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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

mitsu slapped william "how could you do this to me will!!!" she yelled in anger as she got up in his face tears welling up in her eyes "i loved you so much and you had to constantly go after girls other than me! what was i never good enough or was it because i wasn't ready to have sex!!!!" she yelled in anger at him wanting to know why


jasper blushed a little more before he pulled her into a hug and they appeared at the beach even though it was night time "th-this was the only place i know about" he said as he let go of her

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]mitsu slapped william "how could you do this to me will!!!" she yelled in anger as she got up in his face tears welling up in her eyes "i loved you so much and you had to constantly go after girls other than me! what was i never good enough or was it because i wasn't ready to have sex!!!!" she yelled in anger at him wanting to know why

William placed a hand on his cheek surprised "I........I DON'T KNOW!" He yelled back
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Shingo laughed. "Tell that to them when they started randomly attacking us. We were only doing the right thing in defending ourselves."

Tyler tilted his head so she had better access to his neck, his face was starting to turn bright red.
"The truth is, the ones who choose violence as a way of showing power are the weak ones" she says.
LunaCrosby said:
Zero caught her, knowing imnedietly what she was saying "that bitch viper..." he growled and picked Lexi up, not knowing what to do "if she touches you she's dead" he grumbled.
Viper chuckled, watching them from the distance. "Oh darling we only just started.." She laughs turning away.
"then why did you do it am i not good enough to be with you!!!!!" she yelled back at him as she stared at him tears in her eyes

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"then why did you do it am i not good enough to be with you!!!!!" she yelled back at him as she stared at him tears in her eyes

William sighed and put his hands in his pockets a bit of blood drawn from his cheek "I don't need to explain....Because it seems you already decided you hate me" He said sadly
mitsu slowly started to back away and silently cry not wanting to hear that from him "fine think what you wish!!" she yelled in anger and sadness before she dissapered

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]mitsu slowly started to back away and silently cry not wanting to hear that from him "fine think what you wish!!" she yelled in anger and sadness before she dissapered

William sighed as blood rolled down his cheek and he slid down a tree "I knew it was too good to be" He said sadly
LunaCrosby said:
Zero caught her, knowing imnedietly what she was saying "that bitch viper..." he growled and picked Lexi up, not knowing what to do "if she touches you she's dead" he grumbled.
Lexi's body began twitching uncontrollably.
mitsu appeared on the roof of the school leaning against the wall near the door curled up in a ball "why will why why why was i not good enough for you" she said into her knees
Daniel reaver]jasper blushed a little "th-thats good" he said fumbling over his words slightly as he watched raven wondering what she was gonna do about the swim suits [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
Raven flicked her wrist and a purple swimming suit appears on her body. She turns to jasper and smiles.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]mitsu appeared on the roof of the school leaning against the wall near the door curled up in a ball "why will why why why was i not good enough for you" she said into her knees

William stood up the drop of blood falling "NO! I am not giving up again!" He yelled to himself "I have to tell her why I did that!"
Sora sighs while looking at the courtyard. "I'm boward." He frowns as he swings his feet back and forward.
LunaCrosby said:
Zero stared "I'm worried yet scared..."
Lexi stopped twitching and just layed there............... Peacefully... Too peacefully.


Daniel reaver]jasper blushed as he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes not being able to take them off of her 'so... cute' he thought [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
Raven blushed noticing jasper staring at her. "Heh" she smiling
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]mitsu cryed into her arms as she sat there in a ball feeling heart broken and lost now

William appeared next to her "Hey.....Listen if you want me to tell you then I will" He said softly
mitsu tryed to stop her crying when he appeared "wh-why did you do that... why did you cheat on me so many times" she asked in a wimper


jasper went wide eyed and blushed more shaking his head frankly "n-no im not!!" he said in an embarasded and defiant way

Sora lies back, looking at the boy and mitsu. He frowns and says quietly "Drama ish nawt gewd." He then stares at them silently.

@shortyshot8 @Daniel reaver
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]mitsu tryed to stop her crying when he appeared "wh-why did you do that... why did you cheat on me so many times" she asked in a wimper

William sat next to her "I just thought that if I could have all the girls I maybe just maybe....Wouldn't feel like a Monster.....Yet it just made me feel worse" He said sadly

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