize how special that is..." He stated. That ability to think ahead was invaluable in situations like this. Especially since most people were too busy panicking to focus and strategize a way forward. He wasn't sure if she was just trying to increase his own confidence or genuinely believed that her actions were menial. Given it was Flora, he guessed a bit of both.

His head slightly rotated to look at the screen as Flora referred to it, his face mostly unreadable. It was completely destroyed, as she said. Death counts were inconclusive and would be for some time. Any survivors would have scattered out to who know where. It was impossible to account for everyone in a whole city.

Itzal's eyes then glanced to the side to look at her. She felt awful, he could tell. Unlike Itzal whose guilt was solely secluded to relate to his team, Flora was the type of person to care about everyone. She was threatening to break the table just from anxiety. He sighed through his nose as he sat up.

"Flor. Table," He told her, reaching over to gently tug at the hand clenching at the table's edge. "No, you shouldn't have. You'd be dead," He said matter of factly. "You want to help people and that's--good. But, you also can't do shit if you're dead, and there's no such thing as a hero's death," He added further. Besides, if she was a coward, then what did that make him?

"Don't start doing that," Itzal warned her as he leaned back in his seat, referring to second-guessing her actions. "You'll drive yourself nuts. You, especially. You're too much of a sweetheart."

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When Itzal pointed out the table, she tilted her head slightly "Hm?" That's when he reached over and gently took her hand from murdering the table just as she almost did the top of the booth. He was right, there was nothing she could do if she was dead and six feet under. The world would still keep spinning, time would keep on going, and the only thing that would be remembered is that she once existed. Golden hues lowered as she looked down at the table for a moment before he suddenly used a tone that was almost like a warning. With furrowed eyebrows the Doe looked at him once again. "I know but-" A sigh left her lips "I just can't help it. I feel like I could've done more. I still had fight in me." Even though that was far from true. Her body was exhausted and she was surprised she even took out a giant Grimm going after Itzal. If there was any more pushing, the faunus would've collapsed on the field and would've just been fodder at that point.

"I guess I should be happy I'm still alive but I still feel guilty about it. I know what I can do, what my skills are." Dropping her gaze back to the table, she moved her hands on the surface to prevent any more grippage that could break the wood. "The one good thing that came out of me fleeing... Was finding you when I thought everyone was gone..." Bringing her hands to her eyes, she rubbed them softly "Don't worry about me, Itzal. I know you're tired and everything and the last thing you want to do is hear me being a little wuss." Removing her hands from her eyes, she blinked a few times before looking at the Cat Faunus with a gentle smile. There was never a moment where she liked to take the spotlight and always put others first. When she'd ever take the spotlight, she'd feel bad and feel selfish for such an action.



Itzal watched her carefully. He knew his words weren't going to have a complete effect, nor more than her words about him being a good leader. She seemed to agree with him logically, but emotionally not as much. She even thought she still had energy left even though she was running on fumes when they met. Just like he always said, she was too nice.

He watched her rub her eyes with a neutral expression. His ears flattened a bit while she did so, more so at her words than the sight before him. He meant it when he said he would stick around until she got tired of him. With how much that meant to her, his conscience couldn't handle ditching her on top of everything else. Even now she was still more worried about him being fatigued. She was putting on a pleasant face, but it wasn't as if her feelings just dissipated, he knew that, and he was much better at feigning it.

Exhaling through his nose, his ears returned to their normal upward position as he leaned forward slightly. His hand reached out and took hers tugging on it slightly. "I don't need you putting me first. I can take care of myself. I need you to take care of yourself too," He told her as he gently dragged her hand up to his face, almost as if he were going to kiss it or hold it to his lips. "And if you keep on thinking about that stuff..."

Trailing off, he didn't kiss her hand, but took her index and middle finger between his lips, not quite invasively but also slightly more suspect than just holding the tips between his lips. He flashed her a mischievous smirk as his teeth grazed her fingers just slightly. "...then I'll give you other stuff to think about."

Predicting some reaction to that, he pulled back, drawing her finger out from his lips with a chuckle. At the very least, he figured he could distract her. "It'll be okay, Flor," He added at the end, more genuine than his previous antics.

Flora blinked a few times as he grabbed her hand once again, gently tugging it towards him. Her lips parted to speak but before she could, her index finger had been brought to his mouth. Her skin went from pale to red as her cheeks lit up on fire. His words simply making it even worse "I-I-Itzal!" While she wasn't shouting, she wasn't too hushed either as she felt incredibly flustered. While a part of her liked when he did such things that were out of the blue, her more sensitive side came out and overrid that feeling. "I- Mm- I just-" Her cheeks inflated as she huffed and tried to control herself, lowkey enjoying the grasp he still had on her hand. "Maybe I do need a drink this morning..." She muttered, hoping he didnt hear as her eyes dropped slightly. I can handle this! I always do! He is my leader after all so it's not like this was the first time he's done this... Or the first time that she reacted in such ways around him with how he treated her.

"Your ways of making me feel better always make me so flustered..." While her one hand was occupied by him, the other was placed on her cheek as she could feel the heat. "I'm okay... I just... I know yesterday was a lot. With the running, the traveling... And I know for certain the sleep for you... We have a lot to do today and no doubt you're going to be really tired." Hopefully no more nightmares in the evening either because he really needed his sleep. What if something happened while they were fighting? What if exhaustion hit him at fast speeds? ...That was it, she was going to be on the top of her game. Protect him when she could. She could even be a body guard for him! "If... If you're not feeling it, I can protect you if things get rough, okay?" That was the least she could do, after all she did feel bad for the whole Beacon situation so... Try to make it a little better right?

"Or...Or are you gonna say you can take care of yourself again...?" Her voice was a little lower this time, seemingly pouting slightly.​


One of his ears twitched a bit at her murmuring and Itzal's smirk only widened. "Hm? What was that~?" He cooed mischievously, followed by a snicker. He did do it to distract her from everything else, but he'd be lying if he said her reactions didn't provide some motivation or incentive.

He let out a dismissive scoff, waving her concerns off with his free hand. "Yeah, I didn't sleep well. It ain't the first time and won't be the last. I can keep up," He assured her as he rested his cheek on his free palm. It did take a lot out of him, but it wasn't all that new. Well, leaving Vacuo wasn't a direct one to one, but still. Point was he could run on fumes for a bit.

However, as she started making statements of protecting him, Itzal's expression became more neutral for a moment. After some time, he let out a sigh. "I can take care of myself, that doesn't mean you can't help," He told her, looking at her a bit sternly. "And you better be careful before I do it again," He remarked regarding her pouting, trying to distract her from the matter of his fatigue or help he may or may not need. "Then again, you did just admit you liked it, didn't ya'?" He added with another smirk, pulling her hand closer as if to threaten repeating his previous action.

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