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Realistic or Modern The Dogs Themselves (CS)



Caught in a storm
Name: Lucky
Age: 6 (Turning 7)
Breed: Golden Retriever
Gender: Male
Physical Condition: Lucky is a mostly healthy dog, although he's had to adapt to survive, and sometimes eats less of what he should or eats things he shouldn't. Despite this his body has grown strong due to the constant move his lifestyle has.
Backstory: Lucky belonged to his Owner Chloe before the Strain was discovered. She was studying to become a medical scientist and was about to land her training.
When the strain occurred the government forced everyone to leave towards quarantine areas. She and Lucky were heartbroken to have to leave eachother. She promised she'd come back for him but she never did. A year later lucky found the quarantined area only to find it devoid any signs of human life. This began his loner lifestyle, he carried what supplies he could from the area and set off on his own. Now it's been 3 years since the outbreak and Lucky has decided to search for clues.
Personality: Lucky is abit of a loner, taking on a fatalistic attitude towards the world. He's lost most of his hope yet a small bit remains in the search for clues. He can be quite brave and due to the increased intelligence given to animals he thinks things through carefully, always listening for rumors or reading words incase they might be important.
Other: Lucky;s birth sign is a Zodiac.

(More info is okay, I only this as a bare minimum)
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Name: One
Age: 11
Breed: Siberian Husky
Gender: Male
Physical Condition: One is a former sled racing dog which has helped out greatly in surviving. However, 3 years of avoiding death can take their toll. Especially comsidering that he could potentially die within the next year of natural causes. This means that he is slower than he once was, though not by much thanks to his constant avoidance of machines.

Backstory: One was the leader of a team of sled dogs. He and his team had numerous wins under their collars before they eventually retired a year before the outbreak. The whole team was reloacated to new homes since their original owner, Bob, couldn't care for them anymore. One has no idea where the rest of his team is or even if they're still alive. He spent approximately a year with Steve, his new owner, before he died due to the disease.
Personality: One is a rather charismatic dog. He is used to leading and feels comfortable in leadership positions. He gets sad when he is alone which is pretty much all the time now. He gets sad about a lot of things.

He is currently looking for a pack to join.
I'm not a dog expert so please correct me on inaccuracies if they're too glaring.
Name: Star
Age: 5 Years
Breed: Siberian Husky
Physical Condition: Somewhat skinny with a swollen belly thanks in part to having to scrounge around for food and being pregnant but her travels have kept her in shape and agile.
Appearance: 9AA17763-AE5B-4289-81B0-67F59074B7A0.jpeg
Backstory: Star remembers safety and warmth the most about living with humans. That was until it was ripped from her upon biting a human who was bullying the boy known as Rabasten. She was only six months then and was taken away, dumped on the side of a country road in a box. It was sleet and cold that night.

She lay in the box for days, no food or water left for her. An older dog found her and raised her in a pack of other dogs, the youngster learning quick to avoid humans at all costs. There she learned the skills necessary for survival though nothing could have prepared them for the virus. When she was two and a half, Star whelped a litter, however inexperience and competition for food resulted in the pups not living past a week. When the virus came and things began to change, the pack began dying, first the old and the pups, then their patrollers. One-by-one the pack perished, some fleeing away from the destruction. Both her alpha and his second bred Star in hopes of the pack continuing through her and their genes. Star has no idea if those who fled the pack are alive but she now wanders alone, trying to survive in a harsh world.
Personality: Star is rather skittish of bigger dogs but loves cold climates and running. She tried to be cheerful and an optimist, often presenting a mellow attitude but can get quite a fierceness to her when she is protecting herself and her unborn pups. It is possible she will become a devotee mother, though she worries how her inexperience might hinder her.
Name: Blaine (Racing name RL’s Blaine)

Age: 5

Breed: Borzoi

Physical Condition: Fair. She is but a tad bit slower than usual, and has lost only a couple of pounds due to her quick thinking (and quick legs). She physically is not as strong as, say, any retriever dogs, but she can easily outrun any other dog. Her endurance has upped from only sprinting a couple of yards to being able to maintain a fast trot for miles.

Personality: Blaine is somewhat nihilistic. She doesn’t believe that they will survive for long, but her determination makes it into a contest between life and death. She is hard headed and strong, doing what she knows is right for her own survival. She can be somewhat selfish but if she believes that another dog can survive with her, she will make it so.

History: Blaine ran as RL’s Blaine, her times in the dog tracks keeping her strong and fit for what came next. She was an esteemed racer, catching some of the best times and earning her spot as a champion. She had only one litter of three small pups, who were sent to a different kennel a couple of states away. Blaine was in the peak of her racing career when the virus was first recorded.

The director of the dog tracks was one of the first to die. As he was also the owner of Blaine’s kennel, her world fell apart. One by one, staffing abandoned the place, leaving only the dogs in their cages and one or two others who tried to tie up loose ends. Blaine believed she would die in that hellish place, surrounded by other terrified hounds. Eventually the remaining staff died, some leaving but others too sick to leave, their lives ending right in the kennels.

A government issued rescue team, sent in part by a dog rescue, finally found Blaine and her companions. They entered the dog kennel, only to find bloated bodies and desperate canines. With only a bit of space in their transport, the rescuers had to let some dogs go. Blaine was one of them.

She roamed for days, hungry and tired. She was tided over by scavenging dead animals (and humans, but only if she was desperate). Rabbits were abundant in some areas, so she was able to catch one whenever she needed, though she knew she couldn’t stay in one place. Blaine joined a small scruffy pack of dogs for a bit, taking over leadership and directing movement. After a while, her nihilistic mindset grew on her. She abandoned the pack in the night, leaving behind not a trace.

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Name: Jack
Age: 1.5 years
Sex: Male
Breed: Irish Setter
Summary: Jack is an adventurous and spritely young dog, just out of puppyhood. Having lived on a rural farm before the Strain took his humans from him, Jack has been fascinated with the world around him. He still doesn't quite understand this whole 'apocalypse' thing, and has been running from his home ever since the humans became undone. Fleeing westward, all he has to rely on are his instincts and natural need to hunt. However, without much formal training, Jack is more interested in pouncing on his potential food instead of killing it.

This has caused the charismatic young pup to seek shelter and refuge with other dogs. He may not be the brightest, but he knows he needs a pack, and fast.
Name: Brandy
Age: 7
Breed: Beagle
Gender: Female
Physical Condition: Lean and bony, but by no means starving. She's kept herself active enough, has so far avoided major disease or injury, and has been finding enough food to get by. She's a great bit smaller than most other dogs, so she tends to avoid getting into big fights.

Brandy lived all her life before in the care of her human, David. While they were great friends and constant companions, more than that they were partners. They'd gone hunting together many times, and they had made a great team back in the day. One day, David had to go. Brandy was always worried when he left, but this time was worse, because she could see David was worried too. Even worse, he never came back.

After what seemed like ages of digging and pawing, Brandy finally made it out of her home and into the outside, but it was different than before. Brandy made it by using the hunting skills David had taught her, but no matter where she went there were no humans anywhere. Refusing to give up, Brandy made it her mission to find the humans, and more importantly, find David.

Personality: Brandy is a rigid dog, with strict ideas on how things should work. When things don't quite add up with this, it confuses and alarms her. She is loyal and obedient, but she is not one to let her thoughts be left unspoken. Brandy doesn't shy away from what she believes needs to be done, and only backs down when it's absolutely necessary.
Name: fluffy
Age: 5 months
Breed: Pomsky (pomeranian husky mix)
Gender: Female
Physical Condition: brand new and her fluffy fur shows it.
Appearance: pomsky.jpgBackstory: This little pupper is brand new to the world, even in dog years she is only about 5. her mother and father being some of the vary rare breeds to come into existence just a few years before humans went extinct. this little girl is no stranger to danger though, and the Husky in her tells her that she is bigger, tougher and more ferocious then she actually is. ironically her young age makes her more capable then the older dogs, since she does not remember the time before the humans disappeared and has all her life experience so far living in this world. the Apocalypse never came for her, she was born in it, this is just life.
Amyleii Amyleii You're accepted! We're currently starting out in the RP. Lucky was just attacked by a machine and now he's met up with Star and Blaine in a house I think.
Name: Murphy
Age: 11 months
Breed: A mutt, but largely Shiba Inu and Basenji
Gender: Male
Condition: Murph looks alright considering the circumstances. His eyesight is incredibly poor, but that can't be recognized just by looking. He's gotten a bit skinny and has a few small wounds. Otherwise he's doing good.
Backstory: Murph was born post-sickness and ran off for himself early on. He was a runt and sort of raised himself, as his mother was killed by one of the machines early in his life. He lost track of his family and never looked back.
Personality: As is standard for his primary breeds, Murphy is headstrong, aloof, and reserved. He's very much his own dog, despite not being particularly old or even very skilled, he's always under the belief that he's twice the size he is and goes at everything alone. He's mistrusting of strangers, but oddly drawn to other Basenji dogs, which aren't super common.

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Name: Akyra
Age: 6
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutt (Thought to be Siberian Husky/Border Collie/Labrador Retriever)
Physical condition: Strong and lean, her back right leg was broken once when she was a puppy causing her occasional aches and pains, nothing serious.
Backstory: Akyra was born in a SPCA and adopted by a loving family at 5 months old. She broke her leg at 7 months and was babied and spoiled her entire life. Though, she loves chasing rabbits and mice. When the plague happened, her parents left some food out and the doors open, in case they couldn't come back, which they didn't. She's been alone since, and tends to avoid other animals.
Personality: Shy but brave, Akyra will stand her ground when needed and won't back down from a fight. She is extremely intelligent (her family adored how smart she was even before the plague) She's also friendly and can be quite a flirt once she gets to know others. She loves her stuffed fox, which she carries around everywhere and would protect with her life. The last reminder of her family.

Picture: Reference profile picture
(She is my BABY omg I would die for her)
Panda_Roleplays Panda_Roleplays oh sorry I forgot you made a CS. You can still join in. We've kinda begun and are at Chloe's House, who was Lucky's owner. Perhaps you could join in as if you randomly found your way and smelled other dogs.
Luna Fang


American Alsatian x wolf breed (3/4 dog, 1/4 wolf)


Physical Condition:
Fair, mainly surviving by hunting small game (rats, squirrels etc) has a share of scars on her body from the past.


Luna Fang was born in a mill breeding wolfdog hybrids for the exotic dog market and was initially bought by a man who owned sledge dogs, however despite the dogs' hard work, the care they received was mediocre at best. Luna Fang was able to break free with the Huskies and they lived within the surrounding mountains and forests for a year with herself as the leader. Eventually, the SPCA intervened and captured the pack. Her fellow sledge dogs were easily adopted however due to her more feral instincts, Luna was deemed less desirable and spent a good couple of years in the centre. Finally, she was adopted but ended up in the hands of a man looking for a dog such as herself for status and to act as a guard dog, resulting in poor treatment.

Eventually, Luna Fang was able to escape and spent several years living feral within the city's surrounding countryside, eventually, she was picked up by a veterinarian who then took her in. At this point, Luna Fang had little to no faith in humans left, however, she lived relatively peacefully with the vet. While it was a never particularly loving relationship, Luna Fang was rather content. However, when the disease hit, wiping out humanity, Luna Fang was not overly concerned. At least she would be able to spend her last years living free.

Luna Fang is a cynical being who cares very little for humans and is, truthfully relieved that they are gone, believing them to be more trouble than good from her experiences. Despite her vendetta against them, she is a wise and sage canine by nature who does care for her fellow dogs, though as an older dog, she is more likely to be annoyed by that younger and more niave than herself. While she is typically grumpy and aloof, she would not turn her back on any dog needing her help and is willing to teach.
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
alright you can join right into the rp. so far we've met with our characters, and plan to head from lucky's owner's home to Kansas.

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