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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Lexi catches him before he falls. "William" she shouts. "Shit what do I do I don't know what's going on" she says all shaken up.
William gulps "M-My blood........I've lost too much....." He said quietly

WeirdPrincess said:
Farah giggled and immediately stopped,"Okay! I just wanted to do that and now I'm fine." She said happily.
Cam frowned "Awwww but I wanted more" He said sadly

Jennete said:
Snow:*nods her head, fluttering her wings flying beside him and spins around clapping her hands* I feel like a hostess! I have never been one of those before, oh this is exciting!
Jack smiled before making a glass of wine appear in his hand "This is gonna rock!" He said before taking a drink
BlueHawk said:
Jay shrugs and thinks for a moment. "Drink normal alcohol and hook up with each other." He says with a laugh as he takes a seat on the arm of the sofa.
Rain:*she nods before she see's the Idiot and smirks a little, downing back her summer wine and flops on the couch, closing her eyes* I already feel a headache coming on from whatever speech or joke he is going to make..

shortyshot8 said:
William gulps "M-My blood........I've lost too much....." He said quietly
Cam frowned "Awwww but I wanted more" He said sadly

Jack smiled before making a glass of wine appear in his hand "This is gonna rock!" He said before taking a drink
Snow:*nods smiling before her eyes land on Roman and she blushes grinning and flies over to hug him tightly, pulling down his mask to give him a quick kiss* Hey my love!
Jennete said:
Rain:*she nods before she see's the Idiot and smirks a little, downing back her summer wine and flops on the couch, closing her eyes* I already feel a headache coming on from whatever speech or joke he is going to make..
Snow:*nods smiling before her eyes land on Roman and she blushes grinning and flies over to hug him tightly, pulling down his mask to give him a quick kiss* Hey my love!
Jack made his glass vanish and extended his arms "Come on no hug?" He asked with a smile
shortyshot8 said:
William gulps "M-My blood........I've lost too much....." He said quietly
Cam frowned "Awwww but I wanted more" He said sadly

Jack smiled before making a glass of wine appear in his hand "This is gonna rock!" He said before taking a drink
Farah shook her head,"Nope! You don't get anything anymore. I'm doing the same thing you did to me."
Jennete said:
Rain:*she nods before she see's the Idiot and smirks a little, downing back her summer wine and flops on the couch, closing her eyes* I already feel a headache coming on from whatever speech or joke he is going to make..
Snow:*nods smiling before her eyes land on Roman and she blushes grinning and flies over to hug him tightly, pulling down his mask to give him a quick kiss* Hey my love!
Jay smiles lightly as he jokingly puts his arm on top of Rain's head. "That makes two of us." He says as he leans over onto the couch a bit.
Jennete said:
Rain:*she nods before she see's the Idiot and smirks a little, downing back her summer wine and flops on the couch, closing her eyes* I already feel a headache coming on from whatever speech or joke he is going to make..
Snow:*nods smiling before her eyes land on Roman and she blushes grinning and flies over to hug him tightly, pulling down his mask to give him a quick kiss* Hey my love!
Roman smiled and kissed Snow back. "Hey! Everything looks great, thanks to you!" He said nodding.
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah shook her head,"Nope! You don't get anything anymore. I'm doing the same thing you did to me."
Cam smirked "Then let me do the same to you" He said before bending down and kissing her
WeirdPrincess said:
Asuka chuckled and hummed a song as they flew to the penthouse. Upon arrival, the broom stopped elegantly as it didn't want to ruin such a lovely house. Asuka hopped off with Akira and knocked on the door."Will people be dressed up for this thing even though it's a house party?" She asked as she looked up at him.
@Jennete @Roman
...♅As Akira stood at the door, he thought about Asuka's question. He soon replied, unsure♅...

“ I doubt it. House warming parties are usually casual and don't require dressing up. ”
Roman said:
(( It is a small party for one of my characters friends. ))
(Now have Hayate talk to Nora so she can bring him over because she's now in the school courtyard looking for him)
WeirdPrincess said:
Nora chuckled and flicked his forehead,"Yeah okay. I'll be back. I forgot to grab someone else that is needed. Knock on the door and go inside!" She said before quickly disappearing to the school courtyard.
Hayate seen Nora appear in the courtyard, "Hey Thana, quick change of plans. I have to speak to someone." He said taking her hand, as he made his way to Nora, "Hola, Nora!"

@Daniel reaver
Jennete said:
Snow:*her ears perk up and she smiles happily heading to the door and opens it. She steps aside and lets them in* Oh Hello!! I'm Snow, you must be friends of Roman. I am so happy you came! Come in please, *she walks leading them inside and smiles at Jack when he asks for a hug and she hugs him laughing* I love hugs! And books and cuddling *she smiles pleased with being friendly like she assumes she should be to all of the guests*
Jack hugs her back "It's been too long since we last met" He said happily
BlueHawk said:
Jay smiles lightly as he jokingly puts his arm on top of Rain's head. "That makes two of us." He says as he leans over onto the couch a bit.
Rain:*she smirks a little* You are coming in close proximity again Jay.


shortyshot8 said:
Jack hugs her back "It's been too long since we last met" He said happily
Snow:*nods her head smiling and steps back after they finish hugging, her wings appearing since she was in such a good mood* I know, it has been too long! How are you?
Jennete said:
Rain:*she smirks a little* You are coming in close proximity again Jay.

Snow:*nods her head smiling and steps back after they finish hugging, her wings appearing since she was in such a good mood* I know, it has been too long! How are you?
Jack smiled happily "I'm great how are you?" He asked happily
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅As Akira stood at the door, he thought about Asuka's question. He soon replied, unsure♅...
“ I doubt it. House warming parties are usually casual and don't require dressing up. ”

"Oh....For some reason I thought that people usually did that at parties." Asuka said with a laugh as the door opened. She smiled and greeted Snow before grabbing Akira's hand and leading them into the house. She awed at the site of it,"It's so big....I wish I had a house like this. Though I wouldn't know what to do with all the space."
shortyshot8 said:
Jack smiled happily "I'm great how are you?" He asked happily
Snow:*she smiles blushing a little and looks down thinking of Roman* Oh I am amazing, I am so happy actually, even more so then usual.
WeirdPrincess said:
"Oh....For some reason I thought that people usually did that at parties." Asuka said with a laugh as the door opened. She smiled and greeted Snow before grabbing Akira's hand and leading them into the house. She awed at the site of it,"It's so big....I wish I had a house like this. Though I wouldn't know what to do with all the space."
Jack looked over at Asuka "Hey Master! Been awhile huh?" He called out happily
Roman said:
Hayate seen Nora appear in the courtyard, "Hey Thana, quick change of plans. I have to speak to someone." He said taking her hand, as he made his way to Nora, "Hola, Nora!"
@Daniel reaver
"Hayate! There you are! I've been looking for you because I'm inviting you to a house warming party for my friend Roman." Nora said as she smiled at him.
Jennete said:
Snow:*she smiles blushing a little and looks down thinking of Roman* Oh I am amazing, I am so happy actually, even more so then usual.
Jack smiled "I have a girlfriend now so that's good" He said happily thinking of Nora
Roman sat down next to Jay and Rain, "You two are like the perfect couple, why don't you date?" He asked, being completely serious with them. "All jokes aside, I really wanna know."

@BlueHawk @Jennete

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