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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
"It's the least I can do for someone without a place to stay." Han said happily. Dammit.... Little kids, this is why we don't get along at first sight. Hopefully this ends well..
May pressed her lips in a thin line. I hope he knows that I can read his mind. She chuckled with a shrug. "Thank you" she repeats
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]lana layed there her breathing heavy as she held onto ramona not knowing where her clothes are before she noticed some one els there and looked up blushing badly

Ramona frowned a little, "Jackie? Why are you here? You're interrupting something."

Roman said:
Ramona frowned a little, "Jackie? Why are you here? You're interrupting something."
Jackie blushed bright red "I umm well I needed to uhh" She rambled
Mayyflower said:
May pressed her lips in a thin line. I hope he knows that I can read his mind. She chuckled with a shrug. "Thank you" she repeats
Han sighed, "Well, come on. I will take you there now and after that I'll show you around." Why is this little girl growing on me...
Roman said:
Ramona frowned a little, "Jackie? Why are you here? You're interrupting something."
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie blushed bright red "I umm well I needed to uhh" She rambled
Lana blushed Crimson as she slipped under the covers and clung to ramona as she tryed to hide her self 'my first time ruined by some strangers' she thought as she tryed her best to cover her self
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie blushed bright red "I umm well I needed to uhh" She rambled
Ramona sighed, "You needed to what? You needed to come interrupt? You are lucky you came after all this."

@Daniel reaver
Roman said:
Han sighed, "Well, come on. I will take you there now and after that I'll show you around." Why is this little girl growing on me...
Cause I'm special She thought "okay" she smiled (brb for like 2 hours maybe)
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed and closed her eyes "I kinda turned into a girl....And I used a seal....I don't know when it will wear off....I NEED HELP"
Ramona looked at the clone, "That's what he gets for coming in here." She mumbled. "You need help? How am I supposed to help you?" She asked, smiling a little when Lana held on to her.

@Daniel reaver
Roman said:
Ramona looked at the clone, "That's what he gets for coming in here." She mumbled. "You need help? How am I supposed to help you?" She asked, smiling a little when Lana held on to her.
@Daniel reaver
Jackie sighed "I don't know...Tsk this is a pain" She said "I'm beginning to actually think like a girl"


Mayyflower said:
Sam sat down in the movies quietly next to Marcus and watched the movie
(Brb for like 2 hours maybe )
Marcus did the same (KK)
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "I don't know...Tsk this is a pain" She said "I'm beginning to actually think like a girl"

Marcus did the same (KK)
Roman said:
Ramona looked at the clone, "That's what he gets for coming in here." She mumbled. "You need help? How am I supposed to help you?" She asked, smiling a little when Lana held on to her.
@Daniel reaver
Lana buried her face into ramonas shoulder as she blushed blood red to embarased to do any thing but cling to ramona
Mayyflower said:
Cause I'm special She thought "okay" she smiled (brb for like 2 hours maybe)
(( Okay, I'll just post and you can reply when you return. ))

"Okay, well don't be afraid but my clothes are about to change themselves." Han said before his clothes turned into a Shihakush?, "Ready?" He asked smiling.



shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "I don't know...Tsk this is a pain" She said "I'm beginning to actually think like a girl"

Marcus did the same (KK)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana buried her face into ramonas shoulder as she blushed blood red to embarased to do any thing but cling to ramona

"And this concerns me how?" Ramona asked, turning her back toward Jackie to comfort Lana.
Roman said:
(( Okay, I'll just post and you can reply when you return. ))
"Okay, well don't be afraid but my clothes are about to change themselves." Han said before his clothes turned into a Shihakush?, "Ready?" He asked smiling.



"And this concerns me how?" Ramona asked, turning her back toward Jackie to comfort Lana.
Jackie frowned and opened her eyes "Oh my bad so called 'friend' but I thought a 'friends' job was to help their 'friend' out!"
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie frowned and opened her eyes "Oh my bad so called 'friend' but I thought a 'friends' job was to help their 'friend' out!"
Ramona sighed, "I would help you if I can. Have you thought about the fact I don't know how...."

@Daniel reaver
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "Well I figured you of all people would know....Dammit what am I gonna do?"
"Out of all people, me? Whatever.... What do you think it would take for me to help you?" She asked, running her hand through Lana's hair.

@Daniel reaver
Roman said:
"Out of all people, me? Whatever.... What do you think it would take for me to help you?" She asked, running her hand through Lana's hair.

@Daniel reaver
Jackie sighed "Well since my sexual orientation changed...Oh god........Not good" She said with a nervous look
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "Well I figured you of all people would know....Dammit what am I gonna do?"
Roman said:
"Out of all people, me? Whatever.... What do you think it would take for me to help you?" She asked, running her hand through Lana's hair.

@Daniel reaver
Lana nuzzled ramona as she felt her hand through her hair making her feel a little relaxed
shortyshot8 said:
Jackie sighed "Well since my sexual orientation changed...Oh god........Not good" She said with a nervous look
"Nope.... I'm not doing that. I have someone..." Ramona said. "Is there anyone else you know?"

@Daniel reaver


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Lana nuzzled ramona as she felt her hand through her hair making her feel a little relaxed

Ramona smiled and snuggled up with Lana. "You'll be okay."

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