• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Downers (Characters/Creation Guide)


Ippen, Shinde Miru?

  • Ode To Agony A girls heart, in it's most natural form, is the vessel of purity. The virtue an untainted soul may reach drives them to a level of righteous power, Ascension.

    But what happens when a girls heart, our only vessels of purity, sinks into the depths of agony?

    One of two things happens. You either become a vile-blood, a monster tormented by the pain of ones past, or you become a Downer. Magical girls who turn their vices into powers to slay vile-bloods.

    The Downers (OOC Chat/Open for more) - OOC


    How to make a character

    Please read the following. It is important that all these instructions are considered to assure all the Downers are thematically fitting. Additionally, it may be advantageous to look at the lore-thread (when I get it up) to further flesh out your character.

    What is a downer? - As you may already know from the interest thread, a downer is the opposite of a virtue. Virtues are essentially your standard "Magical Girls" who get power from their purity of will and heart. With a Downer, you are allowed more creative liberties. A Downer receives their powers from two major things.

    1.) A girl (Typically between the ages of 13-18 although the age can vary) who's heart has sunk so deep into a vice that they're on the verge of becoming a corrupted Vile-Blood is contacted by the benefactor (A mysterious entity that comes in many forms) They are offered a better life and power in exchange for fighting vile-bloods.

    2.) The Vice itself. This part is the part where you can have fun with it. The Downer's powers are related to their vice directly or thematically.

    - A girl addicted to smoking who can turn into a cloud of smoke, vent hot smoke at a target, and can quell flames.

    - A girl who abuses pills, has no innate powers until certain pills are ingested that give her different effects.

    It's also important to note that each Downer has a
    "True-Blood" form that alters their appearance slightly. In this form they become resistant to almost most conventional weapons and receive a general power-boost. How the transformation alters their appearance and powers is up to you to decide.

    How did the benefactor contact them? - The true nature and goals of the benefactor will be fleshed out as we RP, but it is vital that one includes how the benefactor contacted them. Their is almost no wrong answer here considering the benefactor can take countless forms. Be creative and have fun!

    Additionally, as a final note, the Role-Play begins in super-Detroit within Vice Tower. The character doesn't need to be from Super-Detroit but be sure to consider this when creating your character.

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IN PROGRESS Almost done, I promise
Note: if abilities are unreasonable or too op, please inform me. I am always open to suggestions and changes.

Name: Iris Lund

Age: 17

Vice(s): Gambling, drinking

Sexuality: Bisexual


Weight: 126lb

Body Type: Straight (for those who don't know, it's a body type where shoulders and hips are the same with)

Complexion: pale

Physical Marks: (Scars, Piercings, Tattoos etc.) Tattoo behind right shoulder(yin yang eeveelutions), and another tattoo on her left inner wrist (a small queen of clubs card) tattoo:

True Blood Form Appearance:

The Gambler(it's what the outfit is called because I wanted to give it a name):
Her outfit changes into a formal black suit with cufflinks, a handkerchief and overcoat. Her hair is straightened down and hangs neatly. The cufflinks on the suit and her handkerchief changes according to what color/card suit her ability ends up on.

-Cell phone: just in case
-Wallet: contains a small amount of cash, a good fake ID, and a photograph of her younger brother.
-Roulette wheel: apart of her gambling vice ability. Appears and spins automatically. will do something corresponding to the number it lands on.
-Card suit die: Apart of her gambling vice ability: A 4 sided die with each of the card suits on it. Will appear in her hand as requested. She has to roll it to gain an ability. No one else may roll this die, if they do, it does nothing.
-A gun with 5 blanks and one bullet. randomizes after every shot. It appears when a 6 is landed on the roulette wheel
-A Great sword with the blade on fire. It can appear at will if a club is rolled. With practice, The user can fling flaming slashes at a target.

-Logical: From simple everyday decisions to mind bending logic puzzles, Iris will use logical roots behind most aspects in her life.
-Observant: Noticing the small things can hold multiple advantages and bonuses such as, telling if someone is lying some of the time, noticing shifts in behavior, or mostly hidden details.
-Sci-fi trivia: She is knowledgeable in the culture and art of science fiction, being able to answer some of the hardest questions.
-Multilingual: The language barrier doesn't stand a chance against her boredom. Learning not just one language but two other then English. Italian and Chinese.
-Studious: Dominating the casinos at night, leads to rich boredom in the day. Often cases, she will set a random task for herself and will set priority to do it.

-Allergies: She is deathly allergic to sulphites and wallnuts. Consuming either will cause her neck to swell up, chocking her to death unless a epipen is used.
-Musically enept: No matter how much she tries, her singing voice is prabaly worse then a screeching chalk board. She can't dance either.
-Addictions: her addictions bring uncontrollable urges if she doesn't comply over a period of time. Also known as withdrawal.

Abilities & Powers:
Roulette: A tableless European roulette spinner appears infront of her with the ball already in motion. Each number has a diffrent effect, each relating to the resulting number. Her suit changes accordingly to the color and number of the landed number. Effects last 5 min.
Number effects:
36: (r) a orb of floating light still appear and illuminate the area around her. The light follows her wherever she goes
35: (b) puts target to sleep for 35min.
34: (r) works as a clairvoyance, showing a path to a requested destination until ability wears off.
33: (b) target becomes a magnet to "uncommon occurrences" that seems attracted to them (struck by lightning, food poisoning, plane accidents, winning the lottery, ect.).
32: (r) Temperature reduces to 32°F in 30ft sphere around Iris.
31: (b) A classic Halloween witch's broomstick appears, and she can travel long distances in short amounts of time. The speed is about as equivalent to a car's, except a little faster.
30: (r) target gets turned into a house cat
29: (b) A pair of copper brass knuckles appears on iris
28: (b) target becomes temporarily blind
27: (r) creates a wall of unnatural shade. The wall is not see though, but you can go through it. Can be 27 meters in length, but is 1 meter wide.
26: (b) Iris can buy anything with a price tag on it, and pay nothing for it (but she better make herself scarce when the time runs out and people realize she got something with 1mil for free).
25: (r) a Christmas present appears for a target with whatever iris chooses (that's reasonable of course) but it disappears when the effect wears off.
24: (b) organizes an area. Organization remains after ability wears off
23: (r) 23 pounds of pure rock is tossed at a target
22: (b)a titanium crowbar with a floral pattern appears in iris' hands
21: (r) a random glass of liquor appears
20: (b) Iris' vision is brought to 20/20, but it's hard to tell with such a small difference.
19: (r) target gets 19 years older and returns back to normal when the effect wares off
18: (r) switches the gender of a target until effect wares off, unless in the light of a full moon. Then they will retain their new identity. They would have to repeat this process to transform back.
17: (b) chlorine gass appears and iris could control where it goes. See Google for effects
16: (r) 16 ounces of solid gold appears, but turns to coal when effect wears off
15: (b) target becomes a quincinera pinata, until effect wears off. Any damages sustained to the target remain
14: (r) target object weighs 14 pounds. Until effects wear off
13: (b) Creates up to 13 undead minions that collapse into ash when effect wears off. Must have something dead around to show effect (fish, rat, person, ants, bird, ect.).
12: (r) a foot long ruler appears in her hand. Nothing significant.
11: (b) Gravity is lessened for Iris and what she is wearing. Nothing else.
10: (b) a antique toy Ben 10 watch appears. It's only a toy.
9: (r) A magical house cat appears from nothing. This cat will automatically be attaches to Iris. On a full moon, instead of it disappearing after 5min, it stays until it dies.
8: (b) a pre-setup chess board appears and will vanish when the game is done.
7: (r) charms target for 24 hours
6: (b) a gun appears in iris' hand with 5 blanks and 1 real bullet. Bullets are randomized every shot.
5: (r) 5 golden rings appear and do not vanish when 5min are up
4: (b) a four leaf clover appears, then vanishes. That's it.
3: (r) Iris views everything from a over the shoulder third person perspective.
2: (b) 2 pears appears. The fruit.
1: (r) a stick in the shape of the number one appears. The stick does nothing, but at least it has a leaf.
0: (g) A target will experience incredible amounts of pain. Emotional or Physical. The target is considered extremely unlucky for getting this. The effect will end in half the time for everything else, in most cases, giving them a great sence of fear from Iris.
Dice in suits: A 4 sided die appears. On each end, a card suit(club, hearts, ect.). When rolled, the outcome will be her ability for the next 24 hours unless the die is rolled again or she releases the transformation. Her suit changes accordingly.
Suit abilities:
-Club: Allows control over the wind and can manifest a sharp breeze as long as there's ventilation in the room. Often used for unpredictable gusts of air, relocating things with a strong breeze(A gun out of a hand, a hat off a head, rain from landing on her, ect.), or using intense air pressure, lifting her off the ground. Weaknesses include anything heavy, aerodynamics, fast moving objects/magic, physical attacks against her, no air ventilation/sealed areas, and soundwaves.
-Heart: Allows control over the hearts over most men and some women. Depending on their sexuality and susceptibility. When she has control, she can get the charmed to do almost anything except kill themselves. If constantly used, she can create a instant army of overwhelming loyal followers to do whatever she wants. People who are attracted to men and people with strong romantic loyalties are immune.
-Diamond: Allows control over the earth and the ground under them. Incredibly defensive, and versatile. It's weaknesses include, blunt attacks (baseball bat, hammer, ect.), High speed penetration attacks(bullets, ect.), Super sharp attacks(sharp magic, blades). Her cuff links and handkerchief have a red diamond shape on them and her undershirt becomes red.
-Spade: A Great sword with a blade on fire appears in the hands of Iris. With practice, The user can fling flaming slashes at a target. Weakness include water, ranged attacks, and speedy melee attacks.
Fortunate: luck often comes her way, sometimes stranger then others. More often then not, she gets exactly what she needs, rather then what she wants.

Personality: Protective, rash, and thoughtful, she wants the best for the people she cares about. She will go as far to even kill if it allowed her family to live a normal life. It's not uncommon to see her make high stake decisions without thinking them through. She can often be seen as a asshole due to her constant "teasing" and attitude towards specific topics.

Backstory: Born and raised in the ghetto of Minneapolis.
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WIP Still need work. Not to sure yet what to put.


Name: Jasmine Cardin


Vice(s): Pills

Sexuality: Lesbian

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 111

Complexion: Pale

Physical Marks: Large welts on Cut marks down her stomach.

True Blood Form Appearance:

Equipment: (It is important to note that Downers use both equipment they obtain or summoned weapons. If you think something might be a bit too powerful, you can run it by me.)

Strengths: (Describe each in over a sentence. at least 3 strengths and weaknesses. The key here is not to create a perfect "equilibrium" of weaknesses and strengths, try and mix it up and make an interesting character. Do note that Downers have a resistance to their vice, but are not absolutely immune to it.)


Abilities & Powers: (Be sure to specify how good they are at a certain ability, Example: Adept at hacking. Powers must be related or thematically fitting to their vice)

Personality: (At least a paragraph)

Yulia Smith
Age: 14
Vice(s): Pyromania, overall aggressiveness...
Sexuality: Eh... She hasn't given it much thought...


Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Lean, but surprisingly muscular
Complexion: Fair
Physical Marks: None
True Blood Form Appearance: idk

Equipment: Maybe she'll find something later.

- Smart. Extremely smart. Not academically (bruh she's only been to a proper school for like four years).
- Art. To her, art is an escape from reality. It turns out she has quite the talent for it, too.
- Bilingual in English and Russian, for reasons that will soon become obvious.
- Stoic. Many things don't phase her. Could come in handy if dire situations happen.
- Realistic...

- But also pessimistic. You're going to have to see for yourself which one is which.
- Apathetic... ish. See, it's not that she doesn't care about anything (I mean she doesn't, but she's still got things she cares about), it's that she's really only looking out for herself.
- Rebellious. Hates being forced into situations.
- Aggressive. Offend her? You're going down.
- Grumpy. Always grumpy. Never smiles. Never laughs. Just a Debby Downer.
- Bad at venting. Her ways of venting include burning and destroying.

Abilities & Powers:
- Firebending!!!! She can control fires and create fires, and she do amazing things with her fire, but she can't put them out.
- Super strong and super durable, though she hasn't really adjusted to the strength boosting.
- Harder, better, faster, stronger... yeah no I'm just kidding but really she's been boosted to do better at close combat.
- Seriously just think Natsu.

Personality: Let's start with Yulia's good personality traits, ja? Yulia is uhh... very, VERY passionate about things she cares about. She also has a strong sense of loyalty. Normally she's sarcastic and kinda pessimistic, throwing insults and being generally grumpy. To her, she's alone, and all she can do is defend herself.

Yulia cares about things, they're just not exactly practical things. How do I explain this? She doesn't love her adoptive parents. She doesn't exactly love her biological mother, either, but she feels a connection and regardless prefers her "real" mother over her "fake" one.

The girl's an introvert who would love nothing more than to stay at home, painting or watching YouTube. She tends to be defiant and rebellious, probably a result of ODD.

Backstory: Yulia lived a slightly less than decent life in Russia with a single mother who suffered many addictions herself, like alcohol and drugs. Nevertheless, the girl loved her mother. The two continued on until Yulia turned seven, where her mother couldn't take it anymore. She gave Yulia up to an orphanage.

Yulia stayed in that orphanage, her life slightly less decent now than before. She slept on the floor, surrounded by other children. She saw many children leave, and never come back. It scared her.

Then, when Yulia was 10, she was adopted by two loving parents who lived in (insert city name that I forgot). Yulia thought she was being kidnapped. So the following period of time was filled with defiance, screaming, ODD, burning things, destroying things, and threatening self harm and harm to others.

So her parents, who definitely had no idea how tough adoption would be, gave her up to another family. Cue more violence and screaming. But this time, her new parents she stuck with her and put her through therapy, and over time she wasn't as violent. She still hated her situation and her parents, but she was threatening self harm or screaming.

What she did frequently do, though, was destroy things and burn them whenever she got upset or frustrated. To this day her therapist is trying to help her with it.
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Name: Amélie Backwall

Age: 17

Vice(s): Self-Harm (Cutting, burning, purging,etc.), Alcholism, Smoking

Sexuality: Demi-Sexual

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 123 Pounds

Body Type: Lithe, hourglass figure, slightly toned and athletic.

Complexion: Fair, pale

Physical Marks: Straight, uniform scars on both her wrist and upper thighs, along with not so uniform scars from her abusers

True Blood Appearance:

Equipment: Normally, Amélie fights with a large ornate, silver knife, and has a back up knife. But she can summon other baldes as well.

- High-Pain Tolerance - After the years of self harm and abuse, she's gotten use to the pain. Though this can also be a weakness because she often doesn't realise how seriously injured she can be.
- Stoic - She's been through enough that most things down phase her.
- Understanding and Patient - Amélie is actually a very good person to talk to about your problems. She may not give good advice, but she's a great listener, and sometimes, thats all you really need.
- Good at Baking - She's the best at Baking and willn often surprise people with treats. Cookies will sometimes be specially shaped. Like some dice, or a small fire.
- Reasourful - Due to some events in her childhood, she has excellent survival skills.

- Chronic Depression - Dispite trying tonnage others happen, and trying her best to be there for them, Amélie suffers from severe depression. She takes medication to help deal with it but...
- Prescription Dependant - She's reliant on her medication to get her out of bed every day. She's not addicted to it, but she needs them.in order to have the energy and motivation to actually do anything.
- Alcoholic - She's still an alcoholic, and relies on it to get to sleep. It's not a very good combination with her medication, but she can't help it. Sleeping drugs won't ward of nightmares. Speaking of which...
- PTSD - Amélie suffers from mild PTSD. She doesn't have flashbacks, but she can be triggered by someone touching her when she can't see them and suffers from nightmares and night terrors. She'll often wake up screaming.

Abilities & Powers:
Manipulation of own Blood: Amélie is able to manipulate her own blood, and use it to attack by hardening it, or using it as a sort if whip. She can also create things. These things are normally just small fugures, that last as long as she focuses on them. A small prick of her finger, or any open wound will be enough for her to draw in her own blood. And to avoid going into Berserker Mode, She can have someone else cut her if need be.
Bersker Mode: Triggered by cutting herself, Amélie goes into a type of Berserker state which increases her speed, her strength, and increases her third abbilty to a slightly larger scale.
Summoning and Control of Baldes: They have to have be knives she either owns or summons in order for it to work.

Personality: A quiet, seemingly kind girl is what Amélie can be described as. She takes any bullying that may come her way with a soft smile, and after your done, she's the one who says I'm sorry. She lacks confidence, is dependant on booze in order to sleep, and hates anything to do with abuse. Amélie hates talking about her past, but if she knows you well enough, she's willing to open up. But as you know, every quiet girl has a breaking point. For Amélie it's loud and violent. She lashes out, screaming, un fraid of what the consequences of her words will be. It's those times the ones she trust better be close by to calm her down, which result in an emotionally exhausted girl who has tears streaming down her face as she breaksdown. After these episodes, she doesn't talk, doesn't really acknowledge the fact anyone is around her, or even the simple fact she exist.

Backstory: Let me warn you, it's a fucked up tale of sad. So, it all starts with two teen lovers, who end up getting married because her father got her mother pregnant. And for a while, it almost seemed like they would be okay, up until a little after Amélie was born. Her father, with help from his older brothers, started to drink, and her mother, right after Amélie was done breastfeeding, starting using drugs. It wasn't clear which one she was on during the day because she often switched. From a year to five years old, Amélie was giving the bare minimum of attention in order to keep her alive. Thank god for her survival instincts or else she may have been in a very bad place. Two years later however, her uncles Phil and Randy, began to pay a lot of attention to her. They'd buy her gifts, make sure she was okay, help her with homework and play with her. She started to have nightmares and wet the bed shortly after. You know, a young girls doll is a reflection of how she sees herself. Amélie's had short hair, was marked on, cut, never had any clothes because that's how she saw herself. Disgusting. By the age of ten, She had begun to hurt herself. She didn't really know how she was doing it, but her showers were always a little to hot. She was careless when if can to what would give her bruises, She would often stay up until the point of exhaustion, it sleep to much to avoid eating. At the age of twelve, she began to cut herself on top of everything else that she was either doing to herself, or what was happening to her. Because her uncles escalated from molestation, to rape, her parents began to beat her, and she was bullied at school because she didn't shower as often as she should have, and wasn't taken care of. She wore the same thing almost every day. Thankfully, these types of things don't go unnoticed in the private school her grandmother insisted she go to; unforntuanlltly, nothing was done about it because Amélie didn't talk to anyone. The abuse would.only esculate to the point it drive her to start drinking at 14, and because her father only seemed to buy alcohol, it was easy. She started to lash out and would come to school smelling like booze and smoke. Three years of continued abuse, drinking and smoking, and she had had enough. Downing a big bottle of bourbon, smoking her last pack, she climbed to the roof of her building and slit her wrist. But it didnt end like she planned. She was rushed to the hospital after someone found only after a minute, and saved her life. Turns out, it was the Benefactor. They wanted to give her an offer she couldn't refuse. A way out of her hellish life without having to die. She didn't care about anything else that came with it, she cried just hearing them say she could get away from her parents and uncles.
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