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The Disobeyed Two (1x1) [Telios x Kowala]

She tried to fight it, but before she went down, she howled. Seishin hadn't done that for so long. It felt good.
Taryu and Seishin were injected with the 'fluid', making them to feel like they are burning from the inside as if it was torturing them.
Taryu groaned in pain and shifted back to normal, lying unconscious on the ground. They were cleaned up before being put in their rooms again.
Seishin woke up angry. Getting off the bed she started pacing the room. She was muttering all sorts of colourful words under her breath.
Taryu groaned as he slowly woke up, sitting up to the side of the bed. His mind was fogged by something and so was his vision.
"How are you two feeling?" The man's voice asked calmly, ringing through Taryu's and Seishin's minds.

(Note that the two are considering the man 100% freindly now, completely loyal to him.)
"Alright. I'll leave you two rest, then." The voice laughed before fading away. Taryu sighed and put his tail over his eyes.

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