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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''im sure she'll stop growing when she looks 16''
*She said bringing in the pancakes and serving it to Shira and Airi*

''thanks mama!''

*Airi then started eating her pancakes (they already have syrup)*

Shira just laughed as she looked at airi then started on her own pancakes "I wonder where Mitsu is" she said before mitsu popped her head out at the stairs "m-mom" she said an embarased look on her face
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira just laughed as she looked at airi then started on her own pancakes "I wonder where Mitsu is" she said before mitsu popped her head out at the stairs "m-mom" she said an embarased look on her face

''Mitsu! come down for breakfast! i made pancakes!''
SoulofTobi said:
Roland nuzzled her neck "i wish i could do more for you." he said sweetly before letting out a yawn himself.
Dakota giggled lightly "You already do so much for me I've never been happier" she said quietly.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"You act like its embarasing if your in here while I change sweetheart" she said as she kissed Mia's cheek and giggled as she started to change already

Mia chuckled, blushing a little as she semi-watched Anna get dressed
SoulofTobi said:
Ayen smiled "okay, well, I'll be in the kitchen preparing food." he said as he set Rin on the couch.
Amaya held both Rin and Len. "Ima get them dressed" she says heading into the kids rooms
Nonalaka said:
Dakota giggled lightly "You already do so much for me I've never been happier" she said quietly.
Roland smiled into her neck "but i want to make you happier still..." he said before kissing her neck.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''Mitsu! come down for breakfast! i made pancakes!''

"C-can you come here mom... Please" mitsu said in a desperate and embarrassed tone as she stood there hiding all but her head
TheBigBladeWolf said:
Black thought quickly F..family guy
" NO!!!" i yell " that is the worst show i have ever seen. I like shows with an actual lesson to be learned. not something like the ghastly robot chicken and south park" I suddenly shiver " how about... a diffrent one... "
Mayyflower said:
Mia chuckled, blushing a little as she semi-watched Anna get dressed
Annabel laughed happily as she finished then grabed her sandals and laced then up her legs before walking over to Mia "ready" she said happily to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"C-can you come here mom... Please" mitsu said in a desperate and embarrassed tone as she stood there hiding all but her head


*Yuki then heads up the stairs to Mitsu*

*Airi just watches*
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Annabel laughed happily as she finished then grabed her sandals and laced then up her legs before walking over to Mia "ready" she said happily to her

Mia smiled and made her self appear in new clothes. "You look beautiful" she says happily
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Yuki then heads up the stairs to Mitsu*

*Airi just watches*

"M-mom m-my bras are to small" she whispered completely embarased about it as she kinda tried to hide her self


Mayyflower said:
Mia smiled and made her self appear in new clothes. "You look beautiful" she says happily
"And so do you" she said softly as she placed her hands on Mia's hips then kissed her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"M-mom m-my bras are to small" she whispered completely embarased about it as she kinda tried to hide her self

"And so do you" she said softly as she placed her hands on Mia's hips then kissed her

Mia smiled and kissed her back. "Thank you" she says sweetly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"M-mom m-my bras are to small" she whispered completely embarased about it as she kinda tried to hide her self

"And so do you" she said softly as she placed her hands on Mia's hips then kissed her


*She then goes to her room for a moment. She comes out with one of her bras and a sweater*

''well, do you wanna wear my bra or a sweater?''
lostsoul said:
" NO!!!" i yell " that is the worst show i have ever seen. I like shows with an actual lesson to be learned. not something like the ghastly robot chicken and south park" I suddenly shiver " how about... a diffrent one... "
How about...We just go back Black says looking around

(@lostsoul I'm gonna rest now,Don't move Alex.)
Mayyflower said:
Amaya held both Rin and Len. "Ima get them dressed" she says heading into the kids rooms
Ayen nodded before he started making sandwiches.
Nonalaka said:
"Mhm, he has the talent of being able to sleep anywhere" she said before poking him with her foot. "Get up" she said plainly to him.
He rolled over before sitting up "What time is it?" He muttered as his eyes still glazed over a bit as he yawned before lazily waving at Yumi "Oh, hello..."

"I was just reading a comic book, basic superhero stuff, nothing very interesting" she said laughing lightly.
Yumi laughed and waved back at him, "Hi." She said before looking at Yuna, "Superhero's? Which one?" She asked, generally interested in the comic.
William walked back into the house stumbling around a little from how tired he was "But...It's morning...I can't sleep....I'll....Just go eat...Yeah...That should help" He said to himself as he walked into the kitchen

@Himeragi Seiker @Daniel reaver (I got bored AF)
SoulofTobi said:
Roland smiled into her neck "but i want to make you happier still..." he said before kissing her neck.
Dakota smiled "You could easily make me happier without even trying, you're you after all"

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