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Fantasy The deep woods

So, this is a cursed woods type setting? Darkwood kind of place, but not all evil? Also, what are the parameters for characters? How long can our characters have been in the deep woods, and how mutated can they be?
Snallac said:
So, this is a cursed woods type setting? Darkwood kind of place, but not all evil? Also, what are the parameters for characters? How long can our characters have been in the deep woods, and how mutated can they be?
I imagine it to be Darkwood like but it'd probably have a actual day-night cycle and based on the side characters @Kyliekriss added pretty mutated.However that's just my prediction of course don't quote me on that.
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The woods are dark yet there is a day and night cycle as dragonsfire suggested.

There are evil creatures, and places and such but there are also happy, cheerful places, it can tend to be more on the downside and unlike other role-plays you can actually die. It all depends upon the situations you put yourself in. Characters can be very demented, as of mutated that entirely depends on where they resided previously to the dark woods. There are many plains that connect to the woods. They can be in the woods for as long as they survive, but that doesn't mean they will keep their sanity.

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