• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Fenris sighed as he looked through his restaurant's barren pantry. Seriously. What the hell was he paying Rodríguez and the others for if they couldn't even remember to stock the damn pantry and ensure they could operate during normal working hours. Growling in frustration as he marched back into the kitchen, Fenris slapped a tall Mexican worker on the back of the head as he passed by growling out, "watch the shop. I'm going to do your damn job." standing upright the Mexican man gave Fenris a cheesy smile and sarcastic salute as he followed his boss out of the kitchen with his eyes. Walking out of the shop Fenris shrugged and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, before again searching through another of his pockets to find a lighter. Sheltering the tip of the cigarette from the wind, Fenris held up the lighter and spun its wheel, striking the flint and igniting the fumes, causing the cigarette to smolder with a bright red flame. Taking a long drag of the cigarette Fenris blew out an unnaturally thick plume of smoke which slowly coiled around him before becoming a long heavy over coat. Shoving his hands in the overcoats pockets, Fenris began walking towards the local super market occasionally blowing out a plume of smoke as he walked.

Reaching the super market Fenris walked inside and pulled out a cart from the long rows available, ignoring all the strange looks he received from the other more regular looking customers he began to walk down the isles pulling a vast variety of items from the shelves, quickly filling his first cart, Fenris walked back to the front of the store and retrieved a second cart quickly filling that one as well. ignoring the strange looks he received from a mother and child Fenris grumbled ragout how if Rodríguez had scheduled the delivery as he was supposed to, then Fenris wouldn't be having to this, so the difference between the super market price and whole sale price was coming out of his next paycheck. Finally filling up yet a third cart Fenris grabbed a fourth cart and headed to his final distinction the deli to get all the meats they would need for this week. Walking through the isles, Fenris sighed as he looked back at his long convoy of shopping carts, each filled to the brim and connected to him by a thin tendril of smoke, thinking that he stood out a fairly large amount. Finally reaching the deli, Fenris began searching through the select cuts, only selecting the finest cuts of meat, never once glancing at the prices, causing the poor young deli worker behind the counter to freak out slightly wondering if they were about to get robbed.

Lumina Lumina



After her lunchwith her interesting new neighbor, Isuzu had returned to her own apartment to put away the remaining groceries that she had bought. To her dismay, some of her frozen snacks that she had bought and was looking forward to were now melted, forgotten as she interacted with her new neighbor friend. On top of that, the woman came to the realization that she had no alcohol left in the house either. Thankfully the store didn't seem to question her looks much and was willing to sell her alcohol anyways. So that meant that she'd have to head back to the grocery store. It would be the second time today that she would shop there, but this time seemed a lot more casual. Snacks and alcohol were always more fun purchases anyways. Getting her exercise walking to the store wasn't all that bad considering the end result. So, off she went again, making sure her apartment was locked and her key in a spot that she knew she'd be able to get to easily (thank you neighbor for giving a reminder to never lose them!). Once that was all settled, she headed out of the apartment complex and toward town, to the local grocery store.

Thankfully town wasn't all that far away from her apartment. Somehow in this area, the school, dorms, downtown, and other places to live were all fairly close to each other, as was another section of town that had things like beaches and amusement parks and a zoo/aquarium. It was convenient for everyone living here, and it made sense why the area would be so popular to live in, for both students and families alike. That's why it seemed like town was always so busy, just from the sheer amount of people that were in it. The school was prestigious enough to draw in all manners of life, so it also made sense that families would move into the area so their kids could have the best education possible. This was especially true for families with kids who were supers. And there were a lot of supers. Isuzu didn't mind the crowds, actually she kind of enjoyed it. She was never one for quiet rural living, the noise and the hustle and bustle of the town (which was more like a city, really) was more her style. The buzz of the people gave her energy, in a weird sense. Maybe it's because with everything going on, it was never truly boring. And boredom was what Isuzu hated the most.

She reached the city in less than a half an hour, which was good considering she planned on buying frozen treats and it was nice to know that they probably (?) wouldn't melt by the time she got home. Well, actually, it didn't matter, because she remembered she could just use her powers and just enhance the frozen state of the things she bought to make them stay that way longer. That way she didn't have to worry at all about them. With a smile Isuzu entered the store, initially grabbing a hand basket but then changing her mind and grabbing a cart instead. Truthfully she didn't really have a huge goal in mind with this trip. It was more of a "buy what looks tasty" kind of shopping trip, and as far as she knew that could very well fill up a cart like this. Better safe than sorry. Now armed with a cart, Isuzu began her walk around the store, looking for anything that looked delicious. This meant she'd make her way up and down every aisle, because she wouldn't want to miss anything of course. Passing by the produce section, she grabbed a bag of apples and grapes before making her way to the bread aisle. Here she picked up a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread and chocolate chip bagels. Both great breakfast foods, both delicious carbs. This continued throughout the rest of the aisles, including the alcohol section, where she made sure to pick up a bottle or two of whiskey, a few bottles of wine, and a few six packs of the fruity bottled stuff. Next came the frozen section, and Isuzu made a grinning beeline toward the ice cream. Into her cart went a fewtubs of ice cream and at least three boxes of popsicles, one of which she kept in the child seat section of her cart so she had something to snack on as she finished her shopping. Grabbing one out of the box, Isuzu looked at the contents of her now-full cart, content with what she had picked out. Now she could go checkout. Biting the corner of her popsicle, Isuzu made her way toward the front of the store, which meant passing by the deli section. In thissection was a scene she wasn't used to seeing: 4 carts, completely filled like her own, all belonging to the same person. It was an entertaining sight, as the carts all seemed to be connected to one another like a train, somehow held together by some kind of force. As she got closer, it became apparent that the force holding the carts together was some kind of smoke. Smoke...? Snapping her gaze up to the person they seemed to belong to, Isuzu's eyes widened in recognition at who it was. Breaking out into a big smile, she called out to him, giving him a wave with the hand not holding her popsicle.


Extra Info

Grocery store


Grocery shopping

Get alcohol and snacks

Interacting with: Fenris



Well, whatever his reasons were for getting all upset, he could just stuff it. Right now, all she knew was that he was here, he had asked if she wanted to come with him on the mission, she said yes, and that was that. Now that they were getting ready to leave, Astrid went over the points of the mission one more time:

1) This guy was a madman, killing anyone and everyone with no regard for, well anything. He seemed to enjoy it.
2) People were going missing. Their disappearances coincided with the appearance of this madman, so it's not hard to believe that he's the one making them disappear. Maybe even absorbing them.
3) Skylar was missing.
4) Blue's grandmother was missing.
5) Something about a tournament?

With all this in mind, Astrid was set to go, and it seemed that her partner and his familiar were as well. He was asking her if she could fly, to which she responded with a laugh. "Me, fly?" she asked incredulously. "C'mon now Blue, does it look like I have wings?" She gave him a look that said "Really?" though it held lighter, jesting tones as well. It wouldn't be their partnership without some butting heads, it's just who they were.

Extra Info

Outside the dorms

Slightly annoyed, worried

Talking with Blue and Hyou

Stop the madman

Interacting with: Alejandro and Hyouinmmaru
Tags: Roman Roman

OOC: I had lost the notif with your post on it and I don't remember exactly what happened so things might be off and I'm sorry Dx Also might be a little short :c


Haruo Header_zpsr97ixc0m.png


...≭Haruo had been sat beside Satoshi waiting on the arrival of their new team leader and new team mate. They had still to be introduced to the both of them, but by the looks of things, they were late. Haruo just sat in silence, eventually waiting out the time when their leader would arrive. An hour had soon passed, and by the looks of things, Haruo figured that he wasn't going to show up, much less their team mate. With a sigh, Haruo stood up, preparing to leave, only to hear a knock on the door, and a one eyed man stepping through with a greeting. Sitting back down, Haruo spoke to the man, his appearance matching the description of their leader. After he stated the length of time they had been waiting, Haruo sighed, and continued speaking, his purple irises shifting to the side as he did so≭...

Oh, now you arrive. Do you know just how long we've been sitting here waiting on you? An hour. Honestly, if you're this late, I bet you haven't even picked up our new team mate..

Character Information

School Classroom.


Sitting in the room with Satoshi.

Meet his new team mate and team leader.

Interacting With: Satoshi and Roman.
Tags: Roman Roman , Lumina Lumina .




Today was the day that Sayuri was going to meet her team! Sure she had school, but certain people within the school were assigned to different teams based on their areas of expertise when it came to their powers. At least that's how Sayuri thought about it. That's what would make sense in her head. Or maybe it was just the principal making up rules, and she somehow got roped into it. Either way, prior to the school year starting the kunoichi-in-training had received a letter saying that she was going to a part of a three-student team, assigned to one of the teachers at the school. This team would work together to improve their skills, learn how to work together, and gain real-life experience through different assigned missions. Sayuri was super excited to be a part of this team. She was super excited to even be going to Euphorian High, so this was just the icing on the cake. She had given the letter with the information on where they would meet to her parents, knowing they would want to know and knowing that her mother was the kind of person to remind her when things were coming up. So she figured that she could do some studying before the team was supposed to meet up, and her mother would give her a reminder of when she was supposed to be leaving.

Of course, Sayuri had gotten a look at the letter herself, but she wanted to be best prepared for the meeting as much as she could and she trusted her mother. Well, the actual time when the team was supposed to meet had come and passed, and Sayuri looked at the clock, second guessing the time that she had read in the letter. It seemed like she was supposed to meet now, but her mother hadn't said anything, so maybe she had read it wrong. Nearly an hour had passed and her mother hadn't said anything so the kunoichi decided to check the letter for herself. As she was doing so, her mother came up to her, saying that she was just about to let her know that she needed to leave. Curious anyways, Sayuri looked at the letter only to find that the meeting time was indeed an hour prior, and now she was an hour late! Horrified, Sayuri quickly threw on her shoes and grabbed everything she thought she might need and bolted out the door, clutching the letter and running as fast as she could toward the school. Thankfully her parent's house that they moved into wasn't all that far from the school, and she made it there within around 15 minutes or so. Breathing hard, she glanced at the letter in her hand, now crumpled, to see where the class was before running off and finding it. Finally seeing it, Sayuri ran for the open door, slowing down so she wouldn't slide past it, yelling out a bit as she entered the room.

"Made it! Oh-"

Roman had entered the room not five minutes before Sayuri did, but of course she didn't know that. So when she entered the room, she found herself staring right up at him.Sheepishly she looked up at him, apologizing before taking a seat near her teammates. "I'm so sorry for being so late Sensei, my mom told me the wrong time to be here! It won't happen again..." From then on, Sayuri vowed to always make sure to be early to any meetings. She definitely wasn't the type of person to be late, so this kind of thing was out of character for her. Glancing over at her blonde teammates, she gave a nervous smile, thinking that they probably already found her annoying for being so late.

Extra Info



Entering the classroom

Meet her team

Interacting with: Roman, Haruo, Satoshi


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• Kairassi Ikeda •Hearing the phone buzz she she grabbed it, sliding her body off the couch and onto the floor. Laying on her back she read the text message before replying that she'd see him in a few minutes. She grinned, well that was her boredom cured for the day she now had something fun to do. She hopped to her feet and bounced over to the mirror. Her hair was a fluffed up as ever but as usual no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get it to stay smoothed down ((again, as usual)). Rolling her eyes and loosing her patience with it, she fixed her clothes and pulled on a jacket before disappearing from her room in a flash of light. She reappeared at the door to Luke's home, sure she could have appeared right inside his home but she thought that would be too rude. She rang the doorbell and waited outside.

Luke grabbed his phone and read the message, shortly after the door bell ring, jumping off the couch trying to fix his shirt he walked to the door, he opened the door and smiled down at Kairassi he moved over to the side to let her in. "Hey there beautiful"
Himeragi took Ramona's hand so she would get it. After that, she began stretching and moving around a bit. "Damn, being paralyzed felt weird..."
Ramona chuckled as Himeragi got up. "It wouldn't exactly feel good. When in a such a position without planning to be or the power to get free, anyone would feel weird. I honestly thought you could counter it though. You're pretty good and were able to keep up with one of my Satan Souls."
Ramona chuckled as Himeragi got up. "It wouldn't exactly feel good. When in a such a position without planning to be or the power to get free, anyone would feel weird. I honestly thought you could counter it though. You're pretty good and were able to keep up with one of my Satan Souls."
"Satan Souls? What's that?" She asked as she continued to stretch. She wasn't sure what it was. She was also reminded that both heaven and hell were destroyed. It still boggled her mind a little bit.



Today was the day that Sayuri was going to meet her team! Sure she had school, but certain people within the school were assigned to different teams based on their areas of expertise when it came to their powers. At least that's how Sayuri thought about it. That's what would make sense in her head. Or maybe it was just the principal making up rules, and she somehow got roped into it. Either way, prior to the school year starting the kunoichi-in-training had received a letter saying that she was going to a part of a three-student team, assigned to one of the teachers at the school. This team would work together to improve their skills, learn how to work together, and gain real-life experience through different assigned missions. Sayuri was super excited to be a part of this team. She was super excited to even be going to Euphorian High, so this was just the icing on the cake. She had given the letter with the information on where they would meet to her parents, knowing they would want to know and knowing that her mother was the kind of person to remind her when things were coming up. So she figured that she could do some studying before the team was supposed to meet up, and her mother would give her a reminder of when she was supposed to be leaving.

Of course, Sayuri had gotten a look at the letter herself, but she wanted to be best prepared for the meeting as much as she could and she trusted her mother. Well, the actual time when the team was supposed to meet had come and passed, and Sayuri looked at the clock, second guessing the time that she had read in the letter. It seemed like she was supposed to meet now, but her mother hadn't said anything, so maybe she had read it wrong. Nearly an hour had passed and her mother hadn't said anything so the kunoichi decided to check the letter for herself. As she was doing so, her mother came up to her, saying that she was just about to let her know that she needed to leave. Curious anyways, Sayuri looked at the letter only to find that the meeting time was indeed an hour prior, and now she was an hour late! Horrified, Sayuri quickly threw on her shoes and grabbed everything she thought she might need and bolted out the door, clutching the letter and running as fast as she could toward the school. Thankfully her parent's house that they moved into wasn't all that far from the school, and she made it there within around 15 minutes or so. Breathing hard, she glanced at the letter in her hand, now crumpled, to see where the class was before running off and finding it. Finally seeing it, Sayuri ran for the open door, slowing down so she wouldn't slide past it, yelling out a bit as she entered the room.

"Made it! Oh-"

Roman had entered the room not five minutes before Sayuri did, but of course she didn't know that. So when she entered the room, she found herself staring right up at him.Sheepishly she looked up at him, apologizing before taking a seat near her teammates. "I'm so sorry for being so late Sensei, my mom told me the wrong time to be here! It won't happen again..." From then on, Sayuri vowed to always make sure to be early to any meetings. She definitely wasn't the type of person to be late, so this kind of thing was out of character for her. Glancing over at her blonde teammates, she gave a nervous smile, thinking that they probably already found her annoying for being so late.

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Roman Ishida

~ The Head of the Ishida Family


Roman was still talking with Satoshi and Haruo. There wasn't much of a huge discussion as he wasn't going to start on that until Sayuri arrived, and he wasn't sure how long that'd be. He was about an hour late already, and if she wasn't here yet, who knows what could have happened. Roman walked over to the window, inspecting the outside world as he awaited the arrival of his last member/student. Teaching these kids wasn't going to be an easy job. He didn't even know what any of them were capable of yet, just that they had abilities and those abilities would need to be used in battle with great teamwork.

He had experience with kids. Hopefully it came in handy, because taking up this job only added more work for him. Roman was to train them, and maintain his own personal strength too, along with family stuff. He didn't want to be stressed out all of the time and actually wanted them to benefit from this, especially since they were the next generation. They'd be doing exactly what Roman did in a few years and they'll need to know how to fight and survive anything thrown at them.

As soon as Roman looked up at the sky, the door opened. He stood in front of the window for about forty seconds after his arrival and surprised to see Sayuri get there right after he did. From the sound of her voice, she seemed apologetic. There was no need for apologies. He was late himself. Turning around and facing the three, he smiled. "No worries. I was late myself, but on another note, you may take a seat. We're going to get to know one another and hear the rules along with what I want you three to accomplish by the time you graduate. I know it sounds boring, but we have to do it." Roman said as he walked over to where the three were. "Any questions before we start? If you don't have any now, any questions you may have will have to wait until the end if they answered in anything I tell you." Satoshi, the boy with the blonde hair, was excited. He didn't have any questions and just wanted to show what he could do. Roman could see bits of his own personality within Haruo... At least from when he was younger. He seemed to be all business. Sayuri seemed nice. He only knew little about how she behaved since she only just got here. Maybe she'd be like one of the others.

Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

"Satan Souls? What's that?" She asked as she continued to stretch. She wasn't sure what it was. She was also reminded that both heaven and hell were destroyed. It still boggled her mind a little bit.
Ramona deactivated her Satan Soul and returned to normal, her clothes and everything returning to normal and the wings disappearing. "I can absorb the souls of demons. When I do so, I am able to use all of their abilities as my own, just as you witnessed a moment ago. It's like a genetic rewrite in a way. Get it?"



Well, whatever his reasons were for getting all upset, he could just stuff it. Right now, all she knew was that he was here, he had asked if she wanted to come with him on the mission, she said yes, and that was that. Now that they were getting ready to leave, Astrid went over the points of the mission one more time:

1) This guy was a madman, killing anyone and everyone with no regard for, well anything. He seemed to enjoy it.
2) People were going missing. Their disappearances coincided with the appearance of this madman, so it's not hard to believe that he's the one making them disappear. Maybe even absorbing them.
3) Skylar was missing.
4) Blue's grandmother was missing.
5) Something about a tournament?

With all this in mind, Astrid was set to go, and it seemed that her partner and his familiar were as well. He was asking her if she could fly, to which she responded with a laugh. "Me, fly?" she asked incredulously. "C'mon now Blue, does it look like I have wings?" She gave him a look that said "Really?" though it held lighter, jesting tones as well. It wouldn't be their partnership without some butting heads, it's just who they were.

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OOC: I had lost the notif with your post on it and I don't remember exactly what happened so things might be off and I'm sorry Dx Also might be a little short :c

Alejandro Ishida
~ Ice Prince

Seems like everything was coming together. The three of them were ready to go and see if they could stop this guy, along with finding their friends. When Astrid stated that she couldn't fly, he nodded before looking over at Hyou, who was ready to since he found out Alejandro planned to go fight that guy. Then it was settled. "Okay you two. We have no idea what we're up against, so play it safe. I know you may know that, but I just felt that it should be our main focus... And if he does have Skylar, keep a cool head you guys. Don't want to accidentally slip up and get ourselves killed." Alejandro explained as he began to awkwardly hold out his arms towards Astrid. He sighed a quietly, soon looking at her. Alejandro gave her a less serious look, one of embarrassment mostly, "Our real first mission together... And I have to carry you." He said before looking away from her again.

Hyou was actually able to laugh at the two. He knew that the current situation called for them to be serious, but he couldn't. Not with the way Alejandro was acting right now. Hyou then stopped laughing, his face having more of a soft smile. Made him think about how awkward he acted around Skylar those times... Maybe she'd get a kick out this too if she were here. Alejandro grit his teeth, finally able to look at Astrid, "Hey, come on. We don't have all day." He said to Astrid, his face slowly becoming a light pink.

OOC: Post will get longer when they reach the arena since it isn't much to talk about as of now for me at least. xD

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Ramona deactivated her Satan Soul and returned to normal, her clothes and everything returning to normal and the wings disappearing. "I can absorb the souls of demons. When I do so, I am able to use all of their abilities as my own, just as you witnessed a moment ago. It's like a genetic rewrite in a way. Get it?"
"Oh... I used to be a demon once. But then I was reborn as an Intoner." She said as she continued to move around a bit. Seemed like she wasn't used to being paralyzed. Well, maybe not her entire body. Her back was injured heavily at one point, but Kuroh tended those wounds.

As Raven read the letter, it wasn't true that they had a financial crisis, they just needed more money to buy more weapons and ammo than they know what to do with. But the question that lingered in her mind was: how did this information leak? Or perhaps this Cartel organization does a lot of recon work and possibly stumbled on one of the events between the clans. But what made her more on edge was that they heard about her, even, when she had never made any major appearances. This organization doesn't seem reliable, but she guessed doing away with a few people wouldn't be too much of a problem. She got up from her seat and put on her mask. She placed the letter under her gauntlet before taking her katana, unsheathed it and sliced at the air and opened a portal when everyone was too busy talking among themselves. When they finally noticed the portal, they would only see it close after Raven went through it. And then, the only thing she can do is locate and wait...

She appeared at the station shortly before turning into a Raven and perched herself on one of the trees. Now that she was here, she wasn't sure who was who. She figured that she would up her luck on herself and when she took a guess, she would nail it. When she saw two people arrived at the station after jumping from tree to tree, she noticed one of them looking around as if making sure they were alone. This has to be them. She soon began flying towards their direction and then going to her human form before she leaped at Han and Keith with such speed. She decided to attack Keith first since he was the most obvious. She performed a diagonal stroke and then a vertical stroke straight after, being swung so hard and her technique being so refined that it can break steel armor. She then sheathed her blade because of her habits. She then waited for one of them to speak. Possibly, they would say each other's name. Then Raven can confirm her kills.
Roman Roman - Han
Wicked Jester Wicked Jester - since you were tagged by Dragoon.
Keith Brando

Keith wasn't expecting it but managed to activate his invulnerability before the first attack connected. He grunted lightly, coughing. "Well that was mighty rude of you doll, to drop in on me like that." He grumbled before looking to Han, a little annoyed. "I'm surprised they found us already. I guess that means we fight to-" He began to mutter before the train whistle blew and he went pale. "...Shoot. Han! We need to get on that train!" He hollered as he ran towards the station with their tickets doing his best to avoid Raven's attacks. People were freaking out at this point. The conductor spotted them and began to panic as he ran to the front of the train. It seems they didn't have a lot of time anymore now that everybody was trying to flee...
Roman Roman
EmeraldKane, the Candyman.

“That is fine with me, but don’t worry about your hastiness. That is good in life! Don’t want to spend all day thinking about things when you can be living.”

Kane does enjoy a walk in the park sometimes. It refreshes the mind and soul to have a gentle meander in some green scenery and fresh air. He also doesn’t really think too much about things, and acts out of heart rather than out of mind.

Nona Nona

• Rosalie Dalton •Rosalie smiled softly "Well, I guess that's a nice way to look at it, some people tend to disagree though" she shrugged and stood up, she was ready to start walking at anytime and nothing else was tying her here so she thought they might as well go now "They like to know what they are doing and where they are going all the time. Where is the fun in that?" She shook her head a little before her smile grew "Shall we get going?"




Today was the day that Sayuri was going to meet her team! Sure she had school, but certain people within the school were assigned to different teams based on their areas of expertise when it came to their powers. At least that's how Sayuri thought about it. That's what would make sense in her head. Or maybe it was just the principal making up rules, and she somehow got roped into it. Either way, prior to the school year starting the kunoichi-in-training had received a letter saying that she was going to a part of a three-student team, assigned to one of the teachers at the school. This team would work together to improve their skills, learn how to work together, and gain real-life experience through different assigned missions. Sayuri was super excited to be a part of this team. She was super excited to even be going to Euphorian High, so this was just the icing on the cake. She had given the letter with the information on where they would meet to her parents, knowing they would want to know and knowing that her mother was the kind of person to remind her when things were coming up. So she figured that she could do some studying before the team was supposed to meet up, and her mother would give her a reminder of when she was supposed to be leaving.

Of course, Sayuri had gotten a look at the letter herself, but she wanted to be best prepared for the meeting as much as she could and she trusted her mother. Well, the actual time when the team was supposed to meet had come and passed, and Sayuri looked at the clock, second guessing the time that she had read in the letter. It seemed like she was supposed to meet now, but her mother hadn't said anything, so maybe she had read it wrong. Nearly an hour had passed and her mother hadn't said anything so the kunoichi decided to check the letter for herself. As she was doing so, her mother came up to her, saying that she was just about to let her know that she needed to leave. Curious anyways, Sayuri looked at the letter only to find that the meeting time was indeed an hour prior, and now she was an hour late! Horrified, Sayuri quickly threw on her shoes and grabbed everything she thought she might need and bolted out the door, clutching the letter and running as fast as she could toward the school. Thankfully her parent's house that they moved into wasn't all that far from the school, and she made it there within around 15 minutes or so. Breathing hard, she glanced at the letter in her hand, now crumpled, to see where the class was before running off and finding it. Finally seeing it, Sayuri ran for the open door, slowing down so she wouldn't slide past it, yelling out a bit as she entered the room.

"Made it! Oh-"

Roman had entered the room not five minutes before Sayuri did, but of course she didn't know that. So when she entered the room, she found herself staring right up at him.Sheepishly she looked up at him, apologizing before taking a seat near her teammates. "I'm so sorry for being so late Sensei, my mom told me the wrong time to be here! It won't happen again..." From then on, Sayuri vowed to always make sure to be early to any meetings. She definitely wasn't the type of person to be late, so this kind of thing was out of character for her. Glancing over at her blonde teammates, she gave a nervous smile, thinking that they probably already found her annoying for being so late.

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Roman Ishida

~ The Head of the Ishida Family


Roman was still talking with Satoshi and Haruo. There wasn't much of a huge discussion as he wasn't going to start on that until Sayuri arrived, and he wasn't sure how long that'd be. He was about an hour late already, and if she wasn't here yet, who knows what could have happened. Roman walked over to the window, inspecting the outside world as he awaited the arrival of his last member/student. Teaching these kids wasn't going to be an easy job. He didn't even know what any of them were capable of yet, just that they had abilities and those abilities would need to be used in battle with great teamwork.

He had experience with kids. Hopefully it came in handy, because taking up this job only added more work for him. Roman was to train them, and maintain his own personal strength too, along with family stuff. He didn't want to be stressed out all of the time and actually wanted them to benefit from this, especially since they were the next generation. They'd be doing exactly what Roman did in a few years and they'll need to know how to fight and survive anything thrown at them.

As soon as Roman looked up at the sky, the door opened. He stood in front of the window for about forty seconds after his arrival and surprised to see Sayuri get there right after he did. From the sound of her voice, she seemed apologetic. There was no need for apologies. He was late himself. Turning around and facing the three, he smiled. "No worries. I was late myself, but on another note, you may take a seat. We're going to get to know one another and hear the rules along with what I want you three to accomplish by the time you graduate. I know it sounds boring, but we have to do it." Roman said as he walked over to where the three were. "Any questions before we start? If you don't have any now, any questions you may have will have to wait until the end if they answered in anything I tell you." Satoshi, the boy with the blonde hair, was excited. He didn't have any questions and just wanted to show what he could do. Roman could see bits of his own personality within Haruo... At least from when he was younger. He seemed to be all business. Sayuri seemed nice. He only knew little about how she behaved since she only just got here. Maybe she'd be like one of the others.

Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

Haruo Header_zpsr97ixc0m.png


...≭Haruo sighed as Roman entered the room. The conversation was light, a way for them to pass the time until the final team member arrived. Sitting on the chair, bored, Haruo began to manipulate the air into a miniature hurricane, with the origin point being his finger. He held it infront of him and stared directly into the small hurricane, watching it's twirling shape as it spun. Upon hearing his new teammate introduce herself, Haruo closed his hand, the hurricane extinguishing in the process. His royal purple irises looked between Roman and his new teammate as they spoke with one another. He yawned quietly as he waited for them to finish. His attention was then grabbed by his team leader as he told them all to take a seat, even though he was already sitting down, along with Satoshi. Disregarding the confusing thoughts regarding the matter, Haruo listened to Roman and shortly replied, his hand making a small gesture in the air as he did so≭...

No questions here.

Character Information



Sitting in the classroom.


Interacting With: Roman, Satoshi and Sayuri.
Tags: Roman Roman , Lumina Lumina .


Cecil Patel

~ Just a Peaceful Coffee Shop Owner

Cecil stepped out after Maya, and taking out the key to the apartment, he turned around and locked the door. Turning right back around, he smiled at Maya. After so long, they were going to be able to spend time together like a normal couple. With so little need to worry about the cafe right now, he felt a great weight be lifted off of his conscience. When Maya started speaking, Cecil listened, and he couldn't agree better. Her question had given him an idea, one that would benefit them both. "Yeah, we can do that. We shouldn't over work ourselves so we should take a break regardless, and well... More often." He said, smiling a bit. "But, we could possibly miss out on our chance to make a ton of money during this busy time... And I was gonna suggest we hire a few employees now. I'm pretty sure by doing that, we'd be not only helping our business, but whoever we hire too." Cecil said, pitching the idea of hiring people for the cafe. It was around that time where maybe they'd have to. Sometimes business is going to well and four hands aren't enough to keep up with the flow of everything. "It's just an idea, but I wanted to hear your input on it too... We make decisions together about this place after all."

• Maya Radkov •

Maya listened to his words, nodding when he said they needed to make sure they didn't overwork themselves, that was something she definitely agreed with, coming home just to sleep then head off again in the morning wasn't healthy all the time. They'd eventually burn out. His suggestion was on that had found its way into her mind before but she never really thought too hard on it. But he was right, maybe it was time for that. Having a few people around to look after the place so they could take a few more breaks and to help out when lunch hours got really hectic would be great. It certainly would pull some stress off of them both. She smiled lightly at him "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea, I think a few extra pairs of hands will help a lot with running the place" she said in agreement. "We can work out an advert for jobs tomorrow or the next day"
Luke grabbed his phone and read the message, shortly after the door bell ring, jumping off the couch trying to fix his shirt he walked to the door, he opened the door and smiled down at Kairassi he moved over to the side to let her in. "Hey there beautiful"

• Kairassi Ikeda •"Hi!~" she smiled brightly when he answered the door, a light pink dusting at her cheeks when he greeted her. She slipped in past him looking around the room before spinning on her heel to face him again "So~ What have you been up to?" She asked curiously

Keith Brando

Keith wasn't expecting it but managed to activate his invulnerability before the first attack connected. He grunted lightly, coughing. "Well that was mighty rude of you doll, to drop in on me like that." He grumbled before looking to Han, a little annoyed. "I'm surprised they found us already. I guess that means we fight to-" He began to mutter before the train whistle blew and he went pale. "...Shoot. Han! We need to get on that train!" He hollered as he ran towards the station with their tickets doing his best to avoid Raven's attacks. People were freaking out at this point. The conductor spotted them and began to panic as he ran to the front of the train. It seems they didn't have a lot of time anymore now that everybody was trying to flee...
Roman Roman

Hansuke Ishida

~ One of the Five Archangels

Han wasn't expecting anything to happen on the trip to the station so he remained in his regular casual clothes as he and Keith made their way through the forest, going to the station for the train. When Keith was attacked, Han came to an immediate stop, activating his powers and readying himself for a fight. He sighed, turning to Keith, seeing as he stood back up after that, he must've used the same ability he used when Han stabbed him. "They didn't find us, Keith. Whoever that is, they can't be cartel. With what they have planned, leaving their base of operation would be stupid... This is someone entirely different." When the time came to run again, Han did just that, following Keith. Whoever this was wanted them dead, but at the same time, he had a strong feeling they weren't with the Cartel... And if they were, it shows they're desperate to win if they resort to this.


Hansuke Ishida

~ One of the Five Archangels

Han wasn't expecting anything to happen on the trip to the station so he remained in his regular casual clothes as he and Keith made their way through the forest, going to the station for the train. When Keith was attacked, Han came to an immediate stop, activating his powers and readying himself for a fight. He sighed, turning to Keith, seeing as he stood back up after that, he must've used the same ability he used when Han stabbed him. "They didn't find us, Keith. Whoever that is, they can't be cartel. With what they have planned, leaving their base of operation would be stupid... This is someone entirely different." When the time came to run again, Han did just that, following Keith. Whoever this was wanted them dead, but at the same time, he had a strong feeling they weren't with the Cartel... And if they were, it shows they're desperate to win if they resort to this.

Raven allowed Han and Keith to get on into the train as she stood there waiting for the crowd to clear. Once it cleared, by now the train should be starting to move. She went to the front of the train and jumped to the window and stabbed a hole into the wind shield to cause the train drivers to become scared and stop the train. "I recommend you keep the train stalled until I find who I am looking for. Don't worry. I am only looking for two." She said before she broke the window in and got inside and tied the train drivers down so they couldn't move. "This is just so you don't do anything stupid while I am away... Now, to find those two..." She said before going through parts of the train to find the two passengers who were her targets. She now remembered there was a third person. She'll just kill him after she does away with these two. She then sliced at the air again opening a portal before appearing in Han's and Keith's part of the train. All the passengers soon pressed themselves to the walls staying far away from Raven as possible. She then began walking grinding the tip of her blade against the floor as she searched for Han and Keith. They couldn't hide forever, not in this small area.
TheDragoon TheDragoon

• Kairassi Ikeda •"Hi!~" she smiled brightly when he answered the door, a light pink dusting at her cheeks when he greeted her. She slipped in past him looking around the room before spinning on her heel to face him again "So~ What have you been up to?" She asked curiously

(Sorry I was busy dealing with drama all day and I finally have time to myself)
Smiling down at her as she walked into his home, he had noticed her faint blush which made him smile. "Oh I've done nothing but sit at home and help my sisters around the house" he said looking around. "What have you been up too?" He asks shutting the door and walking over to the living room
"Oh... I used to be a demon once. But then I was reborn as an Intoner." She said as she continued to move around a bit. Seemed like she wasn't used to being paralyzed. Well, maybe not her entire body. Her back was injured heavily at one point, but Kuroh tended those wounds.
Ramona chuckled and looked up at the sky, "I remember living in a huge mansion with some intoners. That was awhile ago though. Too bad everyone went their own ways. It'd be nice to see everyone get together every once in awhile... We did all live together after all." She said, smiling a bit. "Before we head back, do you need any healing?"
Ramona chuckled and looked up at the sky, "I remember living in a huge mansion with some intoners. That was awhile ago though. Too bad everyone went their own ways. It'd be nice to see everyone get together every once in awhile... We did all live together after all." She said, smiling a bit. "Before we head back, do you need any healing?"
"I don't think so. I had a glassing in my back from last year but my boyfriend took care of that. It healed pretty fast so it wasn't much of a pain." She said before looking at Ramona and smiling. "And I used to live in that mansion too."
EmeraldGail, the forever young.


She looks down at the ground, still floating, as she thinks back to those bullies from before.

“Some people are definitely jerks…I don’t know why I get bullied so much. I guess it’s because I’m different to them…”

After all, they may be in a school filled with different people from different places with all sorts of magical powers, but there’s fire mage and water mage ‘different’ and alive and dead for hundreds of years ‘different’. Gail has always hated bullies, but she knows that retaliating would just encourage them, and properly retaliating would kill more than just them.

“Yeah…I’m glad you came along when you did. Some people just don’t understand what it’s like to be dead.”

Roman Roman
Ren chuckled, at Gail's comment on people. She was right. Some of them didn't know what it was like to be dead. From his time here, he didn't count many ghostly beings, so their population here must be pretty small. "Hey, I think it's cool you're a ghost though. I mean.... I never met one personally, and I always wanted to. I'm glad we became friends and I'm even happier to be the one to help you with your situation." He told her, as they neared the library. "We're almost there~"
EmeraldGail, the forever young.


Gail remains quiet as he talks about her ghostliness. While he may think it is cool that she is a ghost, Gail thinks the exact opposite. She isn’t meant to be immortal. She’s meant to die. It’s unnatural that she is still ‘alive’ since she isn’t a god or anything like that. Only gods should have immortality.

As they drew nearer to the library, Gail looked up at Ren. She needed to know something.

“If we do find something that would kill me, would you do it? Would you kill me if you could?”
Roman Roman
EmeraldGail, the forever young.


Gail remains quiet as he talks about her ghostliness. While he may think it is cool that she is a ghost, Gail thinks the exact opposite. She isn’t meant to be immortal. She’s meant to die. It’s unnatural that she is still ‘alive’ since she isn’t a god or anything like that. Only gods should have immortality.

As they drew nearer to the library, Gail looked up at Ren. She needed to know something.

“If we do find something that would kill me, would you do it? Would you kill me if you could?”

Roman Roman
Ren blinked, looking at Gail and rubbing the back of his head, "I don't think I'd be able to... I mean... If it's what you absolutely want... Then I guess." He said, sighing a little. The mood took a huge shift for him. He couldn't even muster up a smile anymore. "You know it's hard for anyone to do such things, at least I hope you do. Even if you want me to do it or not. You are my friend after all." He added, putting his hands in his pockets, soon coming to a stop in front of a building. "Here we are. I wanted to look for a spell book before going to that guy first. We may be able to find something in here." Ren told her, opening the door he stood there, "After you..."
EmeraldGail, the forever young.

Gail listens to him reply to her question and simply nods in response with a small smile as she tries to cheer herself up. When he opens the door for her she almost laughs as she simply fazes through the wall next to her, popping out at the other side. She floats around to where Ren was with a playful smile as a poor old woman, who happened to be the librarian, nearly jumped out of her skin as all she saw was a blue ghost faze through the wall behind her then through her.

“You forget the dead don’t exactly get along with walls.”

She says, as she floats around him. She wanted to liven up the mood since all she has done has dragged the mood down with morose and sad thoughts.
Roman Roman
EmeraldGail, the forever young.

Gail listens to him reply to her question and simply nods in response with a small smile as she tries to cheer herself up. When he opens the door for her she almost laughs as she simply fazes through the wall next to her, popping out at the other side. She floats around to where Ren was with a playful smile as a poor old woman, who happened to be the librarian, nearly jumped out of her skin as all she saw was a blue ghost faze through the wall behind her then through her.

“You forget the dead don’t exactly get along with walls.”

She says, as she floats around him. She wanted to liven up the mood since all she has done has dragged the mood down with morose and sad thoughts.

Roman Roman
"Just trying to be gentle." Ren said when Gail came his way after phasing through the wall and then the lady as she made her way over to him. "Anyways, this is the school's library, so there has to be a book on necromancer stuff or things regarding on... Killing those who are technically dead already." He said, walking into the building. "I know it might be a very low chance you'll even consider this, but have you ever thought about just coming back to life? Experiencing it as you were supposed to before your death?"

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