The experiments

@Isune Well, Uriel is going to be passed out on the floor for a very long time then :D

Unless someone would be kind enough to come in and give him a good poke. That would do. about we do a week time lapse?

That way their punishment is over...most of it.
Yes, yes you can

The poll is up! And your votes will be displayed to the public where they can see what kind of sick person you have fun!
Using the healing factor extracted from other experiments, force feed them their own limbs while regrowing them like plants. Basically self canibilization .
Yeah... (note to self when you ask people to give you an idea for a punishment clarify you want something that won't scar everyone for life) xD
Oh come on, we can go deeper.

I'm talking kidnapping you on the day of your daughter's birthday and being held captive in a single room cell for twenty years before being released to find out your whole bloodline was slaughtered, get drunk and ha e a go with a fine young bar maiden and go through a bunch of complicated crap only to realize that the whole thing was an elaborate scheme by some guys who wanted to watch as a man unknowingly bedded his own daughter. That's right, she wasn't dead bro.

I'm talking using shapeshifting technology to disguise a bunch of guys up as your friends and family and have them torture you through violation, degregation, and humiliation over the course of three days so that every memory of your loved ones is tainted by the image of them violating you body and soul.

I'm talking literally gathering up your real loved ones and forcing you to choose which ones die. You can't love them equally. We'll weed out who you really love by dipping the ones you love less in vats of molten lava. Leaving you with the knowledge that you made that choice, you chose who died.

God, so much to do...

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