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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

shortyshot8 said:
Jackie facepalmed "I didn't mean you!" She yelled
"Then who? You came here in MY room. Who are you looking for? And are they here?" She asked.
Roman said:
"Then who? You came here in MY room. Who are you looking for? And are they here?" She asked.
Jackie sighed "I just now thought of it and.....I don't know who"
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "I just now thought of it and.....I don't know who"
"So, what am I supposed to do?" She asked, holding Lana as she buried her face in Ramona's shoulder

@Daniel reaver
Roman said:
"Then no, I don't sadly..." Ramona said cuddling Lana. "Sorry."
@TheRebelliousDragon [/color]
Lana sighed wit releif feeling like she could breathe again when the girl left as she curled up with ramona
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana sighed wit releif feeling like she could breathe again when the girl left as she curled up with ramona

"Hold on hon, I have to take out some trash." Ramona said getting out of bed. She walked over to the passed out clone and kicked it, sending it flying out the window. She then went back to the bed and snuggled up with Lana again.
Roman said:
"Hold on hon, I have to take out some trash." Ramona said getting out of bed. She walked over to the passed out clone and kicked it, sending it flying out the window. She then went back to the bed and snuggled up with Lana again.
Lana nuzzled ramonas neck when she layed back down "that was embarasing" she said quietly as she slid her arms around ramona
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana nuzzled ramonas neck when she layed back down "that was embarasing" she said quietly as she slid her arms around ramona

Ramona chuckled, "Well, when you have friends like mine you have to get used to them appearing at any given time. That's why I wasn't bothered by it." She said kissing her cheek.
Roman said:
Ramona chuckled, "Well, when you have friends like mine you have to get used to them appearing at any given time. That's why I wasn't bothered by it." She said kissing her cheek.
"It's still a little embarasing. I-i mean It was my first time" she said quietly to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"It's still a little embarasing. I-i mean It was my first time" she said quietly to her

"Same here baby. It was also mine too, and we enjoyed it. At least I know I did.." Ramona said
Roman said:
(( Okay, I'll just post and you can reply when you return. ))
"Okay, well don't be afraid but my clothes are about to change themselves." Han said before his clothes turned into a Shihakush?, "Ready?" He asked smiling.



"And this concerns me how?" Ramona asked, turning her back toward Jackie to comfort Lana.
May nodded happily. "Yea lets go" she says standing up


shortyshot8 said:
Sam got up. "That was a creepy movie" she says smiling
Mayyflower said:
May nodded happily. "Yea lets go" she says standing up

Sam got up. "That was a creepy movie" she says smiling
Han smiled, "Come on, take my hand." He said holding it out toward her. Is it the fact that I was a only child, that I get the feeling of a older sibling....

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