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The Dragon and the Fox (1x1) [Telios & Guardia]

"Well, it will be when my wings heal," she nodded, sighing softly. "It's late, Ty. You should go home and get some rest," she patted his hand sadly.
Dusk smiled and squeezed his paw. "I said that as well but soon the nurses will kick you out."
Tydre nodded. "But still, I feel better being with you. If I was forced to leave, I would be worried sick."
"I feel better with you too. And this is how I felt for quite awhile when you went into a coma. So you're lucky," she teased.
Ryder nodded with a smile, watching Dusk falling asleep. He leaned back into the chair and slowly went asleep.
Their paws stayed linked and somehow the nurses skipped their room when they were checking for visitors.

Dusk woke up and let out a yelp. Then she sighed and closed her eyes. "Sorry. I didn't remember where I was for a second..."

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