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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Witch tensed up and lept forwards, rushing at an incredible speed she bounced up off the ground and twisted dropping onto all fours shindig herb nails into the dirt and slid kicking up dust and dirt she shook out her short hair and adjusted her goggles and her hat, she kept them on at all times... And had learned how to work with her claws, they where pretty useful now
wolfborn4 said:
Witch tensed up and lept forwards, rushing at an incredible speed she bounced up off the ground and twisted dropping onto all fours shindig herb nails into the dirt and slid kicking up dust and dirt she shook out her short hair and adjusted her goggles and her hat, she kept them on at all times... And had learned how to work with her claws, they where pretty useful now
(R u running xD )
(Okay i kno your running) Kai wwatched as witch ran "were could she be going" he thought in his head he followed witch to her destination.He ran as fast as he could to match her speed she was so fast kai was surprised he could catch up he started to breath hard and thats when he ran into a tree "ah!" He yelled.
"I'm fine...just running from an alarm..I was afraid of getting closed in by the infected...." Alice mumbled, rubbing her shoulder. "Oh, right this...dint worry its not a bite..." She added.
Mifune nodded. "I can tell," he said. "Do you have any specific place you're planning on going? I've just been wandering..."
It had been days since Scarlet had seen anyone who wasn't infected. She preferred it this way. She sat in the back of a dark ally with her pistol ready in her hands. There was a small shop she had been watching for a couple of days waiting for the right time to slip in and scavenge what she could.

She continued to wait watching zombie after zombie slowly make it's way past the ally entrance. She smirk seeing her opening as she pulled her goggles down over her eyes. She made her way quickly down the ally and took a quick turn to the left constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure there were no zombies coming her way.

Once again sure she was clear she broke in a window and climbed through into the store. She quickly readied her weapon again and quietly moved around the building checking to make sure it was clear. She moved quickly checking each isle before putting her weapon away. Her next task was to find any non perishables.

She quickly headed towards the canned goods section and began filling her pack. Next she moved to find water then medical supplies. Her pack was soon full so she sealed it and swung securely back onto her back. She knew to take only what she could carry in order to keep from burdening herself if she had to fight. She drew her weapon again and began her exit plan, again waiting and watching to be sure her path is clear.
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-[[ Oh. xD ]]- Hunter didn't expect this at first but since he knew she was specially infected he was not that surprised with it. He played out like he did not know she was behind him just to let her take in his own features before he could take in hers. Ladies first after all.
Witch blinked and tilted her head at Hunter, she stood up and dusted herself off watching him the entire time... She knew he had seen her, she knew that he knew she was behind him, and he was defiantly like her... Special infected. " I'm guessing you speak English so " she cleared her throat for effect " hello "
Its been 11 days since Amber has seen another human being, unfortunately the person wasn't alive for long. Amber has been camping out at a small convenience store when she heard a woman screaming. She would have helped if she could, but it was far too late. This woman was running away from a zombie, calling for help; the load screams led more to her location and she became surrounded. When Amber moved to the window to see if she can give a hand, the lady got cut off and attacked by 4 of the infected. With that happening just across the street, Amber stayed in the store for another 2 days.

At this moment the street is clear, not a thing in sight but most likely won't stay this way for long. Amber travels down the road, her eyes scanning her surroundings with her ears open listening intently. With a rifle handing by a strap off her shoulder, a bag slug over her shoulder and the small pistal strapped to her leg just below the knee Amber hops to find any body else that may be stuck in this hell. There are just so many of them and these infected keep growing by the second. Amber just hopes she can survive this, that perhaps everyone else has already been transported out of here and to some safe place, if there is such a thing.
(yo peeps)

Talon was making a batch of his special poison bulletswhen he saw some zombies walking around aimlesly. he narrowed his eyes and calmly picked u his sniperand dropped the walking carcasses like bowling pins.
He leaned his head and entire body back so that his legs and feet were in the same place but he was upside down facing her. "Well I can't reveal my secret." He said clearly speaking the language. He then leaned back up and turned his entire body around. His clothes were stained with blood not of just infected humans. But normal humans as well. His claws were soaked with the crimson bodily fluid which dripped slowly onto the ground below them. "Hello." His hoodie that was pulled over his head blew about as the wind came by them.
Witch didn't seem faded by the blood on him and seeing how calm he was she rubbed her claws together before sitting down she drew in the dirt making a picture of Hunter on the pole she wasn't an artist but it was pretty accurate
A woman ran past screaming her head off. "Idiot.."when the zombies chasing her had surrounded and infected her he pulled out his AK7U and mowed 7 down. the other 6 turned and came at him to get him also. Talon merely got up and drew his 2 machetes and cut 2 down before they even had time 2 react. after finnishing the other 4 off. he kicked the corpses away and sat back down to finnish making the batch of poison bullets
Kai got up and seen a pile of zombies coming for him he was quick to react and pulled his silenced ak out and killed 4 the other 4 still came for him so he pulled his katana out and sliced two heads of and shot the others with his silenced pistols. 'That was to easy" he said with a smirk on his face he continued to run and tryed to find that city again " there we are"he said. He found the city and started running towards it he tryed to find a can of beans and he found some in the super market.
11 days later Talon was moving along the rooves of some shorter buildings when he looked down and saw 2 zombies aparently conversing. he was too far to hear nyhing but they seemed to be talking. he whipped out his sniper and was about to drop them but somehing stayed his trigger finger

@TheDeathGod @wolfborn4
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"Well well well. We have a artist here." He thought outloud and rubbed his chin before he heard footsteps on the roof above them. He turned to the sight and looked straight up at the person who was pointing the Rifle at them. He smiled wickedly and played the scared innocent card but before he looked back up he put on a worried face. "Hey there. We need no trouble this is my wife and we're just trying to find our way out of this city."

@wolfborn4 @Talon
Scarlet finally found the opening she was waiting for and made a break for it back towards the neighbourhood she had been camping in. Clearing out a house or two was easy and they weren't hard to board up and keep guarded once done. She had been staying there for at least 3 weeks now and had yet to run into any issues. She kept her things in such a way that it would only take seconds for her to up and move out there without a trace should the situation call for it.

The neighbourhood was soon in sight and Scarlet slowed her pace once again drawing her pistol. She needed to stay on guard at all times, she couldn't risk a single slip up. Not in this world. She cautiously made her way down the street keeping her eyes open for any infected roaming about or any others like her. Even with those who weren't infected she remained on guard. This world had become every man for themselves.
"...red eyes..." "you cant epect me to believe thet nd your so called wife has huge claws ya right zombie.

I dont know how you can talk and i dont care...go to sleep."

talon puls the trigger ana bullet shoots staight for the male zombis head.

@TheDeathGod @wolfborn4
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Witch growled and kicked off the ground she climbed up the building wall and then jumped up kicking the gun from the mans hands she flipped and landed in front of him " Hey, we weren't attacking you... Hell we weren't even doing anything " she growled and sliced her claws against each other glowing a bit brighter she glared at the guy

@Talon @TheDeathGod

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