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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Roman nodded, grabbing the upper part of his arm and placing the palm of his hand towards the ground, lightning soon forming.

"You should be able to dodge this easily~" he said, before charging at Akira, ready to move or dodge at any given moment.
...♅Akira form changed once more, showing he was still deciding on which form to take. He nodded at himself in approval and looked up at Roman, soon releasing his power. He got into his fighting stance and spoke, standing his ground♅...

“ Let's do this! ”

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira form changed once more, showing he was still deciding on which form to take. He nodded at himself in approval and looked up at Roman, soon releasing his power. He got into his fighting stance and spoke, standing his ground♅...
“ Let's do this! ”


Roman chuckled, still charging at Akira before almost instantly appearing in his face, thrusting his hand forward towards Akira's stomach.

Roman said:
Roman chuckled, still charging at Akira before almost instantly appearing in his face, thrusting his hand forward towards Akira's stomach.
...♅Akira smirked and vanished from infront of Roman, appearing behind him twelve paces. He spoke, the air causing his hair to sway lightly♅...

“ You'll need to be faster. You should've vanished the very moment you started your attack, instead of charging towards me for so long. If you had done that, you'd have given me less time to prepare myself. Now, would you class yourself as a up close and personal fighter, or a distance fighter? ”

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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira smirked and vanished from infront of Roman, appearing behind him twelve paces. He spoke, the air causing his hair to sway lightly♅...
“ You'll need to be faster. You should've vanished the very moment you started your attack, instead of charging towards me for so long. If you had done that, you'd have given me less time to prepare myself. Now, would you class yourself as a up close and personal fighter, or a distance fighter? ”


"Tch! He dodged it!" Roman muttered. He then listened to Akira as he spoke, lightly tapping his chin as he thought for a moment. "I'm both... My attacks can be in all 3 ranges." He said, before two clones appeared behind him, and ran at his back.


Once they made it close enough, they attempted to at least scrape his back with the attack.
Roman said:
"Tch! He dodged it!" Roman muttered. He then listened to Akira as he spoke, lightly tapping his chin as he thought for a moment. "I'm both... My attacks can be in all 3 ranges." He said, before two clones appeared behind him, and ran at his back.

Once they made it close enough, they attempted to at least scrape his back with the attack.
...♅Akira sighed lightly and replied as he looked around at the two Roman clones♅...

“ As I told you, you'll need to get faster. The sound of your attack and footsteps give you away. You should wait until your closer before doing anything like that. ”

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira sighed lightly and replied as he looked around at the two Roman clones♅...
“ As I told you, you'll need to get faster. The sound of your attack and footsteps give you away. You should wait until your closer before doing anything like that. ”


Roman had apparently used the clones as a distraction, he was standing right behind Akira when he looked at the clones. Before Akira noticed this distraction, Roman quickly attacked him, pinpointing his strikes for rapid succession. Roman then finished, with fast blow to the stomach, sending him down toward the ground.

Roman said:
Roman had apparently used the clones as a distraction, he was standing right behind Akira when he looked at the clones. Before Akira noticed this distraction, Roman quickly attacked him, pinpointing his strikes for rapid succession. Roman then finished, with fast blow to the stomach, sending him down toward the ground.
...♅Akira back flipped while falling towards the ground, soon landing on his feet. He stretched his arms and spoke as he smiled, soon placing his hand on to his chin. There didn't seem to be any marks on his body♅...

“ Not bad! You used your clones as a distraction, then you attacked the enemy's blind spot, that was smart~ ”

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira back flipped while falling towards the ground, soon landing on his feet. He stretched his arms and spoke as he smiled, soon placing his hand on to his chin. There didn't seem to be any marks on his body♅...
“ Not bad! You used your clones as a distraction, then you attacked the enemy's blind spot, that was smart~ ”


Roman chuckled, "It's just a old trick I learned." He said before slamming his hand into the ground, causing a small shock wave to break and tear the ground in front of him, trailing all the way to Akira.

Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "It's just a old trick I learned." He said before slamming his hand into the ground, causing a small shock wave to break and tear the ground in front of him, trailing all the way to Akira.
...♅Akira smirked and cupped his hands, soon drawing them to his side. He then began concentrating his power into a single point between his palms, causing a blue ball to begin forming. His hands were then thrust forward, shooting out a streaming, powerful blue beam He spoke♅...


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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira smirked and cupped his hands, soon drawing them to his side. He then began concentrating his power into a single point between his palms, causing a blue ball to begin forming. His hands were then thrust forward, shooting out a streaming, powerful blue beam He spoke♅...


Roman went wide eyed, trying to call the blast in his own hands. He was able to withstand it for the most part, but was soon knocked off of his feet and to the ground.

Mayyflower said:
(I don't care who you send, I'm using Kotori)

(( I'll send my newest character Aaron ))

Roman said:
Roman went wide eyed, trying to call the blast in his own hands. He was able to withstand it for the most part, but was soon knocked off of his feet and to the ground.
...♅Akira's eyes widened as Roman was knocked onto the ground. He thought to himself♅...

Shit, did I hit him too hard?

...♅He vanished, appearing over him. He spoke♅...

“ Are you alright? ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira's eyes widened as Roman was knocked onto the ground. He thought to himself♅...
Shit, did I hit him too hard?

...♅He vanished, appearing over him. He spoke♅...

“ Are you alright? ”

Roman groaned before vanishing, resulting in someone tapping Akira's shoulder. That person was Roman with another surprise attack ready, this time he breathed fire.

Roman said:
Roman groaned before vanishing, resulting in someone tapping Akira's shoulder. That person was Roman with another surprise attack ready, this time he breathed fire.
...♅Akira laughed lightly and spun around, quickly planting his foot into Roman's stomach. He spoke as he leaped backwards♅...

“ Not gonna happen. I already fell for one of your tricks, it won't happen again. ”
Roman said:
Roman went wide eyed, trying to call the blast in his own hands. He was able to withstand it for the most part, but was soon knocked off of his feet and to the ground.
(( I'll send my newest character Aaron ))
(Okay, Kotori is at the front gates)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira laughed lightly and spun around, quickly planting his foot into Roman's stomach. He spoke as he leaped backwards♅...
“ Not gonna happen. I already fell for one of your tricks, it won't happen again. ”

Roman quickly dodged the kick and did some hand signs. When he finished a all rose out ofnthe round behind Akira.


"Here goes!" Roman said before attacking.



Mayyflower said:
(Okay, Kotori is at the front gates)
(( Alright~ ))

Aaron smirked as he made his way to the gates of the school, his hands behind his head as he looked at the place.

"Haven't even been inside, but I already like the place~"



Nonalaka said:
((Anyone free? :'3))
I have, my shy and nice guy Cecil~

Mayyflower said:
Rin opened an eye. "Yea" she says tiredly
Len looked at her "want me to give you five more minutes?" he asked softly.


Nonalaka said:
((Anyone free? :'3))
SoulofTobi said:
Roland chuckled "it is a shame indeed, but I'm not to worried." he said happily "because i have the girl of my dreams in my arms." he said sweetly.
((your alerts are broken again, aren't they? ;- ;) )
Roman said:
Roman quickly dodged the kick and did some hand signs. When he finished a all rose out ofnthe round behind Akira.

"Here goes!" Roman said before attacking.



(( Alright~ ))

Aaron smirked as he made his way to the gates of the school, his hands behind his head as he looked at the place.

"Haven't even been inside, but I already like the place~"



I have, my shy and nice guy Cecil~

((I have Moriko and Kairassi :D ))
Nonalaka said:
((I have Moriko and Kairassi :D ))
(( He's at the cafe~ I would have had him with his friend Aaron, but I have plans with them later

^°^ ))
Roman said:
Roman quickly dodged the kick and did some hand signs. When he finished a all rose out ofnthe round behind Akira.

"Here goes!" Roman said before attacking.

...♅Akira smirked and dodged the attack, soon slamming his hand into Roman's back. He then followed it up with a kick to the back. He then increased his power, his hair spiking up and turning golden, along with his eyes turning a blue/green colour. He spoke, his golden aura surrounding him♅...

“ Let's begin the real training. ”

SoulofTobi said:
Len looked at her "want me to give you five more minutes?" he asked softly.

((your alerts are broken again, aren't they? ;- ;) )
((Yes ;-; most replies I have to go find))

Dakota giggled lightly as she looked up at him "Is that so?" She asked happily "So, where are we wandering to?"
Nonalaka said:
((Yes ;-; most replies I have to go find))
Dakota giggled lightly as she looked up at him "Is that so?" She asked happily "So, where are we wandering to?"
Roland smiled down at her "it is so~" he said happily "and as for where we're wandering to, well, where ever we end up."
WeirdPrincess said:
...Sakie sighed and hung her head as she began to eat the food she just made, grumbling under her breath as she did. This guy was a pain in the butt, she knew that much. Sakie glared at him and remained silent as she continued to eat...
What made him wanna follow her most... Was that she reminded him of himself when he was younger. He didn't wanna be near anyone. He just wanted to be left alone in his own sadness... There was only one person that didn't give up on trying to make him feel better... He wanted to repay that debt. After all, that person had suffered a much graver fate than he did. He began eating as well. "SO GOOD!" He said happily as his eyes sparkled with happiness.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira smirked and dodged the attack, soon slamming his hand into Roman's back. He then followed it up with a kick to the back. He then increased his power, his hair spiking up and turning golden, along with his eyes turning a blue/green colour. He spoke, his golden aura surrounding him♅...
“ Let's begin the real training. ”


Roman chuckled, as he recovered from the kick. "Well then, you first." He said, grinning. "Now I won't be the only one attacking."

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