• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic The Dome (accepting)


Shamu the Exasperating ignoramus

This Roleplay beins with the training course of our characters. The leader with be the one training the group for the expedition, the area in which the characters live in is a large high security government building. In this building there are:

Training rooms-


Dorm rooms(with bathrooms/showers/whatever at the end of each corridor)-


Lounge area-




Dining area-


All characters live together.

The outside:

The outside is smog filled abs crawling with the walking dead. It is our goal to get out there. Here is an image of what to expect.




  1. There are eight roles in total, once they're gone they're gone...sorry.
  2. Follow all RPN rules. Anyone that does other wise is out. I will ask you to leave. (and yes that includes fading to black if two characters are getting it on)
  3. No GMs. You can not be bitten and survive like magic! Once you're bitten your bitten unless a limb is removed.
  4. No having every one losing limps and shit.
  5. Please consult owners of characters for permission before killing them! And please say on the OC before killing your own characters.
  6. Have fun, remember this is a game do not argue.
  7. If you have read all these rules put macarena at the bottom of your CS.
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